418 research outputs found

    Systemic mastocytosis and essential thrombocythemia: Case report and literature overview

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    Case report of a patient with essential thrombocythemia and mastocytosis and overview of the literatur

    Using post-release monitoring data to optimize avian reintroduction programs: a 2-year case study from the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest

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    Abstract Post-release monitoring data of reintroduced captive-bred birds can be utilized to help optimize future avian reintroduction programs. We present a case study of broad interest to reintroduction and conservation biologists interested in investigating movements and habitat use by reintroduced captive-bred birds. We used radio telemetry to monitor reintroduced captive-bred red-billed curassow Crax blumenbachii at a private reserve, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. During August 2006 and October 2008, 25 radio-tagged individuals (15 females and 10 males, all o30 months old) were monitored over a 25-month period. Evaluation of home-range size and habitat use revealed that captive-bred curassows should be released only into forest areas with adequate riverine habitat that are larger than the minimum home-range movements of the proposed population. Curassows also utilized pastureland, cultivated areas and secondary forests, suggesting that the proximity of release sites to such habitats may not be entirely detrimental for future reintroductions. Site fidelity for reintroduced birds was low, and there was a tendency for resident curassows to move away when new cohorts were released into the area. Determining how habitat characteristics, displacement by newly released cohorts, adjustments to their new surroundings or cohort social interactions influence post-release movements of resident birds at release sites over prolonged time frames would improve our knowledge on the impacts of releasing further captive-bred individuals into habitats with extant populations. Critically, the movement patterns of reintroduced curassows identified in this study demonstrate that avian post-release monitoring must be considered over an appropriate time frame and we highlight how different conclusions may be generated depending on the duration of post-release monitoring. It may take more than 2 years for reintroduced captive-bred sub-adults to become established following release and that post-release monitoring of similar duration may not be adequate for large avian species such as Cracids

    Diagnóstico precoce da "soja louca II" no estado do Pará.

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    A ?Soja Louca II? é uma desordem de causa ainda desconhecida. Este problema fitossanitário teve seu primeiro registro em Balsas no Maranhão e, posteriormente, em outros estados das regiões Norte e Nordeste do País. Os sintomas são afilamento dos folíolos, enrugamento do limbo foliar e engrossamento das nervuras, menor pilosidade das folhas, deformações em hastes e pecíolo, alongamentos de entrenós e engrossamento dos nós. O aspecto verde das plantas no final do ciclo da cultura e a dificuldade na operação de colheita dos grãos são os sintomas mais perceptíveis da desordem em campo. A diagnose da Soja Louca II nestes estádios fenológicos avançados impossibilita qualquer tentativa de controle, mesmo medidas culturais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi diagnosticar precocemente a ?Soja Louca II? em área de cultivo no estado do Pará. As inspeções foram realizadas durante a safra 2013/1014, em duas lavouras da cultivar Monsoy 9144RR localizadas na mesorregião Sudeste Paraense. As inspeções foram realizadas por amostragens em pontos definidos por caminhamento em ziguezague e diagnose visual das mudas com base no quadro sintomatológico. Foram observadas plantas de soja em estádio fenológico V2 (segundo trifólio expandido) com sintomas de Soja Louca II, o que possibilitou a diagnose precoce da desordem

    Human dimensions of climate change: the vulnerability of small farmers in the Amazon

