47 research outputs found

    Social sustainability in urban renewal

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    Cities are forever transforming, never standing still; they are organisms in a constant evolution. With urbanization and globalization cities have gained importance and developed a need to compete with each other; one can say that today we live in a shrinking world where the cities nevertheless keep growing with an increasing population. With urban renewal, cities can both respond to the growing need for building more housing and provide an opportunity to stand out among other cities, why this is an approach many cities use to develop themselves. However, experiences from urban renewal projects have shown that there are many challenges associated with urban renewal, especially social challenges such as socioeconomic differences and segregation. Social challenges such as these constitute the foundation of the concept of social sustainability - the social dimension of sustainability. Therefore there is a need for landscape architects and urban planners to gain more knowledge about urban renewal developments and how to ensure that they become socially sustainable. In this thesis the complex concepts of urban renewal and social sustainability are studied and defined. A framework to be able to study the social sustainability of a city district has also been established in this thesis. This framework is based upon four groups of contribution factors to social sustainability; social services & accessibility, social mix & social inclusion, overall form & function and social networks & stability. The framework is used to study the social sustainability of two important and current cases of urban renewal developments; Melbourne Docklands in Melbourne, Australia and Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm, Sweden. From these two case studies twenty-seven different key points have been established that together form a guideline as to what to consider in urban renewal developments when wanting to create a socially sustainable neighborhood. The thesis ends with a reflection and discussion about social sustainability in urban renewal developments as well as provides ideas to new master thesis to other landscape architect students.StĂ€der Ă€r i stĂ€ndig förĂ€ndring och aldrig statiska, de Ă€r organismer i en bestĂ€ndig evolution. Med urbanisering och globalisering har stĂ€der fĂ„tt allt ökande betydelse och utvecklat ett behov av att konkurrera med varandra; man skulle kunna sĂ€ga att vi idag lever i en minskande vĂ€rld dĂ€r stĂ€derna emellertid fortsĂ€tter att vĂ€xa med en stĂ€ndigt ökande befolkning. Med stadsförnyelseprojekt har stĂ€der en möjlighet att svara pĂ„ det tilltagande behovet av nya bostĂ€der samtidigt som det ger en möjlighet att skapa framstĂ„ende projekt som kan ge en stark identitet till en stad. DĂ€rför anvĂ€nder mĂ„nga stĂ€der stadsförnyelseprojekt för att vidareutvecklas. FrĂ„n existerande stadsbyggnadsprojekt har det dock framkommit att det finns mĂ„nga utmaningar med dessa projekt, och mĂ„nga av dessa utmaningar rör sociala frĂ„gor sĂ„ som socioekonomiska skillnader och segregering. Sociala utmaningar som dessa utgör grunden till konceptet social hĂ„llbarhet – den sociala dimensionen av hĂ„llbarhet. Det finns dĂ€rför ett behov för landskapsarkitekter och stadsplanerare att fĂ„ mer kunskap om stadsförnyelseprojekt och hur man kan sĂ€kerhetsstĂ€lla att de blir socialt hĂ„llbara. I den hĂ€r uppsatsen har de komplexa begreppen stadsförnyelse samt social hĂ„llbarhet studerats och definierats. Ett ramverk för att kunna studera social hĂ„llbarhet i en stadsdel har Ă€ven tagits fram i uppsatsen. Detta ramverk Ă€r baserat pĂ„ fyra grupper av bidragande faktorer till social hĂ„llbarhet: sociala tjĂ€nster & tillgĂ€nglighet, social blandning & social integration, övergripande form och funktion samt sociala nĂ€tverk & stabilitet. Ramverket anvĂ€ndes för att studera den sociala hĂ„llbarheten hos tvĂ„ viktiga och aktuella stadsförnyelseprojekt; Melbourne Docklands i Melbourne, Australien och Hammarby Sjöstad i Stockholm, Sverige. FrĂ„n dessa tvĂ„ fallstudier har tjugosju olika punkter tagits fram som tillsammans skapar en riktlinje för hur man kan arbeta med stadsförnyelseprojekt nĂ€r man vill skapa socialt hĂ„llbara stadsdelar. Denna uppsats avslutar med en reflektion och diskussion om social hĂ„llbarhet i stadsförnyelseprojekt samt erbjuder idĂ©er pĂ„ nya examensarbeten till andra landskapsarkitektstudenter

    Germinal centers - why and why not? : the humoral response in primary immunodeficiency

