67 research outputs found

    AIR-JPMC@SMM4H'22: Classifying Self-Reported Intimate Partner Violence in Tweets with Multiple BERT-based Models

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    This paper presents our submission for the SMM4H 2022-Shared Task on the classification of self-reported intimate partner violence on Twitter (in English). The goal of this task was to accurately determine if the contents of a given tweet demonstrated someone reporting their own experience with intimate partner violence. The submitted system is an ensemble of five RoBERTa models each weighted by their respective F1-scores on the validation data-set. This system performed 13% better than the baseline and was the best performing system overall for this shared task

    Solution concentration effect on mechanical injection and deposition of YSZ coatings using the solution precursor plasma spraying

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    [EN] YSZ coatings were developed by solution precursor plasma spraying from different solution concentrations. The solutions were characterized and correlated with the rheological properties (specific weight, viscosity and surface tension). The mechanical injection was used therefore a correct injection is essential to get a correct liquid jet break-up inside the plasma plume. The optimal injection pressure must be adjusted for each solution since the solution characteristics affect on the injection process. It was experimentally found out by the observation of the splats' morphology. The particles were not melted at low pressures but solidified prior to the deposition when the injection pressure is high. It was also found out that the optimal static pressure varies with the concentration, but the dynamic pressure is equal for every solution and slightly superior to the dynamic pressure of the plasma plume. After injection optimization, coatings using different solution concentrations were developed and their microstructures were investigated. The liquid jet fragmentations as well as the heat requirements were modified with the concentration so that coating microstructure was affected. The resulting coatings display a lamellar and porous microstructure with the presence of unmelted/unpyrolysed material. Coatings' porosity increased while coatings' grow-up was less intensive when diluted solutions were used as feedstock.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project MAT2015-67586-C3-R). P. Carpio acknowledges the Valencia Government (APOSTD/2016/040) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for his current post-doc contract (FJCI-2016-27822) for his post-doc contractCarpio-Cobo, P.; Candidato, RTJ.; Pawlowski, L.; Salvador Moya, MD. (2019). Solution concentration effect on mechanical injection and deposition of YSZ coatings using the solution precursor plasma spraying. Surface and Coatings Technology. 371:124-130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.10.088S12413037


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    Companies as organizations focused on the fulfillment of particular objectives direct and maximizing limited resources in the function of satisfying needs in society, however, motivated by profit and rarely conceived of their investors as sufficient, causing neglect and distancing from the commitment to ethical and responsible management of resources, oriented by market orders, under policies more concerned with their profits than with operational practices that, in addition to improving their competitiveness, help to improve social conditions in a reactivation process after the pandemic experienced, contribute to the quality of life in general in the communities involved in their production processes, in other words, the generation of shared value (SV). The results of a study that sought to identify, through the perception delivered by students and graduates of an administration program of a public university, the level of perception of learning that allows contributing to the culture in the generation of shared value in organizations. It is a population that, due to its formation, challenges them with the transfer of knowledge that contributes to the economic reactivation, as well as to the generation of SV in the organizations. The study is based on Porter's and Kramer's ideas on preconceiving a) products and markets, b) redefining productivity in the value chain, and c) building support clusters. The methodology implemented for the analysis was mixed, using the survey as a data collection instrument. The results show that the students and graduates of the program observed show that there is a medium-low environment in the three concepts evaluated, with a medium level of 40%, a low level of 35% and a high level of only 24%

    Learning For The Generation Of Shared Value: Challenge Of The Management Program Of A Public University

