1,679 research outputs found

    Citizenship education through practices and representations

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    La investigación se llevó a cabo en los años 2008 y 2009, con la intención de identificar las prácticas de educación para la ciudadanía más difundidas en la escuela secundaria superior italiana y las representaciones más comunes presentes entre los estudiantes y profesores. Se suministraron 1308 cuestionarios, en 76 clases, correspondientes a tres regiones de Italia (Emilia-Romagna, Lombardía y Sicilia), 68 fichas han sido recopiladas a partir de los sondeos de 46 profesores. Diez de estos 46 profesores fueron también entrevistados directamente. El estudio describe las prácticas más difundidas y los temas fundamentales (predomina la prevención de accidentes de tráfico, medidas preventivas de la salud en general, con especial atención a las drogas, el alcohol, las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y el SIDA.) Se observa una presencia muy limitada de proyectos específicos de dimensión jurídica, política y ética, de la ciudadanía, en cambio los estudiantes muestran expectativas y un deseo de intervención sobre la ciudadanía. También parece importante el análisis de las representaciones implícitas identificadas en las respuestas abiertas de los estudiantes.This research was conducted in 2008 and 2009, and sought to identify the most popular practices of citizenship education in secondary school, as well as the most common representations among students and teachers. 1308 open-ended questions questionnaires were administered to 76 classes across three Italian regions (Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Sicily); 68 monitoring cards were compiled by 46 teachers. Ten out of these 46 teachers were also interviewed directly. The study describes the most common practices and the privileged topics (road accidents and health care prevention in general with particular regard to drugs, alcohol, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV were among the most popular). The evidence shows a very limited number of projects specifically related to the legal, political and ethical dimensions of citizenship, whilst students express expectation and desire for intervention. Furthermore, the analysis of the implicit representations identified in the open-ended responses provided by the students seems particularly significant.peerReviewe

    Problemi di valutazione della qualità di un corso universitario Uno studio esplorativo

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    Il contributo discute il problema generale della valutazione dell’efficacia didattica a livello universitario, con il supporto dei datiricavati in due anni accademici successivi (2010/11 e 2011/12) monitorando il corso di Teoria e pratica della formazione (Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Lettere) a partire dal giudizio dei frequentanti, per verificare la percezione degli studenti degli obiettivi formativi e delle scelte metodologiche e organizzativedel corso stesso. A chi aveva completato l’esame nei primi tre appelli (43 studenti nel 2010/11 e 37 nel 2011/12) sono state rivolte due domande ee è stato somministrato un breve questionario (nei due anni il questionario è stato modificato). Questi elementi sono stati messi a confronto con i dati della scheda personale dello studente (che registra il percorso di scuola secondaria, quello accademico, il giudizio sull’esercitazione svolta all’interno del corso e il voto finale conseguito). I dati ricavati, che sono indicativi del riconoscimento, da parte degli studenti, degli obiettivi del corso e delle scelte metodologiche in esso operate, forniscono almeno alcune suggestioni e indicazioni per future ipotesi di lavoro in questa direzione

    Using the Oxford cognitive screen to detect cognitive impairment in stroke patients. A comparison with the Mini-Mental State Examination

