942 research outputs found

    Le désir au féminin

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    Deux mises en relation ont guidé l’intervention de l’auteure sur la part centrale de la sexualité et du désir féminins dans l’art contemporain et actuel fait par des femmes : d’une part, celle qui existe entre le sexe-de-l’art et le sexe-dans-l’art par où se révèle le problème du genre de l’artiste dans la créativité ainsi que dans les efforts de définition des codes et des conventions; d’autre part, celle entre la femme-comme-image et l’image-de-la-femme où l’idée séculaire d’une femme soumise, agréable et dépossédée de sa propre sexualité est prise à partie par le paradigme féministe.Au gré des fissures intimes, des espaces-lieux de survie et des modes de représentation ponctuant les itinéraires particuliers de quelques femmes artistes du XXe siècle d’orientations, de démarches, d’idéologies, de géographies et de générations différentes, sont soulevées dans leurs aspects psychosexuels et sociosexuels les questions de la différence sexuelle et de la représentation visuelle de la féminité érotique. S’y pointent et s’y conjuguent linguistiquement du point de vue des idéaux, des valeurs, des luttes, des contradictions et également sur le plan des pratiques plastiques elles-mêmes, selon des langages et des signes visuels de féminité, une sensibilité particulière et une irréductibilité, le féminin et une potentialité agissante et transformatrice, le féminisme.To galvanize this discussion, two dialectics pertaining to ideas and notions of feminine sexuality and desire within twentieth-century woman’s artmaking were addressed: one regarding such gender issues as they relate to the creative process as well as to efforts to redefine the codes and conventions of art and another about the submissive and passive sexualized image of woman as it was subverted by the feminist paradigm.Through intimate stories, survival tales, and modes of representation, geographies and generations of woman artists are called upon in order to further grasp the psycho-sexual and socio-sexual aspects of such a notion of sexual difference and of the visual representation of female erotics. At the level of ideas, values, conflicts, contradictions, and also at the level of concrete artistic practices, by way of visual languages and visual signs of feminity, a particular sensibility and a transformative potentiality are both addressed and stressed linguistically under the guise of feminine and feminist visual ideologies

    Combined Sewer Overflows in Missouri: Costs and Alternative Approaches

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    Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) are detrimental to water quality in Missouri and pose a significant health risk to humans. The effects of CSOs are not yet fully known and there is an ongoing effort to quantify their impacts. The prospect of correcting the problems posed by CSOs is a daunting task that will force decisions affecting CSO communities economically and socially. Currently, the State of Missouri does not provide a regulatory framework for effectively addressing CSOs (See Report 27-2005 for more detail).Includes bibliographical reference

    Combined Sewer Overflows: A Threat to Water Quality in Missouri

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    Clean water is essential to the health and well being of humans and their environment. Pollution threatens surface waters and may make them unsafe for human use. Much of the pollution is from man made sources and, by law, must be regulated to protect water quality. Wastewater discharges from industrial, commercial, and municipal treatment facilities make up a considerable number of point source discharges throughout the country. There are two forms of pollution: point source and nonpoint source pollution. A point source discharge is any discernible, confined, or discrete conveyance of pollutants to a water body. Sewer systems that carry precipitation runoff are another common form of point source pollution. Without proper regulation, pollution sources may limit the attainment of water quality goals highlighted in The Clean Water Act (40 CFR 131, EPA 2004). Combined sewer overflows (CSOs) are one type of pollution that has detrimental effects on water quality, and there is a growing consensus that these overflows are insufficiently regulated.Includes bibliographical reference

    Le statut sémiotique de la perspective dans l’oeuvre picturale

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    The endocrine role of estrogens on human male skeleton

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    Before the characterization of human and animal models of estrogen deficiency, estrogen action was confined in the context of the female bone. These interesting models uncovered a wide spectrum of unexpected estrogen actions on bone in males, allowing the formulation of an estrogen-centric theory useful to explain how sex steroids act on bone in men. Most of the principal physiological events that take place in the developing and mature male bone are now considered to be under the control of estrogen. Estrogen determines the acceleration of bone elongation at puberty, epiphyseal closure, harmonic skeletal proportions, the achievement of peak bone mass, and the maintenance of bone mass. Furthermore, it seems to crosstalk with androgen even in the determination of bone size, a more androgen-dependent phenomenon. At puberty, epiphyseal closure and growth arrest occur when a critical number of estrogens is reached. The same mechanism based on a critical threshold of serum estradiol seems to operate in men during adulthood for bone mass maintenance via the modulation of bone formation and resorption in men. This threshold should be better identified in-between the ranges of 15 and 25 pg/mL. Future basic and clinical research will optimize strategies for the management of bone diseases related to estrogen deficiency in men

    Estrogens and male reproduction

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    The chapter deals with the study of estrogen role in male reproduction, in particulare the role on hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axi

    Une épistémologie de la peinture depuis l'humanocentrisme de la Renaissance jusqu'à l'univers post-humain actuel

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    Com o propósito de evidenciar a epistemologia da pintura ocidental, que vem sendo praticada desde a emergência da perspectiva albertiniana aos nossos dias, a Autora apresenta um amplo painel de história da arte, considerando as transformações da sensibilidade artística e humana. Inicialmente, detém-se nas metáforas visuais e espaciais do distante, do próximo e do plano, termos que balizam as noções de representação e presentação, que se desenvolvem do Renascimento ao Modernismo tardio. Em seguida, examina o Pós-modernismo, por vias das noções pós-visuais de hibridismo, de simulação, de mestiçagem, de interdisciplinaridade. E conclui, com as manifestações artísticas atuais, que entrelaçam novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação de massa (TV, Vídeo, Cinema), além de confrontarem questões como reprodução humana e pós-humana.Aiming at evidencing the occidental painting epistemology, which has been practiced since the emerging o f the Albertinian perspective to these days, the author presents a huge panel of History of Art, considering the transformation of the artistic and human sensitivity. In the beginning, dwells on the visual and spatial metaphors of distant, of proximate, and of plane, terms that demarcate the notions of representation and presentation, developed from the Renaissance to the late Modernism. Secondly, it examines the Post-modernism through the post-visual notions of hybridism, simulation, crossbreeding, and interdisciplinarity. It is conclude with the current artistic manifestations, which interlace new technologies of information and mass communication (TV, video, cinema) and confront questions such as human and post-human reproduction.nul
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