37 research outputs found

    Projecto de um museu marítimo da Ericeira

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    A história da vila da Ericeira, vai muito para além das suas famosas praias e do seu estatuto de estação balnear nas proximidades de Lisboa. Existe toda uma história rica, de ligação ao mar, que merece ser contada, explicada e visitada. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é o seguinte: Fazer um projeto de museu, que possa agregar, os momentos mais importantes de história marítima da Ericeira, num só espaço. Desenhando um percurso cronológico que ajude a compreender as diferentes épocas históricas da vila, recorrendo às mais recentes técnicas museológicas. Para isso, foi necessário, estudar em detalhe, todos os principais momentos da história marítima da Ericeira, dividindo-a em 8 partes: Ericeira fundação e antiguidade; As embarcações típicas da Ericeira; A Ericeira e a pesca; A Ericeira e a época da expansão e dos descobrimentos; Ericeira porto de comércio; As gentes do mar da Ericeira; Ericeira e a partida da família Real para o exílio; Ericeira, o turismo e o surf. O Arquivo-Museu da Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Ericeira, é o local onde se reúne a coleção das peças mais importantes, da história da misericórdia da Ericeira e da vila da Ericeira, onde podemos salientar: O primeiro foral da vila de 1229; uma árula votiva romana do século II DC. No entanto com o passar dos anos, e apesar do esforço da Misericórdia, a exposição das peças não tem evoluído. (faltam textos, tabelas e um percurso cronológico que possa ajudar o visitante a compreender, os vários elementos que compõem o museu). Existe também, alguma preocupação, relativamente à conservação das peças. Por outro lado, existem peças dispersas, (resultado de escavações arqueológicas ou de achados fortuitos), relacionadas com a história marítima da Ericeira e que não se encontram no AMSCME. Estão nesta situação, por exemplo, o astrolábio «Ericeira» (que se encontra no Museu de Marinha), e a lápide funerária romana (que se encontra no Museu Nacional de Arqueologia). Faria sentido reunir estas e outras peças, com o espólio do Museu da Misericórdia. Sendo assim esta dissertação tem como objeto de estudo, a compilação de todos os estudos e fontes conhecidas relativas à história marítima da Ericeira. Em segundo lugar, uma listagem das peças, existentes no AMSCME, relacionadas com a história marítima da vila, bem como todas as peças que se encontram dispersas e que vêm mencionadas no portal do arqueólogo do IPAAR. Em terceiro lugar, propor uma nova contextualização e proposta de exposição das peças, com um projeto museológico e museográfico, que se adapte ao século XXI.The history of Ericeira village goes far beyond its famous beaches and its seaside resort status near Lisbon.There is a rich history of connection to the sea that deserves to be told, explained and visited. This is the main objective of this dissertation: Make a museum project, that can reunite, the most important moments of maritime history of Ericeira, in a single space. Drawing a chronological path that helps to understand the different times, using the latest museum techniques. For this, it was necessary to study in detail all the main moments of the maritime history of Ericeira, dividing it into 8 parts: Ericeira foundation and antiquity; The typical boats of Ericeira; Ericeira and fishing; Ericeira and the age of expansion and discovery; Ericeira port of commerce; The maritime people of Ericeira; Ericeira and the departure of the Royal family into Exile; Ericeira, tourism and surf. The Museum-Archive of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Ericeira, is the place where the collection of the most important pieces, from the History of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Ericeira and the village of Ericeira, are gathered: The first foral of the village of 1229; a Roman votive árula from the 2nd century AD, are the best examples of that. However over the years, and despite the efforts of the Santa Casa, the exhibition of the pieces has not evolved, without texts and without a chronological path that can help the visitor to understand, the various elements that make up the museum. There is also some concern regarding the conservation of pieces. On the other hand, there are scattered pieces (resulting from archaeological excavations or fortuitous finds) related to the maritime history of Ericeira and not found in AMSCME. In this situation, for example, the astrolabe "Ericeira" (which is in the Navy Museum), and the Roman funerary tombstone (which is in the National Archaeological Museum). It would make sense to bring these and other pieces together with the pieces of the AMSCME. Thus, this dissertation has as its object of study the compilation of all known studies and sources related to the maritime history of Ericeira. Secondly, a list of the pieces, existing in AMSCME, related to the maritime history of the village, as well as all the scattered pieces mentioned in the IPAAR Archaeologist Portal. Thirdly, to propose a new contextualization and proposal of exhibition of the pieces, with a museological and museographic project that adapts to the 21st century

