747 research outputs found

    La dépression : en savoir plus pour en sortir

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    http://www.info-depression.fr/dist/_doc/DEPRESSION_LIVRET.pdfLivret d'information de la campagne nationale d'information INPES 200

    Morfometría de la apertura piriforme y morfología de los huesos nasales en la población brasileña por la radiografía postero-anterior de Caldwell

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    CAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOPiriform aperture and nasal bone contribute to the formation of the nose. Its morphology varies according to ethnic group and gender. The piriform apertures and nasal bones of 97 individuals were examined radiographically through Caldwell radiographic technique and the types of nasal bones were classified according to Hwang et al. (2005). The width, height and area of piriform aperture were measured to demonstrate the difference according to gender. Statistical analysis was performed from the Student t test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The most frequent type of nasal bone was A, and D was the most uncommon in both genders. In the Student t test significant differences between genders, height, width and area of the piriform aperture were obtained and were larger in males when compared to females. The dimensions of the piriform aperture were higher in males when compared to females, and therefore may be used as parameter for the distinction of gender in Brazilian population. The type A of nasal bone was the most frequent in the Brazilian population, contributing to ethnic differentiation in human identification292393398CAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOsem informaçãosem informaçãoLa apertura piriforme y el hueso nasal contribuyen a la formación de la nariz. Su morfología varía de acuerdo a los grupos étnicos y al sexo. Este estudio evaluó la morfología de la apertura piriforme y el hueso nasal y su relación con el sexo. Las aperturas piriformes y los huesos nasales de 97 personas fueron examinados radiográficamente mediante la técnica radiográfica de Caldwell, y los tipos de huesos nasales se clasificaron de acuerdo con Hwang et al. (2005). Se midió el ancho, la altura y el área de la apertura piriforme para demostrar las diferencias por sexo. El análisis estadístico se realizó a partir de la prueba t de Student y análisis de varianza (ANOVA). El tipo más frecuente de hueso nasal fue la A, y la D fue la menos común, en ambos sexos. En la prueba t de Student se obtuvo diferencias significativas entre los sexos, altura, ancho y área de la apertura piriforme, las que fueron mayores en hombres en comparación a las mujeres. Las dimensiones de la apertura piriforme fueron mayores en los hombres que en las mujeres, por lo que se puede utilizar como parámetro para la distinción de sexo en la población brasileña. En la población brasileña el tipo A de hueso nasal fue el más frecuente, lo que contribuye para la diferenciación étnica en la identificación human

    Foramen caróticoclinoideo en cráneos humanos: incidencia, morfometría y sus implicaciones clínicas

