5 research outputs found

    Hacia la inclusión digital y equidad educativa: una evaluación integral de los materiales curriculares utilizados en las áreas de gramática y fonética inglesas y lectocomprensión en inglés

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    Sin lugar a dudas, en el esquema pedagógico-didáctico, los materiales curriculares cumplen una seriede funciones que surgen de la interacción entre el docente, el estudiante y el currículum. En virtud deque los materiales contribuyen a que los estudiantes logren el dominio de un contenido teóricoprácticodeterminado y adquieran ciertas habilidades, destrezas y estrategias de aprendizaje, suimportancia es incuestionable en un escenario mediado por las tecnologías digitales como el quehemos transitado durante los ciclos lectivos 2020 y 2021. En este contexto, creemos que evaluar losmateriales curriculares es imperioso para mejorar las prácticas educativas, más aún cuando estosmateriales son diseñados por los propios docentes. Cuando hablamos de diseño, nos referimos a laidea de que, cualquiera sea el contexto en el cual se va a desarrollar la acción formativa, el docentedebe tener en claro a quiénes está dirigida, qué pretende con esa acción y de qué manera va arealizarla. Ahora bien, para optimizar la calidad de los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje ygarantizar equidad e igualdad de oportunidades entre los estudiantes, los materiales curricularesdeben cumplir con una serie de requisitos, por lo cual, es necesario aplicar criterios e indicadores deanálisis y valoración para evaluar su calidad. Este trabajo se desprende de un proyecto de investigaciónmayor que estamos desarrollando en la Facultad de Lenguas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.En esta oportunidad, expondremos acerca de los resultados preliminares de nuestro estudio en cuatroasignaturas específicas: Práctica Gramatical del Inglés, Gramática Inglesa I, Práctica de laPronunciación del Inglés y Lectocomprensión en Lengua Extranjera IV (Inglés)

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Patient-reported impact of symptoms in schizophrenia scale (PRISS):development and validation

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    We report the psychometric properties of the Patient-Reported Impact of Symptoms in Schizophrenia Scale (PRISS), which assesses the impact of subjective experiences or qualia in outpatients with this condition. A cross-sectional study was carried out in 162 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia in Spain. The PRISS measures the presence, frequency, concern and interference with daily life of self-reported experiences related to the main symptoms observed in these patients. The psychometric analysis included test-retest reliability, internal consistency and structural and convergent validity. The 28-item PRISS showed good test-retest reliability as 64.3% of the intraclass correlation coefficient values were between 0.40 and 0.79, which were statistically significant (p  Our results indicate that the PRISS appears to be a brief, reliable and valid scale to measure subjective experiences in schizophrenia and provides valuable information complementary to clinical evaluation

    The International Network for Evaluating Outcomes (iNeo) of neonates: evolution, progress and opportunities

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    Neonates born very preterm (before 32 weeks’ gestational age), are a significant public health concern because of their high-risk of mortality and life-long disability. In addition, caring for very preterm neonates can be expensive, both during their initial hospitalization and their long-term cost of permanent impairments. To address these issues, national and regional neonatal networks around the world collect and analyse data from their constituents to identify trends in outcomes, and conduct benchmarking, audit and research. Improving neonatal outcomes and reducing health care costs is a global problem that can be addressed using collaborative approaches to assess practice variation between countries, conduct research and implement evidence-based practices. The International Network for Evaluating Outcomes (iNeo) of neonates was established in 2013 with the goal of improving outcomes for very preterm neonates through international collaboration and comparisons. To date, 10 national or regional population-based neonatal networks/datasets participate in iNeo collaboration. The initiative now includes data on >200,000 very preterm neonates and has conducted important epidemiological studies evaluating outcomes, variations and trends. The collaboration has also surveyed >320 neonatal units worldwide to learn about variations in practices, healthcare service delivery, and physical, environmental and manpower related factors and support services for parents. The iNeo collaboration serves as a strong international platform for Neonatal-Perinatal health services research that facilitates international data sharing, capacity building, and global efforts to improve very preterm neonate care

    Chronic coronary syndromes without standard modifiable cardiovascular risk factors and outcomes: the CLARIFY registry

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    Background and Aims: It has been reported that patients without standard modifiable cardiovascular (CV) risk factors (SMuRFs—diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension, and smoking) presenting with first myocardial infarction (MI), especially women, have a higher in-hospital mortality than patients with risk factors, and possibly a lower long-term risk provided they survive the post-infarct period. This study aims to explore the long-term outcomes of SMuRF-less patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: CLARIFY is an observational cohort of 32 703 outpatients with stable CAD enrolled between 2009 and 2010 in 45 countries. The baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes of patients with and without SMuRFs were compared. The primary outcome was a composite of 5-year CV death or non-fatal MI. Secondary outcomes were 5-year all-cause mortality and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE—CV death, non-fatal MI, or non-fatal stroke). Results: Among 22 132 patients with complete risk factor and outcome information, 977 (4.4%) were SMuRF-less. Age, sex, and time since CAD diagnosis were similar across groups. SMuRF-less patients had a lower 5-year rate of CV death or non-fatal MI (5.43% [95% CI 4.08–7.19] vs. 7.68% [95% CI 7.30–8.08], P = 0.012), all-cause mortality, and MACE. Similar results were found after adjustments. Clinical event rates increased steadily with the number of SMuRFs. The benefit of SMuRF-less status was particularly pronounced in women. Conclusions: SMuRF-less patients with stable CAD have a substantial but significantly lower 5-year rate of CV death or non-fatal MI than patients with risk factors. The risk of CV outcomes increases steadily with the number of risk factors