936 research outputs found

    Avaliação do Potencial de Desenvolvimento em meninos e meninas dos 4 aos 6 anos

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    Desenvolvemos o presente Estudo Exploratório para analisar a adaptação da avaliação de potencial derivada da Teoria das Inteligência Múltiplas ao contexto da Educação Pré-Escolar, com o objectivo de contribuir para a qualidade da intervenção educativa, articulando conceitos como Inteligência, Competência, Potencial, Currículo, Avaliação Dinâmica. Participam no estudo 42 crianças que frequentam Jardim de Infância e integram dois grupos heterogéneos e as respectivas educadoras. A metodologia é de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, apoiando-se na aplicação dos seguintes instrumentos: modelo de avaliação de potencial baseado no Spectrum; Inventário de Quociente Emocional, versão para crianças e jovens (Bar-On Emocional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version), adaptado a educadores por Candeias e Monteiro (2010); questionário de Caracterização do ambiente educativo – Sala de Actividades, adaptado por Candeias e Iglésias (2010); Teste de Avaliação de Habilidades Cognitivas de Solução de Problemas Interpessoais (EVHACOSPI). Os resultados obtidos sugerem a importância de uma avaliação do potencial, baseada na Teoria das Inteligências Múltiplas, que utiliza instrumentos adequados a cada um dos domínios do potencial e da competência humana propostos por H. Gardner: Verbal-Linguística, Lógico-Matemática, Musical, Corporal-Cinestésica, Visuo-espacial, Interpessoal, Intrapessoal e Naturalista. Apontam também para o papel que este tipo de avaliação pode desempenhar na intervenção educativa que se objectiva intencional e fundamentada

    Implementation of the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) in the Portuguese educational system: Attitudes and training needs of special education teachers’.

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    Since 2008, the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - ICF (WHO, 2001) is the framework of reference in the assessment and intervention process with students with SEN, in the Portuguese educational system. As a consequence special education teachers’ training needs emerged from it. In this study, we characterize the received training and the special education teachers’ attitudes and training needs towards ICF. The sample consisted of 913 Portuguese special education teachers who responded to Attitudes Towards Training Questionnaire in ICF - ATTQ-ICF. This study demonstrates that teachers’ training on the use of the ICF should occur as soon as possible in their training and it should be extended to other experts involved in the educational process of the student. The need for more knowledge about the tools and methods to assess functioning, the knowledge about the eligibility criteria for special education and the definition of qualifiers based on the ICF classification system also emerged. Finally the discussion of case studies is also considered crucial in the training process. In summary, a training model is needed that has a sufficient number of training hours; that includes training modalities which support teaching practice in a continuous way; that fosters discussion of the barriers to practical implementation of the ICF and finally, that includes a concrete case discussion

    Student's attitutes toward learning and school - Study of exploratory models about the effects of socio-demographics and personal attributes

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    We study student's attitutes toward learning and school. This is an exploratory study about the effects of socio-demographics and personal attributes

    Aprendizagem da língua materna e suporte familiar

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    Neste estudo propomos avaliar a influência do suporte familiar (SF) e da atitude face a aprendizagem da língua materna sobre o rendimento escolar a Língua Portuguesa (LP). Este estudo envolveu 885 participantes a frequentar o Ensino Básico de escolas portuguesas (leque etário = 10-18 anos), de ambos os géneros. Utilizaram-se os resultados das avaliações finais a LP, o Questionário de Variáveis Contextuais-Suporte Familiar e o Questionário de Atitudes Face à Língua Portuguesa. Através da modelação de equações estruturais observou-se que os instrumentos apresentaram uma boa validade estrutural e que o SF exerceu um efeito positivo sobre o rendimento a LP, bem como influenciou a relação de predição entre a atitude face à LP e o rendimento a LP

    Differential response to isoproturon by two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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    S. cerevisiae UE-ME3 grown in MB medium in the absence and presence of IPU show a similar growth profile and a stabilization of the biomass, non-protein thiols content, cell viability (cfu) and cell redox status estimated by GSH/GSSG ratio. This response seems depend on GR and G6PD activities increase, which probably activates the glutathione cycle, signs of adaptive response to phenylurea. However, S. cerevisiae IGC-4072 strain showed signs of cell death in the presence of IPU, exhibiting a more slowly growth profile, a decrease of dry weight and cell viability, as well as a significant increase of free radicals scavenger (DPPH) in presence of phenylurea, without significant changes of the GSH/GSSG ratio. As the value of the GSH/GSSG ratio is significant lower in IGC-4072 cells and GR activity undergoes a marked decrease in the presence of the IPU it is suspected that the worst IPU adaptive capacity displayed by this strain depends on a poor antioxidant power mediated by the glutathione

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae UE-ME3 is a good strain for isoproturon biorremediation?

