30 research outputs found

    Comprehensive inventory of true flies (Diptera) at a tropical site

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    Estimations of tropical insect diversity generally suffer from lack of known groups or faunas against which extrapolations can be made, and have seriously underestimated the diversity of some taxa. Here we report the intensive inventory of a four-hectare tropical cloud forest in Costa Rica for one year, which yielded 4332 species of Diptera, providing the first verifiable basis for diversity of a major group of insects at a single site in the tropics. In total 73 families were present, all of which were studied to the species level, providing potentially complete coverage of all families of the order likely to be present at the site. Even so, extrapolations based on our data indicate that with further sampling, the actual total for the site could be closer to 8000 species. Efforts to completely sample a site, although resource-intensive and time-consuming, are needed to better ground estimations of world biodiversity based on limited sampling

    Palpi aplenty: new species in the Chrysotus longipalpus species group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)

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    Runyon, Justin B., Capellari, Renato S. (2018): Palpi aplenty: new species in the Chrysotus longipalpus species group (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zootaxa 4399 (4): 579-585, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4399.4.

    Review of the Neotropical genus Pseudosympycnus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of six new species from Brazil and Peru

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    Soares, Matheus M. M., Capellari, Renato S. (2020): Review of the Neotropical genus Pseudosympycnus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with description of six new species from Brazil and Peru. Zootaxa 4881 (2): 231-256, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4881.2.

    Three new species of the Neurigona orbicularis species group from Brazil (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)

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    Silva, Paulo Cesar Da, Capellari, Renato S., Oliveira, Sarah S. (2022): Three new species of the Neurigona orbicularis species group from Brazil (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). Zootaxa 5093 (5): 547-558, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5093.5.

    Neurigona papaveroi Silva & Capellari & Oliveira 2022, sp. nov.

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    Neurigona papaveroi sp. nov. (Figs 20–25) Description. Male. Body length: 3.8 mm. Wing length: 3.1 mm. Very similar to N. lopesi sp. nov. in both general habitus and chaetotaxy, except as noted below. Head. Eyes touching at middle of face, leaving small triangle above and below, face dark yellow, only slightly pruinose below; postoculars in single row of pale setae similar in length, with 2 uppermost setae black, dorsalmost only slightly longer than second. Antennal stylus about 7 times as long as postpedicel. Thorax. Color pattern and chaetotaxy as in N. lopesi sp. nov. Legs. Entirely yellow, setae black except as noted. Femora with short vestiture, tarsi without remarkable setae. Leg I. Podomere ratios: 7.7, 8.7, 8, 4, 2.7, 1.7, 1. Anterior surface of coxa I covered by sparse short, black setae, distal edge with 5 strong setae, decreasing in size medially. Tibia I without conspicuously longer setae. Leg II. Podomere ratios: 8.7, 12, 10.3, 4.7, 2.7, 1.3, 1. Anterior surface of coxa II covered by short vestiture, lateral surface bare. Tibia II with 1 small dorsal seta at basal 1/10, 1 anterodorsal seta at basal 1/5 and anterodorsal-posterodorsal setal pair at basal 3/5 and 2 apical setae. Leg III. Podomere ratios: 7.5, 11.75, 4, 4.5, 2.25, 1.5, 1. Coxa III with strong lateral seta in basal half and 1 tiny hair above. Tibia III with 2 small anterodorsal setae near basal 1/5 and 3/5, with 1 dorsal seta near middle only slightly longer than dorsal ones, and 3 apical setae. Wing. RMx ratio = 0.83, CuAx ratio = 0.40. Abdomen. Tergites mostly brown (except tergite 1 entirely yellow), with yellow dorsal stripe broadening from tergites 4 to 2 (tergite 2 only with lateral brown patch). Sternites brown, except sternites 1 and 2 yellowish; sternite 5 with strong triangular ventral projection. Setae on tergites black, those on hind margin of segment 1–5 longer. Tergite 6 bare. Tergite and sternite 7 reduced. Hypopygium (Figs 20–25). Genital capsule (Fig. 20) and appendices brown. Ventral lobe of surstylus (Fig. 21) rounded, without elongate projection, with two setae, apical one slightly flattened. Dorsal lobe of surstylus (Fig. 22) with projection curved inwards, apex with grooves. Apicolateral epandrial lobe (Fig. 23) relatively simple, with four setae and one distinct projection. Basolateral epandrial lobe absent. Hypandrium (Fig. 24) with distal part simple, without projections, tapering at apex. Postgonite (Fig. 24) slightly enlarged, with hairs at apex. Cercus (Fig. 25) with dark, sclerotized lateral part; medial part delicate, with projection at base, with long, curved and branched seta at middle, with short digitiform apical projection, bifurcate at apex, one modified seta anteriad. Female. Unknown. Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, labelled: “ BRASIL, MT [Mato Grosso State], Chapada dos | GuimarĂŁes, Cerrado, Trilha da | Pedra (Mirante), 788m, 15° 24′| 21.8′′S 55° 50′ 7.5′′W. | 22.xii.2011 - 17.i.2012, Malaise | 22. Lamas, Nihei & eq. col.”, “ HOLOTYPE | Neurigona papaveroi | Silva, Capellari & Oliveira [red label]” (MZSP). Holotype in good condition, genitalia dissected and stored in microvial with glycerin, pinned along with the specimen. Etymology. Named after Nelson Papavero, who helped mentor generations of Brazilian dipterists. Remarks. The new species is similar to N. tingua sp. nov. and N. yacambo (not examined by us), sharing the eyes touching in the middle of the face or nearly so. Neurigona yacambo can be differentiated by a single anterodorsal seta at basal 1/5 on tibia III, while N. papaveroi sp. nov. and N. tingua sp. nov. have an additional anterodorsal seta at basal 3/5. Neurigona papaveroi sp. nov. is distinctive by the relatively short and plain apicolateral epandrial lobe (Fig. 23) and the absence of the basolateral epandrial lobe. Distribution. Brazil (State of Mato Grosso, Cerrado biome).Published as part of Silva, Paulo Cesar Da, Capellari, Renato S. & Oliveira, Sarah S., 2022, Three new species of the Neurigona orbicularis species group from Brazil (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), pp. 547-558 in Zootaxa 5093 (5) on pages 553-554, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5093.5.4, http://zenodo.org/record/596446

