159 research outputs found

    Mechanically adaptive nanocomposites for neural interfacing

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    The recording of neural signals with microelectrodes that are implanted into the cortex of the brain is potentially useful for a range of clinical applications. However, the widespread use of such neural interfaces has so far been stifled because existing intracortical electrode systems rarely allow for consistent long-term recording of neural activity. This limitation is usually attributed to scar formation and neuron death near the surface of the implanted electrode. It has been proposed that the mechanical property mismatch between existing electrode materials and the brain tissue is a significant contributor to these events. To alleviate this problem, we utilized the architecture of the sea cucumber dermis as a blueprint to engineer a new class of mechanically adaptive materials as substrates for "smart” intracortical electrodes. We demonstrated that these originally rigid polymer nanocomposites soften considerably upon exposure to emulated physiological and in vivo conditions. The adaptive nature of these bioinspired materials makes them useful as a basis for electrodes that are sufficiently stiff to be easily implanted and subsequently soften to better match the stiffness of the brain. Initial histological evaluations suggest that mechanically adaptive neural prosthetics can more rapidly stabilize neural cell populations at the device interface than rigid systems, which bodes well for improving the functionality of intracortical device

    Performance Test Results of the NASA-457M v2 Hall Thruster

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    Performance testing of a second generation, 50 kW-class Hall thruster labeled NASA-457M v2 was conducted at the NASA Glenn Research Center. This NASA-designed thruster is an excellent candidate for a solar electric propulsion system that supports human exploration missions. Thruster discharge power was varied from 5 to 50 kW over discharge voltage and current ranges of 200 to 500 V and 15 to 100 A, respectively. Anode efficiencies varied from 0.56 to 0.71. The peak efficiency was similar to that of other state-of-the-art high power Hall thrusters, but outperformed these thrusters at lower discharge voltages. The 0.05 to 0.18 higher anode efficiencies of this thruster compared to its predecessor were primarily due to which of two stable discharge modes the thruster was operated. One stable mode was at low magnetic field strengths, which produced high anode efficiencies, and the other at high magnetic fields where its predecessor was operated. Cathode keeper voltages were always within 2.1 to 6.2 V and cathode voltages were within 13 V of tank ground during high anode efficiency operation. However, during operation at high magnetic fields, cathode-to-ground voltage magnitudes increased dramatically, exceeding 30 V, due to the high axial magnetic field strengths in the immediate vicinity of the centrally-mounted cathode. The peak thrust was 2.3 N and this occurred at a total thruster input power of 50.0 kW at a 500 V discharge voltage. The thruster demonstrated a thrust-to-power range of 76.4 mN/kW at low power to 46.1 mN/kW at full power, and a specific impulse range of 1420 to 2740 s. For a discharge voltage of 300 V, where specific impulses would be about 2000 s, thrust efficiencies varied from 0.57 to 0.63

    Behavioral paradigm for the evaluation of stimulation-evoked somatosensory perception thresholds in rats

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    Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) of the somatosensory cortex via penetrating microelectrode arrays (MEAs) can evoke cutaneous and proprioceptive sensations for restoration of perception in individuals with spinal cord injuries. However, ICMS current amplitudes needed to evoke these sensory percepts tend to change over time following implantation. Animal models have been used to investigate the mechanisms by which these changes occur and aid in the development of new engineering strategies to mitigate such changes. Non-human primates are commonly the animal of choice for investigating ICMS, but ethical concerns exist regarding their use. Rodents are a preferred animal model due to their availability, affordability, and ease of handling, but there are limited choices of behavioral tasks for investigating ICMS. In this study, we investigated the application of an innovative behavioral go/no-go paradigm capable of estimating ICMS-evoked sensory perception thresholds in freely moving rats. We divided animals into two groups, one receiving ICMS and a control group receiving auditory tones. Then, we trained the animals to nose-poke – a well-established behavioral task for rats – following either a suprathreshold ICMS current-controlled pulse train or frequency-controlled auditory tone. Animals received a sugar pellet reward when nose-poking correctly. When nose-poking incorrectly, animals received a mild air puff. After animals became proficient in this task, as defined by accuracy, precision, and other performance metrics, they continued to the next phase for perception threshold detection, where we varied the ICMS amplitude using a modified staircase method. Finally, we used non-linear regression to estimate perception thresholds. Results indicated that our behavioral protocol could estimate ICMS perception thresholds based on ~95% accuracy of rat nose-poke responses to the conditioned stimulus. This behavioral paradigm provides a robust methodology for evaluating stimulation-evoked somatosensory percepts in rats comparable to the evaluation of auditory percepts. In future studies, this validated methodology can be used to study the performance of novel MEA device technologies on ICMS-evoked perception threshold stability using freely moving rats or to investigate information processing principles in neural circuits related to sensory perception discrimination

