262 research outputs found

    The TU Wien Turbulent Water Channel: Flow control loop and three-dimensional reconstruction of anisotropic particle dynamics

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    A horizontal water channel facility was built to study particle dynamics in a turbulent flow. The channel is sufficiently long to produce fully developed turbulence at the test section, and the width-to-height ratio is sufficiently large to avoid the sidewall effect for a large proportion of the cross-section. The system was designed to study the dynamics of complex-shaped particles in wall-bounded turbulence, the characteristics of which can be finely controlled. A maximum bulk velocity of up to 0.8 m s−1 can be achieved, corresponding to a bulk Reynolds number of up to 7 × 104 (shear Reynolds number ≈ 1580 ), and flow parameters can be controlled within ±0.1%. The transparent channel design and aluminum structures allow easy optical access, which enables multiple laser and camera arrangements. With the current optical setup, a measurement volume of up to 54 × 14 × 54 mm3 can be imaged and reconstructed with six cameras from the top, bottom, and sides of the channel. Finally, the in-house developed reconstruction and tracking procedure allows us to measure the full motion of complex objects (i.e., shape reconstruction, translational, and rotational motions), and in this instance, it is applied to the case of microscopic, non-isotropic polyamide fibers

    Response of Foraminifera to Anthropogenic Nicotine Pollution of Cigarette Butts: An Experimental Approach

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    The most often dispersed environmental pollutants that are released both directly and indirectly into the environment that may eventually reach aquatic ecosystems and contaminate aquatic biomes are cigarette butts (CBs). Toxicants such as nicotine, dangerous metals, total particulate matter, and recognized carcinogens can be introduced and transported via CBs into aquatic ecosystems. The examination of the effects of synthetic nicotine on three different species of cultured benthic foraminifera was the focus of this study. Three foraminiferal species from three distinct biomineralization pathways were specifically examined for viability and cellular ultrastructure, including the calcareous perforate Rosalina globularis, the calcareous imperforate Quinqueloculina spp., and the agglutinated Textularia agglutinans. The survival rate, cellular stress, and decalcification were used to assess the toxicological effects of synthetic nicotine. We were able to analyze the reaction of major macromolecules and calcium carbonate to this pollutant using FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) spectroscopy. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) study was performed to increase our understanding of nicotine bioavailability in the medium culture. Different acute experiments were performed at different dates, and all indicated that synthetic nicotine is acutely hazardous to all three cultured foraminiferal taxa at lethal and sublethal concentrations. Each species responded differently depending on the type of shell biomineralization. Synthetic nicotine enhances shell decalcification and affects the composition of cytoplasmic macromolecules such as lipids and proteins, according to the FTIR spectroscopy investigations. The lipid content rose at lethal concentrations, possibly due to the creation of vesicles. The proteins signal evidences general cellular dyshomeostasis. The integration among the acute toxicity assay, synchrotron, and chemical HPLC analyses provided a valuable approach for the assessment of nicotine as a biomarker of exposure to the toxicants associated with smoking and the impact of this emerging and hazardous material on calcifying marine species

    Minimal Unitary Models and The Closed SU(2)-q Invariant Spin Chain

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    We consider the Hamiltonian of the closed SU(2)qSU(2)_{q} invariant chain. We project a particular class of statistical models belonging to the unitary minimal series. A particular model corresponds to a particular value of the coupling constant. The operator content is derived. This class of models has charge-dependent boundary conditions. In simple cases (Ising, 3-state Potts) corresponding Hamiltonians are constructed. These are non-local as the original spin chain.Comment: 19 pages, latex, no figure

    Scaling functions from q-deformed Virasoro characters

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    We propose a renormalization group scaling function which is constructed from q-deformed fermionic versions of Virasoro characters. By comparison with alternative methods, which take their starting point in the massive theories, we demonstrate that these new functions contain qualitatively the same information. We show that these functions allow for RG-flows not only amongst members of a particular series of conformal field theories, but also between different series such as N=0,1,2 supersymmetric conformal field theories. We provide a detailed analysis of how Weyl characters may be utilized in order to solve various recurrence relations emerging at the fixed points of these flows. The q-deformed Virasoro characters allow furthermore for the construction of particle spectra, which involve unstable pseudo-particles.Comment: 31 pages of Latex, 5 figure

