59 research outputs found

    Multidimensional cellular automata and generalization of Fekete's lemma

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    Fekete's lemma is a well known combinatorial result on number sequences: we extend it to functions defined on dd-tuples of integers. As an application of the new variant, we show that nonsurjective dd-dimensional cellular automata are characterized by loss of arbitrarily much information on finite supports, at a growth rate greater than that of the support's boundary determined by the automaton's neighbourhood index.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, LaTeX. Improved some explanations; revised structure; added examples; renamed "hypercubes" into "right polytopes"; added references to Arratia's paper on EJC, Calude's book, Cook's proof of Rule 110 universality, and arXiv paper 0709.117

    Fekete's lemma for componentwise subadditive functions of two or more real variables

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    We prove an analogue of Fekete's subadditivity lemma for functions of several real variables which are subadditive in each variable taken singularly. This extends both the classical case for subadditive functions of one real variable, and a result in a previous paper by the author. While doing so, we prove that the functions with the property mentioned above are bounded in every closed and bounded subset of their domain. The arguments follows those of Chapter 6 in E. Hille's 1948 textbook.Comment: 22 pages. Revised and expanded. Longer introduction, more detailed background, statement of main theorem extende

    Post-surjectivity and balancedness of cellular automata over groups

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    We discuss cellular automata over arbitrary finitely generated groups. We call a cellular automaton post-surjective if for any pair of asymptotic configurations, every pre-image of one is asymptotic to a pre-image of the other. The well known dual concept is pre-injectivity: a cellular automaton is pre-injective if distinct asymptotic configurations have distinct images. We prove that pre-injective, post-surjective cellular automata are reversible. Moreover, on sofic groups, post-surjectivity alone implies reversibility. We also prove that reversible cellular automata over arbitrary groups are balanced, that is, they preserve the uniform measure on the configuration space.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX "dmtcs-episciences" document class. Final version for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. Prepared according to the editor's request

    When--and how--can a cellular automaton be rewritten as a lattice gas?

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    Both cellular automata (CA) and lattice-gas automata (LG) provide finite algorithmic presentations for certain classes of infinite dynamical systems studied by symbolic dynamics; it is customary to use the term `cellular automaton' or `lattice gas' for the dynamic system itself as well as for its presentation. The two kinds of presentation share many traits but also display profound differences on issues ranging from decidability to modeling convenience and physical implementability. Following a conjecture by Toffoli and Margolus, it had been proved by Kari (and by Durand--Lose for more than two dimensions) that any invertible CA can be rewritten as an LG (with a possibly much more complex ``unit cell''). But until now it was not known whether this is possible in general for noninvertible CA--which comprise ``almost all'' CA and represent the bulk of examples in theory and applications. Even circumstantial evidence--whether in favor or against--was lacking. Here, for noninvertible CA, (a) we prove that an LG presentation is out of the question for the vanishingly small class of surjective ones. We then turn our attention to all the rest--noninvertible and nonsurjective--which comprise all the typical ones, including Conway's `Game of Life'. For these (b) we prove by explicit construction that all the one-dimensional ones are representable as LG, and (c) we present and motivate the conjecture that this result extends to any number of dimensions. The tradeoff between dissipation rate and structural complexity implied by the above results have compelling implications for the thermodynamics of computation at a microscopic scale.Comment: 16 page

    On the Induction Operation for Shift Subspaces and Cellular Automata as Presentations of Dynamical Systems

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    We consider continuous, translation-commuting transformations of compact, translation-invariant families of mappingsfrom finitely generated groups into finite alphabets. It is well-known that such transformations and spaces can be described "locally" via families of patterns and finitary functions; such descriptions can be re-used on groups larger than the original, usually defining non-isomorphic structures. We show how some of the properties of the "induced" entities can be deduced from those of the original ones, and vice versa; then, we show how to "simulate" the smaller structure into the larger one, and obtain a characterization in terms of group actions for the dynamical systems admitting of presentations via structures as such. Special attention is given to the class of sofic shifts.Comment: 20 pages, no figures. Presented at LATA 2008. Extended version, submitted to Information and Computatio

    Multidimensional cellular automata and generalization of Fekete's lemma

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    Automata, Logic and Semantic

    Surjective cellular automata far from the Garden of Eden

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    Automata, Logic and SemanticsInternational audienceOne of the first and most famous results of cellular automata theory, Moore's Garden-of-Eden theorem has been proven to hold if and only if the underlying group possesses the measure-theoretic properties suggested by von Neumann to be the obstacle to the Banach-Tarski paradox. We show that several other results from the literature, already known to characterize surjective cellular automata in dimension d, hold precisely when the Garden-of-Eden theorem does. We focus in particular on the balancedness theorem, which has been proven by Bartholdi to fail on amenable groups, and we measure the amount of such failure
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