    Understanding the Effects of Both CD14-Mediated Innate Immunity and Device/Tissue Mechanical Mismatch in the Neuroinflammatory Response to Intracortical Microelectrodes

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    Intracortical microelectrodes record neuronal activity of individual neurons within the brain, which can be used to bridge communication between the biological system and computer hardware for both research and rehabilitation purposes. However, long-term consistent neural recordings are difficult to achieve, in large part due to the neuroinflammatory tissue response to the microelectrodes. Prior studies have identified many factors that may contribute to the neuroinflammatory response to intracortical microelectrodes. Unfortunately, each proposed mechanism for the prolonged neuroinflammatory response has been investigated independently, while it is clear that mechanisms can overlap and be difficult to isolate. Therefore, we aimed to determine whether the dual targeting of the innate immune response by inhibiting innate immunity pathways associated with cluster of differentiation 14 (CD14), and the mechanical mismatch could improve the neuroinflammatory response to intracortical microelectrodes. A thiol-ene probe that softens on contact with the physiological environment was used to reduce mechanical mismatch. The thiol-ene probe was both softer and larger in size than the uncoated silicon control probe. Cd14-/- mice were used to completely inhibit contribution of CD14 to the neuroinflammatory response. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, dual targeting worsened the neuroinflammatory response to intracortical probes. Therefore, probe material and CD14 deficiency were independently assessed for their effect on inflammation and neuronal density by implanting each microelectrode type in both wild-type control and Cd14-/- mice. Histology results show that 2 weeks after implantation, targeting CD14 results in higher neuronal density and decreased glial scar around the probe, whereas the thiol-ene probe results in more microglia/macrophage activation and greater blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption around the probe. Chronic histology demonstrate no differences in the inflammatory response at 16 weeks. Over acute time points, results also suggest immunomodulatory approaches such as targeting CD14 can be utilized to decrease inflammation to intracortical microelectrodes. The results obtained in the current study highlight the importance of not only probe material, but probe size, in regard to neuroinflammation

    Adhesion of alumina surfaces through confined water layers containing various molecules

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    When two surfaces confine water layers between them at the nanoscale, the behaviour of these confined water molecules can deviate significantly from the behaviour of bulk water and it could reflect on the adhesion of such surfaces. Thus, the aim of this study is to assess the role of confined water layers on the adhesion of hydrophilic surfaces and how sensitive this adhesion is to the presence of contaminants. Our methodology used under water AFM force measurements with an alumina sputtered sphere-tipped cantilever and a flat alumina single crystal, then added fractions of ethanol, dimethylformamide, formamide, trimethylamine, and trehalose to water, as contaminants. Such solutions were designed to illuminate the influences of dielectric constant, molecular size, refractive index and number of hydrogen bonds from donors and acceptors of solutes to water. Apart from very dilute solutions of dimethylformamide, all solutions decreased the ability of confined water to give adhesion of the alumina surfaces. The predicted theoretical contribution of van der Waals and electrostatic forces was not observed when the contaminants distorted the way water organizes itself in confinement. The conclusion was that adhesion was sensitive mostly to hydrogen bonding network within water layers confined by the hydrophilic alumina surfaces