71 research outputs found

    Moving from serotonin to serotonin-norepinephrine enhancement with increasing venlafaxine dose: clinical implications and strategies for a successful outcome in major depressive disorder

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    IntroductionMental health disorders, especially depressive and anxiety disorders, are associated with substantial health-related burden. While the second-generation antidepressants are widely accepted as first-line pharmacological treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD), patient response to such treatment is variable, with more than half failing to achieve complete remission, and residual symptoms are frequently present.Areas coveredHere, the pharmacodynamics of venlafaxine XR are reviewed in relation to its role as both a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and a serotonin-norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), and we look at how these pharmacodynamic properties can be harnessed to guide clinical practice, asking the question 'is it possible to develop a symptom-cluster-based approach to the treatment of MDD with comorbid anxiety utilizing venlafaxine XR?.' Additionally, three illustrative clinical cases provide practical examples of the utility of venlafaxine-XR in real-world clinical practice. The place of venlafaxine XR in managing fatigue/low energy, a frequent residual symptom in MDD, is explored using pooled data from clinical trials of venlafaxine XR.Expert opinionVenlafaxine XR should be considered as a first-line treatment for MDD with or without comorbid anxiety, and there are clear pharmacodynamic signals supporting a symptom cluster-based treatment paradigm for venlafaxine XR

    Glucocorticoid-based pharmacotherapies preventing PTSD

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    Altres ajuts: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) [NCCR Synapsy grant: 51NF40-158776 and − 185897]Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a highly disabling psychiatric condition that may arise after exposure to acute and severe trauma. It is a highly prevalent mental disorder worldwide, and the current treatment options for these patients remain limited due to low effectiveness. The time window right after traumatic events provides clinicians with a unique opportunity for preventive interventions against potential deleterious alterations in brain function that lead to PTSD. Some studies pointed out that PTSD patients present an abnormal function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis that may contribute to a vulnerability toward PTSD. Moreover, glucocorticoids have arisen as a promising option for preventing the disorder's development when administered in the aftermath of trauma. The present work compiles the recent findings of glucocorticoid administration for the prevention of a PTSD phenotype, from human studies to animal models of PTSD. Overall, glucocorticoid-based therapies for preventing PTSD demonstrated moderate evidence in terms of efficacy in both clinical and preclinical studies. Although clinical studies point out that glucocorticoids may not be effective for all patients' subpopulations, those with adequate traits might greatly benefit from them. Preclinical studies provide precise insight into the mechanisms mediating this preventive effect, showing glucocorticoid-based prevention to reduce long-lasting behavioral and neurobiological abnormalities caused by traumatic stress. However, further research is needed to delineate the precise mechanisms and the extent to which these interventions can translate into lower PTSD rates and morbidity

    Brain Structural Correlates of Emotion Recognition in Psychopaths

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    Individuals with psychopathy present deficits in the recognition of facial emotional expressions. However, the nature and extent of these alterations are not fully understood. Furthermore, available data on the functional neural correlates of emotional face recognition deficits in adult psychopaths have provided mixed results. In this context, emotional face morphing tasks may be suitable for clarifying mild and emotion-specific impairments in psychopaths. Likewise, studies exploring corresponding anatomical correlates may be useful for disentangling available neurofunctional evidence based on the alleged neurodevelopmental roots of psychopathic traits.We used Voxel-Based Morphometry and a morphed emotional face expression recognition task to evaluate the relationship between regional gray matter (GM) volumes and facial emotion recognition deficits in male psychopaths. In comparison to male healthy controls, psychopaths showed deficits in the recognition of sad, happy and fear emotional expressions. In subsequent brain imaging analyses psychopaths with better recognition of facial emotional expressions showed higher volume in the prefrontal cortex (orbitofrontal, inferior frontal and dorsomedial prefrontal cortices), somatosensory cortex, anterior insula, cingulate cortex and the posterior lobe of the cerebellum. Amygdala and temporal lobe volumes contributed to better emotional face recognition in controls only. These findings provide evidence suggesting that variability in brain morphometry plays a role in accounting for psychopaths' impaired ability to recognize emotional face expressions, and may have implications for comprehensively characterizing the empathy and social cognition dysfunctions typically observed in this population of subjects

