23 research outputs found

    Caracterización estratigráfica, sedimentológica y paleoflorística del Grupo Sorocayense (Triásico) en el área de Barreal, provincia de San Juan, Argentina

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    The northern area of Cuyo Basin (west‐central Argentina) corresponds to the Rincón Blanco half-graben, whose filling is arranged into the Rincón Blanco and Sorocayense groups. In the present study, we propose a new stratigraphic scheme for the Sorocayense Group in the Barreal depocenter (San Juan Province), revise the palaeoenvironmental interpretations, and organize and analyse the plant assemblages of previous and new fossiliferous levels. We defined three tectosedimentary sequences. The basal sequence represents the initial graben filling with pyroclastic flows, alluvial fan, and ephemeral fluvial systems, and is arranged in a new unit, the Cerro Colorado del Cementerio Formation. The middle sequence, including Barreal and Cortaderita formations, is characterized by sediment gravity flow deposits and different fluvial systems, with development of floodplains with vertisols and calcisols, and temporal ponds/lakes. In turn, the Cortaderita Formation was divided into the following lithostratigraphic members: Don Raúl and La Emilia. The upper sequence, represented by Cepeda Formation, was deposited by distributary fluvial and ephemeral fluvial systems. Twelve fossiliferous strata (EF) were recognized, which were all identified in the middle sequence: EF1 to EF3 in the Barreal Formation, EF4 to EF8 in the Don Raúl Member, and EF9 to EF12 in the La Emilia Member, both of Cortaderita Formation. The taphocoenosis found in the Barreal and Cortaderita formations were dominated by corystosperms, with conifers, cycadales, and peltasperms as subordinate forms. The available evidence from the taphofloras, palaeosols and palaeonvironments indicate the development of seasonal subtropical climates, which vary from arid or semi-arid in the basal sequence, sub-humid to semi-arid in the middle sequence, and arid or semi-arid in the upper sequence. On the basis of the new information, geological correlation and age of the lithostratigraphic units were accurately re-evaluated. Based on the palaeofloristic content and the correlation with the Rincón Blanco Group, it is possible to infer that the basal sequence was accumulated during late Early Triassic-early Middle Triassic, the middle sequence during the Middle Triassic, while the upper sequence was deposited in the early Late Triassic.El área norte de la cuenca Cuyana (centro-oeste de la Argentina) corresponde al hemigraben de Rincón Blanco, cuyo relleno comprende los grupos Rincón Blanco y Sorocayense. En este estudio, se propone un nuevo esquema estratigráfico para el Grupo Sorocayense en el depocentro de Barreal, se reinterpretan los paleoambientes, y se organizan y analizan las asociaciones plantíferas de niveles fosilíferos nuevos y previamente estudiados. Se definieron tres secuencias tecto-sedimentarias. La secuencia basal representa el relleno inicial del hemigraben con depósitos de flujos piroclásticos, abanicos aluviales y sistemas fluviales efímeros, y es incluida en una nueva unidad: Formación Cerro Colorado del Cementerio. La secuencia media, que comprende a las formaciones Barreal y Cortaderita, se caracteriza por depósitos de flujos gravitacionales de sedimentos, y diferentes sistemas fluviales, con planicies de inundación en las que se desarrollaron vertisoles y calcisoles, y estanques o lagunas temporales. La Formación Cortaderita fue dividida en los siguientes miembros litoestratigráficos: Don Raúl y La Emilia. La secuencia superior, representada por la Formación Cepeda, fue depositada por sistemas fluviales distributarios y efímeros. Se reconocieron doce estratos fosilíferos (EF), todos identificados en la secuencia media: EF1 al EF3 en la Formación Barreal; EF4 al EF8 en el Miembro Don Raúl; y EF9 al EF12 en el Miembro La Emilia, ambos de la Formación Cortaderita. Las tafocenosis halladas están dominadas por corystospermas, con las coníferas, cycadales y peltaspermas como formas subordinadas. La evidencia disponible acerca de las tafofloras, paleosuelos y paleoambientes indican el desarrollo de climas subtropicales estacionales, que varían de áridos a semiáridos en la secuencia basal, subhúmedos a semiáridos en la secuencia media, y áridos o semiáridos en la secuencia superior. Con la nueva información, se reevaluaron las correlaciones y la edad de las unidades en forma más precisa. Sobre la base del contenido paleoflorístico y la correlación con el Grupo Rincón Blanco, se infiere que la secuencia basal se depositó durante el Triásico Temprano tardío–Triásico Medio temprano, la secuencia media durante el Triásico Medio y la secuencia superior durante el Triásico Tardío temprano.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Age constraints on the dispersal of dinosaurs in the Late Triassic from magnetochronology of the Los Colorados Formation (Argentina)

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    A measured magnetozone sequence defined by 24 sampling sites with normal polarity and 28 sites with reverse polarity characteristic magnetizations was established for the heretofore poorly age-constrained Los Colorados Formation and its dinosaur-bearing vertebrate fauna in the Ischigualasto–Villa Union continental rift basin of Argentina. The polarity pattern in this ∼600-m-thick red-bed section can be correlated to Chrons E7r to E15n of the Newark astrochronological polarity time scale. This represents a time interval from 227 to 213 Ma, indicating that the Los Colorados Formation is predominantly Norian in age, ending more than 11 My before the onset of the Jurassic. The magnetochronology confirms that the underlying Ischigualasto Formation and its vertebrate assemblages including some of the earliest known dinosaurs are of Carnian age. The oldest dated occurrences of vertebrate assemblages with dinosaurs in North America (Chinle Formation) are younger (Norian), and thus the rise of dinosaurs was diachronous across the Americas. Paleogeography of the Ischigualasto and Los Colorados Formations indicates prolonged residence in the austral temperate humid belt where a provincial vertebrate fauna with early dinosaurs may have incubated. Faunal dispersal across the Pangean supercontinent in the development of more cosmopolitan vertebrate assemblages later in the Norian may have been in response to reduced contrasts between climate zones and lowered barriers resulting from decreasing atmospheric pCO2 levels

