33 research outputs found

    Comunicazione politica locale fra influenza personale e <i>social network</i>

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    This study analyses the type of communicative relationships that an individual maintains as a member of political parties, trade unions, professional or voluntary associations. The empirical research is based on focus groups and follow-up interviews to elucidate personal views. Focus groups were transcribed and processed with the qualitative software Atlas.ti. (CAQDAS type), which created semantic networks. The findings of this study show that direct interaction with the recipient of a message is most effective. This means that media such as television, radio, newspapers and the Internet offer less access to local networks. There exists a tendency to exploit the short-channel (direct); this suggests that, as far as possible, people avoid intermediate channels. Thus, it does not surprise that the word of mouth has been identified by many interviewees as the preferred channel for transferring political messages. The high mobilization capacity of the word of mouth is particularly effective when one can access a network of contacts, hence bring in the social capital of each group. In the follow-up interviews we find change of habit: some people decided to open their own page on the social network Facebook to discuss political issues. In some cases, interviewees already had a profile on this social network; however they only started to use it to discuss politics during the regional election campaign in February 2009

    Macrozoobenthos e decomposizione fogliare in ecosistemi fluviali sardi: prime considerazioni sul fiume Silis (Sardegna Settentrionale)

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    The purposes of this research were to examine and compare the breakdown rates of one specie (Ulmus minor) of tree leaves at three sites along Silis River (Northern Sardinia) and to follow macroinvertebrate leaf colonization, focusing our attention on the values of abundance, biomass and density of macrozoobenthos and its functional groups, based on feeding mechanism. About macroinvertebrate analysis, the organisms of shredder functional group showed the highest biomass for all the three sites examined, according to the fast decay coefficients. On the three sites studied macroinvertebrate communities proved themselves to become slightly different as a result of an increasing number of collectors from the upstream site 1 to the downstream site 3 according to the theory of the River Continuum Concept

    Il Seminoma nel cavallo. Studio retrospettivo ed esperienza clinica

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    Clinical, echographic and histopathological aspects of monolateral seminoma in a horse are reported. The subject showed reduced libido and abnormal spermatogram, the affected testicle was smaller compared with the controlateral and hypoechoic areas were present in the parenchima. Histological examination confirmed the presumptive diagnosis of seminoma

    Tumore venereo trasmissibile: una patologia sempre attuale

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    Gli Autori analizzano i risultati ottenuti nel trattamento del Tumore Venereo Trasmissibile del cane mediante l'impiego della terapia chirurgica o della chemioterapia con vincristina. In caso di TVT molto esteso o a carico di particolari distretti anatomici la chirurgia è stata considerata aggressiva e la ricostruzione tessutale complessa se non impossibile. La principale complicanza a lungo termine è stata la stenosi uretrale. Il 25% dei casi ha presentato recidiva entro 12 mesi darintervento. La chemioterapia con vincristina ha determinato la scomparsa della neoplasia in tempi brevi, senza alcun segno di tossicità né recidive

    Planeamiento estratégico de la Provincia de Castrovirreyna

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    El Plan Estratégico de la provincia de Castrovirreyna se realizó con base en el Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico, el cual desarrolló el Dr. Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, quien partió de un análisis de la situación actual, para llegar a una situación futura deseada, por medio del establecimiento de la visión, misión, valores, objetivos de largo plazo, corto plazo y estrategias asociadas al entorno y sus fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas. Castrovirreyna es una provincia que se conforma de 13 distritos, es predominantemente rural y tiene un alto grado de pobreza y pobreza extrema, posee abundantes recursos que podrían permitirle mejorar su posición, debido a que no tiene la promoción e inversión necesaria para capitalizar la riqueza de su patrimonio en actividades productivas que le permitan desarrollarse y crecer. La propuesta del Plan se basa en el desarrollo de la infraestructura (vial y de comunicaciones) y de los servicios básicos (salud, educación e internet) que sirva de soporte e incremente el nivel de vida y la competitividad de la provincia; el desarrollo de sectores económicos como agropecuario, acuícola y turismo, a través de la mejora de la tecnología de producción de especies propias de la provincia y los beneficios tributarios, otorgados desde el Estado y las capacitaciones e incentivos a la generación de clústeres, también la participación de la población en todos los procesos de la búsqueda del desarrollo provincial. Asimismo, se orienta a motivar a las nuevas generaciones al emprendimiento teniendo en cuenta las potencialidades de la provincia, y de esta manera poder reducir las brechas de pobreza y desigualdad existentesThe Strategic Plan of the province of Castrovirreyna has been made based on the sequential model of the Strategic Process developed by Dr. Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, based on an analysis of the current situation, to reach a desired future situation, through the establishment of vision, mission, values, long-term goals, short-term and related to the environment and their strategies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Castrovirreyna is a province that is composed of 13 districts, it’s predominantly rural and has a high degree of poverty and extreme poverty, it has abundant resources that could enable it to improve its position because it does not have the promotion and investment needed to capitalize on the wealth of its assets in activities productive that allow develop and grow. Plan’s proposal is based on the development of the infrastructure (roads and communications) and of the basic services (health, education and internet) to serve as a support and increase the standard of living and competitiveness of the province; the development of economic sectors such as agriculture, aquaculture and tourism through improved production technology of species native of the province and the tax benefits granted from the State and trainings and incentives to generate clusters, also participation of the population in all processes of the search for provincial development. Additional aims to encourage new generations to entrepreneurship taking into account the potential of the province, and thus to reduce the gaps existing poverty and inequalityTesi

