169 research outputs found

    International Labour Law Standards Concerning Collective Bargaining in Public Essential Services

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    Labour standards adopted under the auspices of the ILO constitute the principal international influences on public sector collective bargaining; it is those standards that are the subject of this article. Focusing on the position of essential public sector employees, ILO principles concerning collective bargaining, dispute settlement and the right of workers to withdraw their services as part of bargaining are examined. Particular attention is devoted to the application of ILO standards to essential public sector employees and police officers; and the extent to which Australian law complies with these standards. The ILO supervisory bodies have acknowledged that restrictions on the general right of workers to collectively bargain and to strike can be justified in the case of essential public employees, but only on a minimal or proportional analysis. The ILO has also emphasised that any restrictions on the right to strike must be compensated by adequate, impartial and speedy conciliation and arbitration processes. It is shown, however, that with respect to essential public employees and police officers operating under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), Australian law falls short on both of these scores, with a resultant uncertainty regarding the right of these workers to bargain collectively

    Police Bargaining Disputes and Third-Party Intervention in Australia: Which Way Forward?

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    The essential duties that police officers perform, and the absence of a right to strike, creates the need for an effective, impartial procedure for the resolution of bargaining disputes. This article argues that, with the shift of focus under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) to good-faith bargaining, police officers have been left without an effective dispute resolution mechanism, partly because of the limitations on arbitration but also because of uncertainties surrounding the scope of the ‘protected action’ provisions of the Act for police officers. Following a review of police pay-setting arrangements in comparable jurisdictions, this article examines and proposes options for an alternative model, including a mandatory ‘final-offer’ arbitration (‘FOA’) model as used for police bargaining in Canada, New Zealand and the United States. Research shows that — aside from providing an effective closure mechanism for bargaining disputes where strikes or lock-outs are unavailable — mandatory FOA offers a range of benefits to police bargaining, and could provide an ideal ‘fit’ for the current bargaining-centred system. The article’s findings are of significance not only to police officers, but to all emergency services workers covered by the Fair Work bargaining regime


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    The socio-economic and cultural evolution in the last decades encouraged a significant process of transformation of the life conditions in advanced societies, particularly the average duration of the life of the elderly population, which since the second half of the past century has increased by about 60%, becoming from an average of fifty years to about eighty two for women and eighty for men. This phenomenon enables scholars and in particular demography scholars, to assume that in 2030 the number of elderly persons will reach about two billion worldwide. This development of an increasingly longer life expectancy, justifies the trust in the great progress that characterizes our society. The rapid growth of this segment of population, due to the improved living conditions and the related progress in science, technology and medicine, in addition to its positive aspects, also includes negative elements, which already affect the Welfare State and, more generally, the public administration that is called to fill the gaps that the transformation of the family and kinship networks have treated with indifference. The problems of the increasingly long-lived, is not freed from new elements of negativity related to the physical and mental decline that leads to the development of new diseases in addition to those already present, ans is increasingly motivated to seek the best remedies to shorten or eliminate the diseases of the elderly. In this context, Depression assumes a central dimension which will surely be a central concern for the economic, social and health impact and for the multitude of changes that put in crisis many of the traditional institutions. This work aims to analyze through a careful review of the scientific literature, the causes of the spread of this disease, the diagnostic difficulties and possible solutions for prevention and care

    Carbon xerogels doped with silicon or tin oxide for lithium-ion battery anodes

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    In this thesis, a carbon xerogel (CX) was used as an electrically-conductive 3D support matrix for either silicon, an alloying-type active material, or tin oxide, a conversion-type and alloying-type active material, for use as a negative electrode in a lithium-ion battery. This thesis aimed to understand not only the CX itself, but how the active material pulverization and excessive solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation caused by the volumetric change of the Si and SnO2 during cycling can be mitigated. The mitigation techniques consisted of (i) reducing the domain size of the silicon and tin oxide dopants to limit their pulverization, (ii) using a protective coating or binder to improve the SEI, and (iii) optimizing the inclusion of the silicon or tin oxide in the CX. The thesis is thus organized into three main sections: (i) the synthesis and characterization of the CX, and the modeling of its electrochemical behavior, (ii) the synthesis and characterization of a Si-doped CX, and (iii) the synthesis and characterization of a SnO2-doped CX. First, electrodes composed of a CX with either poly(vinylidene difluoride) (PVDF) or poly(sodium 4-styrene sulfonate) (PSS) as a binder were synthesized and assembled into a symmetric supercapacitor cell in order to more fully understand how the electrochemical properties are affected by the binder, the microstructure of the CX, and other extrinsic properties of the active layer such as its thickness and density. Additionally, a unique consideration of the total capacitance of these CX-based supercapacitors was formulated and a new model for disordered mesoporous carbon with internal microporosity was developed. This model showed that, although the specific capacitance of a pore increases with decreasing diameter, the addition of a secondary diffuse region outside of the pore causes a net decrease in the specific capacitance per unit surface area, which corresponded with experimental results. In the second section, a CX was doped with Si with either pre-formed nanoparticles (SiNPs) or with a Si precursor, such as silica nanoparticles or tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS)-derived silica, which was subsequently in situ transformed into silicon via magnesiothermal reduction. The latter synthesis procedure was thought to further increase the cycling stability of the CX-based electrodes given the more homogenous and intimate inclusion of the Si dopant. Furthermore, the use of PSS as a protective coating or binder was explored. The synthesis of both the CX doped with SiNPs or via a Si precursor was successful; however, cycling instability still remained, albeit to a lesser extent than in the case of SiNPs alone. Finally, using PSS as a protective coating or binder yielded composite electrodes that were up to 10 times more stable during cycling than the same electrodes with only conventional PVDF as a binder.   In the third section, a CX was doped with SnO2 using either pre-formed nanoparticles (SnONPs) or a precursor that was subsequently in situ transformed into tin oxide via a simple sol-gel process. Both procedures were successful: SnO2 was included within the porosity of the CX. The latter synthesis additionally seemed to deposit SnO2 at least partially within the microporosity of the CX. The electrodes were relatively stable upon cycling for both synthesis techniques, yielding a material that maintained 80% of the initial capacity after 50 cycles. The use of PSS as a protective coating or binder only yielded a moderate increase in the cycling as compared to the same electrodes with only conventional PVDF as a binder. Overall, the effects of the volumetric change these dopants exhibited during cycling were at least partially mitigated through the use of a CX as a support structure, PSS as a protective coating or binder, and the more intimate inclusion of Si or SnO2 via liquid precursors.Dans cette thèse, un xérogel de carbone (CX) a été utilisé comme matrice support 3D électriquement conductrice pour soit du silicium, un matériau actif de type alliage, soit de l'oxyde d'étain, un matériau actif de type conversion et alliage ; ces matériaux étaient destinés à une utilisation comme électrode négative dans une batterie lithium-ion. Cette thèse visait à comprendre non seulement le CX lui-même, mais aussi comment la pulvérisation de matière active et la formation excessive d'interphase électrolyte solide (SEI) causées par le changement volumétrique du Si et du SnO2 pendant le cyclage peuvent être atténuées. Les techniques d'atténuation ont consisté à (i) réduire la taille des domaines cristallins du silicium et de l’oxyde d'étain pour limiter leur pulvérisation, (ii) utiliser un revêtement protecteur ou un liant spécifique pour améliorer la SEI, et (iii) optimiser l'inclusion du silicium ou de l'oxyde d’étain dans la matrice carbonée. La thèse est ainsi organisée en trois sections principales : (i) la synthèse et la caractérisation du CX, et la modélisation de son comportement électrochimique, (ii) la synthèse et la caractérisation d'un CX dopé au Si, et (iii) la synthèse et caractérisation d'un CX dopé au SnO2. Tout d'abord, des électrodes composées d'un CX avec soit du poly(difluorure de vinylidène) (PVDF) soit du poly(sodium 4-styrène sulfonate) (PSS) comme liant ont été synthétisées et assemblées dans une cellule de supercondensateur symétrique afin de mieux comprendre comment les propriétés électrochimiques sont affectées par le liant, la microstructure du CX et d'autres propriétés extrinsèques de la couche active telles que son épaisseur et sa densité. De plus, une considération unique de la capacité totale de ces supercondensateurs à base de CX a été formulée et un nouveau modèle pour le carbone mésoporeux désordonné avec une microporosité interne a été développé. Ce modèle a montré que, bien que la capacité spécifique d'un pore augmente lorsque son diamètre diminue, l'ajout d'une région diffuse secondaire à l'extérieur du pore provoque une diminution nette de la capacité spécifique par unité de surface, ce qui correspond aux résultats expérimentaux. Dans la deuxième section, un CX a été dopé au Si avec des nanoparticules préformées (SiNPs) ou avec un précurseur de Si, tel que des nanoparticules de silice ou de la silice dérivée de tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), qui a ensuite été transformé in situ en silicium par réduction magnésiothermique. Cette dernière procédure de synthèse visait à augmenter la stabilité de cyclage des électrodes à base de CX étant donné l'inclusion plus homogène et intime du Si dans la matrice carbonée. En outre, l'utilisation du PSS comme revêtement protecteur ou liant a été explorée. La synthèse à la fois du CX dopé avec des SiNPs ou via un précurseur de Si a été un succès ; cependant, l'instabilité des électrodes au cyclage persistait, bien que dans une moindre mesure que dans le cas des SiNPs seules. Enfin, l'utilisation du PSS comme revêtement protecteur ou liant a conduit à des électrodes composites jusqu'à 10 fois plus stables pendant le cyclage que les mêmes électrodes avec uniquement du PVDF conventionnel comme liant. Dans la troisième section, un CX a été dopé avec du SnO2 en utilisant soit des nanoparticules préformées (SnONP) soit un précurseur qui a ensuite été transformé in situ en oxyde d'étain via un procédé sol-gel simple. Les deux procédures ont été couronnées de succès : de particules de SnO2 ont été incluses dans la porosité du CX. Le dernier type de synthèse semblait en outre déposer du SnO2 au moins partiellement dans la microporosité du CX. Les électrodes étaient relativement stables lors du cyclage pour les deux techniques de synthèse ; en effet, le matériau obtenu a pu maintenir 80% de la capacité initiale après 50 cycles. L'utilisation de PSS comme revêtement protecteur ou liant n'a donné qu'une augmentation modérée de la stabilité au cyclage par rapport aux mêmes électrodes avec uniquement du PVDF conventionnel comme liant. Dans l'ensemble, les effets du changement volumétrique que ces dopants présentaient pendant le cyclage ont été au moins partiellement atténués grâce à l'utilisation d'un CX comme structure de support, de PSS comme revêtement protecteur ou liant, et de l'inclusion plus intime de Si ou de SnO2 via des précurseurs liquides.HiSi

    Hacia una pedagogía musical crítica

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    En este texto se analiza y se problematiza el modo en el que los profesores y los alumnos piensan a la música, a la cultura y al otro. La autora propone posicionar a los educadores desde una perspectiva crítica que dialogue con las diferencias para llegar a saberes compartidos e impulsa una pedagogía musical que mire al otro como sujeto valioso.Facultad de Arte

    La música como objeto de conocimiento. Aportes para una justicia curricular

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    Como práctica social, la música es una práctica de conocimiento que devela la pluralidad de formas de ser y estar en el mundo, siempre ligada a nuestras identidades personales y sociales. En tanto saber valioso para desarrollar sociedades de conocimiento, donde los actores ejerzan una ciudadanía cultural como sujetos competentes para descifrar las estructuras simbólicas de su cultura y producir nuevas, la educación musical debe proporcionar experiencias que atiendan a la justicia curricular. Una educación musical en pos de una justicia curricular, base de la interculturalidad, debe partir del respeto genuino de los saberes previos, esto es, romper la superioridad naturalizada de ciertas prácticas musicales para promover constelaciones donde distintas praxis musicales que entren en diálogo epistémico. Este diálogo, posibilitará no solo el respeto de cada forma de intervenir en el mundo, cada forma de entender la organización sonora, sino que lo pondrá en relación e interacción con otras formas, igualmente valiosas, igualmente incompletas, listas para enriquecer las experiencias musicales y educativas

