36 research outputs found


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    Através do presente estudo objetivou-se realizar uma avaliação da arborização existente em cinco praças de Cachoeira do Sul, onde foram observadas variáveis relativas às espécies arbóreas, tais como: diagnóstico da fitossanidade, riqueza de espécies, análise do CAP (circunferência à altura do peito) e altura, e quanto a presença ou ausência de áreas livres adequadas. Os dados foram coletados em planilha específica, transferidos e analisados no software Excel. O total de indivíduos encontrados foi de 832, distribuídos em 36 famílias botânicas. As cinco espécies de maior ocorrência foram Jacaranda mimosifolia, Ligustrum lucidum, Tipuana tipu, Lagerstroemia indica e Parapiptadenia rigida, representando 35,94% do total. A análise da fitossanidade mostrou que 62,59% das árvores encontram-se saudáveis, 26% estão sendo atacadas por pragas e 11% sofreram injúria mecânica. Na avaliação da altura dos indivíduos, 53% apresentaram alturas maiores que 9 m, observou-se também que 65,75% dessas árvores apresentaram CAP maiores que 55 cm. É possível observar, nas cinco praças, a existência de um mesmo número de espécies exóticas e nativas. Os resultados encontrados para a análise de área livre mostram que 451 indivíduos não possuem espaço adequado para seu bom desenvolvimento, enquanto que 381 possuem esses espaços

    Taurina enhances the anorexigenic effects of insulin in th rat hipothalamus

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    Orientador: Lício Augusto VellosoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade EStadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: Nas últimas décadas, a prevalência da obesidade teve um expressivo aumento no mundo, tornando-se um dos mais importantes fenômenos clínicos-epidemiológicos da atualidade. Fatores como o alto consumo calórico e diminuição no gasto energético, associados a determinantes genéticos, desempenham papel relevante na patogênese desta doença. A taurina (Tau) é conhecida por modular diversos parâmetros metabólicos, como ação e secreção da insulina e os níveis sanguíneos de colesterol. Dados recentes sugerem que Tau também pode reduzir a adiposidade corpórea em C. elegans e roedores. Desde que a adiposidade corpórea é principalmente regulada por neurônios hipotalâmicos responsivos à insulina e envolvidos no controle da fome e termogênese, nós hipotetizamos que algumas das atividades da Tau, relacionadas ao controle da gordura corpórea, pode exercer efeitos através da sua ação direta no hipotálamo de ratos. Aqui, nós mostramos que a infusão intracerebrocentricular de doses agudas de Tau reduzem a ingestão alimentar e ativam a transdução de sinal através das vias de sinalização Akt/FOXO1, JAK2/STAT3 e mTOR/AMPK/ACC. Esses efeitos são acompanhados pela modulação da expressão de NPY. Além disso, Tau pode melhorar o efeito anorexigênico da ação da insulina. Assim, o aminoácido Tau exerce uma potente ação anorexigênica no hipotálamo e melhora o efeito da insulina no controle da ingestão alimentarAbstract: In the last decades, the obesity prevalence have a expressive increase in the world, been one of the most important actual phenomenon clinical-epidemiological. The high caloric intake and decrease of energy expenditure, associated with genetics factors play a relevant role in this disease. Taurine (Tau) is known to modulate a number of metabolic parameters such as insulin secretion and action and blood cholesterol levels. Recent data have suggested that Tau can also reduce body adiposity in C. elegans and in rodents. Since body adiposity is mostly regulated by insulin-responsive hypothalamic neurons involved in the control of feeding and thermogenesis, we hypothesized that some of the activity of Tau in the control of body fat would be exerted through a direct action in rat hypothalamus. Here, we show that the intracerebroventricular injection of an acute dose of Tau reduces food intake and activates signal transduction through the Akt/FOXO1, JAK2/STAT3 and mTOR/AMPK/ACC signaling pathways. These effects are accompanied by the modulation of expression of NPY. In addition, Tau can enhance the anorexigenic action of insulin. Thus, the aminoacid, Tau, exerts a potent anorexigenic action in the hypothalamus and enhances the effect of insulin on the control of food intakeMestradoBiologia Estrutural, Celular, Molecular e do DesenvolvimentoMestre em Fisiopatologia Médic

    Interlukin-17 is produced in the gut in response to dietary fats and regulates insulin secretion

