3 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of multifractal analysis for online signature verification

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    Orientador: Lee Luan LingDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A verificação de identidades de forma confiável é cada vez mais necessária em nossa sociedade amplamente interconectada. Nesse contexto, a verificação biométrica é uma proposta alternativa, e mais segura, aos métodos tradicionalmente utilizados, como senhas e cartões. A análise multifractal, por sua vez, tem sido usada com sucesso em diversas aplicações de processamento de sinais, além disso, diversos estudos mostram a presença de características multifractais em processos naturais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os sinais referentes às assinaturas dinâmicas, provenientes de equipamentos como PDAs e tablet-pcs, sob o prisma da teoria multifractal. É estudada a capacidade de discriminação da característica multifractal na detecção de falsificações de assinaturas, tanto quando usadas isoladamente quanto em conjunto com características tradicionais, num contexto de fusão de informação, com resultados equivalentes ao estado da arte deste tema. Além disso, é realizada uma quantificação, através da teoria da informação, desta capacidade discriminatória. Por fim, é apresentada uma aplicação alternativa da informação multifractal no contexto da biometria: a análise de qualidade das amostrasAbstract: Reliable identity verification is an increasing necessity in our largely networked society. On this topic, biometric verification is a safer alternative to the traditional methods, such as passwords and ID cards. On the other hand, multifractal analysis has been successfully used in a wide range of signal processing applications; moreover, many works show the occurrence of multifractal traits on biological processes. This work aims at analyzing dynamic signature signals collected through devices such as PDAs and tablet-pcs, from a multifractal perspective. A study of the multifractal features discriminative capabilities on signature forgery detection is realized on two scenarios: when it is the unique feature used by the system, and in tandem with traditional features on an information fusion scheme; with results as good as those found in the state of the art of this area. Furthermore, an information theoretic quantification of the discrimination capability is realized. Finally, an alternative application for such features is presented: the evaluation of samples qualityMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Displacer-type liquid level sensor with liquid density auto-compensation

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    In the classic displacer-type liquid level measuring method, liquid level is calculated via the buoyancy force exerted by the liquid on a displacer. This technology has high linearity, precision, accuracy, ease of installation and low cost. Nonetheless, displacer level sensors have significant sensitivity to variations in liquid density, which hinder its use in industrial applications that such quantity is not held constant. In this paper a novel displacer-type liquid level sensor is presented and analyzed. The innovation of the new sensor consists of adding another displacer and thus calculating the new measured value by the quotient of the buoyancy forces of both displacers. Therefore, the new measurement is ideally insensitive to the variations in liquid density. A prototype was built and prototype results presented high linearity, being able to mitigate the sensitivity to the liquid density, increasing accuracy in the measurements

    Modélisation biomécanique des signatures en ligne appliqué à la vérification

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    This thesis deals with the modelling and verification of online signatures. The first part has as main theme the biomechanical modelling of hand movements associated to the signing gesture. A model based on the Minimum Jerk (MJ) criterion was chosen amongst the several available motor control theories. Next, the problem of signature trajectory segmentation into strokes that better fit the chosen kinematic model is studied, leading to the development of an iterative segmentation method. Both the choice of the model and the segmentation method are strongly based on the tradeoff between reconstruction quality and compression. On the second part, the polynomial model provided by the MJ criterion is intentionally degraded. The non-Real zeroes of the polynomials are discarded and the effects of this degradation are studied from a biometric verification perspective. This degradation is equivalent to the signal processing technique known as Infinity Clipping, originally applied to speech signals. On signatures, as for speech, the preservation of essential information was observed on signature verification tasks. As a matter of fact, using only the Levenshtein distance over the infinitely clipped representation, verification error rates comparable to those of more elaborate methods were obtained. Furthermore, the symbolic representation yielded by the infinity clipping technique allows for a conceptual relationship between the number of polynomial segments obtained through the Minimum Jerk-Based iterative segmentation and the Lempel-Ziv complexity. This relationship is potentially useful for the analysis of online signature signals and the improvement of recognition systemsCette thèse porte sur la modélisation et vérification des signatures en ligne. La première partie a pour thème principal la modélisation biomécanique des mouvements de la main. Un modèle basé sur le critère de Minimum de Secousse (MS) a été choisi parmi plusieurs théories du contrôle moteur. Ensuite, le problème de la segmentation des trajectoires en traits qui correspondent au modèle cinématique choisi a été étudié, ce qui a conduit à la mise au point d'une méthode de segmentation itérative. Le choix du modèle et de la méthode de segmentation sont basé sur le compromis entre la qualité de reconstruction et la compression. Dans la deuxième partie, le modèle polynomial issu du critère de MS est volontairement dégradé. Les zéros non-Réels des polynômes sont jetés et les effets de cette dégradation sont étudiés dans une perspective de vérification biométrique. Cette dégradation est équivalente à la technique connue sous le nom d’Infinity Clipping, initialement appliqué à des signaux de parole. Pour les signatures en ligne, comme pour la parole, la préservation de l'information essentielle a été observée sur des tâches de vérification de signature. En fait, en utilisant seulement la distance de Levenshtein sur la représentation dégradée, un taux d'erreur comparable à ceux des méthodes plus élaborées a été obtenu. En outre, la représentation symbolique issue de l’Infinity Clipping permet d’établir une relation conceptuelle entre le nombre de segments obtenus par la segmentation itératif basée sur le MS et la complexité de Lempel-Ziv. Cette relation est potentiellement utile pour l'analyse des signatures en ligne et pour l’amélioration des systèmes de reconnaissanc