527 research outputs found

    Cardiorespiratory Responses to Underwater Treadmill Running Versus Land-Based Treadmill Running

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    Underwater (UW) running provides a low load-bearing form of supplementary training that can be used for recovery and rehabilitation while maintaining cardiovascular fitness. Whether it elicits a cardiorespiratory training stimulus comparable to that of land-based (LB) running is seemingly unclear. The purpose of this study was to compare cardiorespiratory responses between underwater treadmill running and land-based running. Fourteen male triathletes completed trials at maximal and submaximal workloads for each of three conditions: running on an underwater treadmill with AQx® water running shoes, running on an underwater treadmill barefoot, and running on a land-based treadmill. No differences between groups were found for measures of oxygen consumption (VO2), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), or respiratory exchange rate (RER) across modalities for maximal trials; however heart rate (HR) was greater during land-based running than underwater treadmill running. No group differences were found for HR, RPE, and RER across modalities for submaximal trials; however, VO2 was significantly greater during land-based running than underwater treadmill running. We concluded that the cardiorespiratory training stimulus during underwater treadmill running was comparable to that of land-based running at maximal exertion levels, with the exception of HR, and therefore could be an effective form of supplemental training during rehabilitation. At submaximal levels, underwater treadmill running elicited a less rigorous training stimulus than land-based running in terms of VO2 and therefore is a less effective form of supplemental training

    Understanding and innovating business models: some basic methodological issues

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    We discuss basic components of the business model concept, with particular emphasis on rigorous and preferably quantitative methods of analysis of business models. We focus on factors which influence the process of developing customer value proposition - a crucial part of any business model. We also present an international collaborative project aimed at developing methods of making existing business models of SMEs more innovative

    How design can improve company performance

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    Emphasising design and including designers in product development teams contributes to new product success. Likewise, involving designers in developing websites and corporate visual identity helps to improve firm image. When taken together this can contribute to improved company performance. These are the main findings of research conducted in a survey of nearly 400 managers in Dutch firms from both manufacturing and service sectors

    Free-amino acid metabolic profiling of visceral adipose tissue from obese subjects

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    Interest in adipose tissue pathophysiology and biochemistry have expanded considerably in the past two decades due to the ever increasing and alarming rates of global obesity and its critical outcome defined as metabolic syndrome (MS). This obesity-linked systemic dysfunction generates high risk factors of developing perilous diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer. Amino acids could play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of the MS onset. Focus of this study was to fully characterize amino acids metabolome modulations in visceral adipose tissues (VAT) from three adult cohorts: (i) obese patients (BMI 43-48) with metabolic syndrome (PO), (ii) obese subjects metabolically well (O), and (iii) non obese individuals (H). 128 metabolites identified as 20 protein amino acids, 85 related compounds and 13 dipeptides were measured by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy (UPLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-/mass spectrometry GC/MS, in visceral fat samples from a total of 53 patients. Our analysis indicates a probable enhanced BCAA (leucine, isoleucine, valine) degradation in both VAT from O and PO subjects, while levels of their oxidation products are increased. Also PO and O VAT samples were characterized by: elevated levels of kynurenine, a catabolic product of tryptophan and precursor of diabetogenic substances, a significant increase of cysteine sulfinic acid levels, a decrease of 1-methylhistidine, and an up regulating trend of 3-methylhistidine levels. We hope this profiling can aid in novel clinical strategies development against the progression from obesity to metabolic syndrome

    Free-amino acid metabolic profiling of visceral adipose tissue from obese subjects

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    Interest in adipose tissue pathophysiology and biochemistry have expanded considerably in the past two decades due to the ever increasing and alarming rates of global obesity and its critical outcome defined as metabolic syndrome (MS). This obesity-linked systemic dysfunction generates high risk factors of developing perilous diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer. Amino acids could play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of the MS onset. Focus of this study was to fully characterize amino acids metabolome modulations in visceral adipose tissues (VAT) from three adult cohorts: (i) obese patients (BMI 43-48) with metabolic syndrome (PO), (ii) obese subjects metabolically well (O), and (iii) non obese individuals (H). 128 metabolites identified as 20 protein amino acids, 85 related compounds and 13 dipeptides were measured by ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy (UPLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-/mass spectrometry GC/MS, in visceral fat samples from a total of 53 patients. Our analysis indicates a probable enhanced BCAA (leucine, isoleucine, valine) degradation in both VAT from O and PO subjects, while levels of their oxidation products are increased. Also PO and O VAT samples were characterized by: elevated levels of kynurenine, a catabolic product of tryptophan and precursor of diabetogenic substances, a significant increase of cysteine sulfinic acid levels, a decrease of 1-methylhistidine, and an up regulating trend of 3-methylhistidine levels. We hope this profiling can aid in novel clinical strategies development against the progression from obesity to metabolic syndrome

