45 research outputs found

    Un Practicum per a la formació de mestres innovadors, reflexius i crítics

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    En aquesta comunicació es presenta una experiència feta amb alumnes de formació inicial de magisteri que es troben ja en el tercer curs. Especialitat Educació Primària. Es pretén dissenyar un model que faciliti la formació de mestres reflexius i decidits per una metodologia innovadora. És un projecte interdisciplinar en el que participen professors i professores de diferents Departaments. Davant alguns dels problemes detectats en l'assignatura de pràctiques pels quals s'observava la tendència, en ocasions de fer que els alumnes adquirissin pràctiques tradicionals que veien a l'escola, s'ha buscat la possibilitat de fer projectes d'innovació a les escoles i relacionar-los amb la rebuda d'alumnes de pràctiques . En aquesta comunicació s'explica el funcionament del projecte que és molt ampli, ja que hi participen 11 professors i professores de l'Especialitat i dos exemples de la realització del projecte a les escoles

    Forest resilience to global warming is strongly modulated by local-scale topographic, microclimatic and biotic conditions

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    Resilience of endangered rear edge populations of cold-adapted forests in the Mediterranean basin is increasingly altered by extreme heatwave and drought pressures. It remains unknown, however, whether microclimatic variation in these isolated forests could ultimately result in large intra-population variability in the demographic responses, allowing the coexistence of contrasting declining and resilient trends across small topographic gradients. Multiple key drivers promoting spatial variability in the resilience of rear edge forests remain largely unassessed, including amplified and buffered thermal exposure induced by heatwaves along topographic gradients, and increased herbivory pressure on tree saplings in defaunated areas lacking efficient apex predators. Here we analysed whether indicators of forest resilience to global warming are strongly modulated by local-scale topographic, microclimatic and biotic conditions. We studied a protected rear edge forest of sessile oak Quercus petraea, applying a suite of 20 indicators of resilience of tree secondary growth, including multidecadal and short-term indices. We also analysed sapling recruitment success, recruit/adult ratios and sapling thermal exposure across topographic gradients. We found large within population variation in secondary growth resilience, in recruitment success and in thermal exposure of tree saplings to heatwaves, and this variability was spatially structured along small-scale topographical gradients. Multidecadal resilience indices and curves provide useful descriptors of forest vulnerability to climate warming, complementing assessments based in the analysis of short-term resilience indicators. Species-specific associations of trees with microclimatic variability are reported. Biotic factors are key in determining long-term resilience in climatically stressed rear edge forests, with strong limitation of sapling recruitment by increased roe deer and wild boar herbivory. Our results also support non-stationary effects of climate determining forest growth responses and resilience, showing increased negative effects of warming and drought over the last decades in declining stands. Synthesis. Our findings do not support scenarios predicting spatially homogeneous distributional shifts and limited resilience in rear edge populations, and are more supportive of scenarios including spatially heterogeneous responses, characterised with contrasting intra-population trends of forest resilience. We conclude that forest resilience responses to climate warming are strongly modulated by local-scale microclimatic, topographic and biotic factors. Accurate predictions of forest responses to changes in climate would therefore largely benefit from the integration of local-scale abiotic and biotic factors

    Risk of infections in patients with NAFLD and Type 2 Diabetes under treatment with SGLT2 inhibitors and relationship with liver outcomes: A retrospective case-control study

