43 research outputs found

    Pub1p C-Terminal RRM Domain Interacts with Tif4631p through a Conserved Region Neighbouring the Pab1p Binding Site

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    Pub1p, a highly abundant poly(A)+ mRNA binding protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, influences the stability and translational control of many cellular transcripts, particularly under some types of environmental stresses. We have studied the structure, RNA and protein recognition modes of different Pub1p constructs by NMR spectroscopy. The structure of the C-terminal RRM domain (RRM3) shows a non-canonical N-terminal helix that packs against the canonical RRM fold in an original fashion. This structural trait is conserved in Pub1p metazoan homologues, the TIA-1 family, defining a new class of RRM-type domains that we propose to name TRRM (TIA-1 C-terminal domain-like RRM). Pub1p TRRM and the N-terminal RRM1-RRM2 tandem bind RNA with high selectivity for U-rich sequences, with TRRM showing additional preference for UA-rich ones. RNA-mediated chemical shift changes map to β-sheet and protein loops in the three RRMs. Additionally, NMR titration and biochemical in vitro cross-linking experiments determined that Pub1p TRRM interacts specifically with the N-terminal region (1–402) of yeast eIF4G1 (Tif4631p), very likely through the conserved Box1, a short sequence motif neighbouring the Pab1p binding site in Tif4631p. The interaction involves conserved residues of Pub1p TRRM, which define a protein interface that mirrors the Pab1p-Tif4631p binding mode. Neither protein nor RNA recognition involves the novel N-terminal helix, whose functional role remains unclear. By integrating these new results with the current knowledge about Pub1p, we proposed different mechanisms of Pub1p recruitment to the mRNPs and Pub1p-mediated mRNA stabilization in which the Pub1p/Tif4631p interaction would play an important role

    Enterovirus 71 3C Protease Cleaves a Novel Target CstF-64 and Inhibits Cellular Polyadenylation

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    Identification of novel cellular proteins as substrates to viral proteases would provide a new insight into the mechanism of cell–virus interplay. Eight nuclear proteins as potential targets for enterovirus 71 (EV71) 3C protease (3Cpro) cleavages were identified by 2D electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF analysis. Of these proteins, CstF-64, which is a critical factor for 3′ pre-mRNA processing in a cell nucleus, was selected for further study. A time-course study to monitor the expression levels of CstF-64 in EV71-infected cells also revealed that the reduction of CstF-64 during virus infection was correlated with the production of viral 3Cpro. CstF-64 was cleaved in vitro by 3Cpro but neither by mutant 3Cpro (in which the catalytic site was inactivated) nor by another EV71 protease 2Apro. Serial mutagenesis was performed in CstF-64, revealing that the 3Cpro cleavage sites are located at position 251 in the N-terminal P/G-rich domain and at multiple positions close to the C-terminus of CstF-64 (around position 500). An accumulation of unprocessed pre-mRNA and the depression of mature mRNA were observed in EV71-infected cells. An in vitro assay revealed the inhibition of the 3′-end pre-mRNA processing and polyadenylation in 3Cpro-treated nuclear extract, and this impairment was rescued by adding purified recombinant CstF-64 protein. In summing up the above results, we suggest that 3Cpro cleavage inactivates CstF-64 and impairs the host cell polyadenylation in vitro, as well as in virus-infected cells. This finding is, to our knowledge, the first to demonstrate that a picornavirus protein affects the polyadenylation of host mRNA

    Fungal Virulence and Development Is Regulated by Alternative Pre-mRNA 3′End Processing in Magnaporthe oryzae

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    RNA-binding proteins play a central role in post-transcriptional mechanisms that control gene expression. Identification of novel RNA-binding proteins in fungi is essential to unravel post-transcriptional networks and cellular processes that confer identity to the fungal kingdom. Here, we carried out the functional characterisation of the filamentous fungus-specific RNA-binding protein RBP35 required for full virulence and development in the rice blast fungus. RBP35 contains an N-terminal RNA recognition motif (RRM) and six Arg-Gly-Gly tripeptide repeats. Immunoblots identified two RBP35 protein isoforms that show a steady-state nuclear localisation and bind RNA in vitro. RBP35 coimmunoprecipitates in vivo with Cleavage Factor I (CFI) 25 kDa, a highly conserved protein involved in polyA site recognition and cleavage of pre-mRNAs. Several targets of RBP35 have been identified using transcriptomics including 14-3-3 pre-mRNA, an important integrator of environmental signals. In Magnaporthe oryzae, RBP35 is not essential for viability but regulates the length of 3′UTRs of transcripts with developmental and virulence-associated functions. The Δrbp35 mutant is affected in the TOR (target of rapamycin) signaling pathway showing significant changes in nitrogen metabolism and protein secretion. The lack of clear RBP35 orthologues in yeast, plants and animals indicates that RBP35 is a novel auxiliary protein of the polyadenylation machinery of filamentous fungi. Our data demonstrate that RBP35 is the fungal equivalent of metazoan CFI 68 kDa and suggest the existence of 3′end processing mechanisms exclusive to the fungal kingdom

