873 research outputs found

    Undocumented Immigrants: Myths and Reality

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    In this article, six common myths about immigrants are debunked

    Two-step rocket engine bipropellant valve Patent

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    Solenoid two-step valve for bipropellant flow rate control to rocket engin

    Two-step rocket engine bipropellant valve concept

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    Initiating combustion of altitude control rocket engines in a precombustion chamber of ductile material reduces high pressure surges generated by hypergolic propellants. Two-step bipropellant valve concepts control initial propellant flow into precombustion chamber and subsequent full flow into main chamber

    Torts -- Damages -- Aggravation of Pre-existing Injuries

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    Taxation -- Strike Benefits as Income

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    Civic Contributions: Taxes Paid by Immigrants in the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area

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    This report estimates the taxes paid by immigrants in the Washington, D.C., area in 1999-2000 and documents their demographics, household composition, income, and dispersal across jurisdictions in the region. The findings in this report are based mostly on analysis of 2000 U.S. Census data, because the census provides the most recent comprehensive data that allow disaggregation by country of origin groups and by many of the region's local jurisdictions. The demographic data in the report are updated through 2004 using the U.S. Current Population Survey. We calculate taxes at both the individual level (e.g., income and payroll taxes) and the household level (e.g., property taxes), but aggregate them up to the household level. Throughout the report we refer to households headed by immigrants (whether citizens, legal immigrants, or unauthorized migrants) as "immigrant households" and compare their incomes and tax payments to households headed by native-born U.S. citizens


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    This study estimates demand during the 1980-90 period for wholesale beef cuts by season and by trend. A data set containing monthly nominal prices for wholesale cuts and average choice boxed beef from January 1980 to December 1990 was collected from multiple sources. The approach expressed the change in demand for wholesale cuts as the change in the price ratio of individual cuts relative to the price of boxed beef. This approach shows changes in amount by season and over time relative to the average wholesale cut. Brisket, Armbone Chuck, Bottom Gooseneck, and Knuckle showed the strongest demand in winter and lowest in summer. Top (Inside) Round had a clear downward trend in demand, but the seasonal pattern was less pronounced and more erratic than the lower-priced cuts. Top Sirloin Butt had its highest demand in spring and summer with November-December being the lowest period. Strip Loin had the strongest warm season demand during the period which contains Memorial Day. Ribeye experienced a seasonal demand highest in November-December and lowest in January to April. Full Tenderloin was the most expensive wholesale beef cut analyzed in the study, and its demand was highest in November-December. The study clearly showed that a change in seasonal demand was responsible for the major part of price ratio fluctuations for individual wholesale cuts.Demand and Price Analysis,

    The New Neighbors: A User's Guide to Data on Immigrants in U.S. Communities

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    Provides a guide for identifying characteristics, contributions, and needs of immigrant populations. Discusses national immigration trends, and addresses public policy questions. Includes a profile of the immigrant population in Providence, Rhode Island

    Soil inventory of Capps Forestland, Westminster, SC

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    The objectives of this study were to conduct a soil inventory of Capps Forestland in Westminster, SC, using Web Soil Survey, to collect soil samples, to analyze collected soil samples in the Clemson University Agricultural Service Laboratory, and to interpret the results for management recommendations. Two soil map units found on the property: Hayesville and Cecil fine sandy loams (15-25% slope), and Hayesville and Cecil fine sandy loams (25-45% slope) all belong to the soil order of Ultisols. The dominant soil type present was Hayesville and Cecil fine sandy loams (15-25% slope), (Fine, kaolonitic, mesic Typic Kanhapludults). All soils are not prime farmland. All soils are having tree site index of 85 feet for Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.). Soil samples were collected from each soil type and then analyzed to determine the soil chemical and physical properties. Soil nutrient analysis recommendations are discussed in terms of establishing Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.), and fruit orchard while minimizing environmental impact