2,007 research outputs found

    Cytosolic redox components regulate protein homeostasis via additional localisation in the mitochondrial intermembrane space

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    Oxidative protein folding is confined to the bacterial periplasm, endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Maintaining a redox balance requires the presence of reductive pathways. The major thiol-reducing pathways engage the thioredoxin and the glutaredoxin systems which are involved in removal of oxidants, protein proofreading and folding. Alterations in redox balance likely affect the flux of these redox pathways and are related to ageing and diseases such as neurodegenerative disorders and cancer. Here, we first review the well-studied oxidative and reductive processes in the bacterial periplasm and the endoplasmic reticulum, and then discuss the less understood process in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, highlighting its importance for the proper function of the cell

    Iron–sulfur clusters: from metals through mitochondria biogenesis to disease

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    Iron–sulfur clusters are ubiquitous inorganic co-factors that contribute to a wide range of cell pathways including the maintenance of DNA integrity, regulation of gene expression and protein translation, energy production, and antiviral response. Specifically, the iron–sulfur cluster biogenesis pathways include several proteins dedicated to the maturation of apoproteins in different cell compartments. Given the complexity of the biogenesis process itself, the iron–sulfur research area constitutes a very challenging and interesting field with still many unaddressed questions. Mutations or malfunctions affecting the iron–sulfur biogenesis machinery have been linked with an increasing amount of disorders such as Friedreich’s ataxia and various cardiomyopathies. This review aims to recap the recent discoveries both in the yeast and human iron–sulfur cluster arena, covering recent discoveries from chemistry to disease

    Ransomware: Evaluation of Mitigation and Prevention Techniques

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    Ransomware is classified as one of the main types of malware and involves the design of exploitations of new vulnerabilities through a host. That allows for the intrusion of systems and encrypting of any information assets and data in order to demand a sum of payment normally through untraceable cryptocurrencies such as Monero for the decryption key. This rapid security threat has put governments and private enterprises on high alert and despite evolving technologies and more sophisticated encryption algorithms critical assets are being held for ransom and the results are detrimental, including the recent Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in 2021 that was responsible for a major U.S pipeline unable to function for days and being declared a state of emergency. This work reviews the components of ransomware attacks and the impact of ransomware followed by common defense techniques and their limitations

    Collective Action for Watershed Management: Field Experiments in Colombia and Kenya

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    The dilemma of collective action around water use and management involves solving both the problems of provision and appropriation. Cooperation in the provision can be affected by the rival nature of the appropriation and the asymmetries in the access. We report two field experiments conducted in Colombia and Kenya. The Irrigation Game was used to explore the provision and appropriation decisions under asymmetric or sequential appropriation, complemented with a Voluntary Contribution Mechanism experiment which looks at provision decisions under symmetric appropriation. The overall results were consistent with the patterns of previous studies: the zero contribution hypotheses is rejected whereas the most effective institution to increase cooperation was face-to-face communication, and above external regulations, although we find that communication works much more effectively in Colombia. We also find that the asymmetric appropriation did reduce cooperation, though the magnitude of the social loss and the effectiveness of alternative institutional options varied across sites.Collective Action, Watersheds, Field Experiments, Colombia, Kenya, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Q0, Q2, C9, H3, H4,

    Impacto de la cosecha de agua de lluvias, en la comunidad campesina de Cuyuni, distrito de Ccatcca, provincia de Quispicanchi

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, “Impacto de la cosecha de agua de lluvias, en la comunidad campesina de Cuyuni, distrito de Ccatcca, provincia de Quispicanchi” se realizó en la comunidad campesina de Cuyuni del distrito de Ccatcca, provincia de Quispicanchi, con el objetivo de evaluar y describir los impactos tecnológicos, económicos y socio culturales generados por la cosecha de agua de lluvias. La investigación es de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal, que para lograr identificar los resultados de los cambios, tecnológicos, económicos y socio cultural, se ha acudido a encuestas estructuradas, tanto individuales y grupales para autoridades y ex – autoridades, cuyos resultados son: En los cambios tecnológicos, en el área agrícola se ha identificado que, del uso del tirapié (chaki taklla) y la fuerza humana en el barbecho, los productores han optado por el uso de tractor, el uso de semillas compradas para la siembra, el uso fertilizantes y pesticidas, producto de la mejora económica de las familias campesinas y principalmente el uso de riego presurizado (aspersión) para la producción de forrajes del 98% de los comuneros objeto de la investigación. El trabajo de investigación, ha determinado que los cambios tecnológicos, económicos y socio culturales, han tenido un impacto positivo en la población de la Comunidad Campesina de Cuyuni, producto de la cosecha de agua de lluvias y mejora de sus sistemas de producción y actividades vinculadas a la misma

    Factores asociados a la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de noveno grado de la I.E.D “Jesús Maestro Fe y Alegría” de Barranquilla.

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    Maestría en EducaciónThis research aims to establish the factors associated with reading comprehension in the ninth graders District Educational Institution "Jesus Maestro Fe y Alegría" of Barranquilla. Vygotsky, Bruner, Habermas, among others: Further emphasis on the methodology used by the teacher in the reading process of the student, based on the theoretical foundations of how. This research is located in a specific context and relating it to some theories chords to the crafted theme., Which is detailed on the type of research used which is part of the joint research paradigm. Being a natural complement to traditional qualitative and quantitative research. Also the subject of study population comprised 19 415 teachers and 467 parents of students families distributed in different degrees, aged between 10 and 17 years of which a representative sample was shown. Analysis and interpretation of information, where the categories or worked basics in research and instruments used to collect detailed information is presented. Finally, a contrasting between the data produced by different instruments applied and the theory presented on this topic is made. There it was observed that the factors associated with reading comprehension have affected positively or negatively in reading comprehension of students. KEY WORDS: factors associated with reading comprehension , reading, reading comprehension, meaningful learning and teaching strategiesLa presente investigación tiene como objetivo establecer los factores asociados la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del grado nueve Institución Educativa Distrital “Jesús Maestro Fe y Alegría” de Barranquilla. Además se hace énfasis en la metodología utilizada por los docente en el proceso lector del estudiante, basado en los fundamentos de teóricos como: Vygotsky, Bruner, Habermas, entre otros. Esta investigación se ubica en un contexto específico y relacionándolo con unas teorías acordes a la temática trabajada., donde se detalla sobre el tipo de investigación utilizado el cual se enmarca dentro del paradigma de investigación mixta. Siendo el complemento natural de la investigación tradicional cualitativa y cuantitativa. Además se muestra la población motivo de estudio, conformada por 19 docentes 415 padres de familias y 467 estudiantes distribuidos en los diferentes grados, cuyas edades oscilan entre 10 y 17 años de los cuales se tomó una muestra representativa. Se presenta el análisis e interpretación de la información, donde se detallan las categorías o aspectos básicos trabajados en la investigación y los instrumentos utilizados para recopilar la información. Por último se hace una contrastación entre los datos arrojados por los diferentes instrumentos aplicados y la teoría presentada en torno a este tema. Allí se pudo observar que los factores asociados a la comprensión lectora han incidido positiva o negativamente en la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes