329 research outputs found

    Політичні стереотипи та стереотипізація мислення: роль та значення у системі іміджевих комунікацій

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    Всебічно розглянуто особливості стереотипізації мислення як важливого чинника у процесі сприйняття та аналізу особою або групою осіб суспільно-політичної дійсності. Досліджено природу, джерела та механізми формування політичних стереотипів та показано їх роль і значення у системі іміджевих комунікацій. Наголошено на необхід- ності аналізу існуючої системи стереотипів при створенні іміджу суб’єкта політики.There have been thoroughly examined peculiarities of stereotyping of thinking as an important factor in the process of perception and analysis of socio-political reality by a person or a group of people. There have been investigated the nature, sources and mechanism of political stereotypes formation and showed their role and meaning in the system if image communications. There has been put an emphasis on the necessity of analysis of the existing system of stereotypes while creating the image of a subject of policy

    Global Dam‐Driven Changes to Riverine N:P:Si Ratios Delivered to the Coastal Ocean

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    River damming alters nutrient fluxes along the land-ocean aquatic continuum as a result of biogeochemical processes in reservoirs. Both the changes in riverine nutrient fluxes and nutrient ratios impact ecosystem functioning of receiving water bodies. We utilize spatially distributed mechanistic models of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and silicon (Si) cycling in reservoirs to quantify changes in nutrient stoichiometry of river discharge to coastal waters. The results demonstrate that the growing number of dams decouples the riverine fluxes of N, P, and Si. Worldwide, preferential removal of P over N in reservoirs increases N:P ratios delivered to the ocean, raising the potential for P limitation of coastal productivity. By midcentury, more than half of the rivers discharging to the coastal zone will experience a higher removal of reactive Si relative to reactive P and total N, in response to the rapid pace at which new hydroelectric dams are being built

    Effects of pH and Dissolved Silicate on Phosphate Mineral-Water Partitioning with Goethite

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    Release of sorbed phosphate from ferric iron oxyhydroxides can contribute to excessive algal growth in surface water bodies. Dissolved silicate has been hypothesized to facilitate phosphate desorption by competing for mineral surface sites. Here, we conducted phosphate and silicate adsorption experiments with goethite under a wide pH range (3–11), both individually (P or Si) and simultaneously (P plus Si). The entire experimental data set was successfully reproduced by the charge distribution multisite surface complexation (CD-MUSIC) model. Phosphate adsorption was highest under acidic conditions and gradually decreased from near-neutral to alkaline pH conditions. Maximum silicate adsorption, in contrast, occurred under alkaline conditions, peaking around pH 10. The competitive effect of silicate on phosphate adsorption was negligible under acidic conditions, becoming more pronounced under alkaline conditions and elevated molar Si:P ratios (>4). In a subsequent experiment, desorption of phosphate with increasing pH was monitored, in the presence or absence of dissolved silicate. While, as expected, desorption of phosphate was observed during the transition from acidic to alkaline conditions, a fraction of phosphate remained irreversibly bound to goethite. Even at high Si:P ratios and alkaline pH, dissolved silicate did not affect phosphate desorption, implying that kinetic factors prevented silicate from displacing phosphate from goethite binding sites

    APERTIF, a focal plane array for the WSRT

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    In this paper we describe a focal plane array (FPA) prototype, based on Vivaldi elements, developed for the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) to increase its instantaneous field of view by a factor 25 and double its current bandwidth. This prototype is the first step in a project that has the ambition to equip most of the WSRT antennas with FPAs to improve the survey speed of the telescope. Examples of scientific applications are surveys of the northern sky in polarised continuum and HI emission, and efficient searches for pulsars and transients.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Presented at "The Evolution of Galaxies through the Neutral Hydrogen Window", Feb 1-3, 2008, Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico. High resolution versions of figures available in jpg-forma

    Direct Discharges of Domestic Wastewater are a Major Source of Phosphorus and Nitrogen to the Mediterranean Sea

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    Direct discharges of treated and untreated wastewater are important sources of nutrients to coastal marine ecosystems and contribute to their eutrophication. Here, we estimate the spatially distributed annual inputs of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) associated with direct domestic wastewater discharges from coastal cities to the Mediterranean Sea (MS). According to our best estimates, in 2003 these inputs amounted to 0.9 × 10⁹ mol P yr-1 and 15 × 10⁹ mol N yr-1, that is, values on the same order of magnitude as riverine inputs of P and N to the MS. By 2050, in the absence of any mitigation, population growth plus higher per capita protein intake and increased connectivity to the sewer system are projected to increase P inputs to the MS via direct wastewater discharges by 254, 163, and 32% for South, East, and North Mediterranean countries, respectively. Complete conversion to tertiary wastewater treatment would reduce the 2050 inputs to below their 2003 levels, but at an estimated additional cost of over €2 billion yr-1. Management of coastal eutrophication may be best achieved by targeting tertiary treatment upgrades to the most affected near-shore areas, while simultaneously implementing legislation limiting P in detergents and increasing wastewater reuse across the entire basin

