738 research outputs found


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    The Republic of Venice always had a focus on health policy. In the Adriatic Sea it joined and crossed the policy of maritime and merchant control that traditionally the Serenissima claimed to exercise on the so-called "Gulf of Venice". Maritime health inspections and checks were intended not only for safeguarding public health, but also for recognizing, controlling and possibly channelling trade flows. An interesting case-study in this regard is the Bay of Kotor, where the needs of health and those of traffic control noticeably correlated. In order to carry out health and commercial surveillance, a new Lazaretto was activated in the early 18th century at Castelnuovo, recently reconquered by the Serenissima and very well placed for the controlling of the Mouths

    Characterization of fine metal particles using hyperspectral imaging in automatic WEEE recycling systems

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    Waste from electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) represents the fastest growing waste stream in EU. The large amount and the high variability of electric and electronic products introduced every year in the market make the WEEE recycling process a complex task, especially considering that mechanical processes currently used by recycling companies are not flexible enough. In this context, hyperspectral imaging systems (HSI) can represent an enabling technology able to improve the recycling rates and the quality of the output products. This study shows the preliminary results achieved using a HSI technology in a WEEE recycling pilot plant, for the characterization of fine metal particles derived from WEEE shredding

    High-throughput microfluidic platform for adherent single cells non-viral gene delivery

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    The widespread use of gene therapy as a therapeutic tool relies on the development of DNA-carrying vehicles devoid of any safety concerns. In contrast to viral vectors, non-viral gene carriers show promise in this perspective, although their low transfection efficiency leads to the necessity to carry out further optimizations. In order to overcome the limitations of traditional macroscale approaches, which mainly consist of time-consuming and simplified models, a microfluidic strategy has been developed to carry out transfection studies on single cells in a high-throughput and deterministic fashion. A single cell trapping mechanism has been implemented, based on the dynamic variation of fluidic resistances. For this purpose, we designed a round-shaped culture chamber integrated with a bottom trapping junction, which modulates the hydraulic resistance. Several layouts of the chamber were designed and computationally validated for optimization of the single cell trapping efficacy. The optimized chamber layout was integrated in a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic platform presenting two main functionalities: (i) 288 chambers for trapping single cells, and (ii) a serial dilution generator with chaotic mixing properties, able to deliver to the chambers both soluble factors and non-diffusive particles (i.e., polymer/DNA complexes, polyplexes) under spatio-temporally controlled chemical patterns. The devices were experimentally validated and allowed the trapping of individual human glioblastoma–astrocytoma epithelial-like cells (U87-MG) with a trapping efficacy of about 40%. The cells were cultured within the device and underwent preliminary transfection experiments using 25 kDa linear polyethylenimine (lPEI)-based polyplexes, confirming the potentiality of the proposed platform for the future high-throughput screening of gene delivery vectors and for the optimization of transfection protocols

    Adducts of functionalized Graphene layers with Ag nanoparticles for Antimicrobial applications

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    Health and environmental impacts of multi-drug resistance (MDR) pathogens are becoming more and more relevant nowadays, thus increasing the need of developing new, safe and effective antimicrobials. This research was focused on the synthesis, the characterization and the evaluation of the antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity of hybrid nanomaterials made up through a simple and sustainable functionalization of three carbon substrates, namely Graphite, Carbon black and Carbon nanotubes, with a pyrrole moiety (SP) and silver nanoparticles (Ag-NP) [1, 2]. The adducts were analyzed by means of thermogravimetric analyses (TGA), transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and X-ray diffraction analyses (WAXD), which confirmed the successful functionalization of raw materials. UV-vis spectroscopy and dynamic/electrophoretic light scattering (DLS/ELS) provided information regarding carbon suspensions stability, particles sizes and surface charge. Results from microbiological tests revealed an outstanding enhancement of the antimicrobial activity promoted by the functionalization with Ag nanoparticles, maintaining unaltered the cytotoxic levels exerted by not-functionalized materials. In the light of these results, a possible bactericidal mechanism based on the synergy between mechanical and oxidative stresses at the bacterial membrane level is proposed

    Assessment of maize nitrogen uptake from PRISMA hyperspectral data through hybrid modelling

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    The spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA), launched on 22 March 2019 by the Italian Space Agency, opens new opportunities in many scientific domains, including precision farming and sustainable agriculture. This new Earth Observation (EO) data stream requires new-generation approaches for the estimation of important biophysical crop variables (BVs). In this framework, this study evaluated a hybrid approach, combining the radiative transfer model PROSAIL-PRO and several machine learning (ML) regression algorithms, for the retrieval of canopy chlorophyll content (CCC) and canopy nitrogen content (CNC) from synthetic PRISMA data. PRISMA-like data were simulated from two images acquired by the airborne sensor HyPlant, during a campaign performed in Grosseto (Italy) in 2018. CCC and CNC estimations, assessed from the best performing ML algorithms, were used to define two relations with plant nitrogen uptake (PNU). CNC proved to be slightly more correlated to PNU than CCC (R-2 = 0.82 and R-2 = 0.80, respectively). The CNC-PNU model was then applied to actual PRISMA images acquired in 2020. The results showed that the estimated PNU values are within the expected ranges, and the temporal trends are compatible with plant phenology stages

    Exploring miR-9 Involvement in Ciona intestinalis Neural Development Using Peptide Nucleic Acids

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    The microRNAs are small RNAs that regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level and can be involved in the onset of neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. They are emerging as possible targets for antisense-based therapy, even though the in vivo stability of miRNA analogues is still questioned. We tested the ability of peptide nucleic acids, a novel class of nucleic acid mimics, to downregulate miR-9 in vivo in an invertebrate model organism, the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, by microinjection of antisense molecules in the eggs. It is known that miR-9 is a well-conserved microRNA in bilaterians and we found that it is expressed in epidermal sensory neurons of the tail in the larva of C. intestinalis. Larvae developed from injected eggs showed a reduced differentiation of tail neurons, confirming the possibility to use peptide nucleic acid PNA to downregulate miRNA in a whole organism. By identifying putative targets of miR-9, we discuss the role of this miRNA in the development of the peripheral nervous system of ascidians

    Mapping Asbestos-Cement Roofing with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing over a Large Mountain Region of the Italian Western Alps

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    The World Health Organization estimates that 100 thousand people in the world die every year from asbestos-related cancers and more than 300 thousand European citizens are expected to die from asbestos-related mesothelioma by 2030. Both the European and the Italian legislations have banned the manufacture, importation, processing and distribution in commerce of asbestos-containing products and have recommended action plans for the safe removal of asbestos from public and private buildings. This paper describes the quantitative mapping of asbestos-cement covers over a large mountainous region of Italian Western Alps using the Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer sensor. A very large data set made up of 61 airborne transect strips covering 3263 km2 were processed to support the identification of buildings with asbestos-cement roofing, promoted by the Valle d’Aosta Autonomous Region with the support of the Regional Environmental Protection Agency. Results showed an overall mapping accuracy of 80%, in terms of asbestos-cement surface detected. The influence of topography on the classification’s accuracy suggested that even in high relief landscapes, the spatial resolution of data is the major source of errors and the smaller asbestos-cement covers were not detected or misclassified
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