23 research outputs found

    Reactive Oxygen Species and Oxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis and Progression of Genetic Diseases of the Connective Tissue

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    Connective tissue is known to provide structural and functional 'glue' properties to other tissues. It contains cellular and molecular components that are arranged in several dynamic organizations. Connective tissue is the focus of numerous genetic and nongenetic diseases. Genetic diseases of the connective tissue are minority or rare, but no less important than the nongenetic diseases. Here we review the impact of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress on the onset and/or progression of diseases that directly affect connective tissue and have a genetic origin. It is important to consider that ROS and oxidative stress are not synonymous, although they are often closely linked. In a normal range, ROS have a relevant physiological role, whose levels result from a fine balance between ROS producers and ROS scavenge enzymatic systems. However, pathology arises or worsens when such balance is lost, like when ROS production is abnormally and constantly high and/or when ROS scavenge (enzymatic) systems are impaired. These concepts apply to numerous diseases, and connective tissue is no exception. We have organized this review around the two basic structural molecular components of connective tissue: The ground substance and fibers (collagen and elastic fibers)

    The Combined Treatment of Curcumin with Verapamil Ameliorates the Cardiovascular Pathology in a Williams-Beuren Syndrome Mouse Model

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    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a rare disorder caused by a recurrent microdeletion with hallmarks of cardiovascular manifestations, mainly supra-valvular aortic stenosis (SVAS). Unfortunately, there is currently no efficient treatment. We investigated the effect of chronic oral treatment with curcumin and verapamil on the cardiovascular phenotype of a murine model of WBS harbouring a similar deletion, CD (complete deletion) mice. We analysed systolic blood pressure in vivo and the histopathology of the ascending aorta and the left ventricular myocardium to determine the effects of treatments and their underlying mechanism. Molecular analysis showed significantly upregulated xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR) expression in the aorta and left ventricular myocardium of CD mice. This overexpression is concomitant with increased levels of nitrated proteins as a result of byproduct-mediated oxidative stress damage, indicating that XOR-generated oxidative stress impacts the pathophysiology of cardiovascular manifestations in WBS. Only the combined therapy of curcumin and verapamil resulted in a significant improvement of cardiovascular parameters via activation of the nuclear factor erythroid 2 (NRF2) and reduction of XOR and nitrated protein levels. Our data suggested that the inhibition of XOR and oxidative stress damage could help prevent the severe cardiovascular injuries of this disorder

    Allopurinol blocks aortic aneurysm in a mouse model of Marfan syndrome via reducing aortic oxidative stress

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    Background Increasing evidence indicates that redox stress participates in MFS aortopathy, though its mechanistic contribution is little known. We reported elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and NADPH oxidase NOX4 upregulation in MFS patients and mouse aortae. Here we address the contribution of xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR), which catabolizes purines into uric acid and ROS in MFS aortopathy. Methods and results In aortic samples from MFS patients, XOR protein expression, revealed by immunohistochemistry, increased in both the tunicae intima and media of the dilated zone. In MFS mice (Fbn1C1041G/+), aortic XOR mRNA transcripts and enzymatic activity of the oxidase form (XO) were augmented in the aorta of 3-month-old mice but not in older animals. The administration of the XOR inhibitor allopurinol (ALO) halted the progression of aortic root aneurysm in MFS mice. ALO administrated before the onset of the aneurysm prevented its subsequent development. ALO also inhibited MFS-associated endothelial dysfunction as well as elastic fiber fragmentation, nuclear translocation of pNRF2 and increased 3′-nitrotyrosine levels, and collagen maturation remodeling, all occurring in the tunica media. ALO reduced the MFS-associated large aortic production of H2O2, and NOX4 and MMP2 transcriptional overexpression. Conclusions Allopurinol interferes in aortic aneurysm progression acting as a potent antioxidant. This study strengthens the concept that redox stress is an important determinant of aortic aneurysm formation and progression in MFS and warrants the evaluation of ALO therapy in MFS patients

    Application of the adverse outcome pathway to identify molecular changes in prenatal brain programming induced by IUGR: Discoveries after EGCG exposure