    Amplitude calibration of a digital radio antenna array for measuring cosmic ray air showers

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    Radio pulses are emitted during the development of air showers, where air showers are generated by ultra-high energy cosmic rays entering the Earth's atmosphere. These nanosecond short pulses are presently investigated by various experiments for the purpose of using them as a new detection technique for cosmic particles. For an array of 30 digital radio antennas (LOPES experiment) an absolute amplitude calibration of the radio antennas including the full electronic chain of the data acquisition system is performed, in order to estimate absolute values of the electric field strength for these short radio pulses. This is mandatory, because the measured radio signals in the MHz frequency range have to be compared with theoretical estimates and with predictions from Monte Carlo simulations to reconstruct features of the primary cosmic particle. A commercial reference radio emitter is used to estimate frequency dependent correction factors for each single antenna of the radio antenna array. The expected received power is related to the power recorded by the full electronic chain. Systematic uncertainties due to different environmental conditions and the described calibration procedure are of order 20%.Comment: Article accepted by Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A (NIM A

    Visualization of microtubule growth in cultured neurons via the use of EB3-GFP (end-binding protein 3-green fluorescent protein)

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    Several microtubule binding proteins, including CLIP-170 (cytoplasmic linker protein-170), CLIP-115, and EB1 (end-binding protein 1), have been shown to associate specifically with the ends of growing microtubules in non-neuronal cells, thereby regulating microtubule dynamics and the binding of microtubules to protein complexes, organelles, and membranes. When fused to GFP (green fluorescent protein), these proteins, which collectively are called +TIPs (plus end tracking proteins), also serve as powerful markers for visualizing microtubule growth events. Here we demonstrate that e

    Speciation dynamics of oxyanion contaminants (As, Sb, Cr) in argillaceous suspensions during oxic-anoxic cycles

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.12.012 © 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Argillaceous geological formations are considered promising repositories for waste containing inorganic contaminants. However, the sequestration capacity of an argillaceous natural barrier may change as a result of dynamic environmental conditions, in particular changes in redox state. Here, we imposed redox cycles to argillaceous suspensions amended with a mixture of the inorganic contaminants As(V), Sb(V), Cr(VI), by alternating 7-day cycles of sparging with either oxic or anoxic gas mixtures. During the redox cycles, we assessed the relative importance of different contaminant sequestration mechanisms under sterile and non-sterile conditions. The non-sterile experiments were carried out 1) with the argillaceous material as is, that is, containing the native microbial population, 2) with the addition of ethanol as a source of labile organic carbon, and 3) with the addition of both ethanol and a soil microbial inoculum. In order to capture the observed solid-solution partitioning trends, a series of mixed thermodynamic-kinetic models representing the dynamic conditions in the experiments were developed using PHREEQC. Parameter values for processes such as adsorption, which occurred in all experiments, were kept constant across all the simulations. Additional formulations were introduced as needed to account for the microbial detoxification and respiration of the contaminants in the increasing complexity experiments. Abiotic adsorption of As and abiotic reductive precipitation of Cr dominated sequestration of these two contaminants under all experimental conditions, whereas the presence of microorganisms was essential to decrease the aqueous Sb concentration. Once reduced, As(III), Sb(III), and Cr(III) were not re-oxidized upon exposure to dissolved O2 in any of the experiments. Neither the mineralogy nor the native microbiota catalysed contaminant oxidation processes. Thus, kinetically, the reduction of As(V), Sb(V), and Cr(VI) was irreversible over the experimental duration (49 days). The capacity of the argillaceous matrix to reduce and sequester the aqueous contaminants, without subsequent remobilization to the aqueous phase during the oxic periods, supports the use of argillaceous barriers for geologic waste storage.Andra (French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency)Geochemistry group at ISTerre, a part of Labex OSUG@2020 (ANR 10 LABX 56)Canada Excellence Research Chair progra

    A very brief description of LOFAR - the Low Frequency Array

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    LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) is an innovative radio telescope optimized for the frequency range 30-240 MHz. The telescope is realized as a phased aperture array without any moving parts. Digital beam forming allows the telescope to point to any part of the sky within a second. Transient buffering makes retrospective imaging of explosive short-term events possible. The scientific focus of LOFAR will initially be on four key science projects (KSPs): 1) detection of the formation of the very first stars and galaxies in the universe during the so-called epoch of reionization by measuring the power spectrum of the neutral hydrogen 21-cm line (Shaver et al. 1999) on the ~5' scale; 2) low-frequency surveys of the sky with of order 10810^8 expected new sources; 3) all-sky monitoring and detection of transient radio sources such as gamma-ray bursts, x-ray binaries, and exo-planets (Farrell et al. 2004); and 4) radio detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos (Falcke & Gorham 2003) allowing for the first time access to particles beyond 10^21 eV (Scholten et al. 2006). Apart from the KSPs open access for smaller projects is also planned. Here we give a brief description of the telescope.Comment: 2 pages, IAU GA 2006, Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 14, K.A. van der Hucht, e