209 research outputs found

    Análisis de riesgos naturales a partir de infraestructuras de datos espaciales

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    El análisis de riesgos naturales se basa en la superposición de capas de información de distinta procedencia que dan lugar a mapas o modelos de distinto nivel (susceptibilidad, peligrosidad, exposición, vulnerabilidad o riesgo), dependiendo de los datos utilizados o disponibles. Así, los análisis de riesgos naturales experimentaron un importante desarrollo con la aparición y la generalización del uso de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Por ello, las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales como ampliación del concepto de SIG suponen un nuevo empujón en el análisis de riesgos en varios sentidos, como la propia disponibilidad de los datos en la red, la generación de capas de información ambiental por el impulso de directivas como INSPIRE o las IDE nacionales y la presencia de metadatos que permiten informar a su vez de la calidad de los datos de partida y garantizar la fiabilidad de los análisis. En este trabajo se discuten estas cuestiones y se examina la posibilidad de hacer mapas de riesgo a partir de los datos existentes en las distintas IDE y bases de datos disponibles en la red (IDE-E, Catastro, IDE-CCAA, IGME, REDIAM, AEM, INE, etc.). La conclusión preliminar es que en España existen una buena variedad y calidad de datos básicos y temáticos relacionados con los riesgos naturales; sin embargo, la mayor parte de los mismos se encuentra en servicios WMS, haciéndose necesario una mayor disponibilidad de datos en servicios WFS y WCS para abordar con garantías estos análisis.Natural hazard and risks analyses are based in the overlapping of geographical information layers to produce different level maps (susceptibility, hazard, elements at risk, vulnerability and risk), depending on the used or available data. In this way, natural hazard analyses had got a great development with the rise and use of Geographical Information Systems. Because of it, Spatial Data Infrastructures, as an extended concept of GIS, are a new step in natural hazard analyses in various ways, such as the availability of web data, the production of environmental information layers by means of INSPIRE initiative and national IDEs and the presence of metadata, to inform of data quality and analysis reliability. In this work, we discuss these questions and we study the possibility to make natural risk maps from SDI and web databases (Spanish SDI, Cadastral, Regional Governments, Geological Institute, Andalousian Environmental Network, Meteorological Agency and Statistical Institute SDI). The first conclusion is the variety and quality of basic and thematic data related to natural hazards in Spain; however, most of them are in web map services (WMS, being necessary to have data in web files and web cobertures services (WFS and WCS) to make the analysis with a great guarantee

    Identificación de escarpes de movimientos de ladera mediante técnicas de teledetección

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de técnicas de teledetección a la identificación de escarpes de movimientos de ladera en macizos rocosos de las Cordilleras Béticas. Se han aplicado varias técnicas para hacer una primera aproximación visual, desde realces y filtrados texturales de las imágenes pancromáticas, hasta composiciones en color real y falso, fusiones, índices de vegetación (NDVI) y análisis de componentes principales a imágenes multiespectrales, correspondientes a diferentes sensores (Landsat ETM, Spot 5 e Ikonos). A través de un análisis SIG, se han calculado estadísticos básicos de las imágenes completas y de los píxeles correspondientes a diferentes tipologías de movimientos de ladera (desprendimientos, deslizamientos y corrientes de derrubios) y además se ha determinado el coeficiente de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para estimar la correlación entre imágenes y movimientos. Se han observado algunas correlaciones, siendo además la signatura espectral diferente dependiendo de la tipología. Los desprendimientos aparecen en las zonas más oscuras de las imágenes, mientras los deslizamientos y las corrientes de derrubios aparecen en las zonas más claras. De esta manera, la clasificación digital permite identificar los escarpes de los movimientos, pero parcialmente mezcladas con otros ocupaciones del suelo como suelos, roca fresca y materiales aluviales. El empleo de filtros texturales, que presentan valores elevados en zonas movilizadas resuelve esta ambigüedad. La conclusión es la necesidad de combinar la clasificación digital con los análisis texturales para identificar los escarpes de los movimientos de ladera.In this work we present the results of an analysis applied to identification of landslides features using remote sensing techniques in rock masses at the Betic Cordilleras. Several techniques are used to facilitate an approach to landslide identification, from enhancement and textural filtering of panchromatic images, to colour compositions and fusions, vegetation index (NDVI), and principal component analysis of multi-spectral imagery, corresponding to different sensors (Landsat ETM, Spot 5 and Ikonos). By means a GIS analysis, we compute basic statistics of whole images and pixels corresponding to different landslides typologies (rock falls, rock slides and debris flows) and in addition Kolmogorov-Smirnov coefficient to estimate the correlation between images and movements. Some correlations are observed, being besides the spectral signature different depending on landslides typology. Rock falls appear in darker zones of images while rock slides and especially debris flows appear in clearer zones. In this way, digital classification allows identify landslides scarps, but partially mixed with other land-uses such as soils, fresh rock and alluvial materials. The employment of textural filters, that present higher values in landslides zones, resolves this confusion. The conclusion is the need of combining digital classification and textural analysis to identify landslide features or mobilized areas

    Implementació d'un Laboratori d'Habilitats Clíniques

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524L’ensenyament en Ciències de la Salut complementa la formació teòrica amb la realització de pràctiques clíniques. Els nous plans d’estudis contemplen les competències i habilitats obligatòries a adquirir. El seu aprenentatge es complexa, intens i perllongat en el temps, integrant coneixements teòrics i habilitat en el maneig de les diferents tècniques. Els maniquins simuladors permeten l’ensenyament i entrenament sense estres per l’alumne i el professorat i sense riscos ple malalt. L’any 2005 es va crear al nostre Campus un Laboratori d’habilitats Clíniques (LHC)..

