1,283 research outputs found

    The design and construction of a far-infrared spectrometer for the spectral region of 30-1600 microns

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    Far infrared spectrometer for region from 30 to 1600 microns - design and constructio

    Patient reported experience of inpatient rehabilitation in Australia

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    While the value of patient reported experience is increasingly acknowledged, the measurement of rehabilitation-specific patient reported experiences is an area that is yet to attract a lot of attention. The aim of this study was to examine the patient-reported experience of person-centred inpatient rehabilitation. The study consisted of a multi-site cross sectional survey using the 33-item modified Client Centred Rehabilitation Questionnaire (CCRQ). A total of 408 participants were recruited from 20 inpatient rehabilitation facilities across Australia. Participants were in the final days of their inpatient rehabilitation episode when approached to complete the paper based modified CCRQ. Nineteen of the 33 items had an 80% or greater proportion of positive responses (‘agree’, ‘strongly agree’). The items belonging to the Family Involvement and Support subscale had the lowest proportion of positive responses (range 57.1%-82.4%), the highest proportion of ‘does not apply’ responses (range 10.0%-23.0%) and the largest variability in positive responses across all 33 items. The three negatively worded items (items 2 and 33 in the Client-centred Education subscale and item 7 from the Continuity/Co-ordination subscale) demonstrated the greatest proportions of negative responses (range 44.6%-65.7%). The breadth of the modified CCRQ items enables identification of service gaps as seen from the patient’s perspective. Identification of such gaps allows rehabilitation services to plan actions to improve the quality of services provided. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Patient, Family & Community Engagement lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework. (http://bit.ly/ExperienceFramework) Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens

    Rice endosperm is cost-effective for the production of recombinant griffithsin with potent activity against HIV

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    Protein microbicides containing neutralizing antibodies and antiviral lectins may help to reduce the rate of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) if it is possible to manufacture the components in large quantities at a cost affordable in HIV‐endemic regions such as sub‐Saharan Africa. We expressed the antiviral lectin griffithsin (GRFT), which shows potent neutralizing activity against HIV, in the endosperm of transgenic rice plants (Oryza sativa), to determine whether rice can be used to produce inexpensive GRFT as a microbicide ingredient. The yield of (OS)GRFT in the best‐performing plants was 223 Όg/g dry seed weight. We also established a one‐step purification protocol, achieving a recovery of 74% and a purity of 80%, which potentially could be developed into a larger‐scale process to facilitate inexpensive downstream processing. (OS)GRFT bound to HIV glycans with similar efficiency to GRFT produced in Escherichia coli. Whole‐cell assays using purified (OS)GRFT and infectivity assays using crude extracts of transgenic rice endosperm confirmed that both crude and pure (OS)GRFT showed potent activity against HIV and the crude extracts were not toxic towards human cell lines, suggesting they could be administered as a microbicide with only minimal processing. A freedom‐to‐operate analysis confirmed that GRFT produced in rice is suitable for commercial development, and an economic evaluation suggested that 1.8 kg/ha of pure GRFT could be produced from rice seeds. Our data therefore indicate that rice could be developed as an inexpensive production platform for GRFT as a microbicide component

    The AROC annual report: the state of rehabilitation in New Zealand in 2015

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    This is the fourth comprehensive annual report describing discharge episodes from subacute inpatient rehabilitation programs provided by New Zealand facilities that are members of the Australasian Rehabilitation Outcomes Centre (AROC). The inaugural report was published in 2013 and described the 2012 data; this fourth instalment describes the 2015 data. This report is the first to use the version 4 AN-SNAP classification (to be implemented in Australia in July 2016). For more information about AN-SNAP classification please refer to the AROC website: http://ahsri.uow.edu.au/aroc This report also introduces an extended times series analysis, looking at change in various rehabilitation measures over the most recent five years. The provision of rehabilitation in New Zealand continues to grow in volume, with 2015 seeing a 1.4% real increase in inpatient episodes of rehabilitation provided. The majority of that volume growth is coming from the reconditioning and orthopaedic fractures impairment groups

