19 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency of social housing existing buildings – a portuguese case study

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    The European energy performance building regulations, Directive 2002/91/EC - Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) of the European Parliament and Council, require that new buildings present minimum standards of energy efficiency. Accordingly the Portuguese regulations require that new buildings comply with minimum requirements on the energy performance and must have an energy performance certification through witch an energy efficiency label is attributed to the housing. It also require that existing buildings must have an efficiency energy label when submitted to a commercial transaction or to a deep rehabilitation. To achieve this goal the study of energy performance of existing buildings must be done. As many essentials elements to determine the U-factor and other thermal parameters are unknown, Portugal developed a simplified methodology to achieve the thermal performance of existing buildings. The aim of this paper is to present the study of the energy performance of a set of social dwellings that were constructed during the decade of 80, constructed before the former building thermal comfort specifications came into force. During the study the referred methodology was applied and conclusions of the energy efficiency label obtained were put out as the encountered difficulties. The study also compares the results obtained by the simplified methodology and by the detailed methodology that is required by Portuguese building thermal comfort specifications

    The role of veracity on the load monitoring of professional soccer players: a systematic review in the face of the big data era

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    Big Data has real value when the veracity of the collected data has been previously identified. However, data veracity for load monitoring in professional soccer players has not been analyzed yet. This systematic review aims to evaluate the current evidence from the scientific literature related to data veracity for load monitoring in professional soccer. Systematic searches through the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were conducted for reports onthe data veracity of diverse load monitoring tools and the associated parameters used in professional soccer. Ninety-four studies were finally included in the review, with 39 different tools used and 578 associated parameters identified. The pooled sample consisted of 2066 footballers (95% male: 24 ± 3 years and 5% female: 24 ± 1 years). Seventy-three percent of these studies did not report veracity metrics for anyof the parameters from these tools. Thus, data veracity was found for 54% of tools and 23% of parameters. The current information will assist in the selection of the most appropriate tools and parameters to be used for load monitoring with traditional and Big Data approaches while identifying those still requiring the analysis of their veracity metrics or their improvement to acceptable veracity levels


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar através de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, qual a importância do nutricionista em ações de educação alimentar e nutricional no âmbito escolar. Para isso, realizou-se uma revisão integrativa com busca dos artigos realizada nas bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs, por meio dos descritores nos idiomas português e inglês: “Nutricionista”, “Educação alimentar e nutricional” e "escola", “Nutritionist’’, "Fodd and nutrition education" AND "School", unidos com o operador booleano “AND". O acesso às bases de dados foi realizado no período de janeiro de 2023. Foram encontrados 46 artigos e após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão, restaram 6 artigos. A partir das análises dos artigos, percebeu-se que a atuação do nutricionista para a promoção de práticas alimentares saudáveis baseia-se em prover intervenções voltadas para mudanças de hábitos alimentares. O Nutricionista apresenta-se como um comunicador eficiente sobre alimentação e nutrição no âmbito escolar, capaz de gerar a modificação de comportamentos alimentares. Porém, foi visto que a carga-horária é inconsistente com as atividades programadas, havendo um número insatisfatório de profissionais em relação ao preconizado pela legislação, ocasionando demanda extensa e dificuldades na atuação junto aos educadores.The objective of this study was to verify through an integrative review of the literature, what is the importance of the nutritionist in actions of food and nutrition education in the school environment. For this, an integrative review was carried out with a search of the articles carried out in the databases Scielo, Lilacs, through the descriptors in the Portuguese and English languages: "Nutritionist", "Food and nutrition education" and "school", "Nutritionist'', "Fodd and nutrition education" AND "School", united with the Boolean operator "AND". Access to the databases was made in the period of January 2023. A total of 46 articles were found and after applying the inclusion criteria, 6 articles remained. From the analysis of the articles, it was perceived that the performance of the nutritionist for the promotion of healthy eating practices is based on providing interventions aimed at changing eating habits. The Nutritionist presents himself as an efficient communicator about food and nutrition in the school environment, capable of generating the modification of eating behaviors. However, it was seen that the workload is inconsistent with the scheduled activities, with an unsatisfactory number of professionals in relation to what is recommended by the legislation, causing extensive demand and difficulties in working with educators.  O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar através de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, qual a importância do nutricionista em ações de educação alimentar e nutricional no âmbito escolar. Para isso, realizou-se uma revisão integrativa com busca dos artigos realizada nas bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs, por meio dos descritores nos idiomas português e inglês: “Nutricionista”, “Educação alimentar e nutricional” e "escola", “Nutritionist’’, "Fodd and nutrition education" AND "School", unidos com o operador booleano “AND". O acesso às bases de dados foi realizado no período de janeiro de 2023. Foram encontrados 46 artigos e após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão, restaram 6 artigos. A partir das análises dos artigos, percebeu-se que a atuação do nutricionista para a promoção de práticas alimentares saudáveis baseia-se em prover intervenções voltadas para mudanças de hábitos alimentares. O Nutricionista apresenta-se como um comunicador eficiente sobre alimentação e nutrição no âmbito escolar, capaz de gerar a modificação de comportamentos alimentares. Porém, foi visto que a carga-horária é inconsistente com as atividades programadas, havendo um número insatisfatório de profissionais em relação ao preconizado pela legislação, ocasionando demanda extensa e dificuldades na atuação junto aos educadores.El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar a través de una revisión integradora de la literatura, cuál es la importancia del nutricionista en acciones de educación alimentaria y nutricional en el ambiente escolar. Para ello, se realizó una revisión integradora con una búsqueda de los artículos realizados en las bases de datos Scielo, Lilacs, a través de los descriptores en los idiomas portugués e inglés: "Nutricionista", "Educación alimentaria y nutricional" y "escuela", "Nutricionista", "Fodd y educación nutricional" Y "Escuela", unidos con el operador booleano "Y". El acceso a las bases de datos se realizó en el período de enero de 2023. Se encontraron un total de 46 artículos y después de aplicar los criterios de inclusión, quedaron 6 artículos. A partir del análisis de los artículos, se percibió que el desempeño del nutricionista para la promoción de prácticas alimentarias saludables se basa en proporcionar intervenciones dirigidas a cambiar los hábitos alimentarios. El Nutricionista se presenta como un comunicador eficiente sobre alimentación y nutrición en el ambiente escolar, capaz de generar la modificación de conductas alimentarias. Sin embargo, se observó que la carga de trabajo es inconsistente con las actividades programadas, con un número insatisfactorio de profesionales en relación con lo recomendado por la legislación, causando una gran demanda y dificultades para trabajar con los educadores