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    Hepatic outcomes; Infections; Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitorsResultados hepáticos; Infecciones; Inhibidores del cotransportador de sodio-glucosa-2Resultats hepàtics; Infeccions; Inhibidors del cotransportador de sodi-glucosa-2Introduction: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most prevalent chronic liver disease in developed countries, with its incidence growing parallel to the epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) are becoming a cornerstone in the management of cardiovascular health and some studies suggest the potential role in NAFLD. However, patients under treatment with SGLT2i are at risk of developing genitourinary fungal infections (GFIs). Moreover, both NAFLD and SGLT2i have a strong influence on the immune system, and therefore the risk of infections other than GFIs could be increased in NAFLD patients treated with SGLT2i. We aimed to examine the possible association of SGLT2i with infections and hepatic outcomes in NAFLD patients. Methods: We conducted a case-control study including NAFLD patients with T2DM visited at the Liver Unit outpatient clinic from 2016 to 2021 with a minimum follow-up of 6 months by selecting 65 patients receiving SGLT2i and 130 matched patients with other types of antidiabetic treatment. Results: During follow-up, GFIs were significantly higher in the SGLT2i group (15.4% vs. 3.8%; p=0.008), whereas there were no differences in the occurrence of overall infections (41.5% vs. 30%; p=0.1) nor in other types of specific infections. In the multivariable analysis, treatment with SGLT2i was not independently associated with higher odds of overall infection. On the other hand, SGLT2i patients showed a significantly lower incidence of hepatic events (1.5% vs. 10.7%; p=0.02). There were no significant different in all-cause mortality between cases and controls. Conclusions: NAFLD patients with T2DM receiving SGLT2i more frequently presented GFIs, whereas the incidence of other types of infections was not found to be higher than in other patients with NAFLD and T2DM treated with other drugs. Moreover, SGLT2i-treated patients had a lower occurrence of hepatic events. Further studies are warranted to validate our data.Funds from European Commission/EFPIA IMI2 853966-2, IMI2 777377, H2020 847989, and ISCIII PI19/01898

    Els TFG de la Facultat de Biologia 10 anys després de Boloya. Adequant l'avaluació a la situació actual: La diversitat de TFG requereix diversitat de rúbriques

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    Codi del projecte: 2019PID-UB/035La experiència adquirida després de 10 anys de la implantació del model de Pràcticums i Treball Fi de Grau (TFG) a la Facultat de Biologia ha permès identificar diferents tipologies de projectes. L’actuació realitzada en aquest projecte contempla la incorporació en els TFGs d’un nou apartat que inclou la reflexió crítica dels estudiants sobre la contribució del seu projecte als Objectius del Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS). Aquesta acció permet visualitzar els ODS i impulsar-los seguint les directrius de l’Agenda 2030 de la UB. Així, s’han generat dos productes que ja estat implementats i operatius des del curs 21-22. El primer producte consisteix en unes noves rúbriques que han adequat els ítems i continguts a la diversitat de tipologies de TFG que es realitzen a la Facultat de Biologia, incloent l’avaluació adaptada a la metodologies Aps. Aquestes rubriques també incorporen una nova dimensió avaluable sobre la contribució de cada treball de fi de grau als ODS a partir de la reflexió crítica realitzada per l’estudiantat en el seu TFG. El segon producte és la elaboració i difusió d’una guia de suport per a estudiants i tutors per a la incorporació dels ODS als treballs fi de grau. Aquesta guia ha estat incorporada al full de ruta de sostenibilitat de la UB per la seva distribució als diferents centres de la UB per tal d’incorporar aquesta activitat reflexiva a tots els treballs de fi de grau de la UB.Programa RIMD

    Analysis of the association between CD40 and CD40 ligand polymorphisms and systemic sclerosis.

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible role of CD40 and CD40 ligand (CD40LG) genes in the susceptibility and phenotype expression of systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods: In total, 2,670 SSc patients and 3,245 healthy individuals from four European populations (Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, and Italy) were included in the study. Five single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CD40 (rs1883832, rs4810485, rs1535045) and CD40LG (rs3092952, rs3092920) were genotyped by using a predesigned TaqMan allele-discrimination assay technology. Meta-analysis was assessed to determine whether an association exists between the genetic variants and SSc or its main clinical subtypes. Results: No evidence of association between CD40 and CD40LG genes variants and susceptibility to SSc was observed. Similarly, no significant statistical differences were observed when SSc patients were stratified by the clinical subtypes, the serologic features, and pulmonary fibrosis. Conclusions: Our results do not suggest an important role of CD40 and CD40LG gene polymorphisms in the susceptibility to or clinical expression of SSc