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    Companies as organizations focused on the fulfillment of particular objectives direct and maximizing limited resources in the function of satisfying needs in society, however, motivated by profit and rarely conceived of their investors as sufficient, causing neglect and distancing from the commitment to ethical and responsible management of resources, oriented by market orders, under policies more concerned with their profits than with operational practices that, in addition to improving their competitiveness, help to improve social conditions in a reactivation process after the pandemic experienced, contribute to the quality of life in general in the communities involved in their production processes, in other words, the generation of shared value (SV). The results of a study that sought to identify, through the perception delivered by students and graduates of an administration program of a public university, the level of perception of learning that allows contributing to the culture in the generation of shared value in organizations. It is a population that, due to its formation, challenges them with the transfer of knowledge that contributes to the economic reactivation, as well as to the generation of SV in the organizations. The study is based on Porter's and Kramer's ideas on preconceiving a) products and markets, b) redefining productivity in the value chain, and c) building support clusters. The methodology implemented for the analysis was mixed, using the survey as a data collection instrument. The results show that the students and graduates of the program observed show that there is a medium-low environment in the three concepts evaluated, with a medium level of 40%, a low level of 35% and a high level of only 24%

    Effects of precursor composition used in solution precursor plasma spray on the properties of ZnO coatings for CO2 and UV light sensing

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    this is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in Surface and Coatings Technology. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in VOL 371, 2019 DOI 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.10.009[EN] The potential of finely-structured zinc oxide (ZnO) coatings developed via solution precursor plasma spraying (SPPS) as CO2 gas and UV light sensor was explored in this work. The coatings were deposited on stainless steel substrates using aqueous solutions of zinc nitrate and zinc acetate as precursors. The coatings' microstructures were studied in relation to the solution precursors used. Relatively porous coatings were obtained when using acetate as starting precursor compared to the coatings from the nitrate precursor. This was attributed to the different chemical routes of ZnO formation for each precursor droplet upon contact with plasma jet. Phase analysis confirmed the formation of polycrystalline ZnO having wurtzite structure from both precursors. The sprayed ZnO coatings showed good sensitivity and recovery towards UV light. Moreover, the coatings were sensitive towards carbon dioxide (CO2) analyte gas but did not show any good recovery which was attributed to the microstructure of the coatings. These results showed the feasibility of SPPS process for the fabrication of finely-structured ZnO coatings as sensors of CO2 gas and UV light.The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension (OVCRE) of Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) through the Department of Research (DR) is hereby acknowledged for financially supporting this research workCandidato, RTJ.; Ontolan, JPJ.; Carpio-Cobo, P.; Pawlowski, L.; Vequizo, RM. (2019). Effects of precursor composition used in solution precursor plasma spray on the properties of ZnO coatings for CO2 and UV light sensing. Surface and Coatings Technology. 371:395-400. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2018.10.009S39540037

    Influence of OH −

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    The influence of varying OH− ion concentration on the surface morphology of chemically deposited ZnO-SiO2 nanostructures on glass substrate was investigated. The morphological features, phase structure, and infrared characteristics were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), respectively. Results revealed that silica significantly changes the hexagonal morphology of bare ZnO rod to “pointed tips” when using low initial OH− precursor concentration. Increasing OH− ion concentration resulted in a “flower-like” formation of ZnO-SiO2 and a remarkable change from “pointed tips” to “hemispherical tips” at the top surface of the rods. The surface capping of SiO2 to ZnO leads to the formation of these “hemispherical tips.” The infrared spectroscopic analysis showed the characteristics peaks of ZnO and SiO2 as well as the Si-O-Zn band which confirms the formation of ZnO-SiO2. Phase analysis manifested that the formed ZnO-SiO2 is of wurtzite structure. Furthermore, a possible growth mechanism is proposed based on the obtained results

    ProducciĂłn de azĂșcar de caña en El Salvador y su relaciĂłn con la variabilidad de la Actividad Solar y GeomagnĂ©tica: Un enfoque de la BioeconomĂ­a y el Cambio ClimĂĄtico

