281 research outputs found

    Immunity to Dictyocaulus viviparus Infection

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    The studies reported in this thesis were conducted in order to obtain a better understanding of immunity to Dictyocaulus viviparus infection

    Understanding the major drivers for implementation of municipal sustainable policies in underground space

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    [EN] Because of the expanding population in our cities with its demands for more diversified services, we cannot afford a piecemeal type of urban underground growth. Utilization of the urban street system for buried utilities has a serious adverse effect on other street functions because of the continuing necessity to perform excavations for the repair of existing lines and the installation of new ones. The excavations not only are a serious cause of traffic delay and congestion but also create noise and aesthetic disturbances, and result in excessive street maintenance requirements and in shortened overall street life. Consider the enhancing effects in quietness on abutting properties and users of the street, and the benefits become very great. Unfortunately, the lack of data and the difficulty in quantifying the intangibles have made it impossible to arrive at a reasonably accurate figure of overall negative impact on the urban environment of street cuts. However, if drivers are sufficiently strong to merit the use of utility tunnels, then sustainable municipal policies improving living quality will be implemented. © 2012 Taylor & Francis.Curiel-Esparza, J.; Canto-Perello, J. (2012). Understanding the major drivers for implementation of municipal sustainable policies in underground space. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 19(6):506-514. doi:10.1080/13504509.2012.732973S50651419

    Position-Velocity Diagrams for the Maser Emission coming from a Keplerian Ring

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    We have studied the maser emission from a thin, planar, gaseous ring in Keplerian rotation around a central mass observed edge-on. The absorption coefficient within the ring is assumed to follow a power law dependence with the distance from the central mass as, k=k0r^{-q}. We have calculated position-velocity diagrams for the most intense maser features, for different values of the exponent q. We have found that, depending on the value of q, these diagrams can be qualitatively different. The most intense maser emission at a given velocity can either come mainly from regions close to the inner or outer edges of the amplifying ring or from the line perpendicular to the line of sight and passing through the central mass (as is commonly assumed). Particularly, when q>1 the position-velocity diagram is qualitatively similar to the one observed for the water maser emission in the nucleus of the galaxy NGC 4258. In the context of this simple model, we conclude that in this object the absorption coefficient depends on the radius of the amplifying ring as a decreasing function, in order to have significant emission coming from the inner edge of the ring.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the 2007 July 20 issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    Marketing digital para podcasts: el caso de Relato Nacional (Chile)

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    Màster en Gestió de Continguts Digitals, Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutor: Dr. Ignasi Cavallé i CascanteRelato Nacional es un podcast chileno con más de siete años de historia. Se trata de un proyecto independiente de crónicas narra>vas con historias reales, que busca sumergir a su audiencia en la vida de otros. El programa cuenta con una base de seguidores, principalmente en Chile. Además, ha sido premiado y reconocido como un podcast de referencia. A pesar de esto, el proyecto aún no ha logrado autofinanciarse por completo. El 20% del presupuesto de su úl>ma temporada fue costeada gracias al aporte de su audiencia, a través de un sistema de membresía. El resto del dinero provino de la productora La Factoría, realizadora del proyecto, que se financia elaborando contenido para terceros. En este escenario, surge la necesidad de crear un plan de marke8ng digital para el podcast en español, Relato Nacional. Este trabajo no sólo busca lograr el autofinanciamiento del proyecto con una inversión baja, sino también aumentar su audiencia más allá de las fronteras chilenas y fidelizar a los actuales oyentes


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    One of the main problems for all companies, especially when more than a product is made, is the assignment of indirect costs to the product, taking into account that using the traditional system of costs of finished products get distortions. On the other hand, in the Activity Based Costing (ABC) these costs are assigned to products, taking into account the performance of activities, used resources and cost object.Uno de los problemas principales para toda empresa, en especial cuando se produce más de un producto, es la asignación de los costos indirectos al producto teniendo en cuenta que al utilizar el sistema tradicional de costos de los productos terminados se distorsionan, en cambio en el sistema de costeo basado en actividades (Activity Based Costing) estos se asignan a los productos teniendo en cuenta el desempeño de actividades, recursos utilizados y los objetos de costos

