165 research outputs found

    Mapping Sustainability 4.0: contributions and limits of the symbiosis

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    The history of industry is marked by four industrial revolutions, and society is now in the consolidation of its fourth, which provides opportunities for sustainability, such as reduction in environmental impact and social inclusion. This article aims to identify the main authors, countries, articles, and research gaps on the theme "Industry 4.0 and Corporate Sustainability"; and to draw up a mind map with the research trends, through the analysis of the documents that are indexed in the Scopus database. Among the main trends that were identified in this article are: Industry 4.0 as a tool to support sustainability; Intersection and boundaries between sustainability and industry 4.0; Development of industry 4.0 along the lines of sustainability; Management applied in sustainable industry 4.0. The main contribution applied was the exposure of the possibilities that companies can implement, both in relation to sustainability in the development of innovative technologies, and the use of technologies to strengthen the pillars of sustainability

    Identification of Research gaps on Municipal Solid Waste Management from Data Indexed in the SCOPUS Database

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    This study aimed to identify the research gaps on the theme "Municipal Solid Waste Management", as from the analysis of articles indexed in the SCOPUS database. For this objective to be achieved, an applied research of exploratory nature and qualitative approach was carried out. It is noteworthy that, as method and technical procedures were adopted, respectively, the bibliographic research and the literature review. The data used in the analysis were obtained from the SCOPUS database in May 2018 and treated using Microsoft Excel® software. It is noteworthy that as a selection criterion, thirty papers indexed in this base that presented the highest number of citations were analyzed. As main results, it can be highlighted that the identified gaps were grouped into eight categories. Among the categories analyzed, one can highlight life cycle assessment, with ten gaps, and tools for municipal solid waste management, with eight. It is also noteworthy that the category "municipal solid waste management associated with other methodologies" occupies the second position, along with "tools for the management of municipal solid waste, indicating the lack of studies in the highlighted areas and pointing out the relevance of the theme for the academic environ

    Rotinas de famílias de idosos ribeirinhos amazônicos e reestruturações de papéis na velhice

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    Based on the premisses of Developmental Psychology, this study aimed at assessing the perception of routine in families of elderly people that live in riverine communities in the Amazon. By the use of three methodological instruments five families of elderly people that lived in the islands in Cametá, Pará, Brazil. The results showed that in this stage of life the activities performed by the elderly people in the community and at home have major changes in comparison to other stages of life. The most significant one was in reference to the cessation of the economic subsistence activity and the restructuring of roles mainly observed at the routine of elderly riverine man who focus most of their activities on house chores along with the wives.Basado en el ámbito de la Psicología del Desarrollo, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la percepción de rutinas familiares de ancianos que viven en comunidades ribereñas del Amazonia. Usando tres herramientas metodológicas se investigaron cinco familias de ancianos residentes de islas fluviales del municipio de Cametá, Pará, Brasil. Los resultados revelaron que en esta etapa del ciclo de vida, las actividades de los ancianos en la comunidad y en las viviendas sufren cambios importantes en comparación con otras fases de la vida. Se destaca principalmente el cese de las actividades de subsistencia económica y la reestructuración de las  funciones en la rutina de los hombres ancianos ribereños, que se focalizan en las actividades domésticas junto con sus esposas.Com base no escopo da Psicologia do Desenvolvimento, este estudo objetivou analisar a percepção da rotina de famílias de idosos que vivem em comunidades ribeirinhas da Amazônia. Utilizando-se de três instrumentos metodológicos, foram investigadas cinco famílias de idosos residentes das ilhas fluviais do município de Cametá, Pará, Brasil. Os resultados revelaram que nesta fase do ciclo de vida, as atividades realizadas pelos idosos na comunidade e nos domicílios sofrem importantes alterações quando comparadas às outras fases de vida. O destaque maior foi referente ao cessar das atividades de subsistência econômica e a reestruturação de papéis observado principalmente na rotina dos homens idosos ribeirinhos, o que redireciona maior parte das suas atividades para o ambiente domiciliar junto às esposas

    A loss-of-function NCSTN mutation associated with familial Dowling Degos disease and hidradenitis suppurativa

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    Dowling Degos disease (DDD) is a rare autosomal dominant genodermatosis characterized by acquired, slowly progressive reticulated pigmented lesions primarily involving flexural skin areas. Mutations in KRT5, POGLUT-1 and POFUT-1 genes have been associated with DDD, and loss-of-function mutations in PSENEN, a subunit of the gamma-secretase complex, were found in patients presenting with DDD or DDD comorbid with hidradenitis suppurativa (HS). A nonsense mutation in NCSTN, another subunit of the gamma-secretase, was already described in a patient suffering from HS and DDD but whether NCSTN could be considered a novel gene for DDD is still debated. Here, we enrolled a four-generation family with HS and DDD. Through Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) we identified a novel nonsense mutation in the NCSTN gene in all the affected family members. To study the impact of this variant, we isolated outer root sheath cells from patients' hair follicles. We showed that this variant leads to a premature stop codon, activates a nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, and causes NCSTN haploinsufficiency in affected individuals. In fact, cells treated with gentamicin, a readthrough agent, had the NCSTN levels corrected. Moreover, we observed that this haploinsufficiency also affects other subunits of the gamma-secretase complex, possibly causing DDD. Our findings clearly support NCSTN as a novel DDD gene and suggest carefully investigating this co-occurrence in HS patients carrying a mutation in the NCSTN gene