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    El presente trabajo es una contribuciĂłn de la BioeconomĂ­a en el sendero productivo de Eco intensificaciĂłn, donde los efectos de la variabilidad climĂĄtica inciden en los niveles de productividad de la producciĂłn de Caña de AzĂșcar.  La Actividad eruptiva del Sol y el Clima Espacial son importantes elementos del medio ambiente cĂłsmico que inciden en la variabilidad del clima del  planeta y numerosos procesos de la Biosfera y el Medio Ambiente.  Se analizaron las series de tiempo de la productividad en la industria azucarera en El Salvador para un perĂ­odo de 31 años (1985-2015) a partir de los datos publicados en el Anuario de EstadĂ­stica Agropecuaria, D.G.E.A-M.A.G, en relaciĂłn con el rĂ©gimen lluvioso para ese mismo periodo y con dos Ă­ndices del Clima Espacial. El trabajo se realizĂł en distintas fases en Cuba, El Salvador y MĂ©xico. El objetivo del trabajo, consistiĂł  en valorar la hipĂłtesis que establece la asociaciĂłn entre estas variables (series de producciĂłn azucarera e Ă­ndices del clima espacial) y al mismo tiempo confirmar la posible influencia para este territorio centroamericano, y la muestra con que se contrasto. Se muestra que existe una estrecha sincronĂ­a entre la Actividad Solar y GeomagnĂ©tica y los Ă­ndices de producciĂłn de caña de azĂșcar, melaza y azĂșcar, manifestĂĄndose claramente en estas Ășltimas un ciclo multianual de aproximadamente 10 a 12 años

    Analyse de possibilités de formation de dépÎts de biomatériaux par la projection plasma de solution.

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    Hydroxyapatite (HA) is widely used as coating material for hip implant due to its exceptional bioactivity. It is also flexible and can accommodate ions into its structure. Zinc (Zn) is a good dopant ion as it stimulates bone formation and exhibits useful antibacterial characteristics which can help fight surgical infections. HA-coated hip implants are conventionally prepared by powder plasma spraying process. An emerging process called solution precursor plasma spraying (SPPS) is an interesting one as it allows for the deposition of coatings having nanometric/ submicrometric features. This research work presents about the fabrication of HA and Zn doped HA coatings by SPPS. The influence of starting solution precursors and operational spray process parameters to the microstructural characteristics of HA is discussed. The coating build-up mechanisms of the obtained coatings using different sets of precursors are presented. Moreover, different models are used to describe the mechanical properties of the SPPS HA coatings and are correlated to their microstructures. Mechanism of Zn doping to HA by SPPS and its role for inhibiting HA formationare demonstrated. Finally, the in-vitro behaviour under simulated body fluid (SBF) is presented. Bone-like apatite layer on HA coating‟s surface is formed but the experiment validated the inhibiting effect of Zn to apatite formation.L'hydroxapatite (HA) est largement utilisĂ©e comme matĂ©riau de revĂȘtement pour l'implant de la hanche en raison de sa bioactivitĂ© exceptionnelle. Il est Ă©galement flexible et peut accueillir des ions dans sa structure. Le zinc (Zn) est un bon ion dopant comme il stimule la formation osseuse et prĂ©sente des caractĂ©ristiques antibactĂ©riennes utiles qui peuvent aider Ă  lutter contre les infections chirurgicales. Les implants de hanche revĂȘtus d‟HA sont classiquement prĂ©parĂ©s par pulvĂ©risation par plasma en poudre. Un processus Ă©mergent appelĂ© projection de plasma de prĂ©curseur de solution (SPPS) est intĂ©ressant car il permet le dĂ©pĂŽt de revĂȘtements ayant des caractĂ©ristiques nanomĂ©triques/submicromĂ©triques. Ce travail de recherche porte sur la fabrication de revĂȘtements d‟HA et HA dopĂ©s Zn par SPPS. L'influence des prĂ©curseurs de solution de dĂ©part et des paramĂštres opĂ©rationnels du processus de projection sur les caractĂ©ristiques microstructurales d‟HA est discutĂ©e. Les mĂ©canismes de croissance des revĂȘtements obtenus en utilisant diffĂ©rents sĂ©ries de prĂ©curseurs sont prĂ©sentĂ©s. En outre, diffĂ©rents modĂšles sont utilisĂ©s pour dĂ©crire les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques des revĂȘtements HA par SPPS et sont corrĂ©lĂ©s Ă  leurs microstructures. Le mĂ©canisme de dopage en Zn Ă  d‟HA par SPPS et son rĂŽle pour inhiber la formation d'HA sont dĂ©montrĂ©s. Enfin, la comportement in vitro sous fluide corporel simulĂ© (SBF) est prĂ©sentĂ©e. On forme une couche d'apatite de type osseux sur la surface du revĂȘtement HA, mais l'expĂ©rience a validĂ© l'effet inhibiteur du Zn sur la formation d‟apatite