    Urinary secretion and extracellular aggregation of mutant uromodulin isoforms

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    Uromodulin is exclusively expressed in the thick ascending limb and is the most abundant protein secreted in urine where it is found in high-molecular-weight polymers. Its biological functions are still elusive, but it is thought to play a protective role against urinary tract infection, calcium oxalate crystal formation, and regulation of water and salt balance in the thick ascending limb. Mutations in uromodulin are responsible for autosomal-dominant kidney diseases characterized by defective urine concentrating ability, hyperuricemia, gout, tubulointerstitial fibrosis, renal cysts, and chronic kidney disease. Previous in vitro studies found retention in the endoplasmic reticulum as a common feature of all uromodulin mutant isoforms. Both in vitro and in vivo we found that mutant isoforms partially escaped retention in the endoplasmic reticulum and reached the plasma membrane where they formed large extracellular aggregates that have a dominant-negative effect on coexpressed wild-type protein. Notably, mutant uromodulin excretion was detected in patients carrying uromodulin mutations. Thus, our results suggest that mutant uromodulin exerts a gain-of-function effect that can be exerted by both intra- and extracellular forms of the protein

    Renal outcome in patients with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.

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    15openopenSanna-Cherchi S; Ravani P; Corbani V; Parodi S; Haupt R; Piaggio G; Innocenti ML; Somenzi D; Trivelli A; Caridi G; Izzi C; Scolari F; Mattioli G; Allegri L; Ghiggeri GM.Sanna Cherchi, S; Ravani, P; Corbani, V; Parodi, S; Haupt, R; Piaggio, G; Innocenti, Ml; Somenzi, D; Trivelli, A; Caridi, G; Izzi, C; Scolari, Francesco; Mattioli, G; Allegri, L; Ghiggeri, G. M

    Urinary secretion and extracellular aggregation of mutant uromodulin isoforms.

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    Uromodulin is exclusively expressed in the thick ascending limb and is the most abundant protein secreted in urine where it is found in high-molecular-weight polymers. Its biological functions are still elusive, but it is thought to play a protective role against urinary tract infection, calcium oxalate crystal formation, and regulation of water and salt balance in the thick ascending limb. Mutations in uromodulin are responsible for autosomal-dominant kidney diseases characterized by defective urine concentrating ability, hyperuricemia, gout, tubulointerstitial fibrosis, renal cysts, and chronic kidney disease. Previous in vitro studies found retention in the endoplasmic reticulum as a common feature of all uromodulin mutant isoforms. Both in vitro and in vivo we found that mutant isoforms partially escaped retention in the endoplasmic reticulum and reached the plasma membrane where they formed large extracellular aggregates that have a dominant-negative effect on coexpressed wild-type protein. Notably, mutant uromodulin excretion was detected in patients carrying uromodulin mutations. Thus, our results suggest that mutant uromodulin exerts a gain-of-function effect that can be exerted by both intra- and extracellular forms of the protein

    The spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg chain, the quantum algebra U_q[sl(2)], and duality transformations for minimal models

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    The finite-size scaling spectra of the spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg chain with toroidal boundary conditions and an even number of sites provide a projection mechanism yielding the spectra of models with a central charge c<1 including the unitary and non-unitary minimal series. Taking into account the half-integer angular momentum sectors - which correspond to chains with an odd number of sites - in many cases leads to new spinor operators appearing in the projected systems. These new sectors in the XXZ chain correspond to a new type of frustration lines in the projected minimal models. The corresponding new boundary conditions in the Hamiltonian limit are investigated for the Ising model and the 3-state Potts model and are shown to be related to duality transformations which are an additional symmetry at their self-dual critical point. By different ways of projecting systems we find models with the same central charge sharing the same operator content and modular invariant partition function which however differ in the distribution of operators into sectors and hence in the physical meaning of the operators involved. Related to the projection mechanism in the continuum there are remarkable symmetry properties of the finite XXZ chain. The observed degeneracies in the energy and momentum spectra are shown to be the consequence of intertwining relations involving U_q[sl(2)] quantum algebra transformations.Comment: This is a preprint version (37 pages, LaTeX) of an article published back in 1993. It has been made available here because there has been recent interest in conformal twisted boundary conditions. The "duality-twisted" boundary conditions discussed in this paper are particular examples of such boundary conditions for quantum spin chains, so there might be some renewed interest in these result
