100 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT ∙ To investigate the value of water reservoirs for waterbirds in semi‐arid lands, we studied the waterbird community in semi‐arid of Paraíba, Brazil, and compared the results with other assemblages both in semi‐arid and humid regions of Neotropics. Birds were counted during 15 months in 12 reservoirs belonging to the Piranhas‐Açu River basin. We counted 4111 waterbirds and recorded 36 species. The most abundant species, such as Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana) and Common Gallinule (Gallinula galeata), were strongly tied to aquatic vegetation. All species have wide distribution, far beyond the borders of the semi‐arid region. Abundance and richness of waterbirds in Paraíba are lower than in more humid regions of Neotropics. Species composition in all semi‐arid sites studied seems to be a reduced version of assemblages in surrounding humid regions. Nevertheless, reservoirs may become important alternatives as feeding and breeding sites where the natural environments are insufficient to sustain waterbird populations. RESUMO ∙ A importância dos açudes para as aves aquáticas no semiárido brasileiro Para investigar a importância de açudes para aves aquáticas em regiões semiáridas, estudamos a comunidade de aves no semiárido da Paraíba, Brasil, e comparamos os resultados com outras assembleias em regiões semiáridas e úmidas dos neotrópicos. Durante 15 meses foram realizados censos da avifauna em 12 açudes na bacia do rio Piranhas‐Açu. Foram registradas 4111 aves e 36 espécies. As espécies mais abundantes, como a Jaçanã (Jacana jacana) e a Galinha‐d’água (Gallinula galeata), foram associadas às macrófitas. Todas as espécies possuem vasta distribuição geográfica, ultrapassando as fronteiras da região semiárida. A abundância e a riqueza foram menores que aquelas encontradas em regiões úmidas. A composição de espécies nas regiões semiáridas estudadas compreende uma versão reduzida das assembleias das regiões úmidas. Todavia, os açudes podem se tornar alternativas importantes como locais de alimentação e reprodução onde os ambientes naturais são insuficientes para manter as populações de aves

    Vehicle electrification: technologies, challenges and a global perspective for smart grids

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    Nowadays, due to economic and climate concerns, the private transportation sector is shifting for the vehicle electrification, mainly supported by electric and hybrid plug-in vehicles. For this new reality, new challenges about operation modes are emerging, demanding a cooperative and dynamic operation with the electrical power grid, guaranteeing a stable integration without omitting the power quality for the grid-side and for the vehicle-side. Besides the operation modes, new attractive and complementary technologies are offered by the vehicle electrification in the context of smart grids, which are valid for both on-board and off-board systems. In this perspective, this book chapter presents a global perspective and deals with challenges for the vehicle electrification, covering the key technologies toward a sustainable future. Among others, the flowing topics are covered: (1) Overview of power electronics structures for battery charging systems, including on-board and off-board systems; (2) State-of-the-art of communication technologies for application in the context of vehicular electrification, smart grids and smart homes; (3) Challenges and opportunities concerning wireless power transfer with bidirectional interface to the electrical grid; (4) Future perspectives about bidirectional power transfer between electric vehicles (vehicle-to-vehicle operation mode); (5) Unified technologies, allowing to combine functionalities of a bidirectional interface with the electrical grid and motor driver based on a single system; and (6) Smart grids and smart homes scenarios and accessible opportunities about operation modes.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    Phenotypic characterization of cassava ethno-varieties in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil.

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    Brazil is the fourth largest producer of cassava in the world. In the state of Mato Grosso more than 90% of family farmers grow cassava; therefore, studies that evaluate the genetic resources of this species present in the fields of these farmers can be considered essential. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic variability among ethnovarieties of cassava grown in five regions of the state of Mato Grosso, at a phenotypic level using morphoagronomic and molecular characteristics. Forty-five ethnovarieties of cassava were evaluated using 45 morphoagronomic descriptors, 36 qualitative descriptors and nine quantitative descriptors, in addition to 15 microsatellite loci. The data were analyzed with the help of the Past and Genes programs. The descriptors of qualitative nature revealed the existence of morphological divergence, with 97.35% polymorphism and the formation of five genetic groups using the UPGMA method. Forty-four ethno-varieties had more than one desirable root characteristic from an agronomic point of view. Among all the varieties, the Amarela I ethno-variety had the most of these characteristics. With the quantitative variables obtained using the UPGMA method, it was possible to form seven distinct groups, which revealed the Branca Comum and Paraguaia ethno-varieties to be the most dissimilar. The characteristic that most contributed to the distinction of the groups was that of root length (30%). The 15 microsatellite loci amplified 109 alleles, and mean heterozygosity observed was higher than the expected heterozygosity. The UPGMA grouping revealed the formation of four distinct groups, and it was possible to verify duplicity of the Mandioca Batatinha and Pramuquem ethnovarities. By using joint analysis of the data, five genetic groups were observed, without duplicity of material; groups III, IV and V were isolated individuals. Between qualitative and quantitative variables, there was a significant correlation of 31% and between qualitative and molecular data the correlation was 12.4%. The collection of ethnovarieties grown in the fields of family farmers in the state of Mato Grosso present genetic divergence at the phenotypic level, based on morphoagronomic and molecular characteristics, and these ethno-varieties have characteristics of interest for genetic improvement and improved marketability