    Analysis of possibility of obtaining biomaterial coatings using solution precursor plasma spray process

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    L'hydroxapatite (HA) est largement utilisĂ©e comme matĂ©riau de revĂȘtement pour l'implant de la hanche en raison de sa bioactivitĂ© exceptionnelle. Il est Ă©galement flexible et peut accueillir des ions dans sa structure. Le zinc (Zn) est un bon ion dopant comme il stimule la formation osseuse et prĂ©sente des caractĂ©ristiques antibactĂ©riennes utiles qui peuvent aider Ă  lutter contre les infections chirurgicales. Les implants de hanche revĂȘtus d‟HA sont classiquement prĂ©parĂ©s par pulvĂ©risation par plasma en poudre. Un processus Ă©mergent appelĂ© projection de plasma de prĂ©curseur de solution (SPPS) est intĂ©ressant car il permet le dĂ©pĂŽt de revĂȘtements ayant des caractĂ©ristiques nanomĂ©triques/submicromĂ©triques. Ce travail de recherche porte sur la fabrication de revĂȘtements d‟HA et HA dopĂ©s Zn par SPPS. L'influence des prĂ©curseurs de solution de dĂ©part et des paramĂštres opĂ©rationnels du processus de projection sur les caractĂ©ristiques microstructurales d‟HA est discutĂ©e. Les mĂ©canismes de croissance des revĂȘtements obtenus en utilisant diffĂ©rents sĂ©ries de prĂ©curseurs sont prĂ©sentĂ©s. En outre, diffĂ©rents modĂšles sont utilisĂ©s pour dĂ©crire les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques des revĂȘtements HA par SPPS et sont corrĂ©lĂ©s Ă  leurs microstructures. Le mĂ©canisme de dopage en Zn Ă  d‟HA par SPPS et son rĂŽle pour inhiber la formation d'HA sont dĂ©montrĂ©s. Enfin, la comportement in vitro sous fluide corporel simulĂ© (SBF) est prĂ©sentĂ©e. On forme une couche d'apatite de type osseux sur la surface du revĂȘtement HA, mais l'expĂ©rience a validĂ© l'effet inhibiteur du Zn sur la formation d‟apatite.Hydroxyapatite (HA) is widely used as coating material for hip implant due to its exceptional bioactivity. It is also flexible and can accommodate ions into its structure. Zinc (Zn) is a good dopant ion as it stimulates bone formation and exhibits useful antibacterial characteristics which can help fight surgical infections. HA-coated hip implants are conventionally prepared by powder plasma spraying process. An emerging process called solution precursor plasma spraying (SPPS) is an interesting one as it allows for the deposition of coatings having nanometric/ submicrometric features. This research work presents about the fabrication of HA and Zn doped HA coatings by SPPS. The influence of starting solution precursors and operational spray process parameters to the microstructural characteristics of HA is discussed. The coating build-up mechanisms of the obtained coatings using different sets of precursors are presented. Moreover, different models are used to describe the mechanical properties of the SPPS HA coatings and are correlated to their microstructures. Mechanism of Zn doping to HA by SPPS and its role for inhibiting HA formationare demonstrated. Finally, the in-vitro behaviour under simulated body fluid (SBF) is presented. Bone-like apatite layer on HA coating‟s surface is formed but the experiment validated the inhibiting effect of Zn to apatite formation
