56 research outputs found

    O aleitamento materno como atitude ambientalmente sustentável : um estudo piloto

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    Os benefícios da amamentação exclusiva tanto para as mães como para os bebés é bem conhecida na maioria dos países. Contudo, a relação existente entre o processo de amamentação e a proteção ambiental ainda não foi estudada. Para avaliar a perceção das mães sobre a amamentação como uma atitude amiga do ambiente foi realizado em Portugal, durante o ano de 2013, um inquérito a 140 mulheres grávidas. Após análise dos resultados concluiu-se que a maioria das mulheres estão conscientes dos benefícios da amamentação relativamente à saúde do bebé mas não em relação à sua própria saúde. Além disso, as mulheres que participaram neste estudo não estavam conscientes da relação que existe entre o processo de amamentação e a proteção ambiental.Breastfeeding as a Sustainable Attitude: a pilot study. The benefits of exclusive breastfeeding to babies and mothers are well established in most countries. The relationship between breastfeeding and environmental protection hasn’t yet been studied. To evaluate mother's perception of breastfeeding as an environmentally friend attitude a questionnaire which involved 140 pregnant women was carried out in Portugal in 2013. After analysis of the results it was concluded that the majority of women in the pilot study were well aware of the health benefits of breastfeeding for the baby but not for themselves. Moreover, women in the study were not aware of the relation between breastfeeding and environmental protection

    Distance education: the experience with environmental sciences

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    Educational systems should warrant learning needs of the population they serve offering a diversity of educational agents, strategies and answers to the needs of those that seek knowledge (Caeiro et al., 2004). In Portugal the experience of teaching subjects related to Environmental Sciences via open distance learning started in 1995 at Universidade Aberta (a Public University specially dedicated to the open distance learning of graduate and undergraduate courses). This experience began with General Ecology, and in view of the interest showed by students (and in fact by a wider public) the University later offered other subjects such as Environmental Education and Water Pollution. Today we have a number of different subjects within the vast area of Environmental Sciences and are preparing an undergraduate programme in view of the recent Bolonha agreement. The University also offers post-graduate programmes that bring together the environment and the citizen participation. The aim is to heighten the interests of our students in scientific subjects related to the environment as well as providing a practical perspective of what they can do as active citizens. The programmes are supported by necessary tools that enable students to critically analyse and discuss press articles about the environment, protocols that are designed to make industries “greener” as well as government decisions

    Which table salt to chose?

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    The link between salt consumption and hypertension has been the focus of many studies and clinical trials in the past few years. It is recommended that table salt intake does not exceed the maximum of 5g per day and yet most people find almost impossible to comply with this recommendation. New types of salt have recently appeared in the market and they claim to be less harmful to health than current commercial salt. Besides being less salty to the taste these new types of salt contain less sodium and more trace minerals than commercial salt but there is a need of experiments and studies in order to establish their benefit to health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Artificial wetlands and their importance for water quality

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    The efficiency of a constructed wetland to remove Cd, Ni and Pb was studied over a six-month period. The distribution of these metals in the sediments was examined using a sequential extraction method. Results showed that high levels of Cd and Pb were present and that each metal has a characteristic distribution in the sediment. There was a significant difference in the removal efficiency of metals during dry weather and during storm events. Although, the removal of Ni and its distribution did not show any consistent trend, it was evident that a significant amount of Ni was removed during the storm event

    Via verde coronária e enfarte agudo do miocárdio: tempo médio entre a admissão no serviço de urgência central e a reperfusão por angioplastia primária

