19 research outputs found

    MCMI-III profiles of convicted contact sexual offenders: A cluster analysis

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    As suggested by previous research, the study of personality traits among sexual offenders could be an important consideration in the understanding of sexual offending. This study aims to explore the possibility of classifying sexual offenders according to their personality profiles. Based on the MCMI-III scores of 97 convicted contact sexual offenders, a cluster hierarchical analysis was performed. Next, the groups were characterized according to their sociodemographic and criminological variables and significant differences between them were sought. The two clusters found did not show different MCMI-III prototypical personality profiles, and both groups only varied in the degree of general psychopathology. The results suggest the existence of two personality profiles labeled as 'pathological' and 'adapted/non-pathological'. The usefulness of the MCMI-III in the evaluation of sexual offenders seems limited to the detection of the presence or absence of general psychopathological symptoms. Implications of these findings for interventions are discussed

    Effect of treatment on sex offenders’ recidivism: a meta-analysis

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    Este meta-análisis tiene por objetivo medir el efecto del trata- miento en delincuentes sexuales. Tras una revisión sistemática de la litera- tura reciente, fueron seleccionados diecisiete estudios, contando con una muestra total de 6,681 delincuentes sexuales. Las tasas de reincidencia se- xual (13.12% vs. 17.94%), violenta –incluyendo la sexual– (25.5% vs. 29.1%) y general –cualquier tipo de reincidencia– (46.53% vs. 52.41%) de los delincuentes tratados fueron inferiores a las de los grupos control. Se evidenció la eficacia del tratamiento en la reducción de las tasas de reinci- dencia sexual (OR = .69; p< .05) y general (OR = .66; p < .05) de los sujetos tratados, pero no en las tasas de reincidencia violenta. Estos resultados con- firman la capacidad de los tratamientos psicológicos para reducir el riesgo de reincidencia sexual y general de los delincuentes sexuales. No obstante, la interpretación de tales resultados requiere cautela, pues el análisis inde- pendiente de los estudios con buena calidad metodológica no mostró efectos significativos del tratamiento. La necesidad de nuevos y mejores es- tudios resulta evidente, especialmente en Europa.This meta-analysis has the aim of measuring the effect of treatment on sex offenders. After a systematic review of the recent literature, seventeen studies were selected, containing a total sample of 6,681 sex offenders. The rates of sexual recidivism (13.12% vs. 17.94%), violent – including sexual– (25.5% vs. 29.1%) and general –any type of recidivism– (46.53% vs. 52.41%) of treated offenders were less than those of the control groups. The effectiveness of the treatment was clear in re- ducing the rates of sexual (OR= .69; p < .05) and general (OR = .66; p < .05) recidivism of the subjects treated, but not the rates of violent recidi- vism. This results demonstrated the ability of psychological treatments for reducing the risk of sexual and general recidivism of sex of- fenders. However, the interpretation of such results requires caution, given that an independent analysis of the studies of a good methodologi- cal quality did not show significant effects of treatment. The need for new and better comparison studies to assess treatment effect is clear, especially in Europe

    Effect of treatment on sex offenders’ recidivism: a meta-analysis.

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    Este meta-análisis tiene por objetivo medir el efecto del trata- miento en delincuentes sexuales. Tras una revisión sistemática de la litera- tura reciente, fueron seleccionados diecisiete estudios, contando con una muestra total de 6,681 delincuentes sexuales. Las tasas de reincidencia se- xual (13.12% vs. 17.94%), violenta –incluyendo la sexual– (25.5% vs. 29.1%) y general –cualquier tipo de reincidencia– (46.53% vs. 52.41%) de los delincuentes tratados fueron inferiores a las de los grupos control. Se evidenció la eficacia del tratamiento en la reducción de las tasas de reinci- dencia sexual (OR = .69; p< .05) y general (OR = .66; p < .05) de los sujetos tratados, pero no en las tasas de reincidencia violenta. Estos resultados con- firman la capacidad de los tratamientos psicológicos para reducir el riesgo de reincidencia sexual y general de los delincuentes sexuales. No obstante, la interpretación de tales resultados requiere cautela, pues el análisis inde- pendiente de los estudios con buena calidad metodológica no mostró efectos significativos del tratamiento. La necesidad de nuevos y mejores es- tudios resulta evidente, especialmente en Europa.This meta-analysis has the aim of measuring the effect of treatment on sex offenders. After a systematic review of the recent literature, seventeen studies were selected, containing a total sample of 6,681 sex offenders. The rates of sexual recidivism (13.12% vs. 17.94%), violent – including sexual– (25.5% vs. 29.1%) and general –any type of recidivism– (46.53% vs. 52.41%) of treated offenders were less than those of the control groups. The effectiveness of the treatment was clear in re- ducing the rates of sexual (OR= .69; p < .05) and general (OR = .66; p < .05) recidivism of the subjects treated, but not the rates of violent recidi- vism. This results demonstrated the ability of psychological treatments for reducing the risk of sexual and general recidivism of sex of- fenders. However, the interpretation of such results requires caution, given that an independent analysis of the studies of a good methodologi- cal quality did not show significant effects of treatment. The need for new and better comparison studies to assess treatment effect is clear, especially in Europe

    Abús sexual infantil: conseqüències psicològiques a llarg termini i factors de risc i protectors

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    Objectiu: Realitzar una revisió de la literatura, per tal de comprovar les conseqüències psicològiques negatives, a llarg termini, de l'abús sexual infantil (ASI). És a dir si les víctimes d'ASI presenten una major prevalença de psicopatologies que la població general i si hi tenen algun paper altres variables, com a risc o com a mediadores. Mètode: Foren consultades quatre bases de dades mitjançant revisió sistemàtica i també es realitzà una revisió manual. Resultats i conclusions: S'inclogueren vint-i-set articles, que posen de manifest que les víctimes d'abusos sexuals infantils presenten un major nombre de psicopatologies en l'edat adulta i que, sobre aquestes, influeixen una sèrie de variables de risc que n'atenuen els efectes, mediadores, i altres que els empitjoren