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    Orientador: Lício Augusto VellosoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo:Resumo: A interleucina-17 (IL17) está envolvida na resposta imune contra agentes patogénicos intestinais, e a sua expressão anómala no intestino pode ocorrer em condições tais como diabetes do tipo 1 (DM1), encefalomielite auto-imune e doença de Crohn. Fatores dietéticos podem alterar a microbiota intestinal desencadeando doenças metabólicas. Nossa hipótese é de que IL17 poderia ser diretamente modulada por nutrientes e pode desempenhar um papel na obesidade e diabetes tipo 2 (DM2). Aqui, nós demonstramos que as gorduras da dieta induzem a expressão IL17, predominantemente no íleo. In vivo, ilhotas pancreáticas isoladas estimuladas com IL17 apresentaram um aumento na secreção de insulina quando comparado a ilhotas não estimuladas, enquanto que a sua inibição sistémica resultou em intolerância à glicose. Animais knockout para o receptor de IL17 (IL17RA) eram intolerantes à glucose devido ao desenvolvimento embrionário anómalo das ilhotas pancreáticos, que eram menores e foram depletados de células produtoras de insulina. Nos seres humanos, os níveis circulantes de IL17 aumentaram após uma refeição. Este aumento foi significativamente maior nos indivíduos obesos normoglicêmicos do que em indivíduos obesos com diabetes. Semelhantes aos roedores, as ilhotas humanos também foram estimulados a secretarem insulina na presença de IL17. Assim nós identificamos a IL17 como um sensor intestinal de gorduras alimentares, que exerceram um efeito semelhante a hormônios incretínicos. Além disso, a presença IL17RA é importante para o desenvolvimento normal das ilhotas pancreáticas.Abstract:Abstract: Interleukin-17 (IL17) is involved in the immune response against intestinal pathogens, and its anomalous expression in the gut can occur in conditions such as type 1 diabetes (T1D) 1, autoimmune encephalomyelitis 2 and Crohn¿sdisease 3. Because dietary factors can change the gut microbiota, impacting metabolic diseases 4, we hypothesized that IL17 could be directly modulated by nutrients and might play a role in obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Here, we show that dietary fats induced IL17 expression, predominantly in the ileum. Both in vivo and in isolated pancreatic islets, IL17 stimulated insulin secretion, while its systemic inhibition resulted in glucose intolerance. Mice KO for the main IL17 receptor (IL17RA) were glucose intolerant due to anomalous embryonic development of the pancreatic islets, which were smaller and were depleted of insulin-producing cells. In humans, blood IL17 increased following a meal. This increase was significantly higher in obese normoglycemic individuals than in obese subjects with diabetes. Similar to those of rodents, human islets were also stimulated to secrete insulin in the presence of IL17. Thus, we identified IL17 as a gut sensor of dietary fats, which exerted an incretin-like effect. In addition, the presence IL17RA was important for normal development of the pancreatic isletsDoutoradoFisiopatologia MédicaDoutora em Ciência

    Maternal obesity damages the median eminence blood-brain barrier structure and function in the progeny: the beneficial impact of cross-fostering by lean mothers

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    Maternal dietary habits directly influence offspring health. In this study, we aimed at determining the impact of maternal obesity on BBB integrity. We show that DIO offspring presented a leakier ME–BBB, accompanied by changes in the expression of transcripts encoding for endothelial and tanycytic proteins, as well as of hypothalamic neuropeptides. Breastfeeding in lean dams was sufficient to protect the offspring from ME–BBB disruption, providing a preventive strategy of nutritional intervention during early life

    Inhibition of hypothalamic leukemia inhibitory factor exacerbates diet-induced obesity phenotype

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    Abstract Background The consumption of large amounts of dietary fats can trigger an inflammatory response in the hypothalamus and contribute to the dysfunctional control of caloric intake and energy expenditure commonly present in obesity. The objective of this study was to identify chemokine-related transcripts that could be involved in the early stages of diet-induced hypothalamic inflammation. Methods We used immunoblot, PCR array, real-time PCR, immunofluorescence staining, glucose and insulin tolerance tests, and determination of general metabolic parameters to evaluate markers of inflammation, body mass variation, and glucose tolerance in mice fed a high-fat diet. Results Using a real-time PCR array, we identified leukemia inhibitory factor as a chemokine/cytokine undergoing a rapid increase in the hypothalamus of obesity-resistant and a rapid decrease in the hypothalamus of obesity-prone mice fed a high-fat diet for 1 day. We hypothesized that the increased hypothalamic expression of leukemia inhibitory factor could contribute to the protective phenotype of obesity-resistant mice. To test this hypothesis, we immunoneutralized hypothalamic leukemia inhibitory factor and evaluated inflammatory and metabolic parameters. The immunoneutralization of leukemia inhibitory factor in the hypothalamus of obesity-resistant mice resulted in increased body mass gain and increased adiposity. Body mass gain was mostly due to increased caloric intake and reduced spontaneous physical activity. This modification in the phenotype was accompanied by increased expression of inflammatory cytokines in the hypothalamus. In addition, the inhibition of hypothalamic leukemia inhibitory factor was accompanied by glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. Conclusion Hypothalamic expression of leukemia inhibitory factor may protect mice from the development of diet-induced obesity; the inhibition of this protein in the hypothalamus transforms obesity-resistant into obesity-prone mice

    Inhibition of hypothalamic leukemia inhibitory factor exacerbates diet-induced obesity phenotype