    Influence of implant design, length, diameter, and anatomic region on implant stability: A randomized clinical trial

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    Objetivos: Avaliar a influência da geometria dos implantes e região anatómica na estabilidade implantar. Métodos: Foi realizado um ensaio clínico controlado aleatorizado em 45 pacientes, onde foram colocados 79 implantes: 40 implantes MIS C1 e 39 implantes MIS Seven. O coeficiente de estabilidade do implante foi medido através da análise de frequência de ressonância (RFA) imediatamente após a colocação do implante e 8 semanas depois, com Osstell Mentor. Resultados: Foram analisados 76 implantes. O coeficiente de estabilidade do implante registado para estabilidade secundária foi significativamente maior que o verificado para a estabilidade primária (68,7±8,6 e 65,2±10,3, p=0,023). Considerando a estabilidade primária, não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os comprimentos de 8,0 mm, 10,0 mm, 11,0 mm e 11,5 mm (67,9±7,6, 63,9±10, 57,2±11,1 e 66,4±11,3, p=0,312). O mesmo foi verificado para a estabilidade secundária (68,4±9,4, 67,9±9,3, 74,7±1,5 e 69,2±7,9, p=0,504). Não se observou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os diâmetros dos implantes de 3,75 e 4,20 mm e estabilidade primária (64,3±8,7 e 66,1±11,7, p=0,445) ou estabilidade secundária (68,8±8,2 e 68,7±9,1, p=0,930). Foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa para a estabilidade secundária, favorecendo o implante MIS Seven (p=0,048). A localização intraoral foi estatisticamente significativa para a estabilidade primária e secundária, sendo maior na maxila anterior em relação à maxila e mandíbula posteriores (p<0,05). Conclusões: O diâmetro e o comprimento dos implantes estudados não influenciaram sua estabilidade. O tipo do implante parece influenciar a estabilidade secundária, enquanto a região anatómica aparenta ter um efeito relevante na estabilidade primária e secundária.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biomimetic implant surfaces and their role in biological integration—a concise review

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    Background: The increased use of dental implants in oral rehabilitation has been followed by the development of new biomaterials as well as improvements in the performance of biomaterials already in use. This triggers the need for appropriate analytical approaches to assess the biological and, ultimately, clinical benefits of these approaches. Aims: To address the role of physical, chemical, mechanical, and biological characteristics in order to determine the critical parameters to improve biological responses and the long-term effectiveness of dental implant surfaces. Data sources and methods: Web of Science, MEDLINE and Lilacs databases were searched for the last 30 years in English, Spanish and Portuguese idioms. Results: Chemical composition, wettability, roughness, and topography of dental implant surfaces have all been linked to biological regulation in cell interactions, osseointegration, bone tissue and peri-implant mucosa preservation. Conclusion: Techniques involving subtractive and additive methods, especially those involving laser treatment or embedding of bioactive nanoparticles, have demonstrated promising results. However, the literature is heterogeneous regarding study design and methodology, which limits comparisons between studies and the definition of the critical determinants of optimal cell response.This research was supported by FCT project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030498—Portugal, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and ImpHib—Development of advanced Hybrid Implants—NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-034074. The role of the funders was limited to providing financial resources for the review

    Tooth-derived matrix granules for enhanced bone healing: chemical composition, morphological aspects, and clinical outcomes

