482 research outputs found

    Analisis Hubungan Kausalitas Antara BI Rate dengan Stock Price (Harga Saham Sektor Keuangan) Di Indonesia

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    This study entitled “The analysis of causality relationship between BI Rate with stock price (stock price of financial sector) in Indonesia”. This research aims to analyze the causality relationship between BI Rate and Financial Stock Price in Indonesia using monthly data from January 2012 – Desember 2016 period. Using secondary data obtained from monthly report which has been published on Bank Indonesia official website (BI) for BI Rate data and Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) for Financial Stock Price data. This research uses Granger Causality test analysis method which is processed using Eviews analysis tool. The result of granger causality test shows that there is one way causal relationship between BI Rate and financial stock price. The results of the study stated that the change in BI Rate influences changes in fluctuations in financial stock prices

    Şev stabilitesinde kullanılan kazıkların deprem etkisi altındaki davranışı

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalışmada; Zemin Mekaniği probleminden biri olan şevlerin stabilitesinedepremin etkisi üzerinde bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Şevlerin stabilitesine ihtiyacınınnereden kaynaklandığından, şev stabilitesinin yöntemlerinden, şev hareketlerinesebep olan faktörlerden ve kazıklarla şev stabilitesinin hesap metotları ve analizmetotları incelenmiştir.Şevlerde deprem etkisi ile oluşan şev deformasyonlarının tamamen ortadankaldırılması ve/veya duraylılığın sağlanabilmesi için kazıklarla iyileştirme yöntemikullanılmıştır. Şeve gelen statik ve dinamik yüklerin farklı kazık boylarında, kazıkkalınlıklarında ve kazık adetlerinde şevin davranışları incelenip değerlendirmeleryapılmıştır.Şevlerin stabilitesinin kazıklarla sağlanması ve kazıklara etkiyen deprem kuvvetisonlu elemanlar yöntemi ile incelenmiş ve örnekleri verilmiştir. Bu örneklerden eldeedilen bulgularla kazıkların deprem esnasındaki davranışları yorumlanmıştır.In this study, earthquake effect on the slope stability is investigated. Detailedresearch is focused especially on the need of slope stability, methods of slopestability analysis, causes of slope in stability problems and piles used for slopestability and its methods of analysis.Piles are used to improve slope stability due to earthquake effect. Various scenariosare investigated in terms of the length of pile, diameter of pile, number of pile etc.due to dynamic and static loads.Slope stabilization with piles is analyzed by finite element method. Earthquake effecton the pile-slope system is concluded

    Non-foster impedance matching for electrically small capacitive antennas

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Device scaling and component-miniaturization are the main drivers of the development of electronic technology. In time, electronic devices have become smaller in size and hence, the scaling down of antenna dimensions has come to be not only an interesting but also substantial areas of research. The gain - bandwidth product of an antenna is limited by its electrical size, therefore reducing the size of an antenna narrows the bandwidth or lowers the gain. The work presented in this thesis contributes to the existing body of research on the structure of electrically small antennas and complications of its design with regard to the fundamental limitations. The large input reactance of electrically small antennas (ESA) are conventionally matched with passive circuits, however, the matching works at a single frequency which shrinks the bandwidth. In previous studies, non-Foster impedance matching which employs active networks of negative inductors and capacitors to overcome the restrictions of gain-bandwidth theory has been examined. In this study, the origins and development of Non-Foster impedance matching is reviewed and its stability issues are discussed. The design and simulation of a negative impedance converter circuit and together with an electrically small disk loaded dipole are presented. In this research, the designed matching circuit is fabricated, measured and its results are analyzed. Additionally, promising future studies and their possible effects in the antenna field are reviewed.Canik, ŞeymaM.S

