299 research outputs found

    The Sustainable Tourism Management of Cultural Heritage: the Case of the Rosas Mine in Sardinia

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    The paper focuses on the management of an ex mine complex listed as a UNESCO geopark, located in Sardinia (Italy), in which cultural and hospitality services are provided for visitors. First, it aims to explore a local community’s attempt to re-appropriate its former mining territory and seek a tailor-made sustainable development approach to manage its cultural and industrial heritage. Then, it analyses the organisational framework and sustainable management model of the Rosas mine village aimed at generating value both for local people and tourists, within a broader conceptual framework in which the tangible and intangible resources that comprise a milieu are crucial for implementing sustainable tourism development policies. The study was carried out using a qualitative approach, and methods adopted included case-study research and interviews with stakeholders. The main result reveals the performance of a challenging business model, based on a novel approach to the management of public-private heritage in a depressed area, inspired by the sustainable reinvention of its local heritage. The purpose of the study was to investigate a case of sustainable management heritage that might be applied in similar contexts. It may hopefully be the basis for future investigation as a case in itself, and for comparative research particularly in sustainable business models for heritage management

    Communicating Actions for Sustainable Tourism Development. The Implementation of the European Tourism Indicator System for Sustainable Destinations in South Sardinia

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    Sustainability communication plays an essential role in informing tourists about the availability of sustainable products and in addressing them to choosing eco-friendly experiences, as well as in sharing awareness and responsibility within tourist operators about the urgent need to improve the sustainability of tourism offers. The European Tourism Indicator System for sustainable destinations (ETIS) looks a tool able to provide a holistic approach to improve the sustainable management of European tourism destinations, by encouraging stakeholder engagement and monitoring processes. Moving from the conceptual framework of the sustainable tourism, this qualitative study investigates the role of communication as a key strategy related to the ETIS’ implementation in the South of Sardinia, Italy, among the various stakeholders involved in it. Considering that research in sustainability communication and the ETIS outcomes are scarce, this study aims to contribute to filling this gap. The findings show clear weaknesses in the ETIS communication and stakeholders’ engagement, particularly at local level, and in the appropriation of the results. The study suggests to improving communication as a strategic lever to involve tourism operators and tourists while implementing sustainable actions like the ETIS, and to share the knowledgecreated, both at local and international level

    Roots Tourism as a Means to Foster Sustainable Development of Small Destinations: A Focus on Italy

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    Roots tourism is increasing awareness among businesses, policy makers and public authorities about its capability to attract tourists which hold direct or indirect family bonds with the communities of destinations where such tourists come from. One of its particular characteristics consists of being a means of tourist development for potential destinations which have been affected by population loss: those same migrated people could nowadays be roots tourists by visiting their homeland. Although roots tourism has been already investigated in literature, particularly in diaspora tourism, what seems not to be fully explored are paths and road maps for developing such market within the stakeholders theory, especially in Italy where roots tourism is still underexplored. In this regard, the present study seeks to fill this gap by offering a systematic analysis of the actors potentially involved in roots tourism, in order to contribute to the creation of development paths for local communities which host return tourists. In fact, the study’s main goal is to outline paths and tools addressed to small destinations and rural areas, rather than already established destinations, by engaging together policy makers, businesses, NGOs and local community around a shared plan

    Contributing to sustainable tourism models. The feasibility study of the Craik’s ecovillage in Scotland

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    In the last decades, sustainable tourism models have become a key topic in the academic debate, as well as in policy makers’ strategies. Within the tourism industry, there is an emerging need to match the expectations of a new and consistent niche of tourists, who increasingly demand tourism accommodation facilities with ecological features. The arising of the eco-consumers keeps opening today economic opportunities for businesses. The paper analyses the economic and social feasibility of Craik, an ecovillage project in a remote area of Scotland, which aims to adopt sustainability practices in every aspect of its tourism facilities (e.g. low carbon building; use of green energy; wastewater treatment). The study is divided in three main parts: the first adopt a marketing perspective in order to investigate the demand and the supply of the international ecotourism market; the second analyses the market of high quality lodge accommodation in Scotland and the Borders; the third explores the potential outcomes of the project in terms of revenues, number of employees and partnerships with local businesses. The paper concludes that the Craik’s ecovillage project could represent a challenging opportunity to experiment with a new model of sustainable tourism accommodation in Scotland. However, final recommendations suggest the need to rethink the product in terms of ecolodge design, to provide high quality furnishing products and a detailed profile of potential customers, as well as the need to identify specific marketing strategies that could effectively match tourists’ expectations

