161 research outputs found

    Encefalopatia ipertensiva cronica (EIC): sensibilita\u300 delle sequenze GE-T2* a confronto con le SWI nell'identificazione dei micro-sanguinamenti

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    L'EIC e\u300 caratterizzata dalla presenza di lesioni parenchimali irreversibili, risultato di una lunga esposizione a regimi pressori patologici specie in pazienti che non seguono o non rispondono alle comuni terapie mediche. Si riscontrano quali reperti tipici multipli esiti gliotici, leucoaraiosi e multiple lesioni lacunari con predilezione per le localizzazioni profonde ai nuclei lenticolari, ai talami e al ponte. Piu\u300 raramente possono evidenziarsi minuti foci emorragici parenchimali, piu\u300 frequentemente localizzati nei gangli della base ma anche nel ponte e nel cervelletto, che in alcuni casi possono rappresentare la manifestazione principale della patologia: questi microsanguinamenti, visibili incostantemente in TC, sono classicamente ben individuabili in RM come aree di netta ipointensita\u300 di segnale in GRE (Gradient Recalled Echo) T2* pesate. Scopo del nostro lavoro e\u300 quello di presentare due casi in cui l'EIC si manifesta prevalentemente con un quadro micro-emorragico confrontando la sensibilita\u300 delle convenzionali sequenze GRE T2* pesate con sequenze sensibili al fenomeno della suscettivita\u300 magnetica (Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging, SWI) di piu\u300 recente introduzione nella routine diagnostica


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    A partnership of 49 Municipalities lying in Lombardia (Northern Italy) and belonging to the District \u201cMonza and Brianza\u201d has entrusted the management of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to two Public Companies: \u201cC.E.M. Ambiente S.p.A.\u201d - which owns and operates a transfer station and a multi-material centre - and \u201cSERUSO S.p.A.\u201d, whose single facility is set up and equipped for a high performance factory sorting of the dry fraction of the urban waste. The catchment area is populated by 448 000, living in an area of 366 km2. The management system starts with household sorting for multi-bin curbside collection; followed by hauling to selection and physical treatment facilities; and last, transport of the selected fractions to final destinations. The yearly throughput of \u201cC.E.M. Ambiente\u201d is about 296 000 t, of which over 70% home-sorted. Extra-CEM customers add to this amount about 40 000 t/yr. When calculated on the partner municipalities, the waste generation rate is almost 1.8 kg/capita per day including waste from craftsmen and workshops. Less than 1% of the collected waste goes to landfill and about 8% to incineration with energy recovery (WTE). Since \u201cC.E.M. Ambiente\u201d operates mainly the logistics, however; and part of the materials recovery is actually made downstream its gate at \u201cSERUSO\u201d facility, where some by-products are unavoidably generated; the overall share of WTE will be slightly higher. Electric energy produced from the combustible by-products of \u201cC.E.M. Ambiente\u201d and \u201cSERUSO\u201d covers largely the energy needs of the recovery and cleaning processes. It is worthwhile stressing that in this district also waste from street sweeping \u2013 as much as 8 200 t/yr \u2013 is turned into sand, gravel and like for civil works. \u201cC.E.M. Ambiente\u201d uses also fuel energy, to operate collection and hauling vehicles and factory handling machines, all of them powered by Diesel engines. Fuel requirements for TS and MMC in 2011 were 78 405 and 14 605 litres, respectively. Regrettably, these needs cannot be satisfied in any way with recovered energy

    The exploding-reflector concept for ground-penetrating-radar modeling

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    The simulation of a stacked radargram requires the calculation of a set of common-source experiments and application of the standard processing sequence. To reduce computing time, a zero-offset stacked section can be obtained with a single simulation, by using the exploding-reflector concept and the so-called non-reflecting wave equation. This non-physical modification of the wave equation implies a constant impedance model to avoid multiple reflections, which are, in principle, absent from stacked sections and constitute unwanted artifacts in migration processes. Magnetic permeability is used as a free parameter to obtain a constant impedance model and avoid multiple reflections. The reflection strength is then implicit in the source strength. Moreover, the method generates normal-incidence reflections, i.e. those having identical downgoing and upgoing wave paths.Exploding reflector experiments provide correct travel times of diffraction and reflection events, in contrast to the plane-wave method

    Empathic and cognitive processing in people with schizophrenia: a study on an Italian sample

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    The aim of this study was to explore the relationships among empathy processes in terms of self-report empathy evaluation and recognition of emotional cues and Theory of Mind components. We used the Empathy Quotient – short form (EQ-s), the Pictures of Facial Affect (POFA) system, a (ToM) Irony appreciation task and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), respectively. The Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS) and Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) were also used to investigate the relationship with symptomatology and functioning. The sample consisted of 30 participants with diagnosis of schizophrenia. Our results found no significant correlations between EQ-s and other cognitive or clinical variables. PoFA total score and recognition of fear correlated with time spent to give a correct response to the ToM irony comprehension. Time spent to correctly respond to both ToM and physical vignettes correlated with negative symptoms. Positive, negative and cognitive clusters of the PANSS correlated with the GAF. The relationships we found among the considered constructs suggest that empathic processing acts on functionality improving the personal efficiency, in terms of readiness and rapidity, to cope with one’s environment, in the multifaceted social setting. Given that emotion perception in particular has been connected to social competence, independent living and community functioning, it is conceivable that emotion processing may be a potential catalyst within the mindreading process, which can have an impact both on symptomatology and social functioning