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    The caroticoclinoid foramen is an inconstant structure, formed by the union of the anterior and middle clinoid processes. The aim of this study was to perform an incidence and morphometry of the caroticoclinoid foramen in Brazilian human skulls and discuss its clinical implications. Eighty dry human skulls with sex distinction were used, and 3 groups of incidence were determined: General, sex, and sides. The morphometry was performed using a manual caliper and the major diameter of the foramina was measured; the values were also divided in general, according to sex and sides. The incidence of skulls with at least one foramen was 8.5%. According to the sides, 8.5% of the skulls showed foramen on the right side and 2.5% on the left. We found 2.5% of the skulls with bilateral foramen and 6.25% with unilateral foramen. In relation to sex, the foramens were found in 5% of male skulls and 12.5% of female skulls. The major diameter of this structure presented on mean, values of 5.23 mm on general, 5.18 mm on the right side and 5.35 mm on the left, 5.30 mm in male skulls and 5.18 mm in female skulls. The anatomical characteristics of this foramen should be considered in view of its clinical implications associated with neurosurgery as clinoid process removal, and symptoms as headache due to internal carotid artery alterations in this region. In conclusion knowledge of this structure supports the diagnosis and treatment of clinical complications related to this variation.The caroticoclinoid foramen is an inconstant structure, formed by the union of the anterior and middle clinoid processes. The aim of this study was to perform an incidence and morphometry of the caroticoclinoid foramen in Brazilian human skulls and discuss its clinical implications. Eighty dry human skulls with sex distinction were used, and 3 groups of incidence were determined: General, sex, and sides. The morphometry was performed using a manual caliper and the major diameter of the foramina was measured; the values were also divided in general, according to sex and sides. The incidence of skulls with at least one foramen was 8.5%. According to the sides, 8.5% of the skulls showed foramen on the right side and 2.5% on the left. We found 2.5% of the skulls with bilateral foramen and 6.25% with unilateral foramen. In relation to sex, the foramens were found in 5% of male skulls and 12.5% of female skulls. The major diameter of this structure presented on mean, values of 5.23 mm on general, 5.18 mm on the right side and 5.35 mm on the left, 5.30 mm in male skulls and 5.18 mm in female skulls. The anatomical characteristics of this foramen should be considered in view of its clinical implications associated with neurosurgery as clinoid process removal, and symptoms as headache due to internal carotid artery alterations in this region. In conclusion knowledge of this structure supports the diagnosis and treatment of clinical complications related to this variation292427431Das, S., Suri, R., Kapur, V., Ossification of caroticoclinoid ligament and its clinical importance in skull-based surgery (2007) São Paulo Med. J, 125, pp. 351-353Dodo, Y., Ishida, H., Incidence of nonmetric cranial variant in several population samples from East Asia and North America (1987) J. Anthrop. Soc. Nippon, 95, pp. 161-167Dolenc, V.V., A combined epi and subdural direct approach to carotidophthalmic artery aneurysms (1985) J. Neurosurg, 5, pp. 667-672Donald, P.J., (1998) Surgery of the Skull Base, , Philadelphia, Lippincott- RavenErturk, M., Kayalioglu, G., Govsa, F., Anatomy of the clinoidal region with special emphasis on the caroticoclinoid foramen and interclinoid osseous brid- ge in a recent Turkish population (2004) Neurosurg. Rev, pp. 22-26Gupta, N., Ray, B., Ghosh, S., A study on anterior clinoid process and optic strut with emphasis on variations of caroticoclinoid foramen (2005) Nep. Med. Coll. J, 7, pp. 140-144Hochstetter, F., Über die Taenia interclinoidea,die Commissura alicochlearis und die Cartilago supracochlearis des menschlichen Primordialkraniums.Gegenbaurs Morph (1940) Jahrb, 84, pp. 220-243Inoue, T., Rhoton Jr., A.L., Theele, D., Barry, M.E., Surgical approaches to the cavernous sinus:A microsurgical study (1990) Neurosurg, 6, pp. 903-932Kier, E.L., Embryology of the normal optic canal and its anomalies.An anatomic and roentgenographic stud (1966) Invest. Radiol, 1, pp. 346-362Kobayashi, S., Kyoshima, K., Gibo, H., Hedge, S.A., Takemae, T., Sugita, K., Carotid cave aneurysms of the internal carotid artery (1989) J. Neurosurg, 70, p. 216Lee, H.Y., Chung, I.H., Choi B., Y., Anterior, C., (1997) Yonsei Med. J, 38, pp. 151-154Narolewski, R., Significance of anatomic variants of bony surroundings of the internal carotid artery and their significance for lateral surgical approaches to the cavernous sinus (2003) Ann. Acad. Med. Stetin, 49, pp. 205-229Saka, E., Ozdoǧmus, O., Tulay, C., Gürdal, E., Uzün, I., The anatomy of the carotico-clinoid foramen and its relation with the internal carotid artery (2003) Surg. Radiol. Anat, 25, pp. 241-246Reisch, R., Vutskits, L., Filippi, R., Patonay, L., Fries, G., Perneczky, A., Topographic microsurgical anatomy of the paraclinoid carotid artery (2002) Neurosurg Rev, 25, pp. 177-183Sekhar, L.N., Akin, O., Anatomical study of the cavernous sinus emphasizing operative approaches and related vascular and neural reconstruction (1987) Neurosurg, 21, pp. 806-816Seoane, E., Rhoton, A.L., Oliveira, E., Microsurgical anatomy of the dural collar (carotid collar) and rings around the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery (1998) Neurosurg, 42, pp. 869-886Sicher, H., du Brul, E.L., (1977) Oral Anatomy, , 6ed. Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara KooganStandring, S., Overview of the Development of the Head and Neck Head: Skull and Mandible Gray's anatomy: The anatomical basis of clinical practice, p. 2005. , New York, ElsevierEl foramen caróticoclinoideo es una estructura inconstante formada por la unión de la procesos clinoides anterior y medio. El objetivo de este estudio fue revisar la incidencia y la morfometría del foramen caróticoclinoideo en cráneos humanos brasileños y discutir sus implicaciones clínicas. Se utilizaron 80 cráneos humanos secos, de ambos sexos, determinando tres variables: sexo y lados derecho e izquierdo. La morfometría se realizó con un cáliper manual midiéndose el diámetro máximo del foramen. La incidencia de cráneos con al menos un foramen fue de 8,5%. El 8,5% de los cráneos presentó un foramen en el lado derecho y el 2,5% en el izquierdo. El 2,5% de los cráneos presentó un foramen bilateral y el 6,25% un foramen unilateral. En relación al sexo, los forámenes se encontraron en el 5% de los cráneos de hombres y el 12,5% de los cráneos de mujeres. El diámetro máximo de esta estructura presentó en promedio, valores de 5,23 mm; 5,18 mm en el lado derecho y 5,35 mm en el izquierdo; 5,30 mm en cráneos de hombres y 5.18 mm en cráneos de mujeres. Las características anatómicas de este foramen deben ser consideradas debido a las implicaciones clínicas asociadas a la neurocirugía, como la eliminación del proceso clinoides y a síntomas como cefaleas producto de alteraciones en la arteria carótida interna en esta región. En conclusión, el conocimiento de esta estructura mejora el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las complicaciones clínicas relacionadas con esta variació