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    Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Ramo de especialização: Intervenção CardiovascularIntrodução: Em contexto de enfarte agudo do miocárdio, o tempo que medeia a entrada do doente no Serviço de Urgência e o restabelecimento do fluxo TIMI II/III está fortemente relacionado com uma maior perda da função miocárdica. As actuais guidelines recomendam que o intervalo entre a chegada do doente ao hospital e o momento em que a artéria é aberta por angioplastia primária (tempo “porta-balão”), seja inferior a 90 minutos. Objectivo: Avaliar o tempo que medeia a admissão dos doentes com enfarte agudo do miocárdio (EAM) no Serviço de Urgência Central e o restabelecimento do fluxo coronário por Angioplastia Primária, num Hospital Central nos anos 2010 e 2011, e comparar com as recomendações internacionais. Metodologia: Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, todos os processos clínicos dos doentes tratados por angioplastia primária, no contexto de EAM, com admissão no Serviço de Urgência Central do Hospital de Santa Maria em 2010 e 2011. Foram excluídos da amostra os doentes com EAM transferidos de outras instituições e os que desenvolveram EAM em contexto de internamento. Resultados: A variável tempo porta-balão apresentou em 2010, uma mediana de 125,5 min. Relativamente a 2011, a mediana foi de 105 min. Verifica-se uma evolução positiva entre 2010 e 2011, os valores médios registados para esta variável sofrem um decréscimo de cerca de 20 minutos. Conclusão: O percurso hospitalar dos doentes submetidos a Angioplastia Primária, em particular o tempo porta-balão, está distante dos tempos recomendados pelas guidelines internacionais, i.e., em 2010 e 2011, o tempo porta-balão registado neste estudo foi superior a 90 minutos.ABSTRACT - Introduction: In the context of acute myocardial infarction, the time that mediates the entry of the patient in the Emergency Department to the restoration of TIMI II/III is strongly associated with a greater loss of function post-myocardial infarction. Present guidelines recommend that the interval between the patients hospital admission and the opening of the artery by primary angioplasty (“door-to-balloon” time), be less than 90 minutes. Objective: Evaluate the time elapsing admission of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in the Central Emergency Department and restoration of coronary flow by Primary Angioplasty, in a Central Hospital in the years 2010 and 2011, and compared with international recommendations. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed all the clinical files of patients treated by primary angioplasty, in the context of AMI, with admission to the Central Emergency Department of Hospital of Santa Maria in 2010 and 2011. Were excluded from the sample patients with AMI transferred from other institutions and who developed AMI in the context of internment. Results: The door-to-balloon time variable introduced in 2010, an median of 125,5 minutes. For 2011, the median was 105 minutes. There is a positive trend between 2010 and 2011 the average values for this variable suffer a decrease of about 20 minutes. Conclusion: The hospital course of patients undergoing primary angioplasty, in particular the door-to-balloon time, is far from the recommended times by international guidelines, namely, in 2010 and 2011, the door-to-balloon time recorded in this study was over 90 minutes

    Nutrition and health as virtual class at Open University (Portugal): pedagogical strategies for higher education

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    The Open University is the sole distance learning public university in Portugal. The present paper reflects the work that is carried out in a curricular unit that belongs to the scientific field of nutrition and that is integrated in an MSc degree. The work is based on the pedagogical model of the University and on the process of didactic and pedagogical transposition in the planning of the structure and dynamics of the curricular unit. Distance education now uses the new technologies of information and communication and the process of teaching / learning benefits from a pedagogical model specifically designed to be used with a platform adapted to the needs of the University. The objective of the reflection and of the proposed study, as well as the results presented, was to show that the interaction between students and between the lecturer and the students is not only intensive but is also beneficial for the learning process and the successful outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Food choices among Portuguese teenagers: a case study

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    The Mediterranean Dietary Pattern (MDP) is currently accepted as being protective against some of the most worrisome chronic non-communicable diseases in today's society. It is important to instil this nutritional pattern in young people as it is at this point in life that healthy eating habits are created and later maintained. Assessing the adherence of students to the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern (MDP). A case study was carried out with 463 students aged between 14 and 20 years old. Parents of the youngsters were also surveyed to find out about the accuracy of the youth's answers and to determine the type of food preparation practiced in the family. Those who participated in this study had an informed consent, previously signed by their parents and voluntarily expressed their willingness to participate, although they could drop out at any time if they so wished. The results showed a good adherence to the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern (MDP) by the respondents (46.47%) and their knowledge about the concept of the Mediterranean Diet can be classified as “good” (39.7%) and “reasonable” (36.6%). The main conclusions of the study are that the students participating in the study have a good knowledge about the Mediterranean Food Pattern and show a high level of adherence to it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Testes de software na redução do consumo energético dos sistemas de informação