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    Background: The Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS) was recently developed with the aim of describing the cognitive de cits after stroke. The scale consists of 10 tasks encom- passing ve cognitive domains: attention and executive function, language, memory, number processing, and praxis. OCS was devised to be inclusive and un-confounded by aphasia and neglect. As such, it may have a greater potential to be informative on stroke cognitive de cits of widely used instruments, such as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) or the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which were originally devised for demented patients. Objective: The present study compared the OCS with the MMSE with regards to their ability to detect cognitive impairments post-stroke. We further aimed to examine perfor- mance on the OCS as a function of subtypes of cerebral infarction and clinical severity. Methods: 325 rst stroke patients were consecutively enrolled in the study over a 9-month period. The OCS and MMSE, as well as the Bamford classi cation and NIHSS, were given according to standard procedures. results: About a third of patients (35.3%) had a performance lower than the cutoff (<22) on the MMSE, whereas 91.6% were impaired in at least one OCS domain, indicating higher incidences of impairment for the OCS. More than 80% of patients showed an impairment in two or more cognitive domains of the OCS. Using the MMSE as a standard of clinical practice, the comparative sensitivity of OCS was 100%. Out of the 208 patients with normal MMSE performance 180 showed impaired performance in at least one domain of the OCS. The discrepancy between OCS and MMSE was particularly strong for patients with milder strokes. As for subtypes of cerebral infarction, fewer patients demonstrated widespread impairments in the OCS in the Posterior Circulation Infarcts category than in the other categories. conclusion: Overall, the results showed a much higher incidence of cognitive impairment with the OCS than with the MMSE and demonstrated no false negatives for OCS vs MMSE. It is concluded that OCS is a sensitive screen tool for cognitive de cits after stroke. In particular, the OCS detects high incidences of stroke-specific cognitive impairments, not detected by the MMSE, demonstrating the importance of cognitive pro ling.Background: The Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS) was recently developed with the aim of describing the cognitive deficits after stroke. The scale consists of 10 tasks encompassing five cognitive domains: attention and executive function, language, memory, number processing, and praxis. OCS was devised to be inclusive and un-confounded by aphasia and neglect. As such, it may have a greater potential to be informative on stroke cognitive deficits of widely used instruments, such as the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) or the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, which were originally devised for demented patients. Objective: The present study compared the OCS with the MMSE with regards to their ability to detect cognitive impairments post-stroke. We further aimed to examine performance on the OCS as a function of subtypes of cerebral infarction and clinical severity. Methods: 325 first stroke patients were consecutively enrolled in the study over a 9-month period. The OCS and MMSE, as well as the Bamford classification and NIHSS, were given according to standard procedures. Results: About a third of patients (35.3%) had a performance lower than the cutoff(< 22) on the MMSE, whereas 91.6% were impaired in at least one OCS domain, indicating higher incidences of impairment for the OCS. More than 80% of patients showed an impairment in two or more cognitive domains of the OCS. Using the MMSE as a standard of clinical practice, the comparative sensitivity of OCS was 100%. Out of the 208 patients with normal MMSE performance 180 showed impaired performance in at least one domain of the OCS. The discrepancy between OCS and MMSE was particularly strong for patients with milder strokes. As for subtypes of cerebral infarction, fewer patients demonstrated widespread impairments in the OCS in the Posterior Circulation Infarcts category than in the other categories. Conclusion: Overall, the results showed a much higher incidence of cognitive impairment with the OCS than with the MMSE and demonstrated no false negatives for OCS vs MMSE. It is concluded that OCS is a sensitive screen tool for cognitive deficits after stroke. In particular, the OCS detects high incidences of stroke-specific cognitive impairments, not detected by the MMSE, demonstrating the importance of cognitive profiling. © 2018 Mancuso, Demeyere, Abbruzzese, Damora, Varalta, Pirrotta, Antonucci, Matano, Caputo, Caruso, Pontiggia, Coccia, Ciancarelli, Zoccolotti and The Italian OCS Grou

    Laser Scanning Application for Geostructural analysis of Tuffaceous Coastal Cliffs: the case of Punta Epitaffio, Pozzuoli Bay, Italy

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    This study presents the results of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) application aimed at characterizing the structural pattern of Punta Epitaffio tuffaceous coastal cliff, Pozzuoli Bay, Eastern Tyrrhenian margin. The study site is located in the Campi Flegrei, an active volcanic caldera, characterized by dense urbanization, near the town of Naples, Italy. The 3D digital model of the Punta Epitaffio cliff derived from TLS data, provided a base for the classification of rock discontinuities by geostatistical analysis. In particular, the work flow of geostructural data processing included: 1) statistical analysis of spatial orientation of the facets of the 3D mesh derived by the TLS survey; 2) extraction of the best-fit attitudes (dip and dip direction) of discontinuity sets for each sub-planar patch of the rock face; 3) cluster analysis of best-fit structural discontinuities; 4) definition of all the discontinuity sets and geo-structural classification of 3D model facets; 5) kinematic analysis for the definition of possible failure mechanisms. Kinematic analysis took into account primarily structurally-controlled failure mechanisms (planar sliding, wedge sliding, flexural toppling, and direct toppling). The method illustrated in this research can be extensively applied to identify unstable areas along tuffaceous coastal cliffs and define shape and volume of rocks potentially involved by failures

    Genesi di comunità educative fra creatività e orizzonti di senso. Una ricerca con le scuole in Emilia-Romagna

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    A partire da una ricerca empirica di durata triennale svolta presso alcune scuole statali e paritarie dell'Emilia-Romagna, il volume tematizza nodi cruciali della competenza docente e della sua formazione iniziale e in servizio: creatività, orizzonti di senso e sfera emotivo-affettiva, pratiche induttivo-laboratoriali, comunità di pratica. Il tentativo è quello di restituire la ricca complessità dell'azione di insegnamento e, contemporaneamente, di delineare alcune "direttrici di senso pedagogico" che consentano di riconoscere le comunità educative che operano ed interagiscono nella scuola

    Seismological monitoring of the February 2007 effusive eruption of the Stromboli volcano

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    On February 27, 2007, the Stromboli volcano, which has usually been characterized by moderate explosive activity, started an effusive eruption with a small lava flow down the NW flank. The permanent broadband network installed on the island allowed the revealing of anomalies in the seismicity before the effusive eruption and for the phenomena to be followed over time, thus obtaining meaningful information about the eruption dynamics. During the effusive phase, a major explosion occurred on March 15, 2007. On that occasion, two strainmeters deployed on the volcano in the previous year recorded a strain increment before the blast. After this explosion, which further destabilized the upper part of the edifice, swarms of Long-Period (LP) and hybrid events were recorded. The characteristics and locations of these events suggest that they were associated with the fracturing processes that affected the summit area of the cone. During the effusive phase, changes in the Very Long Period (VLP) event location were recorded. This type of events accompanied the change in the eruptive style, providing information about the magmatic conduit involved in their seismogenetic processes. The effusive phase stopped on April 2, 2007, and the typical Strombolian activity restarted some months later
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