97 research outputs found

    ¿Qué preguntas formulan los estudiantes a partir de la lectura de un texto sobre los dispositivos de seguridad domiciliaria?

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    En este trabajo presentamos un estudio sobre la formulación de preguntas que realizan estudiantes de nivel secundario, cuando leen un texto ilustrado que se refiere a dispositivos de seguridad domiciliaria. Las preguntas son utilizadas para evaluar la comprensión. Hemos categorizado el corpus de preguntas obtenido en relación con los niveles de representación cognitiva y según se refieran a objetos, procesos y mecanismos causales. Comprobamos que cuando los estudiantes detectan obstáculos en la comprensión formulan preguntas y en éstas ha primado el interés por conocer los elementos de la situación física, las ventajas de los dispositivos y las relaciones causales

    Lenguaje, intertextualidad y bibliografía en los trabajos de investigadores en educación en ciencias

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    The present work consists of an analytic revision of part of the existing literature on the teaching of science in daily publications. The analysis was based on the articles published in Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Such analysis allows us to reflect on some of the devices used by the authors of magazine articles such as neologisms, quotes (intertextuality), bibliography and the way they use them in the text

    Lenguaje, intertextualidad y bibliografía en los trabajos de investigadores en educación en ciencias

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    The present work consists of an analytic revision of part of the existing literature on the teaching of science in daily publications. The analysis was based on the articles published in Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Such analysis allows us to reflect on some of the devices used by the authors of magazine articles such as neologisms, quotes (intertextuality), bibliography and the way they use them in the text

    Analysis of the types of answers given by university students when reading images about movement

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    This work analyzes the procedures that students use when they are interpreting the illustrations contained in textbooks of Sciences about the movement of bodies. Many factors influence the interpretation of illustrations, including: the students’ alternative conceptions, the clarity of the data, and the strategies used to approach the content. In order to collect data, tests were designed and taken before and after teaching the topic. The results obtained show that the illustrations offer a superficial treatment of the data and the degree of symbolic representation influences how one approaches the information contained in the

    Estrategias de monitoreo de la comprensión en la lectura de textos de ciencias con dificultades

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    En este trabajo estudiamos cómo tres grupos de alumnos y alumnas, de diferentes edades y niveles educativos, ponen en marcha mecanismos de evaluación y regulación de la comprensión al leer textos de física que presentan algunas dificultades. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo incluyendo, en una prueba escrita, dos textos con diferentes problemas: contradicciones entre la información del texto y los conocimientos del lector y contradicciones que afectan a la consistencia interna. Hemos comprobado que, en muchos casos, la valoración explícita por parte de los estudiantes de la propia comprensión de un texto no es un buen indicador del nivel real de comprensión alcanzado. Podemos afirmar que, si bien las habilidades de los lectores para evaluar y regular su comprensión mejoran al aumentar la edad, los resultados obtenidos no son satisfactorios.In this work we analyze how three groups of students, of different ages and educational levels, evaluate and regulate their comprehension when reading texts of Physics that present some difficulties. The investigation was carried out by including in a written test, two texts with different kinds of problems: contradictions between the information of the text and the students' previous knowledge and contradictions that affect internal consistency. We have proved that, in many cases, students' explicit evaluation of their own comprehension of a text is not a good indicator of the true level of comprehension reached. We can affirm that, although the readers' abilities to evaluate and to regulate their comprehension improves with age, the results obtained are not satisfactory

    Estudio de algunas variables que afectan la comprensión de textos de física

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    The problem about the comprehension of Physics Texts by students of the First Courses at University is the axis of analysis in this paper. Our intention is to know the learning strategies that our university students use to comprehend a scientific text. We studied the cognitive activities of the students when reading the text and the relationship between them through a global coefficient of comprehension. The results obtained let us assert that it is convenient to teach adequate strategies for the comprehension of physics texts

    Estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas en la comprensión de un texto de ciencias

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    En este trabajo damos a conocer los resultados de la investigación que hemos realizado sobre algunas estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas que usan los alumnos universitarios de diferentes carreras (Licenciatura en Geografía, Profesorado en Física, Profesorado en Química, Ingeniería Química y Bioingeniería) en la comprensión de un texto de carácter expositivo, extraído de un libro de física.In this paper we offer the results of a research made about some cognitive and metacognitive strategies used by university students from different degrees (Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Chemistry Engineering and Bioengineering) when reading an expository text taken from a Physics textbook

    Past and recent school textbooks of Natural Sciences; will they last forever?

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    n this paper we intend to identify and analyze school text books of Natural Sciences widely used and rec-ommended by teachers for the basic cycle of secondary education in Argentina. The sample consists of42 teachers who work in various provinces of this country. From their opinion, a sample that includes traditional and recent school textbooks was built. In these textbooks, among other aspects, the approach to contents related to the nature of science and the way they deal with reading and writing asks were analyzed. The results show a great teachers’ attachment to traditional textbooks designed for previous educational systems that present short comings in the aspects discussed. This situation would not get students close to new proposals that seek to integrate into the traditional content some aspects related to the nature of science and scientific research and would not consider hints that could improve the processes of reading and writing about disciplinary contents