    Contributing to sustainable tourism models. The feasibility study of the Craik’s ecovillage in Scotland

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    In the last decades, sustainable tourism models have become a key topic in the academic debate, as well as in policy makers’ strategies. Within the tourism industry, there is an emerging need to match the expectations of a new and consistent niche of tourists, who increasingly demand tourism accommodation facilities with ecological features. The arising of the eco-consumers keeps opening today economic opportunities for businesses. The paper analyses the economic and social feasibility of Craik, an ecovillage project in a remote area of Scotland, which aims to adopt sustainability practices in every aspect of its tourism facilities (e.g. low carbon building; use of green energy; wastewater treatment). The study is divided in three main parts: the first adopt a marketing perspective in order to investigate the demand and the supply of the international ecotourism market; the second analyses the market of high quality lodge accommodation in Scotland and the Borders; the third explores the potential outcomes of the project in terms of revenues, number of employees and partnerships with local businesses. The paper concludes that the Craik’s ecovillage project could represent a challenging opportunity to experiment with a new model of sustainable tourism accommodation in Scotland. However, final recommendations suggest the need to rethink the product in terms of ecolodge design, to provide high quality furnishing products and a detailed profile of potential customers, as well as the need to identify specific marketing strategies that could effectively match tourists’ expectations

    Emigración y retención de Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787) en un área marina protegida del Mediterráneo central occidental

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    This study describes the results obtained by applying the Arnason Schwartz multistate mark-recapture model to eight years of data collected in and around a small no-fishing marine protected area (MPA; 4 km2) in the central western Mediterranean. From 1997 to 2004, a total of 4044 specimens of Palinurus elephas (Fabr., 1787) were tagged and 317 recaptured. The most parsimonious model which best explained the data variability was that of a temporally constant rate of apparent survival and movement in each of the two strata. The absence of any temporal influence in the apparent survival rate inside the no-take area suggested that spillover and mortality are constant for each period of the study. The lower apparent survival rate in surrounding zones than inside the MPA (0.26 ± 0.04 (SE) vs 0.94 ± 0.03 (SE)) is presumed to be a function of fishing effort. A continuous movement of P. elephas across the boundary of the small MPA was also tested. This information on retention of lobsters in the MPA contributes to our understanding of the effect of introducing MPAs into a managed commercial fishery system.Este estudio presenta los resultados de aplicar el modelo multiestado de marcado y recaptura de Arnason Schwartz a una serie de ocho años de datos recolectados en el interior y alrededor de una pequeña área marina protegida (AMP) vedada a la pesca (4 km2) del Mediterráneo central occidental. Desde 1997 a 2004, un total de 4044 ejemplares de Palinurus elephas (Fabr., 1787) fueron marcados, de los cuales 317 fueron recapturados. El modelo más parsimonioso que explicó mejor la variabilidad de los datos fue aquel con una tasa temporal constante de aparente supervivencia y movimiento entre los dos estratos. La ausencia de influencia temporal sobre la tasa de supervivencia aparente en el interior del área protegida, sugirió que el “spillover” y la mortalidad son constantes para cada periodo del estudio. La menor tasa aparente de supervivencia en zonas alrededor de la reserva respecto al interior de la misma (0.26 ± 0.04 (SE) vs 0.94 ± 0.03 (SE)) se considera que es una función del esfuerzo pesquero. Un movimiento continuo de P. elephas a través de los límites de la pequeña AMP fue evaluado. Esta información sobre la retención de langostas en el AMP contribuye a comprender el efecto de la introducción de AMPs en un sistema regulado de pesquería comercial

    Emigration and retention of <i>Palinurus elephas</i> (Fabricius, 1787) in a central western Mediterranean marine protected area