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    Following a multi-disciplinary approach integrating information from several experimental models we have collected new evidence supporting, expanding and redesigning the AOP "Disrupted laminin/int-β1 interaction leading to decreased cognitive function". Investigations in vitro in rabbit and rat neurospheres and in vivo in mice exposed to EGCG (epigallocatechin-gallate) during neurodevelopment are combined with in vitro evaluations in neural progenitor cells overexpressing int-β1 and literature information from int-β1 deficiency models. We have discovered for the first time that neural progenitor cells from intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) animals overexpress int-β1 at gene and protein level and due to this change in prenatal brain programming they respond differently than control neurospheres to the exposure of EGCG, a compound triggering neural progenitor cell migration alterations. We have also identified that EGCG developmental exposure has deleterious effects on neuronal branching and arborization in vitro and in vivo. Our results warn that a thorough developmental neurotoxicity characterization of this and other catechin-based food supplements is needed before recommending their consumption during pregnancy

    Essential role of the N-terminal region of TFII-I in viability and behavior

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    Background: GTF2I codes for a general intrinsic transcription factor and calcium channel regulator TFII-I, with high and ubiquitous expression, and a strong candidate for involvement in the morphological and neuro-developmental anomalies of the Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS). WBS is a genetic disorder due to a recurring deletion of about 1,55-1,83 Mb containing 25-28 genes in chromosome band 7q11.23 including GTF2I. Completed homozygous loss of either the Gtf2i or Gtf2ird1 function in mice provided additional evidence for the involvement of both genes in the craniofacial and cognitive phenotype. Unfortunately nothing is now about the behavioral characterization of heterozygous mice. Methods: By gene targeting we have generated a mutant mice with a deletion of the first 140 amino-acids of TFII-I. mRNA and protein expression analysis were used to document the effect of the study deletion. We performed behavioral characterization of heterozygous mutant mice to document in vivo implications of TFII-I in the cognitive profile of WBS patients. Results: Homozygous and heterozygous mutant mice exhibit craniofacial alterations, most clearly represented in homozygous condition. Behavioral test demonstrate that heterozygous mutant mice exhibit some neurobehavioral alterations and hyperacusis or odynacusis that could be associated with specific features of WBS phenotype. Homozygous mutant mice present highly compromised embryonic viability and fertility. Regarding cellular model, we documented a retarded growth in heterozygous MEFs respect to homozygous or wild-type MEFs. Conclusion: Our data confirm that, although additive effects of haploinsufficiency at several genes may contribute to the full craniofacial or neurocognitive features of WBS, correct expression of GTF2I is one of the main players. In addition, these findings show that the deletion of the fist 140 amino-acids of TFII-I altered it correct function leading to a clear phenotype, at both levels, at the cellular model and at the in vivo model

    Intracisternal Gtf2igene therapy ameliorates deficits in cognition and synaptic plasticity of a mouse model of Williams-Beuren Syndrome

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    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a heterozygous deletion of 26-28 genes at chromosome band 7q11.23. Haploinsufficiency at GTF2I has been shown to play a major role in the neurobehavioral phenotype. By characterizing the neuronal architecture in four animal models with intragenic, partial, and complete deletions of the WBS critical interval (ΔGtf2i(+/-), ΔGtf2i( -/-), PD, and CD), we clarify the involvement of Gtf2i in neurocognitive features. All mutant mice showed hypersociability, impaired motor learning and coordination, and altered anxiety-like behavior. Dendritic length was decreased in the CA1 of ΔGtf2i(+/-), ΔGtf2i ( -/-), and CD mice. Spine density was reduced, and spines were shorter in ΔGtf2i ( -/-), PD, and CD mice. Overexpression of Pik3r1 and downregulation of Bdnf were observed in ΔGtf2i(+/-), PD, and CD mice. Intracisternal Gtf2i-gene therapy in CD mice using adeno-associated virus resulted in increased mGtf2i expression and normalization of Bdnf levels, along with beneficial effects in motor coordination, sociability, and anxiety, despite no significant changes in neuronal architecture. Our findings further indicate that Gtf2i haploinsufficiency plays an important role in the neurodevelopmental and cognitive abnormalities of WBS and that it is possible to rescue part of this neurocognitive phenotype by restoring Gtf2i expression levels in specific brain areas.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (grant SAF2012-40036 to V.C.) and the Catalan Government (2009SGR1274, 2014SGR1468 and ICREA Acadèmia to L.A.P.-J.), The CIBER for Rare Diseases (CIBERER) and AGAUR fellowships supported C.B. The authors gratefully acknowledge Fernando J. Pérez-Asensio, Laura Espanya and Ana Rodríguez for technical assistance with mouse handling

