66 research outputs found

    Raman Spectra of ZrS2 and ZrSe2 from Bulk to Atomically Thin Layers

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    In the race towards two-dimensional electronic and optoelectronic devices, semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) from group VIB have been intensively studied in recent years due to the indirect to direct band-gap transition from bulk to the monolayer. However, new materials still need to be explored. For example, semiconducting TMDCs from group IVB have been predicted to have larger mobilities than their counterparts from group VIB in the monolayer limit. In this work we report the mechanical exfoliation of ZrX2 (X = S, Se) from bulk down to the monolayer and we study the dimensionality dependence of the Raman spectra in ambient conditions. We observe Raman signal from bulk to few layers and no shift in the peak positions is found when decreasing the dimensionality. While a Raman signal can be observed from bulk to a bilayer for ZrS2, we could only detect signal down to five layers for flakes of ZrSe2. These results show the possibility of obtaining atomically thin layers of ZrX2 by mechanical exfoliation and represent one of the first steps towards the investigation of the properties of these materials, still unexplored in the two-dimensional limit

    Tunable coupled surface acoustic cavities

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    We demonstrate the electric tuning of the acoustic field in acoustic microcavities(MCs) defined by a periodic arrangement of metal stripes within a surface acoustic delay line on LiNbO3 substrate. Interferometric measurements show the enhancement of the acoustic field distribution within a single MC, the presence of a"bonding" and"anti-bonding" modes for two strongly coupled MCs, as well as the positive dispersion of the"mini-bands" formed by five coupled MCs. The frequency and amplitude of the resonances can be controlled by the potential applied to the metal stripes

    High accuracy Raman measurements using the Stokes and anti-Stokes lines

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    We show that by measuring the separation between the Stokes and anti-Stokes peaks excited by two different laser lines we obtain a very precise determination of absolute phonon energies. The method is useful for measuring small changes of these energies with strain, temperature, laser power, etc. It doubles the changes and avoids the necessity of using the reference lines in the Raman spectra. The method can be applied for the determination of phonon deformation potentials, for the characterization of strained heteroepitaxial layers, and for micro-Raman analysis of strain in silicon integrated circuits. We give examples of phonon shifts in Si, Ge, GaAs, InAs, and GaP as a function of applied biaxial strain, laser power, and [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Photoluminescence study of excitons in homoepitaxial GaN

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    High-resolution photoluminescence spectra have been measured in high-quality homoepitaxial GaN grown on a free-standing GaN substrate with lower residual strain than in previous work. Unusually strong and well-resolved excitonic lines were observed. Based on free- and bound exciton transitions some important GaN parameters are derived. The Arrhenius plot of the free A exciton recombination yields a binding energy of 24.7 meV. Based on this datum, an accurate value for the band-gap energy, EG(4.3 K) = 3.506 eV, can be given. From the donor bound excitons and their “two-electron” satellites, the exciton localization energy and donor ionization energy are deduced. Finally, estimates of the electron and hole masses have been obtained within the effective mass [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Confident methods for the evaluation of the hydrogen content in nanoporous carbon microfibers

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    Abstract Nanoporous carbon microfibers were grown by chemical vapor deposition in the vapor-liquid solid mode using different fluid hydrocarbons as precursors in different proportions. The as-grown samples were further treated in argon and hydrogen atmospheres at different pressure conditions and annealed at several temperatures in order to deduce the best conditions for the incorporation and re-incorporation of hydrogen into the microfibers through the nanopores. Since there are some discrepancies in the results on the hydrogen content obtained under vacuum conditions, in this work, we have measured the hydrogen content in the microfibers using several analytical methods in ambient conditions: surface tension, mass density, and Raman measurements. A discussion on the validity of the results obtained through the correlation between them is the purpose of the present work.Peer Reviewe

    Modulation of the electronic properties of GaN films by surface acoustic waves

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    We report on the interaction between photogenerated electron-hole pairs and surface acoustic waves (SAW) in GaN films grown on sapphire substrates. The spatial separation of photogenerated carriers by the piezoelectric field of the SAW is evidenced by the quenching of the photoluminescence (PL) intensity. The quenching levels in GaN are significantly smaller than those measured in GaAs under similar conditions. The latter is attributed to the lower exciton ionization efficiency and carrier separation probabilities mediated by the piezoelectric effect. The PL spectra also evidence energy shifts and broadenings of the electronic transitions, which are attributed to the band gap modulation by the SAW strain [email protected]

    Enhanced optical properties of Cd–Mg-co-doped ZnO nanoparticles induced by low crystal structure distortion

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    The growth of CdxMg0.125-xZn0.875O nanoparticles with yellow-orange luminescence is achieved up to 2.5 at. % Cd via a modified sol–gel process. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that all the nanoparticles have the hexagonal wurtzite structure. It is found that Cd doping has a considerable effect on the crystal size, microstrain, band gap, and photoluminescence of the Mg0·125Zn0·875O structure, originating from a preferred crystallographic orientation along the (101) plane of the wurtzite structure. The shift and broadening of the E2(high) mode observed in the Raman spectra due to growth-induced strain corroborates the small distortion observed in the X-ray diffraction data. The optical band gap varies from 3.21 eV to 2.74 eV, being redshifted with increasing Cd concentration (from 0 at. % to 2.5 at. %). The photoluminescence obtained with an excitation wavelength of 325 nm has a broad yellow-orange emission peak at around 640 nm due to transitions related to oxygen vacancies and interstitial oxygen atoms. We located the yellow-orange emission in the chromaticity coordinate diagram in the 2683–2777 K colour temperature region, demonstrating that CdxMg0.125-xZnO0.875 nanoparticles have potential applications in white light-emitting diodes.publishe
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