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    Bone grafting has increasingly been used in surgical procedures for enhanced bone augmentation. Tooth-derived graft material has received considerable attention due to its chemical composition and autogenous source that can improve bone tissue healing. The main aim of this study was to provide a short and comprehensive review on the chemical composition, morphological aspects, and clinical outcomes of bone grafting using tooth-derived matrix granules. Dentin tissue has a chemical composition similar to that on bone tissues regarding the presence of hydroxyapatite, type I collagen, and different growth factors. Dentin-matrix granules are often processed at well-controlled size ranging from approximately 300 up to 1300 µm, while maintaining porosity and organic content. In addition, a dense collagen fiber network is still present after the milling and chemical treatment of dentin granules. Thus, dentin-matrix granules can improve the bone healing process considering their chemical composition, porous structure, and adequate size. However, further in vivo and in vitro studies should be performed taking into consideration different demineralization procedures, remnant organic content, porosity, and granule size.This study was supported by the Portuguse Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031035_LaserMULTICER), SFRH/BPD/123769/ 2016, and CNPq-Brazil (CNPq/UNIVERSAL/421229/2018-7)

    Human gingival fibroblast and osteoblast behavior on groove-milled zirconia implant surfaces

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    Two type of cells representing periodontal hard tissues (osteoblasts) and soft tissues (fibroblasts) were evaluated in response to microgroove-milled zirconia surfaces. A total of 90 zirconia discs were randomly assigned to four width-standardized milling microgroove-textured groups and a control group without grooves (UT). The sandblast and acid-etch protocol were applied to all samples. Both cell lines were cultured on zirconia discs from 1 day up to 14 days. Cell morphology and adhesion were evaluated after 1 day of culturing. Cell viability and proliferation of the cells were measured. Alkaline phosphatase activity, collagen I, osteopontin, interleukin 1β and interleukin 8 secretions were assessed at predefined times. The results obtained were presented in the form of bar graphs as means and standard deviations. Multi comparisons between groups were evaluated using two-away ANOVA or Mann–Whitney tests, and a p-value < 0.05 was established. Group comparisons with regard to cell viability, proliferation and secretion of collagen I, interleukin-1β and interleukin 8 revealed no statistically significant differences. The alkaline phosphatase activity and osteopontin secretion were significantly higher in the group with a large groove compared to the small one and the control group. Nevertheless, the viability of gingival and bone cells did not appear to be affected by the milled microgroove texture compared to the conventional sandblasted and acid-etched texture, but they seem to influence osteoblasts’ cellular differentiation.This research was supported by FCT project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030498—Portugal, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and ImpHib–Development of advanced Hybrid Implants—NORTE-01-0247- FEDER-034074

    Modification of Zirconia implant surfaces by Nd:YAG laser grooves: does it change cell behavior?

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate gingival fibroblasts and human osteoblasts’ response to textured Nd:YAG laser microgrooves, with different dimensions, on zirconia implant surfaces. A total of 60 zirconia disks (8 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness) were produced and divided between four study groups (N = 15): three laser-textured (widths between 125.07 ± 5.29 μm and 45.36 ± 2.37 μm and depth values from 50.54 ± 2.48 μm to 23.01 ± 3.79 μm) and a control group without laser treatment. Human osteoblasts and gingival fibroblasts were cultured on these surfaces for 14 days. FEG-SEM (Field Emission Gun–Scanning Electron Microscope) images showed cellular adhesion at 24 h, with comparable morphology in all samples for both cell types. A similar cell spreading within the grooves and in the space between them was observed. Cell viability increased over time in all study groups; however, no differences were found between them. Additionally, proliferation, ALP (Alkaline phosphatase) activity, collagen type I, osteopontin and interleukin levels were not significantly different between any of the study groups for any of the cell types. Analysis of variance to compare parameters effect did not reveal statistically significant differences when comparing all groups in the different tests performed. The results obtained revealed similar cell behavior based on cell viability and differentiation on different microtopographic laser grooves, compared to a microtopography only established by sandblasting and acid-etching protocol, the reference surface treatment on zirconia dental implants.This work was endorsed by FCT project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030498—Portugal, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização and ImpHib—Development of advanced Hybrid Implants—NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-034074

    Multimethod Assessment of Design, Metallurgical, and Mechanical Characteristics of Original and Counterfeit ProGlider Instruments