    Human neuronal cell lines as an in vitro toxicological tool for the evaluation of novel psychoactive substances

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    Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) are synthetic substances belonging to diverse groups, designed to mimic the effects of scheduled drugs, resulting in altered toxicity and potency. Up to now, information available on the pharmacology and toxicology of these new substances is very limited, posing a considerable challenge for prevention and treatment. The present in vitro study investigated the possible mechanisms of toxicity of two emerging NPS (i) 4′-methyl-alpha-pyrrolidinoexanophenone (3,4-MDPHP), a synthetic cathinone, and (ii) 2-chloro-4,5-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (2-Cl-4,5-MDMA), a phenethylamine. In addition, to apply our model to the class of synthetic opioids, we evaluated the toxicity of fentanyl, as a reference compound for this group of frequently abused substances. To this aim, the in vitro toxic effects of these three compounds were evaluated in dopaminergic-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells. Following 24 h of exposure, all compounds induced a loss of viability, and oxidative stress in a concentration-dependent manner. 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA activates apoptotic processes, while 3,4-MDPHP elicits cell death by necrosis. Fentanyl triggers cell death through both mechanisms. Increased expression levels of pro-apoptotic Bax and caspase 3 activity were observed following 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA and fentanyl, but not 3,4-MDPHP exposure, confirming the different modes of cell death

    Relaciones entre el canal mandibular y clases I, II y III de Angle en radiografías panorámicas

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOTo prevent injury to the inferior alveolar nerve during dental procedures, knowledge of its anatomical location and course of the mandibular canal is imperative. The aim of this study was evaluate the location on panoramic radiographs of the mandibular canal in relation to the apices of the permanent mandibular molars and base mandible, and relate the type of mandibular canal with Angle classes I, II and III. We evaluated 748 panoramic radiographs distributed according to sex and occlusal class (Angle I, II and III) of fully dentate individuals, 18-51 age group. The radiographs were divided according to Angle classes based on cephalometric tracing, clinical data from the medical records of each individual and the analysis of of the maxillar and mandibular dental arches models. The same individuals had the mandibular canal bilaterally assessed, and classified according to their location relative to the root apices of the mandibular molars and mandible base. Measurements of the distance from the mandibular canal to the apices of the teeth and mandible base were made on the Software ImageLab2000®. The intra-observer reproducibility of measurements on radiographs was assessed using the coefficient of variation (p<0.0001). Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis test, on software BioEstat 5.0. There were statistically significant differences (Kruskal-Wallis test, p <0.0001) between the occlusal classes, with the type of mandibular canal. A larger number of canals types 2 and 3 in class III individuals than in others. In conclusion, the location of the mandibular canal presents morphological changes in relation to the apices of the permanent molars, and the mandibular base according to the Angle classes I, II and III.To prevent injury to the inferior alveolar nerve during dental procedures, knowledge of its anatomical location and course of the mandibular canal is imperative. The aim of this study was evaluate the location on panoramic radiographs of the mandibular canal in relation to the apices of the permanent mandibular molars and base mandible, and relate the type of mandibular canal with Angle classes I, II and III. We evaluated 748 panoramic radiographs distributed according to sex and occlusal class (Angle I, II and III) of fully dentate individuals, 18-51 age group. The radiographs were divided according to Angle classes based on cephalometric tracing, clinical data from the medical records of each individual and the analysis of of the maxillar and mandibular dental arches models. The same individuals had the mandibular canal bilaterally assessed, and classified according to their location relative to the root apices of the mandibular molars and mandible base. Measurements of the distance from the mandibular canal to the apices of the teeth and mandible base were made on the Software ImageLab2000®. The intra-observer reproducibility of measurements on radiographs was assessed using the coefficient of variation (p<0.0001). Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis test, on software BioEstat 5.0. There were statistically significant differences (Kruskal-Wallis test, p <0.0001) between the occlusal classes, with the type of mandibular canal. A larger number of canals types 2 and 3 in class III individuals than in others. In conclusion, the location of the mandibular canal presents morphological changes in relation to the apices of the permanent molars, and the mandibular base according to the Angle classes I, II and III322449454FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOsem informaçãoPara evitar lesiones del nervio alveolar inferior durante los procedimientos odontológicos, el conocimiento de la localización anatómica y curso del canal mandibular (CM) es imprescindible. El objetivo fue evaluar la localización del CM sobre radiografías panorámicas en relación con los ápices de los molares mandibulares permanentes y la base mandibular, relacionando el tipo de CM con las clases I, II y III de Angle. Se evaluaron 748 radiografías panorámicas distribuidas según sexo y clase oclusal (I, II y III de Angle) en individuos totalmente dentados (edad entre 18-51 años). Las radiografías fueron divididas de acuerdo a las clases de Angle según su trazado cefalométrico, datos clínicos de los registros médicos de cada individuo y el análisis de modelos de sus arcos dentarios mandibulares y maxilares. En los individuos se evaluó el CM bilateralmente y se clasificó de acuerdo a su ubicación en relación con los ápices radiculares de los molares mandibulares y base mandibular. Las mediciones de distancia desde el CM a los ápices radiculares y base mandibular se hicieron con el programa ImageLab2000®. Se evaluó la reproducibilidad intra-observador de las mediciones en las radiografías usando el coeficiente de variación (p<0,0001). Los datos fueron sometidos a la prueba de Kruskal ­Wallis con el programa BioEstat 5.0. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, p<0,0001) entre las clases oclusales y el tipo de CM. Hubo mayor número de canales tipos 2 y 3 en los individuos clase III. La ubicación del canal mandibular presenta cambios morfológicos en relación con los ápices de molares permanentes y la base mandibular de acuerdo a las clases I, II y III de Angl