    Mapping coupled open innovation processes from activity theory framework

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    Organisations have started to adopt open innovation processes to supplement their internal competencies and resources. Adoption of these processes assist them in keeping up with the pace of technology and protecting their competitive advantage in the market. Despite the significance of open innovation processes, there are few studies focusing on them. The purpose of this study is mapping coupled open innovation processes to contribute to the field of open innovation. The case study research was set up to explore how organisations undertake coupled open innovation processes from the perspective of employees working in a smallmedium sized enterprise. The Activity Theory was used as a research framework. The research findings revealed how the importing and exporting mechanisms of coupled processes. The findings are discussed to fill the knowledge gaps in the existing literature and help design management academia and practice identify future work areas

    Bibliometric analysis of graduate thesis on health tourism (1988-2017)

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    Çalışmanın amacı, 1988-2017 yılları arasında Türkiye’de hazırlanan sağlık turizmi konulu lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyometrik analizini yapmaktır. Analize esas alınan süre dört döneme ayrılarak (1990 öncesi, 1991-2000, 2001-2010, 2011-2017), dönemler arası karşılaştırma yapılabilmesi ve olası değişimlerin belirlenebilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Bu amaçla, lisansüstü tezler, YÖK Ulusal Tez Merkezi veri tabanından ‘sağlık turizmi, medikal turizm, termal turizm, engelli turizmi ve yaşlı turizmi anahtar kelimeleriyle taranmıştır. Yapılan tarama neticesinde, 139 yüksek lisans tezi ve 29 doktora tezi ‘tez türü ve yılı, hazırlandığı üniversite, hazırlandığı anabilim dalı, hazırlandığı enstitü, tezlerin temel konu alanları, tezlerin araştırma yöntemi, tezlerin izin durumu’ parametrelerine göre incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın bazı önemli bulguları şöyledir: Lisansüstü tezler hazırlanan üniversiteye göre değerlendirildiğinde, en fazla lisansüstü tez, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi’nde (13) hazırlanmıştır. Lisansüstü tezlerde en fazla yoğunlaşılan sağlık turizmi konusu, 68 yüksek lisans tezi ve 13 doktora tezi ile termal turizm konusudur. En fazla sağlık turizmi konulu tez, sosyal bilimler enstitülerinde (137) hazırlanmıştır. Anabilim dalları açısından bakıldığında ise işletme anabilim dalı (52) ilk sırada yer alırken, turizm işletmeciliği anabilim dalı (50) onu izlemektedir.The purpose of this study is to undertake a bibliometric analysis of graduate theses on health tourism in Turkey between the years of 1988-2017. Timespan based on the analysis is divided into four periods (up to 1990, 1991-2000, 2001-2010, 2011-2017). The study offers a comparison analysis between the periods and determines the possible changes. For this purpose, graduate theses were searched by using keywords health tourism, medical tourism, thermal tourism, disabled tourism and elderly tourism in the database of Council of Higher Education National Thesis Center. As a result, 139 master’s and 29 doctoral theses were examined according to such parameters as the type of thesis, year submitted, the university and institute submitted, main subject areas, research method employd, and permission status. Some of the important findings are as follows: Dokuz Eylül University (13) sits on the first place in terms of the number of thesis. Thermal tourism is the mostly studied subject (68 master’s and 13 doctoral theses). The institutes are represented mostly by social sciences (137). The department of business administration (52) is followed by the department of tourism management (50)

    Implementation of the 3D edge plasma code EMC3-EIRENE on NSTX

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    Taming the Heat Flux Problem: Advanced Divertors Towards Fusion Power

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    The next generation fusion machines are likely to face enormous heat exhaust problems. In addition to summarizing major issues and physical processes connected with these problems, we discuss how advanced divertors, obtained by modifying the local geometry, may yield workable solutions. We also point out that: (1) the initial interpretation of recent experiments show that the advantages, predicted, for instance, for the X-divertor (in particular, being able to run a detached operation at high pedestal pressure) correlate very well with observations, and (2) the X-D geometry could be implemented on ITER (and DEMOS) respecting all the relevant constraints. A roadmap for future research efforts is proposed