24 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la conducta activa: el Registro Semanal de Actividad Física (RSAF)

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    The aim of this study was to propose the Weekly Physical Activity Log (RSAF in Spanish) to assess physical activity behaviour in adults. To this end, 132 adults (mean = 28.53 years; SD = 11.20) completed the RSAF. The energy expenditure (METs) of daily physical activities was obtained for a week and the percentile scores were calculated in terms of gender and age. The energy expenditure data were compared with the physical activity level and measures of fitness. The results show that active participants tend to have higher energy expenditure level than non-active participants, and the correlation between aerobic fitness and average weekly energy consumption is significant. These results show that the RSAF is useful and suitable for assessing daily physical activity and fitness in adults

    The value of repeat biopsy in lupus nephritis flares

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    Whether a repeat renal biopsy is helpful during lupus nephritis (LN) flares remains debatable. In order to analyze the clinical utility of repeat renal biopsy in this complex situation, we retrospectively reviewed our series of 54 LN patients who had one or more repeat biopsies performed only on clinical indications. Additionally, we reviewed 686 well-documented similar cases previously reported (PubMed 1990-2015). The analysis of all patients reviewed showed that histological transformations are common during a LN flare, ranging from 40% to 76% of cases. However, the prevalence of transformations and the clinical value of repeat biopsy vary when they are analyzed according to proliferative or nonproliferative lesions. The great majority of patients with class II (78% in our series and 77.5% in the literature review) progressed to a higher grade of nephritis (classes III, IV, or V), resulting in worse renal prognosis. The frequency of pathological conversion in class V is lower (33% and 43%, respectively) but equally clinically relevant, since almost all cases switched to a proliferative class. Therefore, repeat biopsy is highly advisable in patients with nonproliferative LN at baseline biopsy, because these patients have a reasonable likelihood of switch to a proliferative LN that may require more aggressive immunosuppression. In contrast, the majority of patients (82% and 73%) with proliferative classes in the reference biopsy (III, IV or mixed III/IV + V), remained into proliferative classes on repeat biopsy. Although rebiopsy in this group does not seem as necessary, it is still advisable since it will allow us to identify the 18% to 20% of patients that switch to a nonproliferative class. In addition, consistent with the reported clinical experience, repeat biopsy might also be helpful to identify selected cases with clear progression of proliferative lesions despite the initial treatment, for whom it is advisable to intensify inmunosuppression. Thus, our experience and the literature data support that repeat biopsy also brings more advantges than threats in this group. The results of the repeat biopsy led to a change in the immunosuppresive treatment in more than half of the patients on average, intensifying it in the majority of the cases, but also reducing it in 5% to 30%

    Procés d'atenció social de treball social sanitari individual i familiar

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    Treball social; GestióTrabajo social; GestiónSocial work; ManagementDocument que identifica i avalua les necessitats socials i familiars, i el malestar psicosocial derivat d'aquestes que poden dificultar el procés de salut, disminuint la capacitat de maneig del problema de salut, i condicionar la utilització dels serveis sanitaris.Document that identifies and evaluates social and family needs, and the psychosocial discomfort derived from these that can hinder the health process, reduce the ability to manage health problems, and condition the use of health services.Documento que identifica y evalúa las necesidades sociales y familiares, y el malestar psicosocial derivado de estos que pueden dificultar el proceso de salud, disminuir la capacidad de manejo de los problemas de salud, y condicionar la utilización de los servicios sanitarios

    Exercise motivation in university community members : a behavioural intervention

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    The purpose of this study was to examine how exercise level, exercise motives, and barriers changed from the baseline phase to the follow-up phase after a behavioural and cognitive intervention aimed at increasing exercise. Seventy-five members of our university community (43 subjects in the control group and 32 in the experimental group), all of whom received cognitive feedback, agreed to complete the baseline phase. Only the experimental group received behavioural feedback and a free-access gym ticket with personal training in order to facilitate their adherence to exercise. The results suggest that a combination of behavioural and psychological techniques is an efficient strategy for increasing exercise level. In addition, the results showed that extrinsic motivation predominates the early stages of change-of-exercise behaviour, and that intrinsic motivation is important for progression towards maintenance. Subjects who decreased their exercise level increased their extrinsic exercise motivation and subjects who increased their exercise level decreased the barriers related to intrinsic motivation. These findings indicate that, in order to facilitate exercise adherence, feedback about motives for undertaking exercise is needed, combined with advice about how to improve physical condition. This combination could help eliminate certain barriers that hinder engaging in an active and healthy life-styleEl objetivo de este estudio es analizar los cambios en el nivel de ejercicio físico y en los motivos y barreras para su práctica, desde la fase de línea de base hasta la fase de seguimiento, después de una intervención cognitivo-conductual para incrementar el ejercicio. 75 miembros de nuestra comunidad universitaria aceptaron participar en la línea de base (43 sujetos del grupo control y 32 del experimental). Todos ellos recibieron feed-back cognitivo. Sólo el grupo experimental recibió feed-back conductual y un ticket de libre acceso a un centro deportivo con entrenamiento personal para facilitar su adherencia al ejercicio. Los resultados sugieren que una combinación de técnicas cognitivo-conductuales resulta una estrategia eficiente para incrementar el nivel de ejercicio. Los resultados también muestran que durante los primeros estadios de cambio de la conducta de ejercicio domina la motivación extrínseca y que la motivación intrínseca es importante para la progresión hacia el mantenimiento. Los sujetos que disminuyeron su nivel de ejercicio incrementaron su motivación extrínseca hacia el ejercicio y los sujetos que aumentaron su nivel de ejercicio disminuyeron las barreras relacionadas con la motivación intrínseca. Estos resultados indican que para facilitar la adherencia al ejercicio los participantes necesitan recibir retroalimentación sobre sus motivos hacia el ejercicio combinada con asesoramiento sobre la mejora de su condición física. Esta combinación podría ayudar a eliminar algunas barreras que dificultan la posibilidad de adherirse a un estilo de vida activo y saludabl

    Análisis de las competencias de la enfermería en emergencias extrahospitalaria

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    Màster en Administració i Gestió en Cures d'Infermeria de l'E.U. Santa Madrona, 2009, Director: Esteve Pon