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    Isoproturon, an herbicide of pre- and pos-emergence of Autumn-Winter crops, persists occasionally in soil, groundwater and biological systems at levels above those established by European Directives. Saccharomyces cerevisiae UE-ME3 exposed in stationary phase to 50 and 100 mM isoproturon exhibit growth rates higher than control or exposed cells to 5 and 25 mM of this phenylurea. However, in S.cerevisiae UE-ME3 grown in the presence of 5 mM isoproturon, were observed a decrease of GSH/GSSG ratio, an increase of cytoplasmatic MDA level, GR and GPx activities, usual markers of cell damage and oxidative stress. Nevertheless, S.cerevisiae grown at 25, 50 and 100 mM isoproturon, have developed adaptive responses to this phenylurea by stabilization of its reducing environment, lipid peroxidation decrease and GR, GPx activities increase, events regulated by isoproturon level in culture medium, facts which suggest that this yeast strain can be useful on bioremediation

    VGCM3D - a 3D rigid particle model for rock fracture following the voronoi tessellation of the grain structure: formulation and validation

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    Detailed particle models by taking into account the material grain structure explicitly consider the material randomness, including a size limiter for damage localization. A VGMC3D contact model is presented that considers the polyhedral particle shape in an approximate way. The VGCM3D flexible contact model is validated against known experimental data on a granite rock, namely triaxial tests and Brazilian tests

    Social and emotional intelligence in children with special educational need institutionalized: preliminary studies

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    Recent studies have come to show the need to complement traditional approaches of intelligence with other cognitive functions, such as the social and emotional intelligence (Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Goleman, 2006, Jones & Day, 1997). As these new dimensions to explore, which we will present the study aimed to describe the social and emotional intelligence and its relation to emotional and social skills in children with special educational institutions. The sample incorporated 20 children with special educational needs and 369 regular education children, aged between 7 and 13 years old, and were the following instruments: The Social Intelligence Test for Children, the Emotional Perception Test for children, the Test of Social Skills for children and the Raven’s Progressive Matrices. The results allow us to identify and evaluate the cognitive processes of social and emotional development of children in general and children’s special educational needs in particular and are a new way of looking at human skills and social skills and emotional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative study of toxicological effects of lindane and isoproturon pesticides in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Organochlorine insecticides and phenylurea herbicides such as lindane (hexachlorocyclo-hexane, γ-HCH) and isoproturon (3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, IPU), used in agricultural applications for the pest and broad-leaved control, are often found in contaminated groundwater and surface water. Unfortunately, the toxicity of these pesticides in eukaryotic cells is still poorly understood. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a promising eukaryotic organism for the toxicological evaluation of pollutants, because its metabolism is similar to that of high-level organisms. Thus the aim of this study was to compare the effects of two pesticides on yeast-cell viability and its antioxidant power. S. cerevisiae UE-ME3, a wild-type strain belonging to Oenology Laboratory of the University of Évora, grown in the presence of 50 μM γ-HCH and 100 μM IPU in 2% glucose and peptone deprivation medium (YED), at 28 °C were compared with control cells. CFU were determined at the end of the experiment and remaining cells disintegrated in 10 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.0 by sonication. Post-12,000 × g supernatant was used for determination of glutathione (GSH), glutathione disulphide (GSSG) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content and glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and cytoplasmic catalase (CTT1) activity. The results showed that 50 μM γ-HCH exposures, in YED medium, did not affect cell viability, CTT1 activity, non-protein thiols (GSH + GSSG) and MDA content of S. cerevisiae. However, the 50 μM γ-HCH exposure caused a decrease in GSH/GSSG ratio, GR and GPx activity. In contrast, 100 μM IPU exposures caused an increase in the cell viability, (GSH + GSSG), GSH/GSSG ratio and GR activity. Additionally, there was a decrease in the MDA levels, GPx and CTT1 activity, under the same growth conditions. In conclusion, the presence of lindane, in YED medium, caused a reducing-oxidizing transition, a slowdown of the glutathione redox cycle without disturbing the survival of S. cerevisiae. However, the increase in the cell viability, the redox buffer power and the lipid peroxidation attenuation caused by IPU in nitrogen deprivation, appears to be due to the high regeneration capacity of GSH via GR activity, pointing out a possible use of isoproturon as nitrogen source