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.A multimethod study was conducted to assess the differences between original (PG-OR) and counterfeit (PG-CF) ProGlider instruments regarding design, metallurgical features, and mechanical performance. Seventy PG-OR and PG-CF instruments (n = 35 per group) were evaluated regarding the number of spirals, helical angles, and measuring line position by stereomicroscopy, while blade symmetry, cross-section geometry, tip design, and surface were assessed by scanning electron microscopy. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry were used to identify element ratio and phase transformation temperatures, while cyclic fatigue, torsional, and bending testing were employed to assess their mechanical performance. An unpaired t-test and nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test were used to compare instruments at a significance level of 5%. Similarities were observed in the number of spirals, helical angles, blade symmetry, cross-sectional geometries, and nickel–titanium ratios. Measuring lines were more reliable in the original instrument, while differences were noted in the geometry of the tips (sharper tip for the original and rounded for the counterfeit) and surface finishing with PG-CF presenting more surface irregularities. PG-OR showed significantly more time to fracture (118 s), a higher angle of rotation (440°), and a lower maximum bending load (146.3 gf) (p 0.05). Although the tested instruments had a similar design, the original ProGlider showed superior mechanical behavior. The results of counterfeit ProGlider instruments were unreliable and can be considered unsafe for glide path procedures.publishersversionpublishe

    Porous zirconia blocks for bone repair: an integrative review on biological and mechanical outcomes

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    The aim of this study was to conduct an integrative review of the biological and mechanical outcomes of porous zirconia structures for extensive bone repair. An electronic search was performed on the PubMed database using a combination of the following scientific terms: porous, scaffold, foam, zirconia, bone regeneration, bone repair, bone healing. Articles published in the English language up to December 2021 and related to porosity, pore interconnectivity, biocompatibility and strength of the material, and the manufacturing methods of zirconia porous structures were included. Randomized controlled trials and prospective cohort studies were also evaluated. The research identified 145 studies, of which 23 were considered relevant. A high percentage of pores and the size and interconnectivity of pores are key factors for cell migration, attachment, proliferation, and differentiation. In addition, pore interconnectivity allows for the exchange of nutrients between cells and formation of blood vessels. However, a decrease in strength of the porous structures was noted with an increase in the number and size of pores. Therefore, yttria-stabilized zirconia tetragonal polycrystal (Y-TZP) has mechanical properties that make it suitable for the manufacture of highly porous structures or implants for extensive bone repair. Additionally, the porous structures can be coated with bioactive ceramics to enhance the cell response and bone ingrowth without compromising pore networking. Porous structures and mesh implants composed of zirconia have become a strategy for extensive bone repair since the material and the pore network provide the desired biological response and bone volume maintenance.This study was supported by the following FCT projects (Portugal): UID/EEA/04436/2013, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031035_LaserMULTICER, SFRH/BPD/123769/2016, and LIBPhys-FCT UID/ FIS/04559/2013. Also, it was supported by the following CNPq project (Brazil): CNPq/UNIVERSAL/ 421229/2018-7

    Endodontic treatment of a mandibular second molar with four roots – A case report and literature review

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    Objectives: The most common configuration of the mandibular second molar is the presence of two roots, although the presence of one and three roots has also been reported. The objective of this work was to present a rare anatomic configuration with four roots diagnosed during an endodontic therapy. Materials and methods: Endodontic treatment was performed using a dental operating microscope. The anatomic configuration was confirmed with a cone beam computed tomography image analysis. An electronic database search was conducted to identify all the published reported cases of mandibular second molars with four roots. Results: The cone beam computed tomography analysis showed the presence of three mature normal length roots plus a smaller and conical radix entomolaris. The authors were unable to identify a single case in population's characterization researches with large samples by search in the available literature. Only one in vivo case report was available in the literature. Conclusions: A configuration with four roots is rare for the mandibular molars. This configuration has an incidence of 0.04% in the first lower molar with only three in vivo case reports available. For the second lower molar, no incidence ratio was found