    Diversidade genética entre etnovariedades de mandioca cultivadas no norte do estado de Mato Grosso por meio de descritores morfoagronômicos.

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    Resumo: A mandioca é uma das mais tradicionais culturas agrícolas, de relevância socioeconômica, cultivada eficientemente, em todas as regiões do Brasil. Objetivou-se neste estudo caracterizar 71 etnovariedades de mandioca, cultivadas no norte do estado de Mato Grosso, por meio de descritores morfoagronômicos, bem como destacar as etnovariedades com características desejáveis para o cultivo comercial e processamento agroindustrial. Para tanto, utilizou-se 31 descritores qualitativos e oito quantitativos. Os dados foram analisados com auxílio do software Excel e do programa Genes. Com base nos dados qualitativos evidenciou-se variabilidade fenotípica entre as etnovariedades e a formação de dez grupos genéticos pelo método UPGMA. Todas as etnovariedades apresentam raízes com mais de uma característica desejável pelos consumidores e, portanto, de interesse agronômico e comercial. Por meio dos dados quantitativos foi possível a formação de oito grupos distintos. As etnovariedades LCA09, MTA02 e MTA05 foram as mais dissimilares. Os descritores comprimento médio da raiz (65,70%) e comprimento do pecíolo (14,44%) foram os que mais contribuíram para a diversidade genética entre as etnovariedades. A análise conjunta dos dados reuniu as etnovariedades em nove grupos genéticos, sem duplicidade de material. Conclui-se que as etnovariedades de mandioca cultivadas por agricultores familiares no estado de Mato Grosso apresentam diversidade genética quanto aos descritores morfoagronômicos. Congregam características desejáveis pelos consumidores, apresentam potencial para cultivos comerciais e processamento agroindustrial, podendo ser úteis como progenitoras em programas de melhoramento com a espécie. | Abstract: Cassava is one of the most traditional agricultural crops, it has socioeconomic relevance and it is cultivated efficiently in all regions of Brazil. The aim of this study was to characterize 71 cassava landraces, grown in the north of Mato Grosso state, Brazil, through morpho-agronomic descriptors, as well as to highlight landraces with desirable characteristics for commercial cultivation and agro-industrial processing. Thirty-one qualitative and eight quantitative descriptors were used. The data were analyzed with the aid of Excel software and the Genes program. Based on qualitative data, we observed phenotypic variability among the landraces and the formation of ten genetic groups by the UPGMA method. All landraces have roots with more than one characteristic desirable by consumers and, therefore, of agronomic and commercial interest. Through the quantitative data it was possible to form eight distinct groups. The landraces LCA09, MTA02 and MTA05 were the most dissimilar. The descriptors average length of the root (65.70%) and length of the petiole (14.44%) were the ones that most contributed to the genetic diversity among the landraces. The joint analysis of the data gathered the landraces into nine genetic groups, without duplication of material. We conclude that the cassava landraces cultivated by family farmers in Mato Grosso state have genetic diversity related to the morpho-agronomic descriptors. They have desirable characteristics for consumers, have the potential for commercial crops and agro-industrial processing, and can be useful as progenitors in breeding programs with the species. | Resumen: La yuca es uno de los cultivos agrícolas más tradicionales, de relevancia socioeconómica, cultivado de manera eficiente, en todas las regiones de Brasil. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar 71 etnovariedades de yuca, cultivadas en el norte del estado de Mato Grosso, mediante descriptores morfoagronómicos, así como destacar las etnovariedades con características deseables para el cultivo comercial y procesamiento agroindustrial. Para ello se utilizaron 31 descriptores cualitativos y ocho cuantitativos. Los datos se analizaron con la ayuda del software Excel y el programa Genes. Con base en datos cualitativos se evidenció variabilidad fenotípica entre etnovariedades y la formación de diez grupos genéticos por el método UPGMA. Todas las etnovariedades tienen raíces con más de una característica deseable por los consumidores y, por tanto, de interés agronómico y comercial. A través de los datos cuantitativos fue posible formar ocho grupos distintos. Las etnovariedades LCA09, MTA02 y MTA05 fueron las más disímiles. Los descriptores longitud promedio de la raíz (65,70%) y longitud del pecíolo (14,44%) fueron los que más contribuyeron a la diversidad genética entre las etnovariedades. El análisis conjunto de los datos reunió las etnovariedades en nueve grupos genéticos, sin duplicación de material. Se concluye que las etnovariedades de yuca cultivadas por agricultores familiares en el estado de Mato Grosso tienen diversidad genética en términos de descriptores morfoagronómicos. Reúnen características deseables por los consumidores, tienen potencial para cultivos comerciales y procesamiento agroindustrial, y pueden ser útiles como progenitores en programas de reproducción con la especie

