8 research outputs found

    Valoraci贸n, afrontamiento y ansiedad a la hora de dejar de fumar

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    El objetivo de este estudio consiste en analizar la valoraci贸n (appraisal) cognitiva y los tipos de afrontamiento que adoptan las personas a la hora de dejar de fumar. El instrumento de evaluaci贸n utilizado en una muestra de 107 estudiantes es el Inventario de Valoraci贸n y Afrontamiento (IVA), dise帽ado a partir del modelo de la valoraci贸n de Lazarus y Folkman (1986). El IVA consta de tres subescalas de valoraci贸n (amenaza, desaf铆o e irrelevante) y seis subescalas de afrontamiento (cognitivo y conductual-motor dirigido a cambiar la situaci贸n, cognitivo y conductual-motor dirigido a reducir la emoci贸n, pasivo y evitativo). Los resultados, se帽alan que cuando las personas realizan una valoraci贸n de amenaza ante la situaci贸n de dejar de fumar sufren, de forma significativa, mayores niveles de ansiedad (correlaci贸n producto momento = .61) que cuando valoran la situaci贸n como un desaf铆o (correlaci贸n nula) o como irrelevante (correlaci贸n negativa y significativa). Adem谩s, se ha encontrado que la valoraci贸n de la situaci贸n dejar de fumar como amenazante correlaciona de forma positiva y significativa con el afrontamiento evitativo, y de forma negativa con el afrontamiento cognitivo activo (estrategias cognitivas dirigidas a cambiar la situaci贸n y a reducir la emoci贸n). Estos resultados est谩n en consonancia con estudios previos sobre el IVA ante otra situaci贸n altamente ansi贸gena (Cano-Vindel and Miguel-Tobal, 1999). Se resalta la necesidad de evaluar las valoraciones primarias y los diferentes tipos de afrontamiento que adoptan las personas que quieren dejar de fumar, ya que algunos se relacionan de forma significativa con el nivel de ansiedad, que a su vez juega un papel importante en la adicci贸n al tabaco y en el fracaso al intentar dejar de fumar

    M-Learning Experience For Initial Teacher Training In Early Childhood Education Degree

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    According to the 2010 Horizon Report, the technology market has more than four million subscribers around the world, whose latest evolution, and perhaps most impressive has been the emergence Smartphones. The union of these two factors have created what we call mobile Internet technology and it has created a shift towards new forms of communication and access to information and knowledge. These mobile devices have a number of features that makes it an ideal tool to complete the training because it allows digitally manipulate the elements of the screen and thus improve experimentation and learning. This fact is corroborated by the increasing use of mobile internet on the global market. In the specific case of Spain, users prefer mobile device to access the network. Therefore our University has continued the process of educational innovation in which it鈥檚 currently engaged and it has incorporated m-learning to their training projects, which require a great change in methodology and pedagogical contents

    Problemas conductuales y disfunci贸n ejecutiva: Factores de vulnerabilidad y protecci贸n de ni帽as y adolescentes en acogimiento residencial

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    El presente estudio analiz贸 los problemas ejecutivos, emocionales y conductuales de 148 ni帽as que resid铆an en hogares de acogida de la Asociaci贸n Nuevo Futuro (Espa帽a). Adem谩s, examin贸 si su perfil era diferente al de 170 varones que resid铆an en los mismos hogares y en qu茅 medida la edad puede estar relacionada con estos problemas. Para ello se utiliz贸 el Sistema de Evaluaci贸n de Ni帽os y Adolescentes y la Evaluaci贸n Conductual de la Funci贸n Ejecutiva. El an谩lisis estad铆stico se hizo utilizando m茅todos tanto frecuentistas como bayesianos. De acuerdo con los hallazgos obtenidos, las menores presentaron m谩s problemas conductuales y ejecutivos que los varones, as铆 como mayores problemas de depresi贸n y de control de la ira. Como factor de protecci贸n, destaca la mayor autoestima con la que cuentan las mujeres, mientras que un factor de riesgo parecer ser su mayor tendencia a aislarse. Estos hallazgos sugieren la necesidad de tener en cuenta la dimensi贸n de g茅nero a la hora de dise帽ar e implementar intervenciones en poblaci贸n en situaci贸n de acogida