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    A mudança climática não pode ser desmentida. Desde que a humanidade adquiriu o conhecimento da eletricidade que tem transformado todo o seu modo de viver em seu redor. Para a produção de eletricidade recorre-se, em parte, à combustão de materiais que libertam CO2 e que, pela quantidade emitida, potencialmente degrada o ambiente. Noutra perspetiva, em certas zonas geográficas, o acesso à energia elétrica é escasso. É neste contexto que surge a profissão de Software Testing. Neste artigo procura-se quantificar o contributo dos testes de software no desenvolvimento de aplicações que tenham em conta um consumo energético mais reduzido. Para atingir esse objetivo é proposta e aplicada uma metodologia para a medição de consumo e é definida uma fórmula matemática para apuramento da viabilidade económica dos testes. As consequências de um software que consuma menos energia serão de três ordens: a ambiental – na redução da emissão de CO2; a humana – pela possibilidade de mais pessoas utilizarem a capacidade energética instalada; e a financeira – na redução direta do custo do consumo.Climate change cannot be ignored any longer. Since humanity has developed the knowledge of electricity and has shaped his existence in a way that we are all dependent on it. The generation of electricity is linked to the combustion of products that release CO2 into the atmosphere which has the potential to degrade the environment. On the other hand, some countries have a restricted access to electricity. It is in this context that a new profession emerges – the software testing. This article aims at quantifying the contribution of Software Testing in the energy consumption of software. To achieve this goal it is proposed and applied a simplified methodology for measuring consumption of software and it is defined a mathematical formula to calculate the economic viability of the tests. The consequences of an optimized software in its energy consumption will be: environmental – by reducing CO2 emissions; human – by allowing more people to use the already installed power capacity; and financial – by reduction of economical expenditure

    Alimentação e aterosclerose: um artigo informativo

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    A aterosclerose e as doenças cardiovasculares são, na atualidade, um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública nos países industrializados. O aumento da esperança de vida torna ainda mais urgente o combate a este problema que deve ser feito, no essencial, pela sua prevenção. A alimentação, aliada a estilos de vida saudáveis, são as melhores ferramentas não medicamentosas que estão ao alcance de todos para prevenir o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose e suas consequências.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A gestão dos resíduos urbanos no município de Teresópolis: uma avaliação socioambiental

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    10º Simpósio de Gestão Ambiental e Biodiversidade, realizado de 09 a 11 de novembro de 2021.Em 1987, o Relatório Brundtland apontou a necessidade de promover o crescimento sustentável, uma vez que a escalada populacional e industrial estavam causando enormes desafios ao meio ambiente. A geração de resíduos excedentes no Brasil é reflexo de uma política de alto consumo que esgota os recursos não renováveis, causando desequilíbrios ambientais e problemas associados ao descarte inadequado de resíduos urbanos. Por isso, a busca por soluções adequadas para o tratamento e disposição final dos resíduos é alvo das políticas setoriais no Brasil e no mundo. Em Teresópolis, o Aterro Sanitário da Prata é o local de disposição final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Devido às condições precárias e ao mau funcionamento, o Aterro acaba sendo um lixão e, consequentemente, não corresponde à Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, gerando impactos sociais e ambientais. A identificação dos custos socioambientais da gestão do aterro sanitário de Teresópolis e a busca de possíveis soluções para solucionar ou melhorar a situação sanitária atual foram identificadas com uma investigação exploratória e dados de levantamentos juntamente com pesquisa documental e visitas ao local.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio