126 research outputs found

    The serotonin receptor 7 and the structural plasticity of brain circuits

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    Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) modulates numerous physiological processes in the nervous system. Together with its function as neurotransmitter, 5-HT regulates neurite outgrowth, dendritic spine shape and density, growth cone motility and synapse formation during development. In the mammalian brain 5-HT innervation is virtually ubiquitous and the diversity and specificity of its signaling and function arise from at least 20 different receptors, grouped in 7 classes. Here we will focus on the role 5-HT7 receptor (5-HT7R) in the correct establishment of neuronal cytoarchitecture during development, as also suggested by its involvement in several neurodevelopmental disorders. The emerging picture shows that this receptor is a key player contributing not only to shape brain networks during development but also to remodel neuronal wiring in the mature brain, thus controlling cognitive and emotional responses. The activation of 5-HT7R might be one of the mechanisms underlying the ability of the CNS to respond to different stimuli by modulation of its circuit configuration

    Enhancement of Dopaminergic Differentiation in Proliferating Midbrain Neuroblasts by Sonic Hedgehog and Ascorbic Acid

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    We analyzed the molecular mechanisms involved in the acquisition and maturation of dopaminergic (DA) neurons generated in vitro from rat ventral mesencephalon (MES) cells in the presence of mitogens or specific signaling molecules. The addition of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) to MES cells in serum-free medium stimulates the proliferation of neuroblasts but delays DA differentiation. Recombinant Sonic hedgehog (SHH) protein increases up to three fold the number of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells and their differentiation, an effect abolished by anti-SHH antibodies. The expanded cultures are rich in nestin-positive neurons, glial cells are rare, all TH+ neurons are DA, and all DA and GABAergic markers analyzed are expressed. Adding ascorbic acid to bFGF/SHH-treated cultures resulted in a further five- to seven-fold enhancement of viable DA neurons. This experimental system also provides a powerful tool to generate DA neurons from single embryos. Our strategy provides an enriched source of MES DA neurons that are useful for analyzing molecular mechanisms controlling their function and for experimental regenerative approaches in DA dysfunction

    Self-Organized Criticality model for Brain Plasticity

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    Networks of living neurons exhibit an avalanche mode of activity, experimentally found in organotypic cultures. Here we present a model based on self-organized criticality and taking into account brain plasticity, which is able to reproduce the spectrum of electroencephalograms (EEG). The model consists in an electrical network with threshold firing and activity-dependent synapse strenghts. The system exhibits an avalanche activity power law distributed. The analysis of the power spectra of the electrical signal reproduces very robustly the power law behaviour with the exponent 0.8, experimentally measured in EEG spectra. The same value of the exponent is found on small-world lattices and for leaky neurons, indicating that universality holds for a wide class of brain models.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Cystatin B Involvement in Synapse Physiology of Rodent Brains and Human Cerebral Organoids

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    Cystatin B (CSTB) is a ubiquitous protein belonging to a superfamily of protease inhibitors. CSTB may play a critical role in brain physiology because its mutations cause progressive myoclonic epilepsy-1A (EPM1A), the most common form of progressive myoclonic epilepsy. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the role of CSTB in the central nervous system (CNS) are largely unknown. To investigate the possible involvement of CSTB in the synaptic plasticity, we analyzed its expression in synaptosomes as a model system in studying the physiology of the synaptic regions of the CNS. We found that CSTB is not only present in the synaptosomes isolated from rat and mouse brain cortex, but also secreted into the medium in a depolarization-controlled manner. In addition, using biorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) procedure, we demonstrated, for the first time, that CSTB is locally synthesized in the synaptosomes. The synaptic localization of CSTB was confirmed in a human 3D model of cortical development, namely cerebral organoids. Altogether, these results suggest that CSTB may play a role in the brain plasticity and open a new perspective in studying the involvement of CSTB deregulation in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases

    Activation of 5-HT7 receptor stimulates neurite elongation through mTOR, Cdc42 and actin filaments dynamics.

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    Recent studies have indicated that the serotonin receptor subtype 7 (5-HT7R) plays a crucial role in shaping neuronal morphology during embryonic and early postnatal life. Here we show that pharmacological stimulation of 5-HT7R using a highly selective agonist, LP-211, enhances neurite outgrowth in neuronal primary cultures from the cortex, hippocampus and striatal complex of embryonic mouse brain, through multiple signal transduction pathways. All these signaling systems, involving mTOR, the Rho GTPase Cdc42, Cdk5, and ERK, are known to converge on the reorganization of cytoskeletal proteins that subserve neurite outgrowth. Indeed, our data indicate that neurite elongation stimulated by 5-HT7R is modulated by drugs affecting actin polymerization. In addition, we show, by 2D Western blot analyses, that treatment of neuronal cultures with LP-211 alters the expression profile of cofilin, an actin binding protein involved in microfilaments dynamics. Furthermore, by using microfluidic chambers that physically separate axons from the soma and dendrites, we demonstrate that agonist-dependent activation of 5-HT7R stimulates axonal elongation. Our results identify for the first time several signal transduction pathways, activated by stimulation of 5-HT7R, that converge to promote cytoskeleton reorganization and consequent modulation of axonal elongation. Therefore, the activation of 5-HT7R might represent one of the key elements regulating CNS connectivity and plasticity during development

    Neutralization of IL-17 rescues amyloid-β-induced neuroinflammation and memory impairment

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a common neurodegenerative disease characterized by a neuroinflammatory state and to date, there is no cure and its treatment represents a large unmet clinical need. The involvement of T helper 17 cells in the pathogenesis of AD-related neuroinflammation has been reported in several studies, however the role of the main cytokine, IL-17, has not been well addressed. Herein, we investigate the effects of IL-17 neutralizing antibody (IL-17Ab) injected by intracerebroventricular (ICV) or intranasal (IN) routes on amyloid-β-induced neuroinflammation and memory impairment in mice

    Lmx1a-Dependent Activation of miR-204/211 Controls the Timing of Nurr1-Mediated Dopaminergic Differentiation

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    The development of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) neurons requires a fine temporal and spatial regulation of a very specific gene expression program. Here, we report that during mouse brain development, the microRNA (miR-) 204/211 is present at a high level in a subset of DA precursors expressing the transcription factor Lmx1a, an early determinant for DA-commitment, but not in more mature neurons expressing Th or Pitx3. By combining different in vitro model systems of DA differentiation, we show that the levels of Lmx1a influence the expression of miR-204/211. Using published transcriptomic data, we found a significant enrichment of miR-204/211 target genes in midbrain dopaminergic neurons where Lmx1a was selectively deleted at embryonic stages. We further demonstrated that miR-204/211 controls the timing of the DA differentiation by directly downregulating the expression of Nurr1, a late DA differentiation master gene. Thus, our data indicate the Lmx1a-miR-204/211-Nurr1 axis as a key component in the cascade of events that ultimately lead to mature midbrain dopaminergic neurons differentiation and point to miR-204/211 as the molecular switch regulating the timing of Nurr1 expression

    Lmx1a-Dependent Activation of miR-204/211 Controls the Timing of Nurr1-Mediated Dopaminergic Differentiation

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    The development of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) neurons requires a fine temporal and spatial regulation of a very specific gene expression program. Here, we report that during mouse brain development, the microRNA (miR-) 204/211 is present at a high level in a subset of DA precursors expressing the transcription factor Lmx1a, an early determinant for DA-commitment, but not in more mature neurons expressing Th or Pitx3. By combining different in vitro model systems of DA differentiation, we show that the levels of Lmx1a influence the expression of miR-204/211. Using published transcriptomic data, we found a significant enrichment of miR-204/211 target genes in midbrain dopaminergic neurons where Lmx1a was selectively deleted at embryonic stages. We further demonstrated that miR-204/211 controls the timing of the DA differentiation by directly downregulating the expression of Nurr1, a late DA differentiation master gene. Thus, our data indicate the Lmx1a-miR-204/211-Nurr1 axis as a key component in the cascade of events that ultimately lead to mature midbrain dopaminergic neurons differentiation and point to miR-204/211 as the molecular switch regulating the timing of Nurr1 expression
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