32 research outputs found

    Méthodes MCMC en interaction pour l'évaluation de ressources naturelles

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    International audienceMarkov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods together with hidden Markov models are extensively used in the Bayesian inference for many scientific fields like environment and ecology. Through simulated examples we show that the speed of convergence of these methods can be very low. In order to improve the convergence properties, we propose a method to make parallel chains interact. We apply this method to a biomass evolution model for fisheries.Les méthodes de Monte Carlo par chaînes de Markov (MCMC) couplées à des modèles de Markov cachés sont utilisées dans de nombreux domaines, notamment en environnement et en écologie. Sur des exemples simples, nous montrons que la vitesse de convergence de ces méthodes peut être très faible. Nous proposons de mettre en interaction plusieurs algorithmes MCMC pour accélérer cette convergence. Nous appliquons ces méthodes à un modèle d'évolution de la biomasse d'une pêcherie

    Impacts du changement climatique sur les pluies extrêmes par l'utilisation d'un générateur stochastique de pluies

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    Des récentes études ont montré la difficulté de détecter des tendances des phénomènes extrêmes de précipitation. C'est pourquoi, dans cette thèse, nous proposons une étude originale de l'impact du changement climatique sur les pluies extrêmes par l'utilisation d'un générateur stochastique de pluies horaires. La détection de l'évolution climatique est faite à travers la paramétrisation de ce générateur. Contrairement aux méthodes classiques, les paramètres du modèle sont directement liés à des caractéristiques climatiques moyennes et non aux valeurs extrêmes. Au préalable, une consolidation de la modélisation des phénomènes conditionnant le comportement à l'infini du générateur est réalisée. Sur la base de la modélisation par copules, la dépendance entre les variables du générateur est modélisée et conduit à une meilleure prise en compte du phénomène de persistance des averses générant des cumuls de pluies extrêmes. Ensuite une étude montre que le générateur a un comportement robuste vis à vis des données disponibles tout en proposant des quantiles de pluies extrêmes de bonne qualité. Une analyse par simulation a permis de choisir un test de tendance adapté et de montrer que la modélisation du phénomène étudié a une grande importance dans la pertinence du rejet de la stationnarité des paramètres. Une méthode est créée pour définir la significativité des tendances des paramètres au sein d'une zone climatiquement homogène à partir de la construction de chroniques ''régionalisées''. À partir de longues séries journalières issues de 139 postes pluviométriques de la métropole française, nous étudions l'évolution des paramètres du générateur de pluies sur la période 1960-2003. L'approche régionale est alors préférable à l'approche locale pour tenir compte d'un changement global et être moins soumis à l'échantillonnage. Les résultats montrent qu'un changement dans les caractéristiques moyennes provoque un plus grand impact sur les extrêmes. Les tendances observées ont lieu principalement en hiver avec une recrudescence d'événements pluvieux dans la plupart des régions. La prise en compte du changement climatique dans l'estimation de quantiles de pluies n'apporte pas de gros changements dans le présent par rapport à une estimation sous hypothèse de stationnarité du climat. Les pluies extrêmes semblent tout de même être de plus en plus fréquentes sur l'ensemble de la France hormis le pourtour méditerranéen. Nous proposons ensuite une application en couplant les prévisions des modèles climatiques et le générateur de pluies. D'après les résultats, il semble, entre autres, que le Nord de la Lorraine et l'Est des Cévennes seront soumis à une hausse conséquente du risque pluvial au cours du 21ème siècle.Recent studies showed difficulties to detect the trends on rainfall extreme phenomenon. That is why; an original approach is proposed to estimate the impacts of climate change on extreme rainfall by using an hourly rainfall stochastic generator. Climate evolution is detected from the generator parameterisation. Compared to usual methods, the generator parameters are estimated by average, and not by extreme, values of daily climatic characteristics. At the beginning, we focus on the modelisation of phenomena which influence the asymptotic behaviour of the generator. Based on the copula theory, the dependence between some generator variables is modelised and lead to a better regeneration of the extreme precipitation depth. Then a study shows the generator has a robust behaviour according to available data while it proposes a good estimation of rainfall quantiles. Simulations permit us to choose an adapted trend test and to show the modelisation of the studied phenomenon is of great importance in the relevance of the parameter stationarity rejection. A method is created to test a regional trend in a homogenous climatic zone from the construction of regionalized chronicles. From the daily information of 139 rain gauge stations, the stationarity of generator parameters was studied in metropolitan France between 1960-2003. Tests were performed from a local approach and from a regional one. A regional approach seems better to take into account a real change and to reduce the sampling problem. Changes observed on average rainfall characteristics are amplified when working with extreme events. The observed trends occur mainly between December and May when the rainfall occurrence increased during the four last decades in the most zones. Up to now, the taking into account of climate change does not lead to a big change in the quantiles estimation, when compared to their estimation under a hypothesis of stationary climate. However extreme rainfalls seem to be more frequent on the whole French territory except in the Mediterranean area. Besides, we propose an application by combining the climate model predictions and the rainfall generator. According to these results, it seems, for example, the heavy precipitation will increase in the Lorraine northern and in the Cevennes eastern during the 21st century.MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    SHYREG, a national database of flood frequency estimation