    Global Mapping of DNA Conformational Flexibility on Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    In this study we provide the first comprehensive map of DNA conformational flexibility in Saccharomyces cerevisiae complete genome. Flexibility plays a key role in DNA supercoiling and DNA/protein binding, regulating DNA transcription, replication or repair. Specific interest in flexibility analysis concerns its relationship with human genome instability. Enrichment in flexible sequences has been detected in unstable regions of human genome defined fragile sites, where genes map and carry frequent deletions and rearrangements in cancer. Flexible sequences have been suggested to be the determinants of fragile gene proneness to breakage; however, their actual role and properties remain elusive. Our in silico analysis carried out genome-wide via the StabFlex algorithm, shows the conserved presence of highly flexible regions in budding yeast genome as well as in genomes of other Saccharomyces sensu stricto species. Flexibile peaks in S. cerevisiae identify 175 ORFs mapping on their 3’UTR, a region affecting mRNA translation, localization and stability. (TA)n repeats of different extension shape the central structure of peaks and co-localize with polyadenylation efficiency element (EE) signals. ORFs with flexible peaks share common features. Transcripts are characterized by decreased half-life: this is considered peculiar of genes involved in regulatory systems with high turnover; consistently, their function affects biological processes such as cell cycle regulation or stress response. Our findings support the functional importance of flexibility peaks, suggesting that the flexible sequence may be derived by an expansion of canonical TAYRTA polyadenylation efficiency element. The flexible (TA)n repeat amplification could be the outcome of an evolutionary neofunctionalization leading to a differential 3’-end processing and expression regulation in genes with peculiar function. Our study provides a new support to the functional role of flexibility in genomes and a strategy for its characterization inside human fragile sites

    ((R)-(-)-3-Hydroxyquinuclidium)[FeCl4]; A Plastic Hybrid Compound with Chirality, Ferroelectricity and Long Range Magnetic Ordering

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    Quinuclidinium salts and their derivatives are now in the focus of materials science as building units of multifunctional materials. Their properties can be easily switchable, allowing their use in a wide range of physical applications. One type of these kinds of materials, the homochiral hybrid halometallate ferroelectric compounds, is not well understood. In this work, (R)-(-)-3-quinuclidinol hydrochloride was used in the synthesis of ((R)-(-)-3-hydroxyquinuclidium)[FeCl4]. The use of this enantiomeric cation forces crystallographic non-centrosymmetry, which was confirmed by polarimetry and circular dichroism spectroscopy. We studied the physical properties of this compound at different temperatures by single crystal, synchrotron and neutron powder X-ray diffraction, which showed a rich series of structural and magnetic phase transitions. From synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction data, a plastic phase was observed above 370 K (phase I). Between 370 K and ca. 310 K, an intermediate polar phase was detected, solved in a non-centrosymmetric polar space group (C2) (phase II). Below ca. 310 K, the compound crystallizes in the triclinic P1 non-centrosymmetric space group (phase III) which is maintained down to 4 K, followed by phase IV, which shows tridimensional magnetic ordering. The temperature evolution of the neutron diffraction data shows the appearance of new reflections below 4 K. These reflections can be indexed to a commensurate propagation vector k = (0, 0, ½). The magnetic structure below TN was solved in the Ps1 Shubnikov space group, which gives rise to an antiferromagnetic structure, compatible with the magnetometry measurements. Near room temperature, the crystal phase transition is associated with a dielectric change. In particular, the phase transition between phase III (S.G.:P1) and phase II (S.G.:C2) involves an increase of symmetry between two non-centrosymmetric space groups. Therefore, it allows, by symmetry, the emergence of ferroelectric and ferroelastic ordering. Piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) imaging measurements provided evidence for polarization switching and a local ferroelectric behavior of phase III at room temperature. Additionally, the obtained butterfly curve and hysteresis loop by PFM exhibits a low coercive voltage of ∼10 V. This value is remarkable, since it approaches those obtained for materials with application in ferroelectric random access memories (FeRAMs).Universidad País Vasco GIU17/50, PPG17/37Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2017-89239-C2-(1,2)-P, MAT2017-83631-C3-3-R, MAT2017-86453-R, PGC2018-097520-A-100, PID2019-104050RA-I0