    Neurigona tingua Silva & Capellari & Oliveira 2022, sp. nov.

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    Neurigona tingua sp. nov. (Figs 5, 26–32) Description. Male. Body length: 3.3–3.6 mm. Wing length: 3.6 mm. Very similar to N. lopesi sp. nov. in both general habitus and chaetotaxy, except as noted below. Head. Frons around one-third of head width; eyes almost touching at the middle of face (the widest point narrower than ocellus width); face yellow, with weak silver pruinosity only on basal quarter; postpedicel length 0.19 mm; stylus length 0.75 mm; otherwise as in N. lopesi. Thorax. Mesonotal depression dark brown with bluish and purple reflections, with median, brownish stripe as broader as the area between acrostichal rows; mesopleuron, just above coxa II, with brownish area posteriad; remaining of thorax and wing as in N. lopesi. Legs. Leg I. Podomere ratios: 9.3, 8.7, 6.7, 4.3, 2, 1.3, 1. Anterior surface of coxa I covered by short setae, with row of 5 strong apical black setae on apical edge. Tibia I without conspicuously longer setae. Leg II. Podomere ratios: 10.7, 12.3, 9, 4, 2.3, 1.3, 1. Anterior surface of coxa II covered only by black setae. Tibia II with 1 small dorsal seta at basal 1/10, 1 anterodorsal seta at basal 1/5, anterodorsalposterodorsal setal pair at basal 3/5 and 2 apical setae. Leg III. Podomere ratios: 11, 16.7, 4.7, 5.3, 3, 2, 1. Coxa III with strong, black lateral seta in basal half, with 3–5 tiny hairs above. Tibia III with 2 anterodorsal setae at basal 1/5 and 3/5, 4 more conspicuous dorsal setae at basal 1/10, 3/10, 4/10 and 7/10, and 3 large apical setae. Wing. RMx ratio = 0.78, CuAx ratio = 0.45. Abdomen. Tergite 1 entirely yellow; tergites 2–5 mostly brown, but with yellow hind margin, broader in tergites 2 and 3, followed by anterior medial yellow stripe. Sternites 1 and 2 yellow, 3 brownish, 4 hidden, 5 brown, forming triangular ventral projection. Tergite 6 brown, bare. Tergite and sternite 7 reduced, brown. Tergite covering black mostly, those of hind margin of segments 1–5 longer; setae on ventral margin of tergite 4 and entire tergite 5 whitish. Sternite 8 dark brown. Hypopygium (Figs 5, 26–32). Genital capsule brown, surstyli dark brown, with apices paler (Figs 5, 26). Ventral lobe of surstylus (Fig. 27) rounded, without elongated projection, with two apical setae, dorsal one slightly flattened. Dorsal lobe of surstylus (Fig. 28) with small cup-like projection curved inwards, with ventral projection with microtrichia at apex. Apicoventral epandrial lobe (Fig. 29) four-branched: one branch bearing two simple setae, one branch with modified, branched seta and one inner, delicate branch with several hairs. Basolateral epandrial lobe (Fig. 30) bifurcated, dorsal branch thinner.Apex of hypandrium (Fig. 31) with two lateral projections and one anterodorsal projection. Postgonite (Fig. 31) slightly enlarged, with hairs at apex. Cercus (Fig. 32): lateral part dark and sclerotized with two setae; medial part delicate, with digitiform apical projection, trifurcate at apex, bearing 3 simple setae. Female. Body length: 3.6 mm. Wing length: 3.4 mm. Very similar to male, except as noted. Eyes distinctly separated on face, narrowest distance on face wider than distance between ocellar setae. Thoracic pleura yellow, without brownish area above coxa II. Abdominal segment 5 without ventral projection. Abdomen. Tergite 1 yellow, tergites 2–5 mostly brown, with narrow yellow stripe dorsally and yellow hind margins on tergites 2 and 3. Ovipositor as in N. lopesi sp. nov. Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂: “ BRASIL: RJ [Rio de Janeiro State]: Nova Iguaçu | Reserva BiolĂłgica [Biological Reserve] do Tinguá | 22°34′28 ′′S 43°26′10.7′′W. Malaise | Bosque [woodland] Ponto [point] 5, 5- 11.III.2002, | S. T. P. Amarante & eq.col.”, “ HOLOTYPE | Neurigona tingua | Silva, Capellari & Oliveira [red label]” (MZSP). Holotype in good condition, genitalia not dissected. PARATYPES: BRAZIL. 4♂, 2♀, same data as holotype; 2♂, 1♀, same data except, 22°34′32′′S 43°26′6.6′′W, track 3, 5–8.iii.2002. 1♀, same data except, 22°34′37″S 43°26′5″W, track 1 (MZSP); 2♂, same data except, ponto [point] 1, 22°34′37′′S 43°26′5′′W; 1♀, same data except, ponto [point] 4, 22°34′30′′S 43°26′8.4′′W, 8–11.iii.2002 (UFG). Etymology. Toponymic, referring to the type-locality and treated as a noun in apposition. Remarks. Neurigona tingua sp. nov. belongs to the group of species with closely approximated eyes on the middle of the face (see Remarks under N. papaveroi above), and can be differentiated by the relatively compact genital capsule and short surstyli (Figs 26–28), as well as the bifurcate basolateral epandrial lobe (Fig. 29) (single lobe in other species) and by the apex of hypandrium (Fig. 31) with two lateral and one dorsal projections (hypandrium without projections in other species). Distribution. Brazil (State of Rio de Janeiro, Atlantic Forest biome).Published as part of Silva, Paulo Cesar Da, Capellari, Renato S. & Oliveira, Sarah S., 2022, Three new species of the Neurigona orbicularis species group from Brazil (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), pp. 547-558 in Zootaxa 5093 (5) on page 555, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5093.5.4, http://zenodo.org/record/596446

    Rafaelomyia xavieri Soares & Capellari & Ramos-Pastrana 2023, sp. nov.