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    An efficient and regulated immune system is required for protection against pathogens. B cells are required for a humoral response. For a sustained humoral response against pathogens germinal center (GC) reactions are required. In the GC reaction, B cells with antigen-specific B cell receptors are selected and expanded. The GC contains follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) presenting antigens to the B cells, T follicular helper cells promoting proliferation of cognate B cells and highly proliferating B cells expressing activation induced deaminase (AID) in order to produce high-affinity and isotype-switched antibodies. In this thesis I aimed to define the unique and redundant functions of two actin-polymerizing proteins, WASp and N-WASp, the importance of the RhoGTPase Cdc42 and the consequences of mutated AID in the GC reaction. In paper I we discovered that naĂŻve WASp-deficient (WKO) mice and WASp-deficient mice with N-WASp conditionally deleted only in B cells (cDKO) had increased titers of autoreactive antibodies (IgG and IgM, respectively). Both WKO and cDKO B cells got sufficient help from cognate T cells, while the polarization of GCs and the FDC network was altered upon autoantigen challenge. cDKO mice may have increased activation threshold of the B cell receptor in B cells resulting in reduced autoreactive IgG. In paper II we revealed the distinctive and partly redundant function of WASp and N-WASp in B cells. We observed reduced marginal zone cellularity in WKO mice and even more pronounced in cDKO mice when compared with wild type mice. The mild phenotype of reduced GC and humoral response in WKO mice previously reported was markedly defected in cDKO mice after antigen challenge, promoting the notion of overlapping functions of WASp and N-WASp in B cells. In paper III we investigated the role of Cdc42, that activates both WASp and N-WASp, in B cells. Mice with deleted Cdc42 conditionally in B cells had reduced marginal zone and follicular B cell numbers and reduced GC B cell number associated with reduced specific antibody titers in serum after antigen challenge. In paper IV we identified a mouse model for one of the most common mutations in AID leading to the hyper-IgM syndrome. The replacement mutation in amino acid position 112 resulted in a catalytic dead AID protein with spontaneous GC formation, and lack of high affinity or class-switched antibodies. Altogether, the work presented in this thesis enlightens the significance of tightly regulated B cells for a sufficient, and not autoreactive, humoral immune response. Specifically, this thesis has contributed to our understanding of the importance of a functional AID protein in B cells. Moreover, this thesis has helped in defining the precise activation of the actin regulating proteins in B cells to form antigen-induced GCs and for production of classswitched antibodies with high affinity for the antigen

    Functional assessment for clinical use of serum-free adapted NK-92 cells

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    Natural killer (NK) cells stand out as promising candidates for cellular immunotherapy due to their capacity to kill malignant cells. However, the therapeutic use of NK cells is often dependent on cell expansion and activation with considerable amounts of serum and exogenous cytokines. We aimed to develop an expansion protocol for NK-92 cells in an effort to generate a cost-efficient, xeno-free, clinical grade manufactured master cell line for therapeutic applications. By making functional assays with NK-92 cells cultured under serum-free conditions (NK-92(SF)) and comparing to serum-supplemented NK-92 cells (NK-92(S)) we did not observe significant alterations in the viability, proliferation, receptor expression levels, or in perforin and granzyme levels. Interestingly, even though NK-92(SF) cells displayed decreased degranulation and cytotoxicity against tumor cells in vitro, the degranulation capacity was recovered after overnight incubation with 20% serum in the medium. Moreover, lentiviral vector-based genetic modification efficiency of NK-92(SF) cells was comparable with NK-92(S) cells. The application of similar strategies can be useful in reducing the costs of manufacturing cells for clinical use and can help us understand and implement strategies towards chemically defined expansion and genetic modification protocols

    Erfarenheter och meningsfulla sammanhang – En studie om hur tio lĂ€rare ser pĂ„ och anvĂ€nder sig av dessa begrepp