    Glacial Deposits in the Río del Peñón Formation (Late Carboniferous), Río Blanco Basin, Northwestern Argentina

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    The Río del Peñón Formation (Borrello, 1955 nom. subst. González y Bossi, 1986) forms the upper part of the late Paleozoic outcropping in the Río Blanco anticline (northwest Precordillera, La Rioja Province). This unit is predominantly composed of a thick (1270 m.) sandstone and mudstone sequence including thin levels of coal and scarce conglomerates (Scalabrini Ortiz, 1972; Scalabrini Ortiz and Arrondo, 1973; González and Bossi, 1986). These deposits represent a complex interfingering of shallow marine and fluvial deposits recording relative sea-level fluctuations during the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian. The Río del Peñón Formation overlies andesites and volcanic breccias of the Punta del Agua Formation (Fig. 1 and 2a). Despite well known Late Carboniferous glacigenic deposits from different localities within the Precordillera (López Gamundí, 1987, 1997; López Gamundí and Martinez, 2000; Marenssi et al., 2004; Limarino and Spalletti, 2006; Henry et al., in press), glaciogenic deposits have not been reported from the Río del Peñón Formation. This documentation of glacial-related sediments in this succession serves to further constrain our knowledge of the temporal and paleogeographic distribution of Gondwanan glacial deposits

    A new paleofloristic assemblage from the Cuyana Basin (Agua de los Pajaritos depocenter), Argentina and its paleobiogeographic and paleoenvironmental implications

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    In this study, we examined the first paleofloristic record for the Monina Formation, Middle Triassic, Agua de los Pajaritos depocenter, Cuyana Basin, San Juan Province, Argentina. The paleoflora includes representatives of Isoetales, Peltaspermales, and Coniferales in addition to some unidentified taxa classified as incertae sedis. The species determined, described, and compared were: Lepacyclotes sp.; Matatiella cf. roseta, Anderson and Anderson2003; Scytophyllum sp.; Cf. Rissikianthus; Protocircoporoxylon sp.; Cordaicarpus sp.; and Acevedoa cf. rastroensis (Arce and Lutz) Arce and Lutz 2014. In addition, a model is proposed to determine paleofloristic associations as well as reconstruction of the paleoenvironment based on the depositional architecture and the preservational mode of the paleofloristic remains.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Large-diameter burrows of the Triassic Ischigualasto Basin, NW Argentina: paleoecological and paleoenvironmental implications.

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    Large-diameter ichnofossils comprising three morphotypes have been identified in the Upper Triassic Ischigualasto and Los Colorados formations of northwestern Argentina. These burrows add to the global record of the early appearance of fossorial behavior during early Mesozoic time. Morphotypes 1 and 2 are characterized by a network of tunnels and shafts that can be assigned to tetrapod burrows given similarities with previously described forms. However, differences in diameter, overall morphology, and stratigraphic occurrence allow their independent classification. Morphotype 3 forms a complex network of straight branches that intersect at oblique angles. Their calcareous composition and surface morphology indicate these structures have a composite biogenic origin likely developed due to combined plant/animal interactions. The association of Morphotypes 1 and 2 with fluvial overbank lithologies deposited under an extremely seasonal arid climate confirms interpretations that the early appearance of burrowing behavior was employed by vertebrates in response to both temperature and moisture-stress associated with seasonally or perpetually dry Pangean paleoclimates. Comparisons of burrow morphology and biomechanical attributes of the abundant paleovertebrate fauna preserved in both formations permit interpretations regarding the possible burrow architects for Morphotypes 1 and 2. In the case of the Morphotype 1, the burrow constructor could be one of the small carnivorous cynodonts, Ecteninion or Probelesodon. Assigning an architect for Morphotype 2 is more problematic due to mismatches between the observed burrow morphology and the size of the known Los Colorados vertebrates

    Detailed statigraphic columns showing the sedimentology of the study interval.

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    <p>(A) Detailed stratigraphic section of Ischigualasto Formation, red arrows indicated the stratigraphic position of Morphotype 1 burrows, while blue arrow indicates Morphotype 3. (B) Detailed stratigraphic section of Los Colorados Formation, green arrows indicate the stratigraphic position of Morphotype 2 burrows and blue arrow indicates the position of Morphotype 3 burrows.</p

    Morphotype 2.

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    <p>Photograph of a general view of Los Colorados burrow complexes. Note the numerous exhumed vertical shafts outcropping across the landscape (arrows).</p

    Morphotype 1.

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    <p>Photograph of a general view of a typical Morphotype 1 burrow complex (modified from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050662#pone-0050662-g003" target="_blank">Figure 3</a>.1 of Colombi et al. <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050662#pone.0050662-Colombi1" target="_blank">[7]</a>). Note the tunnels with medial and terminal chambers (A) and the vertical shaft intersecting one of the primary tunnels (B).</p