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    Este estudio presenta los resultados de aplicar el modelo multiestado de marcado y recaptura de Arnason Schwartz a una serie de ocho años de datos recolectados en el interior y alrededor de una pequeña área marina protegida (AMP) vedada a la pesca (4 km2) del Mediterráneo central occidental. Desde 1997 a 2004, un total de 4044 ejemplares de Palinurus elephas (Fabr., 1787) fueron marcados, de los cuales 317 fueron recapturados. El modelo más parsimonioso que explicó mejor la variabilidad de los datos fue aquel con una tasa temporal constante de aparente supervivencia y movimiento entre los dos estratos. La ausencia de influencia temporal sobre la tasa de supervivencia aparente en el interior del área protegida, sugirió que el "spillover" y la mortalidad son constantes para cada periodo del estudio. La menor tasa aparente de supervivencia en zonas alrededor de la reserva respecto al interior de la misma (0.26 ± 0.04 (SE) vs 0.94 ± 0.03 (SE)) se considera que es una función del esfuerzo pesquero. Un movimiento continuo de P. elephas a través de los límites de la pequeña AMP fue evaluado. Esta información sobre la retención de langostas en el AMP contribuye a comprender el efecto de la introducción de AMPs en un sistema regulado de pesquería comercial

    An unusual finding of Sepietta oweniana (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) egg clutch

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    An unusual finding of Sepietta oweniana egg clutch at 544 m depth is described within an updating study of the reproductive aspects of the species in Sardinian waters. Egg species identity was determined by genetic analysis and morphological and biometrical data of the eggs, embryos and one newly hatched specimen are reported and discussed. Illustrations of the eggs, spermatophores and spermatangia by photographic material are also included. Data on bathymetric distribution and sexual maturity are reported and compared with data already available for the species in other geographical areas of distributio

    Descubrimiento inusual de una puesta de Sepietta oweniana (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae)

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    An unusual finding of Sepietta oweniana egg clutch at 544 m depth is described within an updating study of the reproductive aspects of the species in Sardinian waters. Egg species identity was determined by genetic analysis and morphological and biometrical data of the eggs, embryos and one newly hatched specimen are reported and discussed. Illustrations of the eggs, spermatophores and spermatangia by photographic material are also included. Data on bathymetric distribution and sexual maturity are reported and compared with data already available for the species in other geographical areas of distribution.Se describe un descubrimiento inusual de una puesta de Sepietta oweniana a 544 m de profundidad, en el ámbito de un estudio de aspectos reproductivos de la especie en aguas de Cerdeña. Los huevos se identificaron por medio de análisis genéticos. En este trabajo se presentan y discuten datos morfológicos y biométricos de los huevos, embriones y de un especimen recién nacido. Se incluye material fotográfico de los huevos, espermatóforos y espermatangia. Se presentan datos de distribución batimétrica y madurez sexual y se comparan con datos existentes de la especie en otras áreas geográficas de distribución

    A case report of thyroid carcinoma confined to ovary and concurrently occult in the thyroid. Is conservative treatment always advised?

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    Introduction: Struma ovarii is an ovarian teratoma, represented in more than 50% by thyroid tissue. Five percent of struma ovarii cases have been proven to be malignant and, as in the thyroid gland, papillary thyroid carcinoma is the most common histotype arising in struma ovarii. Because of the unusual occurrence of this tumor, its management and follow-up after pelvic surgery is still controversial. Usually, total thyroidectomy followed by radioiodine treatment is the choice treatment in metastatic malignant struma ovarii, while these procedures are still controversial in non-metastatic thyroid cancer arising in struma ovarii. Case Presentation: We report a female with follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma arising in struma ovarii. After pelvic surgery, thyroid morphofunctional examinations were performed and a single nodular lesion in the left lobe was discovered. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy and histological examination showed a papillary carcinoma. Radioiodine-ablation of residual thyroid tissue was performed and levothyroxine mildly-suppressive treatment was started. Conclusions: A more aggressive treatment should not be denied for malignant struma ovarii without any evidence, even when apparently confined into the ovary. However, in selected cases, aggressive treatment may be advisable to decrease the risk of recurrence and to allow an accurate follow-up
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