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    This study aims to verify, through an integrative review study, the importance of breastfeeding for children, and to present prevention methods for chronic non-communicable diseases with a focus on childhood obesity. The research included articles published in the last six years, between 2015 and 2021, in Portuguese and English, comprising fields of field research, and that contribute to the suggested topic. 25 articles were found in PubMed, 15 in SCIELO and 8 in LILACS, totaling 48 studies, of these articles found, only 06 articles were included in this research because they relate to the topic in question. It is concluded that breastfeeding can be a protective factor in preventing overweight and obesity in children and adolescents.Este estudio tiene como objetivo verificar, a través de un estudio de revisión integradora, la importancia de la lactancia materna para los niños, y presentar métodos de prevención de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles con enfoque en la obesidad infantil.La investigación incluyó artículos publicados en los últimos seis años, entre 2015 y 2021, en portugués e inglés, que comprenden campos de investigación de campo, y que contribuyen al tema sugerido. Se encontraron 25 artículos en PubMed, 15 en SCIELO y 8 en LILACS, totalizando 48 estudios, de estos artículos encontrados, solo 06 artículos fueron incluidos en esta investigación por relacionarse con el tema en cuestión. Se concluye que la lactancia materna puede ser un factor protector en la prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad en niños y adolescentes.Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar através de um estudo de revisão integrativa, a importância do aleitamento materno para as crianças e apresentar os métodos de prevenção para as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis com foco na obesidade infantil. Na pesquisa foram inclusos artigos publicados nos últimos seis anos, entre o período de 2015 e 2021, no idioma português e inglês, compreendendo âmbitos de pesquisa de campo, e que contribuem com o tema sugerido. Foram encontrados 25 artigos na PubMed, 15 na SCIELO e 8 na LILACS, totalizando 48 estudos, desses artigos encontrados, apenas 06 artigos foram incluídos nesta pesquisa por relacionarem com a temática em questão. Conclui-se que o aleitamento materno pode ser um fator protetor na prevenção do sobrepeso e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes.Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar através de um estudo de revisão integrativa, a importância do aleitamento materno para as crianças e apresentar os métodos de prevenção para as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis com foco na obesidade infantil. Na pesquisa foram inclusos artigos publicados nos últimos seis anos, entre o período de 2015 e 2021, no idioma português e inglês, compreendendo âmbitos de pesquisa de campo, e que contribuem com o tema sugerido. Foram encontrados 25 artigos na PubMed, 15 na SCIELO e 8 na LILACS, totalizando 48 estudos, desses artigos encontrados, apenas 06 artigos foram incluídos nesta pesquisa por relacionarem com a temática em questão. Conclui-se que o aleitamento materno pode ser um fator protetor na prevenção do sobrepeso e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes

    Indoor thermal comfort assessment using different constructive solutions incorporating PCM