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    <i>Rafaelomyia xavieri</i> Soares & Capellari sp. nov. <p>(Figs 9, 10)</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis (males).</b> Body length 3.5–3.7 mm (Fig. 9A); femora mostly yellow, except apical 1/3 of femur III brown to dark brown (Fig. 9A); wing membrane faintly brownish, vein R 2+3 thickened before apex (Fig. 9F); outer branch of cercus with inner long, truncated and bare projection near apex (Fig. 10C, D); hypandrium asymmetrical, somewhat rectangular, apical margin with 2 pointed processes, left process sinuous, curved ventrally and about 2X longer than right process, right process short, directed anteriorly (Fig. 10G, H); phallus lacking preapical process, only narrowing towards apex, basal 1/2 of dorsal edge with a few dentiform processes (Fig. 10F).</p> <p> <b>Description. Male</b> (Fig. 9A). Body length: 3.5–3.7 mm; wing length: 3.4–3.5 mm, width: 1.1–1.2 mm (n = 2). <b>Head</b> (Fig. 9C). Similar to <i>Rafaelomyia inpa</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> except as noted: Face wider than ocellar tubercle, eyes almost parallel sided. <b>Thorax</b> (Fig. 9A, D). Mostly metallic dark green with bluish reflections. <b>Wing</b> (Fig. 9F). Membrane light brown. R nearly straight, thickened before apex; R 4+5 nearly straight, slightly curved posteriorly near apex; M 1 nearly straight and parallel sided with R 4+5; CuAx ratio: 0.4. <b>Legs</b> (Fig. 9A, B). Mostly yellow, except anterior surface of coxa I with short spot near base of outer edge, lateral surface of coxae II and III, tarsus I and II from apical 1/2 of basitarsus and leg III from apical 1/3 of femur III brown to dark brown. <b>Leg I</b> (Fig. 9B). Podomere ratios: 36, 34, 19/7/6/5/5. Femur I with anteroventral row of short sparse setae from base to basal 1/2, 1 longer anteroventral preapical seta, posteroventral row of short erect setae from base to apex, ending in 2 longer setae. Tibia I with 2 anterodorsal conspicuous setae at 1.5/6 and 3.5/6, anterodorsal row of short stout setae from 2/6 to apex, ventral row of long erect setae from 2/6 to apex (MSSC), crown of short stout setae at apex: 1 anterior, 1 antero- and 1 posterodorsal and 1 posterior. Tarsus I: It 1 with posteroventral row of short erect setae from base to apex (MSSC). <b>Leg II</b> (Fig. 9B). Podomere ratios: 38, 37, 23/13/10/6/5. Femur II with anteroventral row of short stout setae, from basal 1.5/6 to apex, ending in 2 more stronger setae, posterior surface mostly bare, with posteroventral row of very short sparse setae, ending in 4 short stout setae. Tibia II with 2 anterodorsal setae at 1.5/6 (long) and 3.5/6 (short), 2 posterodorsal short setae at 1/6 and 3/6, crown of setae at apex: 1 dorsal, 1 antero- and 1 posterodorsal, 1 anteroventral and 1 long ventral seta (about 1/2 as long as IIt 1). <b>Leg III.</b> Podomere ratios: 50, 50, 15/19/12/9/6. Femur III with dorsal row of short setae at basal 1/3, shorter than width of femur at broadest point, 1 long dorsal seta at 5/6, 3 strong ventral setae at basal 1/2, 1 long anteroventral and 1 short posteroventral setae near apex. Tibia III with 4 pairs of long antero- and posterodorsal setae at: 1.5/6, 3/6, 4/6, and apex, 2 anteroventral setae at 2/6 and 4/6, 1 long ventral seta at apex (about 1/2 as long as IIIt 1). <b>Abdomen</b> (Figs 9A, 10A). Mostly dark brown, with