    Cytoplasmic chromatin triggers inflammation in senescence and cancer

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    Chromatin is traditionally viewed as a nuclear entity that regulates gene expression and silencing. However, we recently discovered the presence of cytoplasmic chromatin fragments that pinch off from intact nuclei of primary cells during senescence, a form of terminal cell-cycle arrest associated with pro-inflammatory responses. The functional significance of chromatin in the cytoplasm is unclear. Here we show that cytoplasmic chromatin activates the innate immunity cytosolic DNA-sensing cGAS-STING (cyclic GMP-AMP synthase linked to stimulator of interferon genes) pathway, leading both to short-term inflammation to restrain activated oncogenes and to chronic inflammation that associates with tissue destruction and cancer. The cytoplasmic chromatin-cGAS-STING pathway promotes the senescence-associated secretory phenotype in primary human cells and in mice. Mice deficient in STING show impaired immuno-surveillance of oncogenic RAS and reduced tissue inflammation upon ionizing radiation. Furthermore, this pathway is activated in cancer cells, and correlates with pro-inflammatory gene expression in human cancers. Overall, our findings indicate that genomic DNA serves as a reservoir to initiate a pro-inflammatory pathway in the cytoplasm in senescence and cancer. Targeting the cytoplasmic chromatin-mediated pathway may hold promise in treating inflammation-related disorders


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    The variety of isotopes in cosmic rays allows us to study different aspects of the processes that cosmic rays undergo between the time they are produced and the time of their arrival in the heliosphere. In this paper, we present measurements of the isotopic ratios [superscript 2]H/[superscript 4]He, [superscript 3]He/[superscript 4]He, [superscript 6]Li/[superscript 7]Li, [superscript 7]Be/([superscript 9]Be+[superscript 10]Be), and [superscript 10]B/[superscript 11]B in the range 0.2-1.4 GeV of kinetic energy per nucleon. The measurements are based on the data collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, AMS-01, during the STS-91 flight in 1998 June.United States. Dept. of EnergyMassachusetts Institute of Technolog

    Dynamics of Lamin-A Processing Following Precursor Accumulation

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    Lamin A (LaA) is a component of the nuclear lamina, an intermediate filament meshwork that underlies the inner nuclear membrane (INM) of the nuclear envelope (NE). Newly synthesized prelamin A (PreA) undergoes extensive processing involving C-terminal farnesylation followed by proteolysis yielding non-farnesylated mature lamin A. Different inhibitors of these processing events are currently used therapeutically. Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) is most commonly caused by mutations leading to an accumulation of a farnesylated LaA isoform, prompting a clinical trial using farnesyltransferase inhibitors (FTI) to reduce this modification. At therapeutic levels, HIV protease inhibitors (PI) can unexpectedly inhibit the final processing step in PreA maturation. We have examined the dynamics of LaA processing and associated cellular effects during PI or FTI treatment and following inhibitor washout. While PI reversibility was rapid, with respect to both LaA maturation and associated cellular phenotype, recovery from FTI treatment was more gradual. FTI reversibility is influenced by both cell type and rate of proliferation. These results suggest a less static lamin network than has previously been observed

    Isotopic Composition of Light Nuclei in Cosmic Rays: Results from AMS-01

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    The variety of isotopes in cosmic rays allows us to study different aspects of the processes that cosmic rays undergo between the time they are produced and the time of their arrival in the heliosphere. In this paper we present measurements of the isotopic ratios 2H/4He, 3He/4He, 6Li/7Li, 7Be/(9Be+10Be) and 10B/11B in the range 0.2-1.4 GeV of kinetic energy per nucleon. The measurements are based on the data collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, AMS-01, during the STS-91 flight in 1998 June.Comment: To appear in ApJ. 12 pages, 11 figures, 6 table

    Defective Lamin A-Rb Signaling in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome and Reversal by Farnesyltransferase Inhibition

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    Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) is a rare premature aging disorder caused by a de novo heterozygous point mutation G608G (GGC>GGT) within exon 11 of LMNA gene encoding A-type nuclear lamins. This mutation elicits an internal deletion of 50 amino acids in the carboxyl-terminus of prelamin A. The truncated protein, progerin, retains a farnesylated cysteine at its carboxyl terminus, a modification involved in HGPS pathogenesis. Inhibition of protein farnesylation has been shown to improve abnormal nuclear morphology and phenotype in cellular and animal models of HGPS. We analyzed global gene expression changes in fibroblasts from human subjects with HGPS and found that a lamin A-Rb signaling network is a major defective regulatory axis. Treatment of fibroblasts with a protein farnesyltransferase inhibitor reversed the gene expression defects. Our study identifies Rb as a key factor in HGPS pathogenesis and suggests that its modulation could ameliorate premature aging and possibly complications of physiological aging