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    É possível constatar que a sociedade brasileira historicamente apresenta um comportamento de rejeição, violência e silenciamento frente à população LGBT+, composta por lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transexuais, travestis, assexuais, pansexuais, queer, entre outros. Mesmo sendo possível observar tais fatos, há uma carência significativa de dados específicos sobre esse comportamento e suas consequências dentro da esfera municipal. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo espacializar, a partir dos resultados obtidos através de formulários, ocorrências declaradas contra pessoas LGBT+, utilizando como suporte tecnologias de geoprocessamento, relacionadas à violência contra esses grupos sociais vulneráveis no Município do Rio de Janeiro. Como procedimentos metodológicos, foram realizados levantamentos de informações bibliográficas relacionadas aos temas que envolvem a comunidade LGBT+ e toda a sua luta e resistência. Posteriormente, houve a elaboração de um formulário para coleta de dados sobre o tipo de violência sofrida, o local, horário, entre outras questões relevantes para o levantamento. Em seguida, foram feitas as análises preliminares e a identificação das áreas de risco de violência LGBTfóbica. E, por fim, a elaboração de gráficos, mapas temáticos e análises espaciais através de programas de SIG. Como resultados, foram obtidos 273 formulários preenchidos, sendo 203 deles informando alguma violência presenciada ou sofrida. Tendo como destaques registros de agressão verbal e assédio moral, em período noturno e em espaços públicos, registros que foram especializados nos bairros do Município do Rio de Janeiro.It is possible to observe that Brazilian society has a historical rejection, violence and silence behavior towards the LGBT + population, composed of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transvestite, asexual, pansexual, queer, among others. While it is possible to observe these facts, there is a significant lack of specific data about this behavior and its consequences within the municipal sphere. In this way, the present work aims to spatialize, from the results obtained through forms, occurrences declared against LGBT + people, using as support geoprocessing technologies, related to violence against these vulnerable social groups in the city of Rio de Janeiro. As methodological procedures, surveys were carried out on bibliographic information related to the themes that involve the LGBT + community and all their struggle and resistance. Subsequently, a form was prepared to collect data on the type of violence suffered, the location, time, and other issues relevant to the survey. Next, the preliminary analyses and the identification of the areas of risk of LGBTphobic violence were made. And, finally, the elaboration of graphs, thematic maps and spatial analyses through GIS programs. As a result, 273 completed forms were obtained, of which 203 reported some violence witnessed or suffered. With records of verbal aggression and bullying, at night and in public spaces, records that were specialized in the districts of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro.Il est possible de constater que la société brésilienne a construit depuis longtemps un comportement de rejet et violence envers la population LGBT+, composée de lesbiennes, gays, bisexuels, transsexuels, transsexuels, asexuels, pansexuels, queer, entre autres. S'il est possible d'observer ces faits, il existe encore un manque important de données spécifiques sur ce comportement et ses conséquences dans la sphère municipale, par exemple. Dans ce contexte, le présent article a pour but la spatialisation de la violence contre la communauté LGBT+ en utilisant les technologies géographiques, à partir des résultats obtenus des formulaires où les violences contre ces groupes sociaux vulnérables dans la ville de Rio de Janeiro ont eté declarées pour eux. En ce qui concerne les procédures méthodologiques, des recherches bibliographiques relatives aux thèmes liés à la communauté LGBT+ ont été faites, ainsi que tous ses problèmes et ses résistances. De plus, un formulaire a été préparé pour collecter des données sur le type de violence subie, le lieu, l'heure et d'autres choses pertinentes pour l'enquête. Ensuite, les analyses préliminaires et l'identification des zones de risque de violence phobique LGBT ont été effectuées. Et, enfin, on a élaboré des graphiques, des cartes thématiques et des analyses spatiales au moyen des logiciels SIG. Dans les quartiers de la ville de Rio de Janeiro, 273 formulaires ont été obtenus, dont 203 ont signalé des actes de violence constatés ou subis. Les principaux résultats sont des enregistrements d'agression verbale et morale, principalement pendant la nuit et dans des espaces publics

    Social anthropology with indigenous peoples in Brazil, Canada and Australia: a comparative approach

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    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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