49 research outputs found

    IT Governance: a framework proposal, and an empirical study

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    Why does IT governance need to be reconceptualized? Corporate governance: theoretical lens and models. IT governance: theoretical lens and models. IT governance reconceptualization and framework. The antecedents factors' of the IT involvement into TMT: a research model.Why does IT governance need to be reconceptualized? Corporate governance: theoretical lens and models. IT governance: theoretical lens and models. IT governance reconceptualization and framework. The antecedents factors' of the IT involvement into TMT: a research model.LUISS PhD Thesi

    The Mediating Role Of Absorptive Capacity On The Relationship Between Climate And Commitment

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    Much of prior research on organizational learning studied the role of firm’s absorptive capacity. While there is an implicit research consensus on the definitions and outcomes of absorptive capacity, researchers do not seem to have reached a collective understanding of the process by which organizations become able to absorb external knowledge and then produce valuable outcomes. With this purpose we identify a well reviewed valuable outcome by the literature, i.e. the relation between climate and commitment, and we attempt to investigate the mediating role of absorptive capacity on the relation between organizational climate and commitment. The research model we propose was tested on a sample of 143 individuals belonging to some Italian organizations. Our findings show that absorptive capacity can act as leverage for achieving a higher level of employees’ commitment to the organization

    The role of training in decreasing anxiety among experienced computer users

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    The purpose of our paper is twofold: on one hand we draw on the team climate literature to understand how IT knowledge integration capability can be promoted within team-based structures; on the other hand we rely on resource-based view framework for understanding how IT knowledge integration capability affects teams performance, in terms of effectiveness, and efficiency. We tested our research model on a sample of 410 members and leaders of 69 organizational work teams. Results show the critical role played by team climate for favouring IT knowledge integration capability, which in turn affects team outcomes.

    Proposta di un framework per i Learning Analytics nel contesto accademico

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    In the last decades, learning analytics (LA) have been considered as one of the key emerging trend in higher education (Vassakis et al., 2018) and they have attracted a lot of attention among researchers and designers for their potential to address some of the major challenges in the academic sector (Bach, 2010). Despite the broad interest and implementation of LA processes, there remain numerous issues regarding the availabilityof developed and adaptable-to-the-context reference framework across Universities (Gaševi et al., 2015). Furthermore, scholars and practitioners have approached LA from a range of perspectives: it is necessary to define not only the aims of what could be achieved using LA but also what should be done to attain it. Generally, LA are considered as measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of learners’ data and their contexts, to optimize learning and the environments in which it occurs (Khalil and Ebner, 2016). Starting from this definition, and using an action research method, we propose an “extended” LA framework that puts learner and instructor at the centre of it.Negli ultimi decenni, i learning analytics (LA) sono stati interpretati come uno dei trend di maggiore importanza nell’ambito dell’istruzione universitaria (Vassakis et al., 2018) e hanno attratto l’attenzione di ricercatori e instructional designer per il loro potenziale nell’affrontare alcune delle principali sfide all’interno delle istituzioni accademiche (Bach, 2010). Nonostante l’interesse generale e l’implementazione di processi di LA, nelle università permangono numerosi problemi relativi alla disponibilità e allo sviluppo di modelli di riferimento adattabili ai diversi contesti (Gaševi et al., 2015). Inoltre, ricercatori e instructional designer hanno indagato i LA da una serie di prospettive: è necessario definire non solo gli obiettivi che si possono raggiungere usando i LA, ma anche ciò che dovrebbe essere fatto per raggiungere tali obiettivi. Generalmente, i LA sono considerati come misura, raccolta, analisi e reporting dei dati degli studenti e dei loro contesti, per ottimizzare l’apprendimento e gli ambienti in cui esso si verifica (Khalil and Ebner, 2016). Partendo da questa definizione e adottando il metodo della ricerca-azione, il paper propone un framework di LA “esteso” che metta al centro lo studente e il docente

    Team Level Antecedents of Individual Usage of a New Technology

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    The paper is aimed at investigating team level behaviors that may affect individual usage of technology

    Innovating with technology in team contexts: A trait activation theory perspective

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    Noting the limited research on technology exploration in team contexts, we draw on trait activation theory to understand what drives users to experiment with new technology. We identify personal innovativeness in IT (PIIT) as an important situation-specific trait that influences individual-level efforts to try to innovate with technology. We also identify team learning behavior as an important team-level intervention that levels the playing field for trying to innovate with technology. We test our cross-level model in a one-year field study of 268 employees embedded in 48 organizational work teams. The results of our analysis show that (1) PIIT predicts trying to innovate with technology, (2) team learning behavior has a cross-level direct effect on trying to innovate with technology, and (3) team learning behavior has a cross-level moderating influence on the relationship between PIIT and trying to innovate with technology. We discuss the implications of our findings for research and practice

    What\u27s the Weather Like? The Effect of Team Climate and Individual Attributes on Individual Intention to Explore a New Technology

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    Research on technology adoption and use has come along way in explaining the factors driving individuals’ use of new technologies. However, recognizing the inherently nested structure of social systems, recent research has pointed to the need to understand new technology use from a multilevel perspective. This need is coupled with a desire to understand the factors that drive individuals’ utilization of the full range of features provided by the new technology. Drawing on the individual attributes and team climate literature, we develop a multilevel model predicting individual intention to explore a new technology. We test our model in the context of 410 individuals in 69 organizational work teams using a newly introduced VoIP system. Our results show that competitive climate has a positive influence on individual intention to explore. Moreover we also find that individual attributes not only significantly affect the individual intention to explore a new technology, but such attributes also place an important role in influencing the efficacy of competitive climate. In particular we find that older individuals and women exhibit a lower willingness to explore, and that team competitive climate serves as a catalyst for increasing women’s willingness to explore a new technology

    Coordination through IT governance: a literature review

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    Organizations seek to mirror their corporate governance arrangements in the activities of their key subunits – as IT function – in order to lower their organizational coordination costs. Some researches evidence that the mode of corporate governance significantly influences the mode of IT governance: organizations that have centralized their corporate governance also tend to centralize their IT governance, whereas organizations that have decentralized their corporate governance tend to decentralize their IT governance. There are several studies and researches discussing about the importance of governance. Some of them have origin from other disciplines, like finance, and were rethought on IT issues. Some researches define governance as the set of relationships between the organization’s management and its governing managers, and all stakeholders