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    Abstract Arbetets titel Erfarenheter och meningsfulla sammanhang – En studie om hur tio lĂ€rare ser pĂ„ och anvĂ€nder sig av dessa begrepp Arbetets art Examensarbete i det allmĂ€nna utbildningsomrĂ„det för lĂ€rarprogrammet Sidantal 36 Författare Erika Anttila och Carin Dahlberg Handledare Elisabeth Hesslefors Arktoft Examinator Bo Andersson Tidpunkt Höstterminen 2005 Nyckelord Erfarenheter, meningsfulla sammanhang, svenskundervisning Bakgrund Som blivande lĂ€rare har vi ett intresse av att skapa meningsfulla sammanhang för elevers lĂ€rande. Under utbildningens gĂ„ng har vi lĂ€rt oss att man ska ta vara pĂ„ elevers erfarenheter och anvĂ€nda dessa i svenskundervisningen. DĂ„ detta Ă€ven stĂ„r skrivet i Lpo 94 och Ă€r ett av vĂ„ra uppdrag som lĂ€rare ligger det i vĂ„rt intresse att veta mer om erfarenheter och meningsfulla sammanhang. I arbetet kommer tio svensklĂ€rares syn pĂ„ dessa begrepp att behandlas. Fem av dessa Ă€r verksamma i de lĂ€gre Ă„ldrarna och fem i de högre Ă„ldrarna. Syfte Syftet med vĂ„rt examensarbete Ă€r att studera hur svensklĂ€rare i de lĂ€gre respektive högre Ă„ldrarna ser pĂ„ begreppen erfarenheter och meningsfulla sammanhang. I arbetet har vi Ă€ven tĂ€nkt undersöka pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt de intervjuade lĂ€rarna anvĂ€nder sig av elevernas erfarenheter i svenskundervisningen. . Metod och material Vi anvĂ€nder oss av en kvalitativ metod – en fenomenografisk ansats. För att samla in material har vi anvĂ€nt oss av intervjuer. Materialet bestĂ„r av tidigare forskning och litteratur om teoretiska uppfattningar angĂ„ende Ă€mnet. Resultat Skillnaderna mellan lĂ€rarna i de lĂ€gre och högre Ă„ldrarna var inte sĂ„ tydliga som vi först trott. Resultatet visar att alla lĂ€rare i undersökningen tĂ€nker pĂ„ dessa begrepp och försöker ta in elevers erfarenheter i svenskundervisningen. De flesta av lĂ€rarna sĂ€ger att de anvĂ€nder sig av elevernas erfarenheter och försöker skapa meningsfullhet i svenskundervisningen. I lĂ€rarnas svar kunde vi dock utlĂ€sa inre motsĂ€gelser som pekar pĂ„ att intervjuerna i det avseendet kan ha begrĂ€nsad validitet. Detta eftersom nĂ„gra av lĂ€rarna svarar pĂ„ ett sĂ„dant sĂ€tt som strider mot det de tidigare sagt

    Lonelier than ever? : Loneliness of older people over two decades

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    To live with feelings of loneliness has negative implications for quality of life, health and survival. This study aimed to examine changes in loneliness among older people, both with regard to prevalence rates, and socio-demographic, social and health-related correlates of loneliness. This study had a repeated cross-sectional design and was based on the nationally representative Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old (SWEOLD). Analyses of trends in loneliness covered the years 1992, 2002, 2004, 2011 and 2014, and included people aged 77 years or older (n=2 572). Analyses of correlates of loneliness covered 2004 and 2014, and included people aged 70 years or older (n=1 962). Logistic regression analyses were conducted with findings presented as average marginal effects. Contrary to what is often assumed, there has been no increase in loneliness among older people over time (1992-2014). Regression analyses for 2004 and 2014 showed that social and health-related correlates were more strongly associated with loneliness than socio-demographic correlates. Psychological distress was most strongly associated with loneliness, followed by widowhood. Most associations between the correlates and loneliness were stable over time.Open Access APC beslut 2/2018</p

    Long-term predictors of loneliness in old age : Results of a 20-year national study

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    Objectives: There is a general lack of longitudinal research on loneliness in old age. Drawing on life course theory and the convoy model, this study aimed to examine whether there is an association between loneliness in old age and social engagement 20 years earlier. Method: Data from the nationally representative Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old (2002 and 2011 data collection waves) and the Swedish Level of Living Survey (1981 and 1991 data collection waves) were used, including 823 individuals with an average age of 82.4 years at follow-up. Results: Each form of social engagement in old age was associated with the same form of social engagement 20 years earlier. Close forms of social engagement were negatively associated with loneliness in old age; as were more distant forms of social engagement, but only when they were considered solely in old age. Conclusion: Patterns of social engagement in old age were established at least 20 years earlier. Close forms of social engagement are long-term predictors of loneliness, although current social engagement tended to be more influential on loneliness. The study underlines the importance of interventions targeted at close relationships that can provide social support in old age.Open Access APC beslut 1/2018</p