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    The consumption of large amounts of dietary fats can trigger an inflammatory response in the hypothalamus and contribute to the dysfunctional control of caloric intake and energy expenditure commonly present in obesity. The objective of this study was to identify chemokine-related transcripts that could be involved in the early stages of diet-induced hypothalamic inflammation. Methods: We used immunoblot, PCR array, real-time PCR, immunofluorescence staining, glucose and insulin tolerance tests, and determination of general metabolic parameters to evaluate markers of inflammation, body mass variation, and glucose tolerance in mice fed a high-fat diet. Results: Using a real-time PCR array, we identified leukemia inhibitory factor as a chemokine/cytokine undergoing a rapid increase in the hypothalamus of obesity-resistant and a rapid decrease in the hypothalamus of obesity-prone mice fed a high-fat diet for 1 day. We hypothesized that the increased hypothalamic expression of leukemia inhibitory factor could contribute to the protective phenotype of obesity-resistant mice. To test this hypothesis, we immunoneutralized hypothalamic leukemia inhibitory factor and evaluated inflammatory and metabolic parameters. The immunoneutralization of leukemia inhibitory factor in the hypothalamus of obesity-resistant mice resulted in increased body mass gain and increased adiposity. Body mass gain was mostly due to increased caloric intake and reduced spontaneous physical activity. This modification in the phenotype was accompanied by increased expression of inflammatory cytokines in the hypothalamus. In addition, the inhibition of hypothalamic leukemia inhibitory factor was accompanied by glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. Conclusion: Hypothalamic expression of leukemia inhibitory factor may protect mice from the development of diet-induced obesity; the inhibition of this protein in the hypothalamus transforms obesity-resistant into obesity-prone mice1

    Inhibition of hypothalamic leukemia inhibitory factor exacerbates diet-induced obesity phenotype

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOThe consumption of large amounts of dietary fats can trigger an inflammatory response in the hypothalamus and contribute to the dysfunctional control of caloric intake and energy expenditure commonly present in obesity. The objective of this study was to identify chemokine-related transcripts that could be involved in the early stages of diet-induced hypothalamic inflammation. Methods: We used immunoblot, PCR array, real-time PCR, immunofluorescence staining, glucose and insulin tolerance tests, and determination of general metabolic parameters to evaluate markers of inflammation, body mass variation, and glucose tolerance in mice fed a high-fat diet. Results: Using a real-time PCR array, we identified leukemia inhibitory factor as a chemokine/cytokine undergoing a rapid increase in the hypothalamus of obesity-resistant and a rapid decrease in the hypothalamus of obesity-prone mice fed a high-fat diet for 1 day. We hypothesized that the increased hypothalamic expression of leukemia inhibitory factor could contribute to the protective phenotype of obesity-resistant mice. To test this hypothesis, we immunoneutralized hypothalamic leukemia inhibitory factor and evaluated inflammatory and metabolic parameters. The immunoneutralization of leukemia inhibitory factor in the hypothalamus of obesity-resistant mice resulted in increased body mass gain and increased adiposity. Body mass gain was mostly due to increased caloric intake and reduced spontaneous physical activity. This modification in the phenotype was accompanied by increased expression of inflammatory cytokines in the hypothalamus. In addition, the inhibition of hypothalamic leukemia inhibitory factor was accompanied by glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. Conclusion: Hypothalamic expression of leukemia inhibitory factor may protect mice from the development of diet-induced obesity; the inhibition of this protein in the hypothalamus transforms obesity-resistant into obesity-prone mice14FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOsem informaçã

    Polyunsaturated fatty acid receptors, GPR40 and GPR120, are expressed in the hypothalamus and control energy homeostasis and inflammation

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOThe consumption of large amounts of dietary fats is one of the most important environmental factors contributing to the development of obesity and metabolic disorders. GPR120 and GPR40 are polyunsaturated fatty acid receptors that exert a number of systemic effects that are beneficial for metabolic and inflammatory diseases. Here, we evaluate the expression and potential role of hypothalamic GPR120 and GPR40 as targets for the treatment of obesity. Methods: Male Swiss (6-weeks old), were fed with a high fat diet (HFD, 60% of kcal from fat) for 4 weeks. Next, mice underwent stereotaxic surgery to place an indwelling cannula into the right lateral ventricle. intracerebroventricular (icv)-cannulated mice were treated twice a day for 6 days with 2.0 mu L saline or GPR40 and GPR120 agonists: GW9508, TUG1197, or TUG905 (2.0 mu L, 1.0 mM). Food intake and body mass were measured during the treatment period. At the end of the experiment, the hypothalamus was collected for real-time PCR analysis. Results: We show that both receptors are expressed in the hypothalamus; GPR120 is primarily present in microglia, whereas GPR40 is expressed in neurons. Upon intracerebroventricular treatment, GW9508, a non-specific agonist for both receptors, reduced energy efficiency and the expression of inflammatory genes in the hypothalamus. Reducing GPR120 hypothalamic expression using a lentivirus-based approach resulted in the loss of the anti-inflammatory effect of GW9508 and increased energy efficiency. Intracerebroventricular treatment with the GPR120- and GPR40-specific agonists TUG1197 and TUG905, respectively, resulted in milder effects than those produced by GW9508. Conclusions: GPR120 and GPR40 act in concert in the hypothalamus to reduce energy efficiency and regulate the inflammation associated with obesity. The combined activation of both receptors in the hypothalamus results in better metabolic outcomes than the isolated activation of either receptor alone14FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOsem informaçã