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    Sustainable energy and thermal retrofit design of buildings or districts has a strong global impact in the viewpoint of economies and energy-efficiency perspectives. Several aspects such as architectonic design, building materials, construction technology, mechanical systems and outdoor climate determines the thermal behaviour of buildings and their ability to provide indoor thermal comfort to occupants. The use of geothermal energy and phase change materials (PCMs) in the construction systems are an opportunity that may attenuate indoor air temperature fluctuation as well as overheating risk. This paper presents the results of a study on indoor thermal comfort and energy efficiency regarding the PCM’s positive role when applied to new constructive solutions, inside a building with a geothermal system linked to the air conditioning system. The PCM study was based on real and simulated investigations in two rooms of a new university department at the Aveiro campus. Higrothermal monitoring (indoor air temperature) of two rooms in which one of them has PCM panels incorporated into gypsum board partition wall and into a suspended ceiling. The scope was driven to investigate the potential of these solutions for overheating mitigation. The numerical study was conducted by using an evolutionary algorithm coupled with the software EnergyPlus® used in simulations. In the scope of this optimization process, constructive solutions with the incorporation of different types of PCM with different melting temperatures and enthalpy, and different flow rates of natural ventilation were combined to investigate the potential and the payback time of these novel solutions. The results for the room measurements show that the indoor thermal comfort of the rooms, present long periods of discomfort namely in overheating. However, it was proved that the PCM application in one of the rooms lead to an overheating reduction of 7.23% representing a PCM efficiency of 35.49%. After the optimization process an overheating reduction of about 34% was attained by the use of PCM in one of the rooms. Regarding the economic analysis of the use of the PCM for cooling demand reduction, a payback time of 18 years was attained

    Eletrocardiografia computadorizada em cães da raça American pit bull terrier

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    Electrocardiography (ECG) is an essential examination for evaluation of patient with heart disease is great importance the diagnosis of arrhythmias. The examination can determine source f rhythm and frequency depolarization heart, providing information in clinical status myocardium, since deflections P-QRS-T tracing can be altered by disease or physiological factor. With advancement of computer technology, computerized electrocardiography has been used in human medicine as auxiliary diagnostic method and currently is being increasingly used in veterinary medicine. The objectives this study were to study e computerized electrocardiographic parameters in dogs breed American Pit Bull Terrier, comparing them with patterns species. In present study, we evaluated electrocardiographic examinations 42 dogs the breed American Pit Bull clinically healthy, 22 males and 20 females, aged between 1 and 6 years. Sinus rhythm was observed in 57% of dogs showed sinus rhythm and only 26% were wandering pacemaker. The electrocardiographic values obtained from these dogs computerized ECG were within the normal range of species, except the duration of the P wave which had longer than 0.04 seconds in 24% of dogs. We conclude that the dogs of the breed American Pit Bull Terrier have the same electrocardiographic values obtained in other breeds by the computerized method, except for the increase in P-wave duration.A eletrocardiografia (ECG) é um exame essencial para avaliação do paciente com doença cardíaca, sendo de grande importância para o diagnóstico das arritmias. O exame pode determinar a origem do ritmo e a freqüência de despolarização do coração, fornecendo informações do estado clínico do miocárdio, uma vez que as deflexões P-QRS-T do traçado podem ser alteradas por uma enfermidade ou fator fisiológico. Com o avanço da informática, a eletrocardiografia computadorizada tem sido utilizada na medicina humana e veterinária como método de diagnóstico auxiliar. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos computadorizados em cães da raça American Pit Bull Terrier, comparando-os com os padrões da espécie. Foram analisados exames eletrocardiográficos de 42 cães da raça American Pit Bull Terrier clinicamente sadios, 22 machos e 20 fêmeas, com idade entre 1 e 6 anos. O ritmo sinusal foi observado em 57% dos cães ritmo sinusal e 26% dos 42 cães apresentaram marcapasso migratório. Os valores eletrocardiográficos obtidos por meio da ECG computadorizada nesta raça encontram-se dentro dos valores de normalidade da espécie, exceto a duração de onda P que apresentou duração superior a 0,04 segundos em 24% dos cães. Conclui-se que os cães da raça American Pit Bull Terrier apresentam os mesmos valores eletrocardiográficos obtidos em outras raças pelo método computadorizado, exceto pelo aumento da duração da onda P

    Posterior dislocation of the sternoclavicular joint: report of two cases

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    ABSTRACT The authors report the cases of two young patients who had suffered a sporting accident with posterior traumatic dislocation of sternoclavicular joint. In one of the patients closed reduction was accomplished by keeping the limb in a sling. The second patient, after reduction was done, presented recurrence of the dislocation, thus requiring surgical treatment. It is important to observe the relevance of computed tomography to help diagnosing, as well as monitoring the reduction procedure. The objective of this study was to demonstrate two different types of treatment in a rare injury such as the posterior dislocation of sternoclavicular joint

    Posterior dislocation of the sternoclavicular joint: report of two cases

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    ABSTRACT The authors report the cases of two young patients who had suffered a sporting accident with posterior traumatic dislocation of sternoclavicular joint. In one of the patients closed reduction was accomplished by keeping the limb in a sling. The second patient, after reduction was done, presented recurrence of the dislocation, thus requiring surgical treatment. It is important to observe the relevance of computed tomography to help diagnosing, as well as monitoring the reduction procedure. The objective of this study was to demonstrate two different types of treatment in a rare injury such as the posterior dislocation of sternoclavicular joint