7 research outputs found

    Riscos da interação droga-nutriente em idosos de instituição de longa permanência Riesgos de interacción droga-nutriente en ancianos de institución de larga permanencia Risks of drug-nutrient interaction for the elderly in long-term care institutions

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    O objetivo do estudo foi verificar riscos da interação droga-nutriente nos idosos residentes em Instituição de Longa Permanência. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado em 73 idosos. A coleta dos dados ocorreu em 2008, através da análise dos prontuários, história dietética e avaliação do IMC. Os dados evidenciaram que os medicamentos mais utilizados foram do sistema nervoso e cardiovascular, totalizando 66% das prescrições. Entre 375 medicamentos prescritos, 166 fazem algum tipo de interação, 32,0% diminuem o efeito de absorção do fármaco quando há utilização de cafeína e 14,3% diminuem absorção de vitamina B12. A utilização de diversos medicamentos de uso contínuo pode acarretar prejuízo na absorção de nutrientes, aumentando o risco de desnutrição em idosos. Torna-se indispensável a ação da equipe de saúde, através da avaliação criteriosa dos medicamentos administrados, dietoterapia e a interação entre os mesmos, para beneficiar idosos com melhor aproveitamento da terapêutica e melhoria das condições nutricionais.<br>El objetivo fue verificar el riesgo de interacciones fármaco-nutriente en los ancianos residentes en Institución de Larga Permanencia. Estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, realizado en 73 ancianos. La recolección de datos se realizó en 2008 a través del análisis de los registros médicos, historia dietética y la evaluación del IMC. Los datos evidenciaron que los medicamentos más utilizados fueron del sistema nervioso y cardiovascular, totalizando el 66% de las prescripciones; entre los 375 medicamentos prescriptos, 166 hacen algún tipo de interacción, el 32,0% disminuye el efecto de absorción del fármaco cuando hay utilización de cafeína y el 14,3% disminuye la absorción de vitamina B12. La utilización de diversos medicamentos de uso continuo puede acarrear perjuicio en la absorción de nutrientes. Vuelve indispensable la acción del equipo de salud a través de una cuidadosa evaluación de los medicamentos, la dieta y la interacción entre ellos, para beneficiar a los ancianos con mejor aprovechamiento de la terapéutica.<br>This study was aimed at verifying the risks of drug-nutrient interactions in the elderly residents of a Long-Term Care Institution. Descriptive study of quantitative approach, performed in 73 elderly people. Data collection occurred in 2008 through analysis of medical records, diet history and evaluation of the BMI. Data evidenced that the drugs more frequently used were the ones for nervous and cardiovascular systems, totaling approximately 66% of the prescriptions; among the 375 drugs prescribed, 166 make some type of interaction, 32.0% reduce the effect of drug absorption when there is use with caffeine and 14.3% reduce the B12 vitamin absorption. Taking several drugs of continuous use may cause damage to the absorption of nutrients. The action of the health team becomes vital, through careful evaluation of the administered drugs, diet and interaction between them, to benefit the elderly with a better use of the therapeutics and improvement of the nutritional conditions

    Prevalência de transtornos mentais em área urbana no norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil Prevalence of mental disorders in an urban area in Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Detectar a prevalência de transtornos mentais em idosos residentes em área urbana. MÉTODOS: Uma amostra de 327 idosos (60 anos de idade ou mais) residentes na cidade de Montes Claros, no norte de Minas Gerais, foi selecionada por amostragem probabilística, em estratos múltiplos, dentro de estrato homogêneo, sendo a unidade amostral o domicílio. Os transtornos mentais foram aferidos por meio de um questionário de rastreamento psicogeriátrico (QRP). Utilizou-se análise univariada usando o qui-quadrado e análise multivariada de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: A prevalência estimada de transtornos mentais foi 29,3%, associada com sexo feminino, número de doença, capacidade funcional e local de residência (favela/não favela). CONCLUSÕES: Comparando com outros estudos comunitários, a prevalência de distúrbios mentais entre os idosos na área urbana foi alta e está associada com múltiplas doenças, incapacidade e pobreza. É uma realidade preocupante pelo de seu impacto sobre a qualidade de vida relativa à saúde da população e sobre os serviços de saúde nas próximas décadas.<br>OBJECTIVE: To detect the prevalence of mental disorders among the elderly residents of an urban area. METHODS: A sample of 327 elderly residents (60 years and older) of the city of Montes Claros, in northern Minas Gerais, was selected by means of probabilistic sampling, in multiple strata, within a homogeneous stratum. The sample unit was the home. Mental disorders were determined by means of the Short Psychiatric Evaluation Schedule (SPES). Univariate analysis was done via the chi-squared test and multivariate analysis via logistical regression. RESULTS: The estimated prevalence of mental disorders was 29.3%. Their presence was associated with female sex, number of illnesses, functional capacity and place of residence (shantytown/non-shantytown). CONCLUSIONS: Comparing the results with other community studies, the prevalence of mental disorders among the elderly in the urban area of Montes Claros was high and was associated with multiple illnesses, incapacity and poverty. This reality is a matter for concern because of its impact on quality of life relating to this population's health, and on healthcare services over the next few decades

    Morphometric brain changes during aging: Results from a Brazilian necropsy sample

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    The present study aimed to establish the morphometric brain changes during aging in a necropsy series from Brazil and determine whether sexual dimorphisms interfere in these changes. Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted at the São Paulo Autopsy Service in Brazil where, after informed consent, data was gathered from next of kin interview with reference to clinical status prior to death. Brain weight, volume and density measurements were taken and then adjusted for head circumference. Descriptive statistics and tests of hypothesis and correlations were applied, considering a p-value of 0.05. Results:414 subjects, mostly men (60.4%), with a mean age of 67.1 years, were included. The mean brain weight of the sample was 1219.2g±140.9and mean volume was 1217mL±152.3. The mean brain density of the sample was 1.0g/mL±0.09. Values differed between males and females in terms of weight and volume. Brain weight decreased during aging by about 45g per decade (r= -0.300; p&lt;0.01) and volume by about 43mL (r= -0.278; p&lt;0.00). Mean density of the sample was 1.0 g/mL in both genders. Conclusions:Brain weight and volume (with or without corrections) decreased during aging, and these reductions were more pronounced in women. Density remained unchanged for both genders. Further studies are needed to investigate factors associated to these reductions