weak bluish reflections. Sternite 4 with short concavity at posterior margin. Sternite 6 weakly sclerotized, somewhat subtriangular, with 2 anterior pairs of short setae. <b>Hypopygium</b> (Figs 9E, 10B–H). Pale brownish, somewhat triangular (Figs 9E, 10B). Cercus mostly yellow, about as long as epandrial capsule, divided into two branches (Fig. 10C, D). Outer branch of cercus somewhat digitiform, with rounded apex; inner long, truncated and bare projection near apex, outer edge with row of strong setae; apical edge with long strong setae, apical 1/2 of ventral edge and inner surface covered with a few short, slender yellow setae (Fig. 10C, D). Inner branch short, slender, slightly narrowing towards apex, about 1/2 as long as outer branch; inner edge with slender pale setae, apex with strong black setae (Fig. 10C, D). Surstylus triangular, with pointed apex, about 1/3 as long as epandrial capsule, ventral edge weakly convex, with 2 long setae near base, about 1/2 as long as surstylus and ventral edge with row of short slender setae (Fig. 10B, E). Hypandrium asymmetrical, somewhat rectangular, apical margin with 2 pointed processes, left process sinuous, curved ventrally and about 2X longer than right process; right process short, directed anteriorly (Fig. 10G, H). Phallus about as long as epandrial capsule, narrowing at apex, basal 1/2 of dorsal surface with a few dentiform processes (Fig. 10F). Postgonite noose-shaped, surrounding base of phallus, weakly fused to hypandrial arms (Fig. 10F). Ejaculatory apodeme short and somewhat digitiform, well sclerotized, truncated at apex (Fig. 10F).</p> <p> 2+3</p> <p> <b>Female.</b> Unknown.</p> <p> <b> Type examined material. HOLOTYPE ♂ (Fig. 9A) labelled as: “ PERU, Cusco, Quincemil, rio | Araza, 13°21′18″S 70°53′22″ | W, 1000 m, 22–26.viii.2012 | sweep, J.A. Rafael & R.R. Cavichioli ” “HOLOTYPE | <i>Rafaelomyia xavieri</i> | Soares & Capellari [handwritten in red label]” (1 ♂ dissected, MUSM). Holotype condition: Good, not dissect, left postpedicel and left leg III broken off.</b> <b>PARATYPE:</b> Same data as holotype (1 ♂ dissected, INPA).</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The new species is named after the biologist Francisco Felipe Xavier Filho (INPA) for his essential contribution to the training of hundreds of entomologists and to the collection and discovery of new species of invertebrates in Brazil.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> <i>Rafaelomyia xavieri</i> <b>sp. nov.</b> is easily recognized by the legs mostly yellow (Fig. 9A, B), femur II with posteroventral row of very short sparse setae, ending in 4 short stout setae near apex (Fig. 9B), vein R 2+3 thickened before apex (Fig. 9F), phallus lacking preapical process and basal 1/2 of dorsal surface with dentiform processes (Fig. 10F).</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> The new species is known to occur only from the type locality in Peru (Fig. 13A, C).</p>Published as part of <i>Soares, Matheus M. M., Capellari, Renato S. & Ramos-Pastrana, Yardany, 2023, Rafaelomyia, a remarkable new genus of South American long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae), pp. 151-172 in Zootaxa 5389 (2)</i> on pages 166-170, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5389.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10406732">http://zenodo.org/record/10406732</a&gt