    Evaluating the extent and impact of the extreme Storm Gloria on Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows

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    Extreme storms can trigger abrupt and often lasting changes in ecosystems by affecting foundational (habitat-forming) species. While the frequency and intensity of extreme events are projected to increase under climate change, its impacts on seagrass ecosystems remain poorly documented. In January 2020, the Spanish Mediterranean coast was hit by Storm Gloria, one of the most devastating recent climate events in terms of intensity and duration. We conducted rapid surveys of 42 Posidonia oceanica meadows across the region to evaluate the extent and type of impact (burial, unburial and uprooting). We investigated the significance of oceanographic (wave impact model), geomorphological (latitude, depth, exposure), and structural (patchiness) factors in predicting impact extent and intensity. The predominant impact of Storm Gloria was shoot unburial. More than half of the surveyed sites revealed recent unburial, with up to 40 cm of sediment removed, affecting over 50 % of the meadow. Burial, although less extensive, was still significant, with 10–80 % of meadow cover being buried under 7 cm of sediment, which is considered a survival threshold for P. oceanica. In addition, we observed evident signs of recently dead matte in some meadows and large amounts of detached drifting shoots on the sea bottom or accumulated as debris on the beaches. Crucially, exposed and patchy meadows were much more vulnerable to the overall impact than sheltered or continuous meadows. Given how slow P. oceanica is able to recover after disturbances, we state that it could take from decades to centuries for it to recoup its losses. Seagrass ecosystems play a vital role as coastal ecological infrastructure. Protecting vulnerable meadows from anthropogenic fragmentation is crucial for ensuring the resilience of these ecosystems in the face of the climate crisis.This study was funded by the CSIC project “Effects of storm Gloria on the western Mediterranean meadows (202030E052) and “Storms of change: as phenomena extreme weather alters Mediterranean coastal ecosystems, their services and their perception by society" (PID2020-113745RB-I00), state program of I+D+I Oriented to the Challenges of the Society and within the framework of the activities of the Spanish Government through the "Maria de Maeztu Centre of Excellence” accreditation to IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) (CEX2021-001198). We want to thank the SPAS (Society of Fishing and Underwater Activities of Mataró) and the Mataró City Council, which has financed 25 years of the Alguer de Mataró project

    Analysis of the association between CD40 and CD40 ligand polymorphisms and systemic sclerosis

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    Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't;INTRODUCTION The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible role of CD40 and CD40 ligand (CD40LG) genes in the susceptibility and phenotype expression of systemic sclerosis (SSc). METHODS In total, 2,670 SSc patients and 3,245 healthy individuals from four European populations (Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, and Italy) were included in the study. Five single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CD40 (rs1883832, rs4810485, rs1535045) and CD40LG (rs3092952, rs3092920) were genotyped by using a predesigned TaqMan allele-discrimination assay technology. Meta-analysis was assessed to determine whether an association exists between the genetic variants and SSc or its main clinical subtypes. RESULTS No evidence of association between CD40 and CD40LG genes variants and susceptibility to SSc was observed. Similarly, no significant statistical differences were observed when SSc patients were stratified by the clinical subtypes, the serologic features, and pulmonary fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS Our results do not suggest an important role of CD40 and CD40LG gene polymorphisms in the susceptibility to or clinical expression of SSc.Ye

    Trends in the epidemiology of catheter-related bloodstream infections; towards a paradigm shift, Spain, 2007 to 2019

