349 research outputs found

    Gustav Holst\u27s The Planets (1917) as Psychological Mood Pictures

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    Gustav Holst said about his seven-movement orchestral suite The Planets: ...whether it\u27s good or bad, it grew in my mind slowly - like a baby in a woman\u27s womb ... For two years I had the intention of composing that cycle, and during those two years it seemed of itself more and more definitely to be taking form. This rhetoric fits squarely with the 19th-century English and German musical context where psychological mood pictures in the form of orchestral works were popular. For example, both Holst\u27s teachers Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924), and Stanford\u27s colleague, Joseph Joachim (1831-1907), composed orchestral works and discussed them using psychological terminology. Similar to Holst, Joseph Joachim often wrote about musical compositions maturing in his psyche like organisms, thereby taking in the composer\u27s experiences and moods until they are immersed in subjective material. What does Holst mean by likening his composition to a series of mood pictures (Short, 1990)? Based on Holly Watkins (2011); Michael Short (1990); Richard Greene (1995) and Katharina Uhde (2014), in this research I investigate Holst\u27s mood pictures in the context of Holst\u27s letters and discussions; I compare this data to other 19th-century compositions with a psychological subtext that Holst would have, or could have, known through his teacher Charles Villers Stanford. By establishing connections between Holst\u27s music and its psychological contents and comparing these with examples by Stanford and Joachim, Holst\u27s mood pictures emerge within a wider tradition of psychological composition, which allows pinpointing and concretizing certain motivic, harmonic and formal features as particularly rich in psychological associations

    Might Be Tragic: The Lonely Voyeur in Narrative Art

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    This thesis paper discusses the work displayed as it might have been seen in the exhibition, Might Be Tragic. The work is inspired by and draws from narrative fiction, blurring the distinctions between our perceptions and our creations of reality. When one observes a narrative, they are unwittingly fulfilling voyeuristic tendencies by vicariously experiencing others realities or falsehoods. The exhibition challenges how narrative can function in a space. The process of walking through the exhibition, Might Be Tragic, brings the book, Not That Tragic, to life in a three-dimensional format exploring the intimate relationship one has with a book and experiencing a world separate from theirs. By playing with scale and rhythm, through the means of installation and large-scale reproductions, the space allows the viewer to experience a sense of immersion and take on the role of voyeur

    Synthesis and Biological Assessment of Alkyl Pyridine Antimicrobials

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    In previous work, my research group and I reported on the synthesis of Anaephenes A and B and confirmed their biological activities. We also found that these compounds were active against drug resistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This finding lead to a series of structure activity relationship studies (SAR) to develop analogs with improved biological activities. Near the start of my graduate studies, my team and I reported an SAR where we generated eighteen analogs. Among the series of analogs, we made were a few that displayed high potency and shared a similar amphipathic structure. One of the analogs, a pyridine analogue, was particularly interesting because it exhibited significant biological activities and showed reduced cytotoxicity in a preliminary sheep’s blood hemolysis assay. By employing principles of medicinal chemistry and conducting more SAR studies on the pyridine analog described above, new molecules with improved drug-like properties were designed. Using synthetic methods, five modified pyridine analogs were synthesized and biologically assessed. Several of the alkyl pyridinyls, displayed MIC values that matched the previous lead compounds and retained low levels of toxicity against eukaryotic 3T3 cells. We additionally discovered the unique activity of one of the pyridine analogs (JC-01-074) which was shown to disrupt the cell membrane and displayed bactericidal activity. Here I provide evidence that this differential biological activity can be attributed to the difference in nitrogen position, yielding different hydrogen bonding and salt forming capabilities. This could disrupt osmotic equilibrium, many other membrane potential based functions, or mechanically perturb the membrane


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    As Mario Canchola Jr. is walking through a street in Compton, he begins to reflect on his lifestyle, comparing his experiences in Compton with his experiences at LMU