    Intracisternal Gtf2igene therapy ameliorates deficits in cognition and synaptic plasticity of a mouse model of Williams-Beuren Syndrome

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    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a heterozygous deletion of 26-28 genes at chromosome band 7q11.23. Haploinsufficiency at GTF2I has been shown to play a major role in the neurobehavioral phenotype. By characterizing the neuronal architecture in four animal models with intragenic, partial, and complete deletions of the WBS critical interval (ΔGtf2i(+/-), ΔGtf2i( -/-), PD, and CD), we clarify the involvement of Gtf2i in neurocognitive features. All mutant mice showed hypersociability, impaired motor learning and coordination, and altered anxiety-like behavior. Dendritic length was decreased in the CA1 of ΔGtf2i(+/-), ΔGtf2i ( -/-), and CD mice. Spine density was reduced, and spines were shorter in ΔGtf2i ( -/-), PD, and CD mice. Overexpression of Pik3r1 and downregulation of Bdnf were observed in ΔGtf2i(+/-), PD, and CD mice. Intracisternal Gtf2i-gene therapy in CD mice using adeno-associated virus resulted in increased mGtf2i expression and normalization of Bdnf levels, along with beneficial effects in motor coordination, sociability, and anxiety, despite no significant changes in neuronal architecture. Our findings further indicate that Gtf2i haploinsufficiency plays an important role in the neurodevelopmental and cognitive abnormalities of WBS and that it is possible to rescue part of this neurocognitive phenotype by restoring Gtf2i expression levels in specific brain areas.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (grant SAF2012-40036 to V.C.) and the Catalan Government (2009SGR1274, 2014SGR1468 and ICREA Acadèmia to L.A.P.-J.), The CIBER for Rare Diseases (CIBERER) and AGAUR fellowships supported C.B. The authors gratefully acknowledge Fernando J. Pérez-Asensio, Laura Espanya and Ana Rodríguez for technical assistance with mouse handling

    Early biomarkers of Williams-Beuren syndrome: a preclinical study in the CD mouse model

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    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a chromosomic microdeletion (7q11.23). WBS has been modeled by a mouse line having a complete deletion (CD) of the equivalent mouse locus. This model has been largely used to investigate the etiopathological mechanisms of WBS, although pharmacological therapies have not been identified yet. Surprisingly, CD mice were so far mainly tested in adulthood, despite the developmental nature of WBS and the critical relevance of early timing for potential treatments. Here we provide for the first time a phenotypic characterization of CD mice of both sexes during infancy and adolescence, i.e., between birth and 7 weeks of age. CD pups of both sexes showed reduced body growth, delayed sensory development, and altered patterns of ultrasonic vocalizations and exploratory behaviors. Adolescent CD mice showed reduced locomotion and acoustic startle response, and altered social interaction and communication, the latter being more pronounced in female mice. Juvenile CD mutants of both sexes also displayed reduced brain weight, cortical and hippocampal dendritic length, and spine density. Our findings highlight the critical relevance of early neurobehavioral alterations as biomarkers of WBS pathology, underlying the importance of adolescence for identifying novel therapeutic targets for this neurological disorder

    Co-Treatment With Verapamil and Curcumin Attenuates the Behavioral Alterations Observed in Williams-Beuren Syndrome Mice by Regulation of MAPK Pathway and Microglia Overexpression

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    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a distinctive cognitive phenotype for which there are currently no effective treatments. We investigated the progression of behavioral deficits present in WBS complete deletion (CD) mice, after chronic treatment with curcumin, verapamil, and a combination of both. These compounds have been proven to have beneficial effects over different cognitive aspects of various murine models and, thus, may have neuroprotective effects in WBS. Treatment was administered orally dissolved in drinking water. A set of behavioral tests demonstrated the efficiency of combinatorial treatment. Some histological and molecular analyses were performed to analyze the effects of treatment and its underlying mechanism. CD mice showed an increased density of activated microglia in the motor cortex and CA1 hippocampal region, which was prevented by co-treatment. Behavioral improvement correlated with the molecular recovery of several affected pathways regarding MAPK signaling, in tight relation to the control of synaptic transmission, and inflammation. Therefore, the results show that co-treatment prevented behavioral deficits by recovering altered gene expression in the cortex of CD mice and reducing activated microglia. These findings unravel the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of this novel treatment on behavioral deficits observed in CD mice and suggest that the combination of curcumin and verapamil could be a potential candidate to treat the cognitive impairments in WBS patients