    Divergência genética entre etnovariedades de mandioca com base em caracteres agronômicos quantitativos.

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    Resumo: A caracterização de plantas cultivadas é importante para se conhecer a divergência genética do conjunto de germoplasma disponível para fins de conservação e utilização em programa de melhoramento genético. Diante disso, objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a divergência genética, por meio de caracteres agronômicos quantitativos, entre 68 etnovariedades de mandioca cultivadas no norte do estado de Mato Grosso. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados com três repetições. Os caracteres analisados foram: Massa fresca da parte aérea (MFPA); Número de raízes por planta (NRP); Produtividade de raízes (PR); Massa fresca da raiz comercial (MFRC); Comprimento da raiz (CR) e Diâmetro da raiz (DR). A distância generalizada de Mahalanobis fundamentou as técnicas de agrupamentos UPGMA e Tocher. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas com auxílio do programa GENES. Com base no método de agrupamento UPGMA foi possível a formação de cinco grupos, sendo que o grupo I reuniu o maior número de etnovariedades. Já pelo método de otimização de Tocher foi possível observar a formação de dez grupos distintos entre o material avaliado. As características MFPA e MFRC foram as que apresentaram maior e menor contribuição relativa para diversidade, respectivamente. As etnovariedades MTA05 (Cacau) e GUA03 (Casca branca) ficaram isoladas em ambos os métodos de agrupamento apresentando-se como as mais divergentes entre o acervo avaliado. Portanto, há divergência genética entre as etnovariedades de mandioca cultivadas por agricultores familiares no norte do estado de Mato Grosso, indicando que este acervo, mantido em suas roças, pode ser potencialmente útil para integrar fases seguintes em futuros programas de melhoramento com a espécie. | Abstract: Genetic divergence among cassava landraces based on quantitative agronomic characters. The characterization of cultivated plants is important to know the genetic divergence of the set of germplasm available for conservation and use in a breeding program. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic divergence, through quantitative agronomic characters, among 68 landraces of cassava cultivated in the north of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. We carried out a randomized block design with three replications. The characters analyzed were: Fresh shoot mass (MFPA); Number of roots per plant (NRP); Root productivity (PR); Commercial fresh root mass (MFRC); Root Length (CR) and Root Diameter (DR). We used the generalized Mahalanobis distance to perform the UPGMA and Tocher clustering techniques. We performed the statistical analyzes using the GENES program. It was possible to form five groups, based on the UPGMA grouping method, group I gathered the largest number of landraces. By the Tocher optimization method, we observed the formation of ten distinct groups among the evaluated material. The MFPA and MFRC traits showed the highest and lowest relative contribution to diversity, respectively. The landraces MTA05 (?Cacau?) and GUA03 (?Casca branca?) were isolated in both grouping methods, presenting themselves as the most divergent among the evaluated collection. Therefore, there is genetic divergence among the cassava landraces cultivated by family farmers in the north of Mato Grosso state, Brazil. Thus, this collection, kept in their gardens, can be potentially useful to integrate subsequent phases in future breeding programs with the species

    Enhancing Network Slicing Architectures with Machine Learning, Security, Sustainability and Experimental Networks Integration

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    Network Slicing (NS) is an essential technique extensively used in 5G networks computing strategies, mobile edge computing, mobile cloud computing, and verticals like the Internet of Vehicles and industrial IoT, among others. NS is foreseen as one of the leading enablers for 6G futuristic and highly demanding applications since it allows the optimization and customization of scarce and disputed resources among dynamic, demanding clients with highly distinct application requirements. Various standardization organizations, like 3GPP's proposal for new generation networks and state-of-the-art 5G/6G research projects, are proposing new NS architectures. However, new NS architectures have to deal with an extensive range of requirements that inherently result in having NS architecture proposals typically fulfilling the needs of specific sets of domains with commonalities. The Slicing Future Internet Infrastructures (SFI2) architecture proposal explores the gap resulting from the diversity of NS architectures target domains by proposing a new NS reference architecture with a defined focus on integrating experimental networks and enhancing the NS architecture with Machine Learning (ML) native optimizations, energy-efficient slicing, and slicing-tailored security functionalities. The SFI2 architectural main contribution includes the utilization of the slice-as-a-service paradigm for end-to-end orchestration of resources across multi-domains and multi-technology experimental networks. In addition, the SFI2 reference architecture instantiations will enhance the multi-domain and multi-technology integrated experimental network deployment with native ML optimization, energy-efficient aware slicing, and slicing-tailored security functionalities for the practical domain.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    LPS levels in root canals after the use of ozone gas and high frequency electrical pulses