    Removing and reimplanting deep brain stimulation therapy devices in resistant OCD (when the patient does not respond): case report

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    Background: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is emerging as a promising tool in the treatment of refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) but the search for the best target still continues. This issue is especially relevant when particularly resistant profiles are observed in some patients, which have been ascribed to individual responses to DBS according to differential patterns of connectivity. As patients have been implanted, new dilemmas have emerged, such as what to do when the patient does not respond to surgery. Case presentation: Here we describe a 22-year-old male with extremely severe OCD who did not respond to treatment with DBS in the nucleus accumbens, but who did respond after explanting and reimplanting leads targeting the ventral capsule-ventral striatum region. Information regarding the position of the electrodes for both surgeries is provided and possible brain structures affected during stimulation are reviewed. To our knowledge this case is the first in the literature reporting the removal and reimplantation of DBS leads for therapeutical benefits in a patient affected by a mental disorder. Conclusion: The capability for explantation and reimplantation of leads should be considered as part of the DBS therapy reversibility profile in resistant mental disorders, as it allows application in cases of non-response to the first surgery

    Higher order theory of mind in patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder

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    Some evidence suggests that patients with bipolar disorder (BD) have better Theory of Mind (ToM) skills than patients with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder (SCH). However, this difference is not consistently reported across studies, so rather than being global, it may be restricted to specific aspects of ToM. Our primary objective was to compare higher order ToM performance between BD and SCH patients using the Hinting Task (HT). Ninety-four remitted patients were recruited (BD = 47, SCH = 47). Intelligence quotient (IQ), attention, memory, executive functions, and processing speed were also assessed. Patients with BD performed better on the HT than patients with SCH, even when the analysis was adjusted for IQ and neurocognition (p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.144). Regression analysis in the total sample showed that a diagnosis of SCH and lower IQ were associated with lower HT scores (R = 0.316, p < 0.001). In the BD group, verbal memory and processing speed were the main predictors of HT performance (R = 0.344, p < 0.001). In the SCH group, no variable was significant in explaining HT performance. In the context of previous studies that found no significant differences in the most basic aspects of ToM (e.g., understand other people's thoughts/beliefs), our results suggest that differences between the two disorders might be limited to the more challenging aspects (e.g., understand the intended meaning of indirect requests). No causal inferences can be made in this cross-sectional study. However, regression analyses show that whereas in BD patients, ToM functioning would be partially modulated by neurocognitive performance, in SCH patients, it could be largely independent of the well-known neurocognitive impairment

    Altered functional connectivity of the subthalamus and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Background: the assessment of inter-regional functional connectivity (FC) has allowed for the description of the putative mechanism of action of treatments such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the nucleus accumbens in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Nevertheless, the possible FC alterations of other clinically-effective DBS targets have not been explored. Here we evaluated the FC patterns of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) in patients with OCD, as well as their association with symptom severity. Methods: eighty-six patients with OCD and 104 healthy participants were recruited. A resting-state image was acquired for each participant and a seed-based analysis focused on our two regions of interest was performed using statistical parametric mapping software (SPM8). Between-group differences in FC patterns were assessed with two-sample t test models, while the association between symptom severity and FC patterns was assessed with multiple regression analyses. Results: in comparison with controls, patients with OCD showed: (1) increased FC between the left STN and the right pre-motor cortex, (2) decreased FC between the right STN and the lenticular nuclei, and (3) increased FC between the left BNST and the right frontopolar cortex. Multiple regression analyses revealed a negative association between clinical severity and FC between the right STN and lenticular nucleus. Conclusions: this study provides a neurobiological framework to understand the mechanism of action of DBS on the STN and the BNST, which seems to involve brain circuits related with motor response inhibition and anxiety control, respectively