    Invasive meningococcal disease: what we should know, before it comes back

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    Background: invasive meningococcal disease (IMD), sepsis and/or meningitis continues to be a public health problem, with mortality rates ranging from 5% to 16%. The aim of our study was to further knowledge about IMD with a large series of cases occurring over a long period of time, in a cohort with a high percentage of adult patients. Methods: observational cohort study of patients with IMD between 1977 hand 2013 at our hospital, comparing patients with only sepsis and those with meningitis and several degrees of sepsis. The impact of dexamethasone and prophylactic phenytoin was determined, and an analysis of cutaneous and neurological sequelae was performed. Results: a total of 527 episodes of IMD were recorded, comprising 57 cases of sepsis (11%) and 470 of meningitis with or without sepsis (89%). The number of episodes of IMD decreased from 352 of 527 (67%) in the first to 20 of 527 (4%) in the last quarter (P < .001). Thirty-three patients died (6%): 8 with sepsis (14%) and 25 with meningitis (5%) (P = .02). Cutaneous and neurological sequelae were present in 3% and 5% of survivors of sepsis and meningitis, respectively. The use of dexamethasone was safe and resulted in less arthritis, and patients given prophylactic phenytoin avoided seizures. Conclusions: the frequency of IMD has decreased sharply since 1977. Patients with sepsis only have the highest mortality and complication rates, dexamethasone use is safe and can prevent some arthritis episodes, and prophylactic phenytoin might be useful in a selected population. A rapid response and antibiotic therapy may help improve the prognosis

    Review of recent issues on humor field

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    The paper presents a brief review of some original issues in English, gained by the main argument-the theme of humor from the standpoint of different scientific approaches, and from the perspective of various aspects of the consideration of humor. Humor occupies a significant place in the spiritual life of social communities and all spheres of society are permeated by this phenomenon. The papers of both established scholars and novice ones from different countries are summarized. An attempt is made to differentiate the works according to the research areas and to present them in the light of general research lines and further perspectives in the study of humor

    Results of paclitaxel (day 1 and 8) and carboplatin given on every three weeks in advanced (stage III-IV) non-small cell lung cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Both paclitaxel (P) and carboplatin (C) have significant activity in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The weekly administration of P is active, dose intense, and has a favorable toxicity profile. We retrospectively reviewed the data of 51 consecutive patients receiving C and day 1 and 8 P chemotherapy (CT) regimen in advanced stage NSCLC to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity. METHODS: Patients treated in our institutions having pathologically proven NSCLC, no CNS metastases, adequate organ function and performance status (PS) ECOG 0–2 were given P 112.5 mg/m(2 )intravenously (IV) over 1 hour on day 1 and 8, followed by C AUC 5 IV over 1 hour, repeated in every three weeks. PC was given for maximum of 6 cycles. RESULTS: Median age was 58 (age range 39–77) and 41 patients (80%) were male. PS was 0/1/2 in 29/17/5 patients and stage was IIIA/IIIB/IV in 3/14/34 patients respectively. The median number of cycles administered was 3 (1–6). Seven patients (14%) did not complete the first 3 cycles either due to death, progression, grade 3 hypersensitivity reactions to P or lost to follow up. Best evaluable response was partial response (PR) in 45% and stable disease (SD) in 18%. Twelve patients (24%) received local RT. Thirteen patients (25%) received 2nd line CT at progression. At a median follow-up of 7 months (range, 1–20), 25 (49%) patients died and 35 patients (69%) progressed. Median overall survival (OS) was 11 ± 2 months (95% CI; 6 to 16), 1-year OS ratio was 44%. Median time to progression (TTP) was 6 ± 1 months (95% CI; 4 to 8), 1-year progression free survival (PFS) ratio was 20%. We observed following grade 3 toxicities: asthenia (10%), neuropathy (4%), anorexia (4%), anemia (4%), hypersensitivity to P (2%), nausea/vomiting (2%), diarrhea (2%) and neutropenia (2%). Two patients (4%) died of febrile neutropenia. Doses of CT were reduced or delayed in 12 patients (24%). CONCLUSIONS: P on day 1 and 8 and C every three weeks is practical and fairly well tolerated outpatient regimen. This regimen seems to be comparably active to regimens given once in every three weeks