    Metodologia ativa na educação médica

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    In medical school is gaining more prominence the speech on the need and importance of the curriculum as well as its organization take an interdisciplinary approach, decoupling closed curricular organization, tighten, biologicist with little, or no relationship among the different areas of knowledge and absent in unified vision of the human body. Thus, starting from the assumption that, in any segment of education, knowledge is a building held by the knowing subject, and that its development depends on teaching strategies that make them meaningful content to students, this work presents some reflections on the role and the value of questioning the methodology as a dynamic enabler of a significant and interdisciplinary teaching.Na escola médica vem ganhando cada vez mais destaque o discurso sobre a necessidade e importância de que a organização curricular e o conteúdo programático assumam uma proposta interdisciplinar, desvinculando-se da organização curricular fechada, estanque, biologicista, com pouca, ou nenhuma, relação entre as diferentes áreas do conhecimento e ausente de uma visão unificada do corpo humano. Assim, partindo-se do pressuposto de que, em qualquer segmento da escolaridade, o conhecimento é uma construção realizada pelo sujeito cognoscente, e que essa construção depende de estratégias de ensino que tornem os conteúdos significativos aos alunos, neste trabalho são feitas algumas reflexões sobre o papel e o valor da metodologia da problematização como dinâmica possibilitadora de um ensino significativo e interdisciplinar

    YfmK is a Novel Nε-lysine Acetyltransferase that Directly Acetylates the Histone-like Protein HBsu in Bacillus Subtilis

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    Recently, Ne-lysine acetylation was realized to be a prevalent bacterial post-translational modification (PTM), contrary to the historical notion that this was a rare occurrence. Acetylation can impact protein function in multiple ways, by modifying conformation, interactions, subcellular localization or activity. In bacteria, hundreds of proteins are known to be acetylated, including those involved essential processes such as DNA replication, nucleoid organization, translation, cell shape, central carbon metabolism, and even several virulence factors. Despite the growing recognition that numerous proteins are acetylated, the biological significance of the vast majority of these modifications in any bacteria remains largely unknown. Previously, we characterized the Bacillus subtilis acetylome and found that the essential histone-like protein HBsu contains seven novel acetylation sites in vivo. HBsu is a bacterial nucleoid-associated protein, which is largely responsible for chromosome compaction and the coordination of DNA processes. Despite the lack of sequence or structural homology, it is generally considered to be a functional homolog of eukaryotic histones. We investigated whether acetylation is a regulatory component of the function of HBsu in nucleoid compaction. Using mutations that mimic the acetylated and unacetylated forms of the protein, we showed that the inability to acetylate key HBsu lysine residues results in a more compacted nucleoid. We further investigated the mechanism of HBsu acetylation. By screening knockouts of the ~50 putative Gcn5-N-acetyltransferase (GNAT)-domain encoding genes in B. subtilis for their effects on DNA compaction, five candidates were identified that may encode transacetylases acting on HBsu. Genetic bypass experiments demonstrated that two of these, YfmK and YdgE, can acetylate HBsu and their potential sites of action on HBsu were identified. Additionally, purified YfmK was able to directly acetylate HBsu in vitro,suggesting that it is the second identified protein acetyltransferase in B. subtilis. We propose that at least one physiological function of the acetylation of HBsu at key lysine residues is to regulate nucleoid compaction, analogously to the role of histone acetylation in eukaryotes. With the alarming rise in antibiotic resistance, the need to develop novel therapeutics is critical. Bacterial protein acetylation represents a world of untapped potential that may uncover new drug targets to replace or supplement our antiquated antibiotic arsenal. With proper study, the enzymes involved in regulation (i.e. acetylases and deacetylases) or the acetylated form of a key protein (i.e. virulence factors, essential genes, etc.) may provide valuable, druggable targets. The targeting of bacterial protein acetylation is a practical option, as targeting enzymes involved in acetylation regulation has been successful in treatment of certain cancers, latent viral and fungal infections