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    SHYREG method is a regionalized method for rainfall and flood frequency analysis (FFA). It is based on processes simulation. It couples an hourly rainfall generator with a rainfall-runoff model, simplified enough to be regionalized. The method has been calibrated using all hydro meteorological data available at the national level. In France, that represents about 2800 raingauges of the French Weather Service network and about 1800 stations of the hydrometric National Bank network. Then, the method has been regionalized to provide a rainfall and flow quantiles database. An evaluation of the method was carried out during different thesis works and more recently during the ANR project Extraflo, with the aim of comparing different FFA approaches. The accuracy of the method in estimating rainfall and flow quantiles has been proved, as well as its stability due to a parameterization based on average values. The link with rainfall seems preferable to extrapolation based solely on the flow. Thus, another interest of the method is to take into account extreme flood behaviour with help of rainfall frequency estimation. In addition, the approach is implicitly multi-durational, and only one regionalization meets all the needs in terms hydrological hazards characterisation. For engineering needs and to avoid repeating the method implementation, this method has been applied throughout a 50 meters resolution mesh to provide a complete flood quantiles database over the French territory providing regional information on hydrological hazards. However, it is subject to restrictions related to the nature of the method: the SHYREG flows are “natural”, and do not take into account specific cases like the basins highly influenced by presence of hydraulic works, flood expansion areas, high snowmelt or karsts. Information about these restrictions and uncertainty estimation is provided with this database, which can be consulted via web access

    SHYREG, a national database of flood frequency estimation

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    SHYREG method is a regionalized method for rainfall and flood frequency analysis (FFA). It is based on processes simulation. It couples an hourly rainfall generator with a rainfall-runoff model, simplified enough to be regionalized. The method has been calibrated using all hydro meteorological data available at the national level. In France, that represents about 2800 raingauges of the French Weather Service network and about 1800 stations of the hydrometric National Bank network. Then, the method has been regionalized to provide a rainfall and flow quantiles database. An evaluation of the method was carried out during different thesis works and more recently during the ANR project Extraflo, with the aim of comparing different FFA approaches. The accuracy of the method in estimating rainfall and flow quantiles has been proved, as well as its stability due to a parameterization based on average values. The link with rainfall seems preferable to extrapolation based solely on the flow. Thus, another interest of the method is to take into account extreme flood behaviour with help of rainfall frequency estimation. In addition, the approach is implicitly multi-durational, and only one regionalization meets all the needs in terms hydrological hazards characterisation. For engineering needs and to avoid repeating the method implementation, this method has been applied throughout a 50 meters resolution mesh to provide a complete flood quantiles database over the French territory providing regional information on hydrological hazards. However, it is subject to restrictions related to the nature of the method: the SHYREG flows are “natural”, and do not take into account specific cases like the basins highly influenced by presence of hydraulic works, flood expansion areas, high snowmelt or karsts. Information about these restrictions and uncertainty estimation is provided with this database, which can be consulted via web access

    Histoire d'objets sacrés (Antiquité et Moyen-Âge)

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    Histoire d'objets sacrés (Antiquité et Moyen-Âge

    Histoire d'objets sacrés (Antiquité et Moyen-Âge)

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    Histoire d'objets sacrés (Antiquité et Moyen-Âge