    Role of MDCT virtopsy in valuation of burned bodies and its comparison with traditional autopsy

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    The objective of virtopsy is not only to improve the objectivity of findings made by traditonal autopsy but also to solve those cases that are difficult to solve with conventional post-mortem examination. Modern cross-sectional imaging and postprocessing techniques can provide strong forensic evidence for use in legal proceedings; particularly we want to show how it can supplement traditional autopsy of burned cadavers, helping finding the primary cause of the death, the presence of foreign bodies and the identification of the corpses

    Metacognition and emotion regulation as treatment targets in binge eating disorder: a network analysis study

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    Background: This study aims to examine the underlying associations between eating, affective and metacognitive symptoms in patients with binge eating disorder (BED) through network analysis (NA) in order to identify key variables that may be considered the target for psychotherapeutic interventions. Methods: A total of 155 patients with BED completed measures of eating psychopathology, affective symptoms, emotion regulation and metacognition. A cross-sectional network was inferred by means of Gaussian Markov random field estimation using graphical LASSO and the extended Bayesian information criterion (EBIC-LASSO), and central symptoms of BED were identified by means of the strength centrality index. Results: Impaired self-monitoring metacognition and difficulties in impulse control emerged as the symptoms with the highest centrality. Conversely, eating and affective features were less central. The centrality stability coefficient of strength was above the recommended cut-off, thus indicating the stability of the network. Conclusions: According to the present NA findings, impaired self-monitoring metacognition and difficulties in impulse control are the central nodes in the psychopathological network of BED whereas eating symptoms appear marginal. If further studies with larger samples replicate these results, metacognition and impulse control could represent new targets of psychotherapeutic interventions in the treatment of BED. In light of this, metacognitive interpersonal therapy could be a promising aid in clinical practice to develop an effective treatment for BED

    Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire-15 (INQ-15-I)

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    Objective: The Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ-15) is a self-report measure of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness, two constructs associated to suicidal ideation. The objective of the current study was to translate the INQ-15 from English to Italian (INQ-15-I) and to test its factor structure, reliability, and validity in Italian samples. Method: We examined (a) whether the components of the hypothesized two-factor measurement model are invariant across a community sample (N = 510) and a clinical sample (N = 259); (b) the relations between the INQ-15-I factors and measures of depression (Beck Depression Inventory-II), hopelessness (Beck Hopelessness Scale), and suicidal ideation (Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation); (c) the reliability and psychometric properties of the INQ-15-I. Results: Results from multi-group confirmatory factor analyses supported the adequacy of the two-factor model to represent thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness. The model is invariant across community and clinical groups, showing excellent fit. The two INQ-15-I scales measure highly intercorrelated constructs. Both significantly correlate with depression, hopelessness and suicidal ideation, and correlations are high in the clinical sample. Conclusion: The INQ-15-I is a valid and reliable measure of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness. Implications for research, assessment, and intervention in suicidal ideation are discussed

    Organic Bioelectronics Development in Italy: A Review

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    In recent years, studies concerning Organic Bioelectronics have had a constant growth due to the interest in disciplines such as medicine, biology and food safety in connecting the digital world with the biological one. Specific interests can be found in organic neuromorphic devices and organic transistor sensors, which are rapidly growing due to their low cost, high sensitivity and biocompatibility. This trend is evident in the literature produced in Italy, which is full of breakthrough papers concerning organic transistors-based sensors and organic neuromorphic devices. Therefore, this review focuses on analyzing the Italian production in this field, its trend and possible future evolutions

    A prospective cohort study comparing the reactogenicity of trivalent influenza vaccine in pregnant and non-pregnant women

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    Background: Influenza vaccination during pregnancy can prevent serious illness in expectant mothers and provide protection to newborns; however, historically uptake has been limited due to a number of factors, including safety concerns. Symptomatic complaints are common during pregnancy and may be mistakenly associated with reactions to trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV). To investigate this, we compared post-vaccination events self-reported by pregnant women to events reported by non-pregnant women receiving TIV. Methods: A prospective cohort of 1,086 pregnant women and 314 non-pregnant female healthcare workers (HCWs) who received TIV between March-May 2014 were followed-up seven days post-vaccination to assess local and systemic adverse events following immunisation (AEFIs). Women were surveyed by text message regarding perceived reactions to TIV. Those reporting an AEFI completed an interview by telephone or mobile phone to ascertain details. Logistic regression models adjusting for age and residence were used to compare reactions reported by pregnant women and non-pregnant HCWs. Results: Similar proportions of pregnant women and non-pregnant, female HCWs reported ≥1 reaction following vaccination with TIV (13.0% and 17.3%, respectively; OR = 1.2 [95% CI: 0.8-1.8]). Non-pregnant, female HCWs were more likely to report fever or headache compared to pregnant women (OR: 4.6 [95% CI 2.1-10.3] and OR: 2.2 [95% CI 1.0-4.6], respectively). No other significant differences in reported symptoms were observed. No serious vaccine-associated adverse events were reported, and less than 2% of each group sought medical advice for a reaction. Conclusions: We found no evidence suggesting pregnant women are more likely to report adverse events following influenza vaccination when compared to non-pregnant female HCWs of similar age, and in some cases, pregnant women reported significantly fewer adverse events. These results further support the safety of TIV administered in pregnant women