    Neural response to the observable self in social anxiety disorder

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    Background: Distorted images of the observable self are considered crucial in the development and maintenance of social anxiety. We generated an experimental situation in which participants viewed themselves from an observer's perspective when exposed to scrutiny and evaluation by others. Method: Twenty patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD) and 20 control subjects were assessed using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during the public exposure of pre-recorded videos in which they were each shown performing a verbal task. The examiners acted as the audience in the experiment and rated performance. Whole-brain functional maps were computed using Statistical Parametric Mapping. Results: Robust activation was observed in regions related to self-face recognition, emotional response and general arousal in both study groups. Patients showed significantly greater activation only in the primary visual cortex. By contrast, they showed significant deactivation or smaller activation in dorsal frontoparietal and anterior cingulate cortices relevant to the cognitive control of negative emotion. Task-related anxiety ratings revealed a pattern of negative correlation with activation in this frontoparietal/cingulate network. Importantly, the relationship between social anxiety scores and neural response showed an inverted-U function with positive correlations in the lower score range and negative correlations in the higher range. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that exposure to scrutiny and evaluation in SAD may be associated with changes in cortical systems mediating the cognitive components of anxiety. Disorder severity seems to be relevant in shaping the neural response pattern, which is distinctively characterized by a reduced cortical response in the most severe cases

    An fMRI study of cognitive reappraisal in major depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder

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    Background: One common denominator to the clinical phenotypes of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) is emotion regulation impairment. Although these two conditions have been extensively studied separately, it remains unclear whether their emotion regulation impairments are underpinned by shared or distinct neurobiological alterations. Methods: We contrasted the neural correlates of negative emotion regulation across an adult sample of BPD patients (n = 19), MDD patients (n = 20), and healthy controls (HCs; n = 19). Emotion regulation was assessed using an established functional magnetic resonance imaging cognitive reappraisal paradigm. We assessed both task-related activations and modulations of interregional connectivity. Results: When compared to HCs, patients with BPD and MDD displayed homologous decreased activation in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) during cognitive reappraisal. In addition, the MDD group presented decreased activations in other prefrontal areas (i.e., left dorsolateral and bilateral orbitofrontal cortices), while the BPD group was characterized by a more extended pattern of alteration in the connectivity between the vlPFC and cortices of the visual ventral stream during reappraisal. Conclusions: This study identified, for the first time, a shared neurobiological contributor to emotion regulation deficits in MDD and BPD characterized by decreased vlPFC activity, although we also observed disorder-specific alterations. In MDD, results suggest a primary deficit in the strength of prefrontal activations, while BPD is better defined by connectivity disruptions between the vlPFC and temporal emotion processing regions. These findings substantiate, in neurobiological terms, the different profiles of emotion regulation alterations observed in these disorders

    Amygdala where art thou?

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    The commentary of Morriss et al. on our recent meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) fear/threat extinction studies in humans (Fullana et al., 2018) raises some important issues for future research in the field. In essence, they argue that the lack of consistent evidence for amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) involvement in these studies, as summarized by meta-analysis, might be partly due to the fact that very few of these studies have provided appropriate analyses of time-varying neural responses, which Morriss et al. contend should be the gold standard

    If you feel you can’t, you won’t: the role of subjective and objective cognitive competence on psychosocial functioning in depression

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    BackgroundThe purpose of this exploratory study is to examine the role of sociodemographic, clinical, and cognitive - both objective and subjective - factors in overall and in specific domains of psychosocial functioning, in patients with depression at different clinical states of the disease (remitted and non-remitted).MethodsA sample of 325 patients with major depressive disorder, 117 in remission and 208 in non-remission, were assessed with a semi-structured interview collecting sociodemographic, clinical, cognitive (with neuropsychological tests and the Perceived Deficit Questionnaire), and functional (Functioning Assessment Short Test) characteristics. Backward regression models were conducted to determine associations of global and specific areas of functioning with independent factors, for both clinical states.ResultsResidual depressive symptomatology and self-appraisal of executive competence were significantly associated with psychosocial functioning in remitted patients, in overall and some subdomains of functioning, particularly cognitive and interpersonal areas. While depressive symptoms, executive deficits and self-appraisal of executive function were significantly related to functional outcomes in non-remitted patients, both in overall functioning and in most of subdomains.DiscussionThis study evidences the strong association of one's appraisal of executive competence with psychosocial functioning, together with depressive symptoms, both in remitted and non-remitted patients with depression. Therefore, to achieve full recovery, clinical management of patients should tackle not only the relief of core depressive symptoms, but also the cognitive ones, both those that are objectified with neuropsychological tests and those that are reported by the patients themselves