    Human access impacts biodiversity of microscopic animals in sandy beaches

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    Whereas most work to understand impacts of humans on biodiversity on coastal areas has focused on large, conspicuous organisms, we highlight effects of tourist access on the diversity of microscopic marine animals (meiofauna). We used a DNA metabarcoding approach with an iterative and phylogeny-based approach for the taxonomic assignment of meiofauna and relate diversity patterns to the numbers of tourists accessing sandy beaches on an otherwise un-impacted island National Park. Tourist frequentation, independently of differences in sediment granulometry, beach length, and other potential confounding factors, affected meiofaunal diversity in the shallow “swash” zone right at the mean water mark; the impacts declined with water depth (up to 2 m). The indicated negative effect on meiofauna may have a consequence on all the biota including the higher trophic levels. Thus, we claim that it is important to consider restricting access to beaches in touristic areas, in order to preserve biodiversity

    Mapping a Sex Hormone–Sensitive Gene Determining Female Resistance to Liver Carcinogenesis in a Congenic F344.BN-Hcs4 Rat

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is prevalent in human and rodent males. Hepatocarcinogenesis is controlled by various genes in susceptible F344 and resistant Brown Norway (BN) rats. B alleles at Hcs4 locus, on RNO16, control neoplastic nodule volume. We constructed the F344.BN-Hcs4 recombinant congenic strain (RCS) by introgressing a 4.41-cM portion of Hcs4 from BN strain in an isogenic F344 background. Preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions were induced by the ''resistant hepatocyte'' protocol. Eight weeks after initiation, lesion volume and positivity for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) were much higher in lesions of F344 than BN rats of both sexes. These variables were lower in females than in males. Lesion volume and PCNA values of male RCS were similar to those of F344 rats, but in females corresponded to those of BN females. Carcinomatous nodules and HCC developed at 32 and 60 weeks, respectively, in male F344 and congenics and, rarely, in F344 females. BN and congenic females developed only eosinophilic/clear cells nodules. Gonadectomy of congenic males, followed by B-estradiol administration, caused a decrease in Ar expression, an increase in Er-a expression, and development of preneoplastic lesions comparable to those from BN females. Administration of testosterone to gonadectomized females led to Ar increase and development of preneoplastic lesions as in F344 males. This indicates a role of homozygous B alleles at Hcs4 in the determination of phenotypic patterns of female RCS and presence at Hcs4 locus of a high penetrance gene(s), activated by estrogens and inhibited/unaffected by testosterone, conferring resistance to females in which the B alleles provide higher resistance. (Cancer Res 2006; 66(21): 10384-90

    skin reaction in antiviral therapy for chronic hepatitis c a role for polyethylene glycol interferon

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    In the past decade, different modalities of antiviral therapy have been adopted aimed at eradicating hepatitis C virus infection. Initially, interferon was used in monotherapy, then interferon combined with ribavirin and amantadine. Recently, interferon has been conjugated with polyethylene glycol to allow optimization of its pharmacokinetic properties and to improve its antiviral activity. This study focused on the characteristics of the skin reactions that we observed in 27 patients with naive hepatitis C who received polyethylene glycol interferon-ribavirin-amantadine or polyethylene glycol interferon-ribavirin and in 10 previous non-responders to interferon monotherapy who were retreated with triple therapy. In 9 patients (7 on triple therapy) dermatitis-like lesions were observed, and in 5 the severity of the lesions necessitated withdrawal from therapy

    Effects of lidocaine constant rate infusion on sevoflurane requirement, autonomic responses, and postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing ovariectomy under opioid-based balanced anesthesia

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    The effects of constant rate infusion (CRI) of lidocaine on sevoflurane (SEVO) requirements, autonomic responses to noxious stimulation, and postoperative pain relief were evaluated in dogs undergoing opioid-based balanced anesthesia. Twenty-four dogs scheduled for elective ovariectomy were randomly assigned to one of four groups: BC, receiving buprenorphine without lidocaine; FC, receiving fentanyl without lidocaine; BL, receiving buprenorphine and lidocaine; FL, receiving fentanyl and lidocaine. Dogs were anesthetized with intravenous (IV) diazepam and ketamine and anesthesia maintained with SEVO in oxygen/air. Lidocaine (2 mg/kg plus 50 μg/kg/min) or saline were infused in groups BL/FL and BC/FC, respectively. After initiation of lidocaine or saline CRI IV buprenorphine (0.02 mg/kg) or fentanyl (4 μg/kg plus 8 μg/kg/h CRI) were administered IV in BC/BL and FC/FL, respectively. Respiratory and hemodynamic variables, drug plasma concentrations, and end-tidal SEVO concentrations (E’SEVO) were measured. Behaviors and pain scores were subjectively assessed 1 and 2 h post-extubation. Lidocaine CRI produced median drug plasma concentrations &lt;0.4 μg/mL during peak surgical stimulation. Lidocaine produced a 14% decrease in E’SEVO in the BL (P &lt; 0.01) but none in the FL group and no change in cardio-pulmonary responses to surgery or postoperative behaviors and pain scores in any group. Thus, depending on the opioid used, supplementing opioid-based balanced anesthesia with lidocaine (50 μg/kg/min) may not have any or only a minor impact on anesthetic outcome in terms of total anesthetic dose, autonomic responses to visceral nociception, and postoperative analgesia.</br