337 research outputs found

    4-(Dimethyl-amino)phenyl ethynyl telluride

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    The title compound, C(10)H(11)NTe, is the first organyl ethynyl telluride, R-Te-C C-H, to be structurally characterized. In the L-shaped mol-ecule, the aryl moiety, viz. Me(2)NC(6)H(4)Te, is almost perpendicular to the Te-C C-H fragment. The Te-Csp(2) bond [2.115 (3) Å] is significantly longer than the Te-Csp bond [2.041 (4) Å]. The Te-C C group is approximately linear [Te-C-C = 178.5 (4)° and C C = 1.161 (5) Å], while the coordination at the Te atom is angular [C-Te-C = 95.92 (14)°]. In the crystal structure, there are Csp-H⋯N hydrogen bonds which are perpendicular to the CNMe(2) group; the N atom displays some degree of pyramidalization. Centrosymmetrically related pairs of mol-ecules are linked by Te⋯π(ar-yl) inter-actions, with Te⋯Cg = 3.683 (4) Å and Csp-Te⋯Cg = 159.1 (2)° (Cg is the centroid of the benzene ring). These inter-actions lead to the formation of zigzag ribbons which run along c and are approximately parallel to (110

    Twinning by merohedry in bis(4-methoxyphenyl)tellurium(IV) diiodide dimethyl sulfoxide hemisolvate

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    Green crystals of the title compound, C14H14I2O2Te.0.5C2H6OS, space group P32, show twinning by merohedry (class II). The asymmetric unit contains two organotellurium molecules and one dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) molecule. The crystal structure displays secondary Te I and Te O(DMSO) bonds that lead to [(4-MeOC6H4)2TeI2]2.DMSO supramolecular units in which the two independent organotellurium molecules are bridged by the DMSO O atom. In addition to these secondary bonds, I I interactions link translationally equivalent organotellurium molecules to form nearly linear I-Te-I I-Te-I chains. These chains are crosslinked, forming two-dimensional arrays parallel to (001). The crystal packing consists of a stacking of these sheets, which are related by the 32 axis. This study describes an unusual dimeric arrangement of X-Te-X groups


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    The title compound, C17H14Cl2N2O2S2, and the 3-methoxy­anilino analogue reported in the preceding paper have been used as starting materials to develop benzothia­zine derivatives with anti­malarial activity. The mol­ecule displays an E (trans) configuration about the central double bond. Due to conjugation in the C=C—C N group, the putative single bond shows a significant shortening [1.418 (3) Å]. The mol­ecule has a six-membered ring involving an intra­molecular N—H⋯O(sulfon­yl) bond, which is an example of resonance-assisted hydrogen bonding. In the crystal structure, bonds of the C—H⋯O(sulfon­yl) and C—H⋯N(cyano) types form double layers of mol­ecules parallel to (01). Within these layers there are π–π inter­actions between benzene rings of pairs of centrosymmetrically related mol­ecules, with distances of 3.7969 (12) Å between centroids. C—H⋯π interactions are also present

    Bis(p-methoxyphenyl) Telluride

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    The title compound, C14H14O2Te, displays an angular geometry at tellurium, with a C-Te-C angle of 99.5(1)º and Te-C distances of 2.110(3) and 2.112(3)A. The Te atom is displaced by 0.1963(3) and 0.0044(3)A out of the planes of the aromatic rings. These rings are approximately perpendicular to one another [dihedral angle 70.4(1)º], while each methoxy group is almost coplanar with the phenyl ring to which it is bonded [dihedral angles 3.3(2) and 1.5(3)º]

    Two Polymorphs of Bis(4-methoxyphenyl)tellurium(IV) Diiodide

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    The title compound, (C7H7O)2Tel2 (orC14H14I2O2Te), crystallizes in space group P1, either with Z = 8, (Ia), or Z = 4, (Ib). The six independent molecules [four in (Ia) and tow in (Ib)] have very similar structures. The geometry at the Te atoms is pseudo-trigonal bipyramidal, with the I atoms in the axial positions and the anisyl groups and the lone pair of electrons in the equatiorial plane. The Te-C and Te-I distances are in the ranges 2.107(4)-2.128(6) and 2.8549 (10)-3.0071(10) A, respectively. In both polymorphs, the molecules are associated via Te...I secondary bonds [3.6922(6)-3.9017(7)A] to form centrosymmetric tetramers in which the Te4I8 cores display step-like geometries. Including the secondary interactions, the coordination about each Te atom is distorted octahedral

    (2,2′-Bipyridine)bis­(triphenyl­phosphine)copper(I) nitrate chloro­form solvate hemihydrate

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    In the title compound, [Cu(C10H8N2)(C18H15P)2]NO2·CHCl3·0.5H2O, the Cu atom is tetra­hedrally coordinated by a bidentate 2,2′-bipyridine ligand and two PPh3 ligands. The Cu—N and Cu—P distances are similar to those observed in similar compounds. The range of coordination angles shows a moderate distortion from ideal tetra­hedral geometry. The bipyridine ligand is twisted [14.2 (4)°] about the ring–ring C—C bond. The nitrate anion and the water and chloro­form mol­ecules of solvation are disordered. In the crystal structure, there are O(water)—H⋯O(nitrate), C—H⋯O(water) and C—H⋯O(nitrate) hydrogen bonds

    Continuum emission enhancements and penumbral changes observed during flares by IRIS, ROSA, and Hinode

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    In this paper we describe observations acquired by satellite instruments (Hinode/SOT and IRIS) and ground-based telescopes (ROSA@DST) during two consecutive C7.0 and X1.6 flares occurred in active region NOAA 12205 on 2014 November 7. The analysis of these data show the presence of continuum enhancements during the evolution of the events, observed both in ROSA images and in IRIS spectra. Moreover, we analyze the role played by the evolution of the δ sunspots of the active region in the flare triggering, indicating the disappearance of a large portion of penumbra around these sunspots