    Rafaelomyia Soares & Capellari & Ramos-Pastrana 2023, gen. nov.

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    Key to males of <i>Rafaelomyia</i> gen. nov. <p>1 Femora mostly brown to dark brown (Figs 3A, 5A).......................................................... 2</p> <p>- Femora mostly yellow (Figs 1A, 7A, 9A).................................................................. 3</p> <p> 2 Femur II with antero- and posteroventral rows of long and strong setae (Fig. 3B, D); tibia III lacking posteroventral rows of long setae near apex; cercus unbranched (Fig. 4C, D); phallus trident-shaped in ventral view (Fig. 4G)................................................................................................... <i>Rafaelomyia exu</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p> <p> <b>-</b> Femur II with 1 strong anteroventral seta near base (Fig. 5D); tibia III with posterior to posteroventral rows of long setae from apical 4/6 to 5.5/6; cercus branched (Fig. 6C, D); phallus mostly tubular and widening at apex (Fig. 6F, G).......................................................................................... <i>Rafaelomyia singularis</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p> <p> 3 Tibiae I and II yellow to dark yellow (Fig. 9A, B); R 2+3 thickened at middle (Fig. 9F); basal 1/2 of dorsal edge of phallus with dentiform processes (Fig. 10F)..................................................... <i>Rafaelomyia xavieri</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p> <p>- Tibiae I and II brown to dark brown (Figs 1A, B, 7A); R 2+3 not thickened (Figs 1F, 7F); basal 1/2 of dorsal edge of phallus lacking dentiform processes (Figs 2F, 8E).................................................................. 4</p> <p> 4 Body length 3.8–4.4 mm (Fig. 1A); wing light brown (Fig. 1F); outer branch of cercus with short, truncated inner projection near apex (Fig. 2C, D); phallus with 2 long, narrow acute processes near apex (Fig. 2F, G)....... <i>Rafaelomyia inpa</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p> <p> - Body length 6 mm (Fig. 7A); wing dark brown (Fig. 7F); outer branch of cercus with wide, rounded inner projection near apex (Fig. 8B, C); phallus with lobulated processes near apex (Fig. 8E, F).................. <i>Rafaelomyia uniamazonia</i> <b>sp. nov.</b></p>Published as part of <i>Soares, Matheus M. M., Capellari, Renato S. & Ramos-Pastrana, Yardany, 2023, Rafaelomyia, a remarkable new genus of South American long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae), pp. 151-172 in Zootaxa 5389 (2)</i> on page 153, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5389.2.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10406732">http://zenodo.org/record/10406732</a&gt