    Neuronal differentiation by TAp73 is mediated by microRNA-34a regulation of synaptic protein targets

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    The p53-family member TAp73 is a transcription factor that plays a key role in many biological processes. Here, we show that p73 drives the expression of microRNA (miR)-34a, but not miR-34b and -c, by acting on specific binding sites on the miR-34a promoter. Expression of miR-34a is modulated in parallel with that of TAp73 during in vitro differentiation of neuroblastoma cells and cortical neurons. Retinoid-driven neuroblastoma differentiation is inhibited by knockdown of either p73 or miR-34a. Transcript expression of miR-34a is significantly reduced in vivo both in the cortex and hippocampus of p73−/− mice; miR-34a and TAp73 expression also increase during postnatal development of the brain and cerebellum when synaptogenesis occurs. Accordingly, overexpression or silencing of miR-34a inversely modulates expression of synaptic targets, including synaptotagmin-1 and syntaxin-1A. Notably, the axis TAp73/miR-34a/synaptotagmin-1 is conserved in brains from Alzheimer's patients. These data reinforce a role for TAp73 in neuronal development

    Novel transglutaminase 1 mutations in patients affected by lamellar ichthyosis

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    Lamellar Ichthyosis (LI) is a form of congenital ichthyosis that is caused by mutations in the TGM1 gene that encodes for the transglutaminase 1 (TG1) enzyme. Functional inactivation of TG1 could be due to mutations, deletion or insertions. In this study, we have screened 16 patients affected by LI and found six new mutations: two transition/transversion (R37G, V112A), two nonsense mutations and two putative splice site both leading to a premature stop codon. The mutations are localized in exons 2 (N-terminal domain), 5, 11 (central catalytic domain), and none is located in the two beta-barrel C-terminal domains. In conclusion, this study expands the current knowledge on TGM1 mutation spectrum, increasing the characterization of mutations would provide more accurate prenatal genetic counselling for parents at-risk individuals

    ITCH Deficiency Protects From Diet-Induced Obesity

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    This study was funded in part by Fondazione Roma 2008, ESFD/Lilly 2012, AIRC 2012 Project IG 13163, FP7-Health-241913 FLORINASH, FP-7 EURHYTHDIA, and PRIN 2009FATXW3_002 to M.Fe.; SAF-2012-33014 from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, to B.P.; and Medical Research Council, U.K., grants ACC12, MIUR/PRIN (20078P7T3K_001)/FIRB (RBIP06LCA9_0023, RBIP06LCA9_0C), AIRC (2011-IG11955), and AIRC 5xmille (MCO #9979), Telethon grant GGPO9133, Ministero della Salute, and IDI-IRCCS (RF08 c.15, RF07 c.57) to G.M

    Epidermal Transglutaminase (TGase 3) Is Required for Proper Hair Development, but Not the Formation of the Epidermal Barrier

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    Transglutaminases (TGase), a family of cross-linking enzymes present in most cell types, are important in events as diverse as cell-signaling and matrix stabilization. Transglutaminase 1 is crucial in developing the epidermal barrier, however the skin also contains other family members, in particular TGase 3. This isoform is highly expressed in the cornified layer, where it is believed to stabilize the epidermis and its reduction is implicated in psoriasis. To understand the importance of TGase 3 in vivo we have generated and analyzed mice lacking this protein. Surprisingly, these animals display no obvious defect in skin development, no overt changes in barrier function or ability to heal wounds. In contrast, hair lacking TGase 3 is thinner, has major alterations in the cuticle cells and hair protein cross-linking is markedly decreased. Apparently, while TGase 3 is of unique functional importance in hair, in the epidermis loss of TGase 3 can be compensated for by other family members