    A Survey on the milk fatty acid composition of forty dairy sheep flocks in Sardinia

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    A survey was carried out to monitor milk fatty acid (FA) composition during two years (2003 and 2004) on forty dairy sheep flocks, fed pasture based rations, in 5 macro pedoclimatic areas of Sardinia, featured by different i) soil type, (granitic, G; basaltic, B and alluvial, A) ii) average annual rainfall (low, L, 500-600 mm/year; high, H, 600-800 mm/year). Milk FA profile was strongly influenced by year. In particular milk linolenic acid (LN), CLA (conjugated linoeic acid) and PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) levels increased (by 25, 30 and 14%, respectively, P&lt;0.01) whereas the atherogenicity index (AI) decreased (by 8%, P&lt;0.01) in all areas in 2004 as compared with 2003. Pedoclimatic area affected milk fatty acid composition (P&lt;0.01). In both years milk from AL farms showed the highest levels of LN, CLA and PUFA. AI was lower in BH and GH in year 2003 and in BH, AH and GL in 2004

    Spectrum and Frequency of GJB2 Mutations in a Cohort of 264 Portuguese Nonsyndromic Sensorineural Hearing Loss Patients

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the spectrum and prevalence of mutations in the GJB2 gene in Portuguese nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing loss (NSSHL) patients. DESIGN: Sequencing of the coding region, basal promoter, exon 1, and donor splice site of the GJB2 gene; screening for the presence of the two common GJB6 deletions. STUDY SAMPLE: A cohort of 264 Portuguese NSSHL patients. RESULTS: At least one out of 21 different GJB2 variants was identified in 80 (30.2%) of the 264 patients analysed. Two mutant alleles were found in 53 (20%) of these probands, of which 83% (44/53) harboured at least one c.35delG allele. Twenty-seven (10.2%) of the probands harboured only one mutant allele. Subsequent analysis revealed that the GJB6 deletion del(GJB6-D13S1854) was present in at least 7.4% (2/27) of the patients carrying only one mutant GJB2 allele. Overall, one in five (55/264) of the patients were diagnosed as having DFNB1-related NSSHL, of which the vast majority (53/55) harboured only GJB2 mutations. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides clear demonstration that mutations in the GJB2 gene are an important cause of NSSHL in Portugal, thus representing a valuable indicator as regards therapeutical and rehabilitation options, as well as genetic counseling of these patients and their families

    Anthropometric Comparison between Mandibles from Uruguayan and Brazilian Populations

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    The human mandibles belonging to Uruguayan population present some anatomic differences with those belonging to Brazilian population. This appears to be determined by racial and ethnic characteristics of each country. This study examined the morphological characteristics of 100 Uruguayan mandibles and compared them with similar number of Brazilian bones, using thirteen measurements stipulated by Humphrey et al. (1999). The significant variations in mean values were calculated by Mann-Whitney test (alpha=5%). Expressive discrepancies were observed between the two populations regarding some of analyzed dimensions. The Uruguayan mandibles showed higher values in almost all measurements when compared to the Brazilian ones, except for the mandibular symphysis height, which was lightly higher in Brazilian mandibles. Differences were observed in notch and ramus height, mandibular length, mandibular width, symphysis height and bicoronoid width. Several factors could be responsible for these morphological discrepancies, including functional and biomechanical adaptations of stomatognathic system, stimulated by different consistency of the diet or miscegenation.30237938