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    This paper argues for a twofold perspective on human adaptation to climate change in the Amazon. First, we need to understand the processes that mediate perceptions of environmental change and the behavioural responses at the levels of the individual and the local population. Second, we should take into account the process of production and dissemination of global and national climate information and models to regional and local populations, especially small farmers. We discuss the sociocultural and environmental diversity of small farmers in the Amazon and their susceptibility to climate change associated with drought, flooding and accidental fire. Using survey, ethnographic and archival data from study areas in the state of Pará, we discuss farmers' sources of knowledge and long-term memory of climatic events, drought and accidental fire; their sources of climate information; their responses to drought and fire events and the impact of changing rainfall patterns on land use. We highlight the challenges of adaptation to climate change created by the influence of migration and family turnover on collective action and memory, the mismatch of scales used to monitor and disseminate climate data and the lack of extension services to translate large-scale forecasts to local needs. We found that for most farmers, memories of extended drought tend to decrease significantly after 3 years. Over 50% of the farmers interviewed in 2002 did not remember as significant the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) drought of 1997/1998. This helps explain why approximately 40% of the farmers have not changed their land-use behaviours in the face of the strongest ENSO event of the twentieth century

    The impact of puberty on the onset, frequency, location, and severity of attacks in hereditary angioedema due to C1-inhibitor deficiency: A survey from the Italian Network for Hereditary and Acquired Angioedema (ITACA)

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    Introduction. Hereditary angioedema due to C1-inhibitor deficiency is influenced by hormonal factors, with a more severe course of disease in women. Our study aims to deepen the impact of puberty on onset, frequency, location and severity of attacks.MethodsRetrospective data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire and shared by 10 Italian reference centers of the Italian Network for Hereditary and Acquired Angioedema (ITACA).ResultsThe proportion of symptomatic patients increased significantly after puberty (98.2% vs 83.9%, p=0.002 in males; 96.3% vs 68,4%, p<0.001 in females); the monthly mean of acute attacks was significantly higher after puberty, and this occurred both in females (median (IQR) = 0.41(2) in the three years before puberty vs 2(2.17) in the three years after, p<0.001) and in males (1(1.92) vs 1.25(1.56) respectively, p<0.001). The increase was greater in females. No significant differences were detected in attack location before and after puberty.DiscussionOverall, our study confirms previous reports on a more severe phenotype in the female gender. Puberty predisposes to increased numbers of angioedema attacks, in particular in female patients

    Grape yield and must composition of "Cabernet Sauvignon" grapevines with organic compost and urea fertilization.

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    Urea and organic compost are applied as a nitrogen (N) source in vineyards. The aim of this study was to evaluate the yield, total N content in the leaves and the must composition in grapevines with the application of organic compost and urea. ?Cabernet Sauvignon? grapevines, in the 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 crop seasons were subjected to the application of 40 kg N ha-1 in the form of organic compost and urea; but there were also unfertilized grapevines. In both crop seasons, leaves were collected at the stages of full flowering and at the change in color of the berries, and the total N content were analyzed; grape yield was evaluated and enological attributes were determined in the must. The application of organic compost and urea did not affect the N content in the leaf nor the grape yield in the second crop season evaluated. However, in the first crop season, grape yield was greater in the grapevines with application of organic compost to the soil. The addition of N sources did not affect the total nutrient content in the must but, in the second crop season, the grape must from the grapevines with the addition of organic compost had a lower soluble solids concentration and a higher total acidity value, as well as tartaric and malic acid values. KEYWORDS: nitrogen, leaf analysis, Vitis vinifera L

    Living with chronic spontaneous urticaria in italy. a narrative medicine project to improve the pathway of patient care

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    Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is perceived as a difficult to manage disease with negative impact on quality of life. The aim of this study was to highlight how to improve the care of people with CSU, using the methodology of narrative medicine. From June 2014 to March 2015, CSU-diagnosed patients and their physicians were asked to record their experiences of the condition in writing. Fourteen healthcare teams participated: 41% considered CSU as a challenge to overcome, while 22% experienced CSU as a big commitment. The number of professional involved was evaluated as insufficient in 11 hospitals. Seventy-five percent of the 190 Italian patients had visited 3 or more physicians before receiving a final diagnosis, with a perceived waste of time and resources. The therapeutic pathways were described as unsatisfactory in 83% of cases. As a result, anger and frustration were life-dominant emotions in 92% of patients. The critical points of the care pathway are related to organizational issues and lack of awareness