    Geometric Phases in Single Molecule Magnets

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    The characterization of the material properties of Single Molecule Magnets (SMMs) has grown in importance over the last few decades with the rise of novel applications such as high-density magnetic storage and quantum computation. Many of the applications require the probing of SMMs with spectroscopic methods that make use of electromagnetic radiation. The interaction with these time-dependent fields leads to energy shifts, which can be attributed to the geometric phase acquired by the system or the Bloch-Siegert shift. We model an SMM by a giant spin Hamiltonian, and use Floquet perturbation theory to find the geometric phase shifts. The locations where the phase shift between two levels is zero is useful for performing accurate spectroscopies, whereas the regions where relative phase differences exist are useful in applications like quantum computing. Using the same giant spin Hamiltonian, we can use Floquet theory and Salwen perturbation theory to determine the Bloch-Siegert shift and derive a modified version of the Rabi formula for transition probabilities between the energy states E(alpha) -\u3e E(alpha)±1, E(alpha) -\u3e E(alpha) ±3, and E(alpha) -\u3e E(alpha) ±5, where alpha is the index of an arbitrary initial state. The shifted eigenvalues and modified transition probabilities can be useful in spectroscopies where accurate values for the energy-splitting between magnetic states needs to be determined

    Emulating E-Business and Simulated Annealing Using Tot

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    The transistor must work. Given the trends in “smart” information, theorists daringly note the evaluation of voice-over-IP, demonstrates the essential importance of cryptography. We leave out a more thorough discussion for anonymity. Tot, our new system for Markov models, is the solution to all of these problems

    Interview with Jose Avalos

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    Jose Avalos talks about owning Fiesta Mexicana and living in Mount Vernon.https://digital.kenyon.edu/ps_interviews/1027/thumbnail.jp

    Bats And Humans During Thesars-Cov-2Outbreak: The Case Of Bat-Coronaviruses From Mexico

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    The novelSARS-CoV-2coronavirus has attracted attention due to the high number of human cases around the world. It has been proposed that this virus originated in bats, possibly transmitted to humans by an intermediate host, making bats a group of great interest during this outbreak. Almost 10% of the world\u27s bat species inhabit Mexico, and 14 previous novel CoVs have been recorded in Mexican bats. However, the phylogenetic relationships between these viruses and the novel coronavirus are unknown. The aim of this communication was therefore to describe the phylogenetic relationships between Mexican bat-CoVs andSARS-CoV-2. We showed that Mexican bat-CoVs sequences are grouped into two genera,AlphacoronavirusandBetacoronavirus, and the new coronavirus is an independent clade withinBetacoronavirus. Due to the diversity of CoVs in Mexican bats, the propensity of CoVs to shift hosts, the invasion mechanisms described for this new virus, and previous reports of animals infected bySARS-CoV-2, the risk of possible infection from humans to Mexican bats should not be discarded and warrants further analyses. To avoid future zoonotic infectious diseases and to limit persecution of bats, we urge researchers and the general population to take extreme precautions and avoid manipulation of bats during the current and future similar outbreaks

    Propuesta metodológica para el análisis y valoración geoecológica del paisaje

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    Se expone la investigación titulada “Propuesta de metodología para el análisis y valoración geoecológica del paisaje” acorde al programa del Doctorado en Ciencias Ambientales con sede en la Facultad de Química de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMex), que refiere a un método constituido por cuatro etapas de trabajo que involucran: la determinación de los criterios taxonómicos del paisaje; la delimitación de las unidades locales del paisaje; la generación de la propuesta del modelo donde se identificó las etapas de transición y ciclos constantes en el espacio terrestre y la validación estadística del modelo, con un enfoque geomorfológico basado en la delimitación de nanocuencas. De manera particular se presenta como la geomorfología contribuyó a la generación de un modelo que permitió identificar la etapa de transición desde un punto dinámico y cíclico, mediante la delimitación de unidades del paisaje a partir de la correlación variables geológicas, climáticas, edafológicas y la ocupación del uso del suelo humano para actividades antrópicas tanto condicionantes como operacionales, para determinar en qué estado de se encuentran en cuatro niveles de estadía que son: Autoregulación, Reorganizacióin, Explotación y Entropización. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido confeccionar una metodología practica para el análisis territorial que ayuden a comprender desde un nuevo enfoque el funcionamiento sistémico del paisaje en el tiempo y el espacio, identificando las transitoriedad de los componentes y el funcionamiento derivado de la adquisición de bienes naturales para la subsistencia del hombre, y con ello determinar el estado actual de la degradación geoecológica, que llevaron a comprender el grado de hemerobia en las distintas unidades delimitadas, lo cual permita encaminar acciones, proyectos y/o políticas ambientales en la mitigación y/o gestión del territorio. La aplicación teórica y metodológica se llevó a cabo en el territorio de Valle de Bravo Estado de México donde se identificaron veinticinco unidades de paisaje, y con ello identificar el Desarrollo Evolutivo y de Transformación del Paisaje denominado DET, para determinar la valoración de degradación geoecológica del paisaje.CONACY