5 research outputs found

    Diversity management for the LGBT+ community and its relationship with the corporate reputation perceived by clients of the financial sector in Metropolitan Lima 2019-2020

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    Actualmente las organizaciones buscan generar un valor diferencial sostenible para destacar en los mercados cada vez más competitivos. Una de las estrategias a seguir puede ser el alcanzar una buena reputación corporativa o tener una buena gestión de la diversidad, ambas tanto a nivel interno como externo. Asimismo, hoy el concepto de diversidad, que antes solo hablaba de sexo o alguna discapacidad, se amplía incluyendo al enfoque de género y la orientación sexual. Es por esta razón, que la presente investigación ha estudiado de forma conjunta la gestión de la diversidad para la comunidad LGBT+ y la reputación corporativa en las empresas del sector financiero, buscando determinar la relación entre ambas. Inicialmente se realizó una investigación bibliográfica y entrevistas a expertos y, en base a estas, se elaboró una encuesta dirigida a una muestra de clientes de Lima Metropolitana. Con ello se pudo determinar que sí existe relación entre las variables mencionadas. Tanto de manera general como específica, todas las dimensiones de gestión de la diversidad (prácticas, políticas, compromiso público, cultura organizacional y capacitación) presentaron una relación directa con las de reputación corporativa (ámbito del capital, ámbito del consumo, ámbito organizacional y ámbito social). Dichos resultados muestran información útil para las entidades financieras; además, sirven como referencia para futuras investigaciones que aborden la gestión de la diversidad para la comunidad LGBT+, debido a que es una variable poco explorada en la realidad peruana y, en relación con la reputación corporativa, podría significar una ventaja competitiva en el sector empresarial.Currently, organizations seek to generate a differential sustainable value to stand out in increasingly competitive markets. One of the strategies to follow may be to achieve a good corporate reputation or to have a good diversity management, both internally and externally. Likewise, today the concept of diversity, which before only spoke of sex or some disability, is expanded to include the approach to gender and sexual orientation. It is for this reason that this research has studied together diversity management for the LGBT+ community and corporate reputation in companies in the financial sector, seeking to determine the relationship between the two. Initially, a bibliographic investigation and interviews with experts for both variables were carried out, and based on them, a survey was conducted for a sample of clients from Metropolitan Lima. With this it was determined that there is a relationship between the aforementioned variables. Both in a general and specific way, all the dimensions in the evaluation of diversity management (practices, policies, public commitment, organizational culture and training) presented a direct relationship with those of corporate reputation (scope of capital, scope of consumption, organizational scope and social scope). These results show useful information for financial entities; in addition, they serve as a reference for future research that addresses diversity management for the LGBT+ community, because it is an underexplored variable in the Peruvian reality and, in relation to the corporate reputation, it could mean a competitive advantage in the business sector.Tesi

    Nivel de conocimientos en los manejos preoperatorios en pacientes con enfermedades sistémicas

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    Objective: To determine the knowledge on preoperative management of patients with systemic risk diseases in students of the UAO (Dental Care Unit) UNIANDES, specifically in the semesters of Tenth, Ninth parallel "A" and "B" in the academic period May-September 2020. Method: Descriptive observational study in a population of 78 students. Results: 60.25% of students consider that the university does not provide them with the necessary knowledge to be able to identify a systemically compromised patient. Conclusion: It can be concluded that this data acquires a degree of fallacy, due to the fact that when reviewing the curricular mesh the Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes does contemplate subjects that deal with the knowledge and identification of such patients in different diseases.Objetivo:  Determinar el conocimiento sobre el manejo preoperatorio de pacientes con enfermedades sistémicas de riesgo en los estudiantes de la UAO (Unidad de Atención Odontológica) UNIANDES, concretamente en los semestres de Décimo, Noveno paralelos “A” y “B” en el período académico mayo- septiembre 2020. Método: Descriptiva observacional en una población de 78 estudiantes. Resultados: El 60.25% de estudiantes consideran que la universidad no les aporta el conocimiento necesario para poder identificar a un paciente sistémicamente comprometido. Conclusión:  se puede concluir que este dato adquiere un grado de falacia, debido a que al revisar la malla curricular la Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes sí contempla materias que tratan el conocimiento y la identificación de dichos pacientes en diferentes enfermedades

    Tratamiento actualizado de la fractura de pene

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    Objective: To carry out a bibliographic review of Turner syndrome based on its condition in women, mainly with a better diagnosis in relation to different ages. Method: Veridical reliable sources were used, which was addressed with the review of cited reference textbooks and other bibliographic reviews. Results and conclusions: There were several studies on Turner syndrome, a disorder that occurs only in females, it can be diagnosed prenatally, during childhood and in some cases it lasts until adolescence in people of this sex due to For mild TS symptoms, once the karyotype has been performed, educate the patient and their relatives so that they do not miss follow-ups and are aware of the risks with the sole purpose of ensuring that the patient has a good quality of life. The respective bibliographic reviews on Turner syndrome were carried out. Objetivo: Exponer el tratamiento actualizado para la fractura de pene. Método: El estudio se realizó mediante la búsqueda bibliográfica y el análisis de artículos en bases de datos como: PubMed, Scielo, Medline y a través de revistas científicas de la especialidad de Urología como la Revista Cubana de Urología. Resultados y conclusiones: La fractura de pene requiere una intervención quirúrgica temprana, mediante la incisión circunferencial subcoronal y la sutura discontinua con material reabsorbible se obtuvo un menor tiempo en la estancia hospitalaria y menor riesgo de complicaciones. En conclusiones, la intervención quirúrgica inmediata antes de las 8 horas posterior a la fractura fue el tratamiento de elección porque reduce el riesgo de disfunción eréctil y curvatura peneana. El tratamiento conservador se asoció a un mayor riesgo de complicaciones por lo que no se recomienda su aplicación

    Effect of COVID-19 on Thoracic Oncology Surgery in Spain: A Spanish Thoracic Surgery Society (SECT) Survey

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    After the first wave of COVID-19, the Spanish Society of Thoracic Surgeons (SECT) surveyed its members to assess the impact of the pandemic on thoracic oncology surgery in Spain. In May 2020, all SECT members were invited to complete an online, 40-item, multiple choice questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed by the SECT Scientific Committee and sent via email. The overall response rate was 19.2%. The respondents answered at least 91.5% of the items, with only one exception (a question about residents). Most respondents (89.3%) worked in public hospitals. The reported impact of the pandemic on routine clinical activity was considered extreme or severe by 75.5% of respondents (25.5% and 50%, respectively). Multidisciplinary tumour boards were held either with fewer members attending or through electronic platforms (44.6% and 35.9%, respectively). Surgical activity decreased by 95.7%, with 41.5% of centers performing surgery only on oncological patients and 11.7% only in emergencies. Nearly 60% of respondents reported modifying standard protocols for early-stage cancer and in the preoperative workup. Most centers (≈80%) reported using full personal protective equipment when operating on COVID-19 positive patients. The COVID-19 pandemic severely affected thoracic oncology surgery in Spain. The lack of common protocols led to a variable care delivery to lung cancer patients.Sin financiación6.639 JCR (2020) Q1, 51/242 Oncology1.349 SJR (2021) Q1, 72/369 OncologyNo data IDR 2020UE

    Libro de Proyectos Finales 2021 primer semestre

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    PregradoIngeniero CivilIngeniero de SistemasIngeniero ElectricistaIngeniero ElectrónicoIngeniero IndustrialIngeniero Mecánic