    Keys To The Implementation Of New Teaching And Learning Strategies In Higher Education: E-Portfolio

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    Since the beginning of the implementation of the Bologna process has been carried out, educational reform in the European Higher Education Area, that places the student at the center of the teaching-learning process. This paradigm shift has required the introduction of more active teaching strategies along with the introduction of new assessment models that help teachers to organize the student's actual work and integrate Information Communication and Technology tools. Camilo Jos茅 Cela University has taken this challenge by creating a new departmental structure in which, in addition to integrating a new LMS platform to support teachers to develop new methodological strategies and assessment tools, new figures have been incorporated as the ICT Coordinator or ICT delegate, links between students and the teaching community. This new LMS platform allows, among other technological tools, teachers and students to create their own ePortfolio by a specific editor that provides a new virtual space with personal, academic and professional achievements while also adding an assessment and justification of the importance of these. Therefore, the introduction of e-portfolio in our university classrooms has led to the development of new teaching methodologies and the actions of educational innovation

    Visual arts in education, educational intervention project based learning throught contemporary visual arts

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    Visual Arts in Education (VA.E) is a research project based on the teaching and learning of contemporary visual arts through an innovative methodology based on globalization and interdisciplinarity in teaching to promote analytical thinking, critical and creative in the different stages of education. The research team focused their study on the innovative use and implementation in the classrooms of Schools SEK E.CO KIT, suitcase teaching created by the General Division Promotion of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. This training material is designed as a proposal of visual literacy for children 4 to 10 years. Its main objective is to motivate children in a process of reflection, analysis and discovery on images worked through the game, understanding, appreciation and apprehension of the visual arts. Thus, under a constructivist perspective, individualized, students become protagonists in the process of creating your own visual code worked internalize new learning in the classroom. VA.E team developed a parallel investigation to the overall objectives of the project in order to assess the educational content of the same. It will analyze the development of cognitive and creative capacities of the child produced in the nursery and primary use of the kit as well as the achievement of key objectives in learning through the images worked. The project will be innovative with respect to the main objective, it will study the application and use of this material in training and personal development of students with high cognitive abilities

    Visual arts in education (VA.E): A learning experience for the cognitive affective development of the students

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    In an era characterized by an overabundance of messages (Sanchez, 1997), visual illiteracy, caused by ignorance of the code, leaves the consumer in a precarious situation of helplessness to the messages they receive from various media and communication (Ferres, 1996). The school, in their pedagogical students are taught by traditional linguistic content, is opening a gap that separates it from the most innovative contemporary teaching. These didactics propose a higher level of criticality by students, developing skills and operational skills within what to teach? (From Zubir铆a, 1994). This is achieved through modern practices and sentimental emotional development of each individual within a "know-how" and "know how to be" in line with the demands of the new knowledge society and information. We need, therefore, contain media literacy in schools, in order to show the importance of this dynamic and its impact on the citizens of today and tomorrow (Beltran and Calderon, 2007). These and other reasons are why we need to develop in our young people skills that will facilitate the critical reception of media, achieving a better reading of the messages they consume, and therefore can reduce the negative effects that the media produced in their personal and social development and social. This, with the support of the school, starting with the earliest stages of education and continuing progressively throughout the entire education system up to the University, must help educate students with skills and competencies that enable them to play a better role within society. Media literacy is a vehicle for achieving this goal. Visual Arts in Education (VA.E) is a research project based on the teaching and learning of contemporary visual arts in kindergartens and elementary schools. Its main objective is to analyze the use and implementation in SEK schools in the Community of Madrid, a suitcase teaching created by the General Division Promotion of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports: The KIT E.CO. This training material is designed as a proposal of visual literacy for children from 4 to 10 years old. Its main objective is to motivate them in a process of analysis and discovery of the pictures throughout the game, understanding, appreciation and apprehension of the visual arts. In this way, they become stakeholders in the process of creating your own visual code. The present paper is part of a parallel investigation to the overall objectives of the project, which aims to evaluate the teaching of it. To analyze the development of cognitive abilities and creative that will occur in the child of this age with the use of KIT and achieving key learning objectives through the image and all, from units of inquiry as part of an international and bilingual education