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    Abstract The present study aims to verify the effect of ozone gas (OZY® System) and high frequency electric pulse (Endox® System) systems on human root canals previously contaminated with Escherichia colilipopolysaccharide (LPS). Fifty single-rooted teeth had their dental crowns removed and root lengths standardized to 16 mm. The root canals were prepared up to #60 hand K-files and sterilized using gamma radiation with cobalt 60. The specimens were divided into the following five groups (n = 10) based on the disinfection protocol used: OZY® System, one 120-second-pulse (OZY 1p); OZY® System, four 24-second-pulses (OZY 4p); and Endox® System (ENDOX). Contaminated and non-contaminated canals were exposed only to apyrogenic water and used as positive (C+) and negative (C-) controls, respectively. LPS (O55:B55) was administered in all root canals except those belonging to group C-. After performing disinfection, LPS samples were collected from the canals using apyrogenic paper tips. Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) was used to quantify the LPS levels, and the data obtained was analyzed using one-way ANOVA. The disinfection protocols used were unable to reduce the LPS levels significantly (p = 0.019). The use of ozone gas and high frequency electric pulses was not effective in eliminating LPS from the root canals

    Genomics and epidemiology for gastric adenocarcinomas (GE4GAC): a Brazilian initiative to study gastric cancer

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    Abstract Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most common type of cancer worldwide with high incidences in Asia, Central, and South American countries. This patchy distribution means that GC studies are neglected by large research centers from developed countries. The need for further understanding of this complex disease, including the local importance of epidemiological factors and the rich ancestral admixture found in Brazil, stimulated the implementation of the GE4GAC project. GE4GAC aims to embrace epidemiological, clinical, molecular and microbiological data from Brazilian controls and patients with malignant and pre-malignant gastric disease. In this letter, we summarize the main goals of the project, including subject and sample accrual and current findings

    MAMMALS IN PORTUGAL : A data set of terrestrial, volant, and marine mammal occurrences in P ortugal

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    Mammals are threatened worldwide, with 26% of all species being includedin the IUCN threatened categories. This overall pattern is primarily associatedwith habitat loss or degradation, and human persecution for terrestrial mam-mals, and pollution, open net fishing, climate change, and prey depletion formarine mammals. Mammals play a key role in maintaining ecosystems func-tionality and resilience, and therefore information on their distribution is cru-cial to delineate and support conservation actions. MAMMALS INPORTUGAL is a publicly available data set compiling unpublishedgeoreferenced occurrence records of 92 terrestrial, volant, and marine mam-mals in mainland Portugal and archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira thatincludes 105,026 data entries between 1873 and 2021 (72% of the data occur-ring in 2000 and 2021). The methods used to collect the data were: live obser-vations/captures (43%), sign surveys (35%), camera trapping (16%),bioacoustics surveys (4%) and radiotracking, and inquiries that represent lessthan 1% of the records. The data set includes 13 types of records: (1) burrowsjsoil moundsjtunnel, (2) capture, (3) colony, (4) dead animaljhairjskullsjjaws, (5) genetic confirmation, (6) inquiries, (7) observation of live animal (8),observation in shelters, (9) photo trappingjvideo, (10) predators dietjpelletsjpine cones/nuts, (11) scatjtrackjditch, (12) telemetry and (13) vocalizationjecholocation. The spatial uncertainty of most records ranges between 0 and100 m (76%). Rodentia (n=31,573) has the highest number of records followedby Chiroptera (n=18,857), Carnivora (n=18,594), Lagomorpha (n=17,496),Cetartiodactyla (n=11,568) and Eulipotyphla (n=7008). The data setincludes records of species classified by the IUCN as threatened(e.g.,Oryctolagus cuniculus[n=12,159],Monachus monachus[n=1,512],andLynx pardinus[n=197]). We believe that this data set may stimulate thepublication of other European countries data sets that would certainly contrib-ute to ecology and conservation-related research, and therefore assisting onthe development of more accurate and tailored conservation managementstrategies for each species. There are no copyright restrictions; please cite thisdata paper when the data are used in publications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio