175 research outputs found

    Synaptic Wnt/GSK3β Signaling Hub in Autism

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    Indexación: ScopusHundreds of genes have been associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and the interaction of weak and de novo variants derive from distinct autistic phenotypes thus making up the "spectrum." The convergence of these variants in networks of genes associated with synaptic function warrants the study of cell signaling pathways involved in the regulation of the synapse. The Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway plays a central role in the development and regulation of the central nervous system and several genes belonging to the cascade have been genetically associated with ASDs. In the present paper, we review basic information regarding the role of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in excitatory/inhibitory balance (E/I balance) through the regulation of pre-and postsynaptic compartments. Furthermore, we integrate information supporting the role of the glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) in the onset/development of ASDs through direct modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Finally, given GSK3β activity as key modulator of synaptic plasticity, we explore the potential of this kinase as a therapeutic target for ASD.https://www.hindawi.com/journals/np/2016/9603751

    Parent’s Perspectives of Physical Activity Recreational Programs for Their Children with Disabilities

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    The purpose of this synthesis was to examine parent\u27s perspectives of physical activity recreational programs for their children with disabilities. The studies in the critical mass reviewed the different perceptions that parents relayed including benefits and positive outcomes such as, children being able to see themselves be successful and having their social skills increase as well as barriers to successful inclusion such as, not having the right equipment, not finding a program that works with their child or not being able to trust staff know how to appropriately work with their child. They also identified opportunities that could enhance their child’s participation such as marketing information so that parents are aware of programs and helping low-income families. Future research should examine looking only at children with a physical disability or just a mental disability as a lot of the information has both. Future research should also look more into the staff training rather than looking at the facility by itself

    Junior Recital: Victoria Caracci, soprano

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    This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music in Performance. Ms. Caracci studies voice with Jana Young.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1262/thumbnail.jp

    Senior Recital: Victoria Caracci, soprano

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    This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music in Performance. Ms. Caracci studies voice with Jana Young.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1803/thumbnail.jp

    La dimensione estetica in Jean-Luc Nancy

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    Jean-Luc Nancy rappresenta una delle figure più originali nel panorama filosofico contemporaneo. L'idea fondante della sua ontologia è che questa debba essere in grado di costituire una pista etica, politica, estetica. A quest'ultima ho dedicato il mio sforzo interpretativo. L'estetica diviene, per Nancy, paradigma del fatto che l'uomo non può sottrarsi alla sua costitutiva dimensione politica, feconda e carnale. La piega plurale dell'origine, la nostra originaria esposizione gli uni agli altri, il tratto che ci unisce ed al contempo ci distingue gli uni dagli altri, la nostra originaria apertura. Tutto ciò trova, sul piano speculativo, il proprio riferimento teorico nella radicalizzazione del Mitsein heideggeriano. Si tratterà allora di vedere in che termini, a partire dal corpo, si rivela ontologicamente esplicitato, in direzione estetica, il tema cardine che sta al cuore della riflessione estetica di Nancy, l'esposizione corporea. L'autore sviluppa una ontologia della corporeità che risulta allora cedersi, concedersi, solo tramite un'estetica che faccia dell'esposizione il suo centro argomentativo privilegiato

    Tra inferno precario e paradiso resistente: un’analisi sociosemiotica di Insorgiamo

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    Il presente lavoro intende esplorare l’intreccio tra utopia, realtà e politica nella costruzione di un mondo socialmente più giusto, libero e solidale attraverso il testo Insorgiamo ̧ ‘archivio dissidente’ nato dall’esperienza del Collettivo di fabbrica degli operai dell’ex-GKN. L’utopia concreta proposta da Gorz individua nell’alienazione che si origina dal precariato il suo nucleo generativo e vede come soluzione praticabile la riappropriazione del tempo liberato dal lavoro salariato per progetti collettivi, atti a risvegliare il collective intellect. Analogamente, Armiero nota come il Capitale manifesti sé stesso e riproduca le disuguaglianze attraverso le wasting relationships, alle quali contrappone le commoning relationships come forma di resistenza. Il rapporto dialogico tra critiche del presente e prospettive future viene esemplificato nel testo Insorgiamo. Diario collettivo di una lotta operaia (e non solo), che, attraverso la narrazione della propria cronistoria, presenta le criticità del mondo lavorativo italiano e la riorganizzazione collettiva di soggettività solidali, ribelli e scomode. L’analisi sociosemiotica costituirà la base metodologica e speculativa per presentare, da un lato, come il neoliberalismo abbia configurato il mondo lavorativo su ‘logiche di scarto’; dall’altro, come l’intelligenza collettiva e la convergenza delle lotte permettano di creare una forte opposizione ai modelli neoliberali e consumistici

    Amerigo Vespucci e... “o intocável historiador”

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    Wnt/β-catenin signaling stimulates the expression and synaptic clustering of the autism-associated Neuroligin 3 gene

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    Indexación: Scopus.Synaptic abnormalities have been described in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The cell-adhesion molecule Neuroligin-3 (Nlgn3) has an essential role in the function and maturation of synapses and NLGN3 ASD-associated mutations disrupt hippocampal and cortical function. Here we show that Wnt/β-catenin signaling increases Nlgn3 mRNA and protein levels in HT22 mouse hippocampal cells and primary cultures of rat hippocampal neurons. We characterized the activity of mouse and rat Nlgn3 promoter constructs containing conserved putative T-cell factor/lymphoid enhancing factor (TCF/LEF)-binding elements (TBE) and found that their activity is significantly augmented in Wnt/β-catenin cell reporter assays. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays and site-directed mutagenesis experiments revealed that endogenous β-catenin binds to novel TBE consensus sequences in the Nlgn3 promoter. Moreover, activation of the signaling cascade increased Nlgn3 clustering and co-localization with the scaffold PSD-95 protein in dendritic processes of primary neurons. Our results directly link Wnt/β-catenin signaling to the transcription of the Nlgn3 gene and support a functional role for the signaling pathway in the dysregulation of excitatory/inhibitory neuronal activity, as is observed in animal models of ASD.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-018-0093-y.pd