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    Altres ajuts: Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya ("Pla estratègic de recerca i innovació en salut (PERIS) 2019-2021"); Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital; Red Española de Investigación en Patología Infecciosa (REIPI).Background: Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) are frequent healthcare-associated infections and an important cause of death. Aim: To analyse changes in CRBSI epidemiology observed by the Infection Control Catalan Programme (VINCat). Methods: A cohort study including all hospital-acquired CRBSI episodes diagnosed at 55 hospitals (2007-2019) in Catalonia, Spain, was prospectively conducted. CRBSI incidence rates were adjusted per 1,000patientdays. To assess the CRBSI rate trend per year, negative binomial models were used, with the number of events as the dependent variable, and the year as the main independent variable. From each model, the annual rate of CRBSI diagnosed per 1,000patientdays and the incidence rate ratio (IRR) with its 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported. Results: During the study, 9,290 CRBSI episodes were diagnosed (mean annual incidence rate:0.20episodes/1,000patientdays). Patients' median age was 64.1years; 36.6% (3,403/9,290) were female. In total, 73.7% (n=6,845) of CRBSI occurred in non-intensive care unit (ICU) wards, 62.7% (n=5,822) were related to central venous catheter (CVC), 24.1% (n=2,236) to peripheral venous catheters (PVC) and 13.3% (n=1,232) to peripherally-inserted central venous catheters (PICVC). Incidence rate fell over the study period (IRR:0.94;95%CI:0.93-0.96), especially in the ICU (IRR:0.88;95%CI:0.87-0.89). As a whole, while episodes of CVC CRBSI fell significantly (IRR:0.88;95%CI:0.87-0.91), peripherally-inserted catheter CRBSI (PVC and PICVC) rose, especially in medical wards (IRR PICVC:1.08;95%CI:1.05-1.11; IRR PVC: 1.03; 95% 1.00-1.05). Conclusions: Over the study, CRBSIs associated with CVC and diagnosed in ICUs decreased while episodes in conventional wards involving peripherally-inserted catheters increased. Hospitals should implement preventive measures in conventional wards

    Analysis of the association between CD40 and CD40 ligand polymorphisms and systemic sclerosis

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible role of CD40 and CD40 ligand (CD40LG) genes in the susceptibility and phenotype expression of systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods: In total, 2,670 SSc patients and 3,245 healthy individuals from four European populations (Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, and Italy) were included in the study. Five single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of CD40 (rs1883832, rs4810485, rs1535045) and CD40LG (rs3092952, rs3092920) were genotyped by using a predesigned TaqMan allele-discrimination assay technology. Meta-analysis was assessed to determine whether an association exists between the genetic variants and SSc or its main clinical subtypes. Results: No evidence of association between CD40 and CD40LG genes variants and susceptibility to SSc was observed. Similarly, no significant statistical differences were observed when SSc patients were stratified by the clinical subtypes, the serologic features, and pulmonary fibrosis. Conclusions: Our results do not suggest an important role of CD40 and CD40LG gene polymorphisms in the susceptibility to or clinical expression of SSc

    A multicenter study confirms CD226gene association with systemic sclerosis-related pulmonary fibrosis

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    Introduction: CD226 genetic variants have been associated with a number of autoimmune diseases and recently with systemic sclerosis (SSc). The aim of this study was to test the influence of CD226 loci in SSc susceptibility, clinical phenotypes and autoantibody status in a large multicenter European population. Methods: A total of seven European populations of Caucasian ancestry were included, comprising 2,131 patients with SSc and 3,966 healthy controls. Three CD226 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs763361, rs3479968 and rs727088, were genotyped using Taqman 5'allelic discrimination assays. Results: Pooled analyses showed no evidence of association of the three SNPs, neither with the global disease nor with the analyzed subphenotypes. However, haplotype block analysis revealed a significant association for the TCG haplotype (SNP order: rs763361, rs34794968, rs727088) with lung fibrosis positive patients (PBonf = 3.18E-02 OR 1.27 (1.05 to 1.54)). Conclusion: Our data suggest that the tested genetic variants do not individually influence SSc susceptibility but a CD226 three-variant haplotype is related with genetic predisposition to SSc-related pulmonary fibrosis