    La cadena de valor como herramienta de gestión para una empresa de servicios

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    The cleaning service companies generally get customers through public tenders, becoming the immediacy with which it presents the quote and the cost of service on key factors. Many times the cost is determined based on past services (estimates), which has repeatedly caused the cancellation of the service, or the service given, generating losses, which are evidenced recently at the end of the period, i.e. when the service contract has been signed and the economic and operating conditions cannot be changed, resulting in many opportunities to renegotiate the contract or cease certain activities according to frequency. To that extent the author tries to show a management tool that integrates decision factors, providing valuegenerating responses in real time, allowing to know the economic and financial situation of the company. As a result of this process was demonstrated deficits in a business unit and identified the activities of the value chain of the company more expensive that require review.Las empresas de servicios de limpieza, en general, obtienen clientes a través de concursos públicos; convirtiéndose la inmediatez con que se presenta la cotización y el costo del servicio en factores claves. Muchas veces el costo es determinado en base a servicios anteriores (estimaciones), lo que ha ocasionado en reiteradas oportunidades la cancelación del servicio, o de darse este, la generación de pérdidas, las cuales recién son evidenciadas al término del periodo, es decir, cuando el contrato de servicio se ha firmado y las condiciones económicas y operativas no se pueden cambiar, originando en muchas oportunidades la renegociación del contrato o dejar de realizar ciertas actividades de acuerdo a la frecuencia. En tal medida, el presente artículo presenta una herramienta de gestión que integra los factores de decisión, brindando respuestas de generación de valor en tiempo real, permitiendo conocer la situación económica financiera de la empresa. Como resultado de este proceso se evidenció el déficit en una unidad de negocio y se identificaron las actividades de la cadena de valor de las empresas más costosas que requieren ser revisadas. Palabras clave: cadena de valor, costos en empresas de servicios, estados financieros en tiempo rea

    Strategic decision support system for utility tunnel s planning applying A WOT method

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    [EN] Future sustainable underground strategies will consist of the ability to reduce overcrowding subsurface space in our cities. To this end, utility tunnels become a key factor in urban underground planning. These facilities improve joint-use of urban underground space (UUS) that may contain multiple utilities such as water, sewerage, gas, electrical power, telephone, and central heating in several combinations or in some cases all together. However, implementing these subsurface tunnels is retarded most by first-cost, compatibility, security and liability problems. All these drawbacks should be addressed in early planning stages taking into account the uniqueness of each city. Therefore, expert consensus panels from public and private organizations should determine appropriate policies for developing utility tunnels network. This research work applies A WOT hybrid method combining SWOT analysis and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to study utility tunnel planning in urban areas. The hybrid method takes account of internal resources and capabilities (strengths and weakness) and external factors (opportunities and threats). SWOT analysis is a structured way to analyze these four factors, while AHP technique achieves pairwise comparisons among factors in order to prioritize them using the eigenvector method. The quantitative strategic analysis obtained from the decision support system should be used as a preliminary step in urban planning of future utility tunnel networks.Canto-Perello, J.; Curiel-Esparza, J.; Calvo Peña, V. (2016). Strategic decision support system for utility tunnel s planning applying A WOT method. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 55:146-152. doi:10.1016/j.tust.2015.12.009S1461525

    Understanding the Radio Emission from ϵ\epsilon Eridani

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    Some solar-type stars are known to present faint, time-variable radio continuum emission whose nature is not clearly established. We report on Jansky Very Large Array observations of the nearby star ϵ\epsilon Eridani at 10.0 and 33.0 GHz. We find that this star has flux density variations on scales down to days, hours and minutes. On 2020 Apr 15 it exhibited a radio pulse at 10.0 GHz with a total duration of about 20 minutes and a peak four times larger than the plateau of 40 μ\muJy present in that epoch. We were able to model the time behavior of this radio pulse in terms of the radiation from shocks ramming into the stellar wind. Such shocks can be produced by the wind interaction of violently expanding gas heated suddenly by energetic electrons from a stellar flare, similar to the observed solar flares. Because of the large temperature needed in the working surface to produce the observed emission, this has to be non thermal. It could be gyrosynchrotron or synchrotron emission. Unfortunately, the spectral index or polarization measurements from the radio pulse do not have enough signal-to-noise ratio to determine its nature.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. To appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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